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Author Topic: GNR Finish CD?  (Read 113439 times)

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« Reply #180 on: January 15, 2008, 03:37:11 PM »

A revolution in music distribution, who will surrive? Tongue

The industry will be a little diferent in few years time,  hihi

Chinese Democracy!  Cheesy
« Reply #181 on: January 15, 2008, 05:14:03 PM »

So then maybe we aren't asking the right people for updates?..

With all these rumours going around, someone from the record company should ideally make a comment.

« Reply #182 on: January 21, 2008, 05:38:56 PM »

Sounds like CD could actually be a finished product!  beer

EDIT: Under the comment section I saw this and it made me lmao

darkfire_storm wrote:
plus, no one actually gives a crap about these guys anymore.

it's funny cause you've obviously never been on one of the fan forums
« Last Edit: January 21, 2008, 05:44:13 PM by Feel_The_Burn » Logged
Dr. Blutarsky

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« Reply #183 on: January 21, 2008, 06:18:18 PM »

This would be plausable. It was a real pricey album to record and the CD market is not what it used to be.

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« Reply #184 on: January 21, 2008, 06:39:49 PM »

Hehe, when I first glanced at the thread I thought somebody had thought the album would feature songs in Finnish!  That would be a good reason for why its taken so long - its a difficult language to learn!

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« Reply #185 on: January 21, 2008, 07:02:29 PM »

i dont wanna be an ass, but the last few words of that article are "...this is nothing new".

I would'nt do that if I were you.
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« Reply #186 on: January 21, 2008, 07:28:15 PM »

I heard on tv news today that some big record companies no longer will put out singles in the future..... not profitable or something. Guess all that shit lately with record company's, money involved, all play a part in the delay. Since it seems that the album is really done? I wonder where that cool album is, why is it collecting dust.  Sad


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« Reply #187 on: January 21, 2008, 10:47:19 PM »

I heard on tv news today that some big record companies no longer will put out singles in the future..... not profitable or something. Guess all that shit lately with record company's, money involved, all play a part in the delay. Since it seems that the album is really done? I wonder where that cool album is, why is it collecting dust.  Sad

That's freaking dumb! What will they profit off of then? Nothing? Just make a format that could not be ripped onto a PC.
« Reply #188 on: January 21, 2008, 10:53:31 PM »

They should remove everything on the official website and just have a picture of the album that's really dusty and the room filled with cobwebs. People would go nuts.

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« Reply #189 on: January 22, 2008, 12:24:31 AM »

I heard on tv news today that some big record companies no longer will put out singles in the future..... not profitable or something. Guess all that shit lately with record company's, money involved, all play a part in the delay. Since it seems that the album is really done? I wonder where that cool album is, why is it collecting dust.  Sad

That's freaking dumb! What will they profit off of then? Nothing? Just make a format that could not be ripped onto a PC.

I bet the record companies will now be angling to try and get a cut of concert tour $$'s and merchandise off the back of the album - seems to be the only place left where there are still $$'s to be had.

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« Reply #190 on: January 22, 2008, 02:07:24 AM »

So even when the album was reportedly supposed to come out in fall out 06 which was stated in Axl's open letter, do you think Geffen would of hold the cd back then as they are doing now ?  seems pretty interesting Geffen spends all this money on a CD and not release it.  j\Just release it !!!! you know everyone is gonna buy it.  It would be diffrent if no one ever talked about it ( punch lines ect) I think Geffen is making a huge mistake delaying longer they will probaly lose more money as if say they released in april or may.

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« Reply #191 on: January 22, 2008, 06:11:53 AM »

Anybody think that it could be the label making the situation untenable for the album to be released and thus Axl takes the album to another label?  In doing so, the contract would in effect be torn up, something that the label might want, ie to remove themselves from contracted obligations......

Nobody knows the deal between Axl and the Label, given recent movements in the industry in general, this could be the cheaper option for the label, lose whats already gone and protect themselves from future losses.  In some cases, some bands have been granted extra monies when target sells have been achieved, if this is the case with Guns n' Roses, maybe the threat (funny how close that word is to treat)  of the album selling too many copies and even more obligations becoming into play. If the number of sales is tied into a deal where another album would become required at a given rate, maybe the price is now too high, getting the band off its books maybe the best option for the label - and as per usual, the label says "sod the fans" but then that's nothing new is it......

Hobos are people who move around looking for work, tramps are people who move around but don't look for work, and bums are people who don't move and don't work. I've been all three. -Seasick Steve
« Reply #192 on: January 22, 2008, 04:48:19 PM »

Nah, Axl would come out and say "Hey guys it's in the record companies' hands now" so everyone would get off of his ass. If there ever was a time for him to release an open letter, that would be it.
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« Reply #193 on: January 22, 2008, 04:57:03 PM »

Axl doesn't give two hoots what people think, he'd be a broken man if he did. Think its fair to say, that he's been there, done that and got the tee shirt. He's proven that the hired guns stigma that the media and the sceptics tried to pin on him doesn't faze him whatsoever, if anything he's gone the extra mile to prove the doubters wrong... and I guess I'm one of them, but I'm coming round to the idea that the label have not only got the album, but are the bottleneck into getting the thing out. Just give 'im what he wants will ya, and let us have what we want as well  peace

Hobos are people who move around looking for work, tramps are people who move around but don't look for work, and bums are people who don't move and don't work. I've been all three. -Seasick Steve

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« Reply #194 on: January 22, 2008, 05:15:55 PM »

Let's do this.  I'll pay per track, whatever we have to do.  Traditional release, non-traditional, summer, Christmas, whatever it takes.  Let's just get the plan into motion.

If you're waiting...don't. Live your life. That's your responsibility not mine. If it were not to happen you won't have missed a thing. If in fact it does you might get something that works for you.

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« Reply #195 on: January 22, 2008, 07:08:13 PM »

Hmm. So if the reports are true, basically what has happened is GNR has fiddled around with this album so long that albums (at least $13 million albums) are no longer viable. So I know someone will come in here and tell us it's not Axl's fault, it all the record company's fault now.

Yet, a year ago, two years ago, three years ago, if it had been released, it may not face this problem. 

sorry, I'm just cynical after all these years of "It's coming really, really soon ... ah, wait, don't hold your breath ... but it'll be out really really soon, uh, but don't wait for it, but it's basically done and should be out soon, but don't get your hopes up, but it's coming, or not, or it is or ..." who gives a flying fuck? It'll come out when it comes out, or it won't. The safe money is on won't.

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« Reply #196 on: January 22, 2008, 08:25:51 PM »

The issue is with who owns the masters.  Based on the amount of money the record company fronted to produce the album, I'd say the record company does.  They will likely want to recoup expenses by getting in on tour, merchandise, etc. action.  Meanwhile, I can only imagine how Axl is going to react to that deal.  This thing could be litigated for years to come people. 

How do we get a statement from the record company?  Someone with some time and ambition should work their magic and get a statement from Geffen since the band isn't talking. 

I have something I want to do with Guns N' Roses...That can be a long career or it can be a short explosive career-as long as it gets out in a big way. - Axl Rose 7/6/86

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« Reply #197 on: January 22, 2008, 09:02:02 PM »

Hmm. So if the reports are true, basically what has happened is GNR has fiddled around with this album so long that albums (at least $13 million albums) are no longer viable. So I know someone will come in here and tell us it's not Axl's fault, it all the record company's fault now.

Yet, a year ago, two years ago, three years ago, if it had been released, it may not face this problem. 

sorry, I'm just cynical after all these years of "It's coming really, really soon ... ah, wait, don't hold your breath ... but it'll be out really really soon, uh, but don't wait for it, but it's basically done and should be out soon, but don't get your hopes up, but it's coming, or not, or it is or ..." who gives a flying fuck? It'll come out when it comes out, or it won't. The safe money is on won't.
Granted it's taken a heckuva long time to get this album finished but what most people fail to recgonize or give any credence to is how much Guns N' Roses has been through since the words Chinese Democracy were first uttered.  When GNR re-appeared in 2001-02 it looked like things were going in the right direction.  And obviously they wrote a lot of material, BUT Buckethead was a major player in the band and he left and wasn't replaced until 2006.  So I don't really see how they could've released the album 3 or 2 years ago when they were minus a guitar player.  And you could argue they could've gone with just 2 guitarists, but that was obviously not in their plans.  Then in the summer of 2006, Brain distanced himself from the band.  Both Ron and Frank were brought in to make their presence felt.  I know it could be argued that it shouldn't have taken 4 years to find a replacement for Buckethead, and maybe it shouldn't have, but it did for one reason or another.  I really don't think we should be looking to blame anyone.  What good does that do?  It doesn't get the album in our hands any faster.  The album wasn't ready until the end of last year (supposedly), and the music industry is vastly different than it was in 1999.

If you're waiting...don't. Live your life. That's your responsibility not mine. If it were not to happen you won't have missed a thing. If in fact it does you might get something that works for you.

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« Reply #198 on: January 22, 2008, 10:26:42 PM »

Hmm. So if the reports are true, basically what has happened is GNR has fiddled around with this album so long that albums (at least $13 million albums) are no longer viable. So I know someone will come in here and tell us it's not Axl's fault, it all the record company's fault now.

Yet, a year ago, two years ago, three years ago, if it had been released, it may not face this problem. 

sorry, I'm just cynical after all these years of "It's coming really, really soon ... ah, wait, don't hold your breath ... but it'll be out really really soon, uh, but don't wait for it, but it's basically done and should be out soon, but don't get your hopes up, but it's coming, or not, or it is or ..." who gives a flying fuck? It'll come out when it comes out, or it won't. The safe money is on won't.

ur not cynical... just pretty much dead on. i have a been a fan since i was a wee dipshit with no life experience. 20 yrs later basically... i know how the world works. let's face it. GNR is not the investment it was in the 80's or early 90's. there is no way in HELL the record company will make $13 million from CD.... lol... that's laughable. There is no way in hell GNR will sell atleast 8 million copies... which sound about right to make up $13,000,000!!!!

GNR can sell out a few shows... A FEW... without the original line-up... no chance in hell. This bullshit of holding up the record for 13 damn years has come back to bit axl hard in the ass!!!! he can't climb out of the hole he dug for himself. he knows it... they know it. he'll have to tour for 10 years to make up that money... make enough to pay the new band... pay royalties to the old band... and continue to make money for himself.

CD will not come out... is it so hard to admit??? FUCK... to some people its like a heroin addiction... they can't let it go.
« Reply #199 on: January 22, 2008, 10:32:09 PM »

Some shows' attendance have been lackluster, but it's pretty silly to make judgments about the new lineup just yet. Tons of people are still pouring into the shows for a band that hasn't had a new album in 14 years. That's pretty impressive.

I mean, how many people from the original era were die-hard GNR fans? Some, yeah. Some thought Axl was hot and in the words of some forum member, "November Rain makes their vaginas wet". Which is a un-eloquent way of saying that charismatics may have had a role. Some people liked 'Sweet Child' on the radio.

When 'Chinese Democracy' comes out and people listen to it, who are you to say that a new generation won't find GNR or absolutely love the new material? People obviously still love GNR regardless of members who have departed. It's more of a big deal to the hardcores that hold onto a grudge than anyone else.
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