How is this the same language as Swedish (which is spoken in the country where I live now)?
You see it in nations, I see it in germania ( I know, it's so tainted now) and samii land.
Infact, I agree with most the samii's.
Erm maybe he got the harshest punishment because he went to the house with the intent to kill?
Maybe, probably, if...
They guy he killed was going to torture him and videotape it, he had poisioned some polish guy from before.
Wonder where all the axe and sword-nonsense came from,
-hmm... probably from the same people that made up the nazi, satanist nonsense?
And maybe you should know about sentencing before you post?
Also, with the church burning, it appears that your saying that burning the churches should be allowed or at least it is something you agree with.
Yes, but it should be done legally.
I am not holding it inside do, if I didn't say it I would still feel it, why should I?
A lot of the independent establishments, that has been forced out by multi-national companies, ment a lot more to probably most people than those churches that were burned. They are actually buildt up again too.
I support it 100%
Should people go to jail for vandalizing public buildings? Yes! Duh...
Varg did not show any remorse and that he laughed when given the verdict.
Maybe he laughed at the ridiculous verdict? "Oh no, it's because he's a cruelnazisatanistcoldbloodermurderer, he should been GASSED!"
Can't belive someone actually thinks this, am glad I'm living in Norway, ironicly
Also let's not forget that the guy was GUILTY - you talk like he has been unfairly treated. He killed a guy.
How the hell do you know he was guilty in the actuall verdict?
I can make up things too, add some propaganda to it and make people hate someone to get away with mistreatment.
Have you even bothered to read what I post in your, anti-varg world?
Do you know anything at all about his views, the circumstances of the murder, wether he burnt those churches or not?
He was made an example off with a punishment like that-
-and you can only use simliar cases and verdicts (in Norway) of such to compare with wether or not if he is treated unfair.
Thats what I pointed from post #1
The fact he has served only 16 years (and made an escape) makes your argument that he was harshly treated is laughable, I mean seriously laughable.
16 years is way above the norm for this crime, even if all of the media-stories is true.
If you wanna complain about the norwegian system, go ahead-
-but don't try to act smart.
It appears that you have used this news just to air your (racist) views and have a rant.
Yeah right...
Does it feel good to flock-harass people (Varg) like this because of their views? Giving them special-treatment?
Ein, swei, drei...
I don't care what fictional ideas you have, racist has become just a mere curseword usually used on white people.
Should I on that prefice come over to Norway and burn your house down? I mean, I dont believe in your views, what your saying so that would give me a right to it....right?
Depends on moral, did I deserve it? And feel free to eloborate on my views, maybe I don't recognise them?
And you will be jailed allright, but lets say you get a harsher punishment than average for such crimes because of
your views.
Is it fair, is it how it's supposed to be?
Viewing some of the replies here makes me think about how nazi-german might have been and how it happened.
None of that would have happened without the active and passive support of the people.
People have no knowledge about Varg's views, about the court-system, prison-system and the sentences.
Yet, you have " I have never heard of this creepy loser", "the guy should have got life"...
Like with the jews in the 30's....oh, why am I not suprised?
I ALWAYS said christianity/mass-culture is shallow and breeds shallow thinking.
And yes, the court-system are getting away with this, thanks to...well, am not gonna bother.
So I guess if they insult your beliefs, you should be allowed to do the same and be considered a "political prisoner"?
What an ignorant way to spin it.
Exactly why should Varg be treated diferent by the law?