I saw it, it was pretty weak, it was just a copy paste job of some internet clips and pics.
I have been following the reactions, and in the Netherlands everyone is now saying " was this it?" because they were expecting much more after the hype.
Also the Danish cartoon guy said Wilders used his work without permission in this movie, thinking of sueing him for endangering his life because he made the cartoon (prophet) explode...lol, now the hate mongerers are sueing each other. It has also been proven that some pics in the movie are photoshopped too.
Some also say this was more of a radical Islam promotion film, because it was exactly like those videos you can see on internet posted by the radicals, trying to make Westerners scared
And last but not least. Anyone can find clips of radicals of any religion/country/ideology, paste that together and pretend all of them are like that, only retards fall for that. For instance, take that American church that says god hates fags and soldiers dying in Iraq, take the KKK and their militant hate spreading, take the Oklahoma bomber and his militant organisation who are fanatical christians and then present that as proof that all christians are like that and the bible should be banned
Another fault was uncovered in the movie:
In the movie they show a picture of the guy who killed a dutch director who made an anti-islam movie...problem is...the pic they showed was not of the killer... but of a famous dutch rapper....
It's like showing the picture of 50cent as the killer of someone famous because the killer was black