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Author Topic: CD w/ Label = Directly from Richard  (Read 183000 times)
What if Axl?s name was skogsal...

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Wake up fuckers

« Reply #480 on: December 30, 2007, 09:19:14 PM »

now im not saying that ibelieveinaxl hasnt ignored parts of your posts, but he never pointed you out for doing the same (making him a hypocrite), until recently, to prove the point that you are, in fact, a hypocrite.
But whats the point, coming to the site to be hateful towards the admin? Tongue
yea i think it needs to be said because a lot of people seem to think GnR does owe us something.
In all fairness, I feel he owes me a snowblower and ADZ wan't one too...I'm an AFD'er!
I hope this means we can get the CD released in the first quarter of the year, and some updates soon, sooooooooon. peace
« Last Edit: December 30, 2007, 09:21:19 PM by norway » Logged

Here 2day gone insane coffee

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Burgers can be songs, they don't know who to credit?
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hi you got 2 twats right?
fuckin crazy

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Social Democracy Now!!!

« Reply #481 on: December 30, 2007, 09:30:23 PM »

jim bob must be one of those inbred southern rednecks with a 5th grade education.....shouldn't you be busy knocking up your cousin or something? gnr doesn't owe us anything, thank you very much for that insight jimmy bobby

As a southern redneck with a 7th grade education, I take offence at that statement ... BTW she was hot, and I only lusted. ok Wink

Why would you want to go there. Are you so incapable of defending your position, that you have to resort to insults ... pathetic really Roll Eyes

Crazy , do you work at taco bell too ?

Would you like a drink with that sir?

i got lit last night, and I got lit the night before ... I'm drinkin' heavily and I will git lit some more
Deliverance Banjo Player

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« Reply #482 on: December 31, 2007, 12:48:29 AM »

Actually, Me and timothy work at Moobies

we are about to get our motherfuckin Cow Tippers on!


Who Says You Can't Go Home to HTGTH?

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« Reply #483 on: December 31, 2007, 12:54:00 AM »

Actually, Me and timothy work at Moobies

we are about to get our motherfuckin Cow Tippers on!


MMM....Mega Mooby Muffin!

Damned idolaters. 

Smoking Guns

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« Reply #484 on: December 31, 2007, 12:56:14 AM »

This is an international board first of all.

Jim bob is from Vegas.

I am sick of the Southern White man being only target left (along with Catholics) that can be stereotyped or made fun of with no recourse. ?Though I think it can be funny, I find it ironic that Axl loved both Rednecks and Catholics.

That being said, I did find some humor in the post.
Smoking Guns

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War Damn Eagle

« Reply #485 on: December 31, 2007, 01:05:37 AM »

Jim Bob is right, GNR doesn't owe anybody shit, even those they are under contract with.

The fans don't owe GNR shit either.  If the album flops, not the fans fault.  If the arenas in America still don't sell out consistantly like in 02 or 06, not the fans fault. 

Living off of name and relying on that name to bring you success long after success was achieved and it blowing up in your face is not the fans fault either. 

I wish the best for CD, I really do, but this has been a 10 year PR nightmare that can be fixed only with solid kick ass album.
Jim Bob

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« Reply #486 on: December 31, 2007, 02:05:15 AM »

This is an international board first of all.

Jim bob is from Vegas.

I am sick of the Southern White man being only target left (along with Catholics) that can be stereotyped or made fun of with no recourse.  Though I think it can be funny, I find it ironic that Axl loved both Rednecks and Catholics.

That being said, I did find some humor in the post.

you'd be surprised how many rednecks are in this fucking city.    people think of vegas they think of the strip.. but if you go off the strip theres a sports bar on every corner.     nascar is huge here too. 

i picked this name because i hoped people wuld take me as some fucking hick.   

now this is way off topic.    Richard says the label has the album, so lets hope we hear something positive sooner rather than later.  no use in complaining, it wont do any good or speed anything up.

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"Axl is just another version of the Ayatollah"

« Reply #487 on: December 31, 2007, 02:39:51 AM »

I am sick of the Southern White man being only target left (along with Catholics) that can be stereotyped or made fun of with no recourse. ?Though I think it can be funny, I find it ironic that Axl loved both Rednecks and Catholics.

That being said, I did find some humor in the post.

Ain't that the truth!!

It's no different here.? Apparently it's politically incorrect to make fun out of everyone except certain sections of white caucasian people and catholics these days.? Maybe if these two groups started rioting, suing etc over every trivial and irrelevant thing said about them, they may be afforded the same respect.

On the other hand I hope not - I think it's good to be able to laugh at yourself and not be too precious or take yourself too seriously.

Ok back on topic...
« Last Edit: December 31, 2007, 02:48:17 AM by williambailey » Logged

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« Reply #488 on: December 31, 2007, 02:46:20 AM »

I think it was just a rumor but if Richard said so......CD coming soon?

Cool, I finally rock some breaking news!!! on a serious note though, im not sure this means much. if i was the head of the label or at least, in charge of THIS project, then i would be really worried and concerned as to HOW to release this.

and of course, people are going to want to know: how many cd's did this album sell???
....and in this day and age, that is no longer indicative of an album's greatness. so if chinese democracy only sells like 998,000 in the US, people will say it didn't even go platinum. (meanwhile, if this album was released WITHOUT downloading, stealing, iTunes etc., it would probably sell about 2-4 million in the US alone)

iTunes counts toward album sales. In fact, without it, album sales would be even worse than they already are right now. Torrents have been the biggest killer to the music industry. High quality versions of entire albums.
fuckin crazy

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Social Democracy Now!!!

« Reply #489 on: December 31, 2007, 02:58:18 AM »

As a Southern born Redneck with family from the hills of Ky; relations who fought on both sides of "The War Of Northern Aggresion"; whiskey drinkin'; and lover of Bocephus, NASCAR, and GnR, I don't take too much offence. At least I ain't a "dreadneck" ... well, maybe a little.

i got lit last night, and I got lit the night before ... I'm drinkin' heavily and I will git lit some more

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« Reply #490 on: December 31, 2007, 02:59:05 AM »

I wonder what kind bitching there will be when release date is announced... I mean, Chinese Democracy is finished and with label, and there are propably 2-3 OTHER albums nearly finished. Still (almost) everybody are fighting here ! Is this some divide and conquer-plot arranged by a competing label ? ?Cheesy

Happy new year to the board members ! Hopefully next year something comes out...
« Reply #491 on: December 31, 2007, 03:37:03 AM »

I'm sure everything will be fine once a date is announced and then all the other "fans" come back and sing happy sappy love songs.

But anyway Happy New Years to everyone. Make sure you kick some ass on those resolutions and be good!

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« Reply #492 on: December 31, 2007, 03:46:05 AM »

I skipped 10 pages in this thread and it still annoyed the shit out of me.

But it's a cool little heads up from Richard.
I can't begin to pretend to imagine any clue about where they are in the process of getting CD released, but it is nice now and then to get these little head-nods that indicate forward motion.
If you're reading this, you've just wasted valuable time!

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"You're an idiot"

« Reply #493 on: December 31, 2007, 04:05:38 AM »

For all you stalkers, yes I checked the board during Christmas but didn't feel like discussing this with certain "insiders". Maybe I knew what was in store.....  hihi

This person constantly likes to mention stuff like "you're constantly online" and "you think you know everything" as well as keeping track of who I have on my "top friends" on Myspace, which is somewhat amusing.

I'm now logged in on NYE too, but don't expect me to spend all day posting.  Smiley

Happy new year!


Disclaimer: My posts are my personal opinion. I do not speak on behalf of anybody else unless I say so. If you are looking for hidden meanings in my posts, you are wasting your time...
Deliverance Banjo Player

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« Reply #494 on: December 31, 2007, 04:46:20 AM »

For all you stalkers, yes I checked the board during Christmas but didn't feel like discussing this with certain "insiders". Maybe I knew what was in store.....? hihi

This person constantly likes to mention stuff like "you're constantly online" and "you think you know everything" as well as keeping track of who I have on my "top friends" on Myspace, which is somewhat amusing.

I'm now logged in on NYE too, but don't expect me to spend all day posting.? Smiley

Happy new year!


Why would u post on New Year's Eve? when u are flying to LA to party at Axl's house? hihi

Who Says You Can't Go Home to HTGTH?

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« Reply #495 on: December 31, 2007, 05:32:18 AM »

Looking back over the last 26 pages  - from the interesting news at the start, to the arguments and bickering - I have to say the thread gives quite a fascinating insight into what its like to be a GNR fan in 2007. Its all summed up quite nicely, really.

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« Reply #496 on: December 31, 2007, 05:34:22 AM »

And lets all spare a festive thought to the stalkers out there who may be spending New Year alone. We're thinking of you.... Be strong.

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« Reply #497 on: December 31, 2007, 08:26:29 AM »

Looking back over the last 26 pages? - from the interesting news at the start, to the arguments and bickering - I have to say the thread gives quite a fascinating insight into what its like to be a GNR fan in 2007. Its all summed up quite nicely, really.

Oh damn I missed it, I just skimmed through all the self centered GNR fan shit and was looking for news on the cd.  Oh well, Happy New Year.

but the train's got its brakes on
and the whistle is screaming: TERRAPIN
The Riddler

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« Reply #498 on: December 31, 2007, 10:32:50 AM »

OK, as today's "top friend of jarmo", can I make a suggestion?

Can we all learn when someone is insulting people, or banning them, because they're acting like an ASS?

And when someone is insulting people or banning them over a difference of opinion?

Because it sure looks like a COUPLE folks need to have that lesson retaught.

Here, I'll even start:

If you act like a belligerent, condescending, argumentative, pompous ass.....people will act in kind...even jarmo.  Trust me, I know.  I've been a belligerent, condescending, argumentative, pompous ass enough on these boards to know.  Feel free to obsess compulsively over my post history for evidence.  I won't feel TOO stalked.

If you calmly, rationally, productively disagree, and enter into logical, rational, productive discourse, people will respond in kind....well, most of the time..and especially when referring to jarmo.    Trust me, I've been calm, rational, and productive enough, in some discussions, to know.  I've disagreed in JUST that way with jarmo in the past and told him so.....and hey...look around...I'm not only still here but I don't even have any scars (OR negative karma) to show for it.

Tomorrow's lesson: How to post productively and STILL be respectful to your host.  Class at 10:30 AM sharp....of course, I'll be 7 days or so late...but you keep waiting, eh?

« Last Edit: December 31, 2007, 10:34:57 AM by pilferk » Logged

Together again,
Gee, it's good to be together again,
I just can't imagine that you've ever been gone
It's not starting over, it's just going on
The Riddler

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Marmite Militia, taking over one piece of toast at a time!!!

« Reply #499 on: December 31, 2007, 10:35:37 AM »

Looking back over the last 26 pages  - from the interesting news at the start, to the arguments and bickering - I have to say the thread gives quite a fascinating insight into what its like to be a GNR fan in 2007. Its all summed up quite nicely, really.

True business, 'dat.

Can't we all just get along.  crying Please, can't we all just get along?

Together again,
Gee, it's good to be together again,
I just can't imagine that you've ever been gone
It's not starting over, it's just going on
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