With Arms Wide Open
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« Reply #180 on: November 18, 2003, 07:49:25 PM » |
MCT- I've read almost everything that Stephen King has written. I've been disappointed in his later work. I prefer more of his earlier novels.
« Reply #181 on: November 18, 2003, 08:12:09 PM » |
heres originality for you Venus by Ben Bova 
Everything changes
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« Reply #182 on: November 19, 2003, 02:21:09 AM » |
Shout! The True Story of the Beatles by Phillip Norman
We're on the one road Maybe the wrong road It's the road to fuck knows where
When you read this, I'm NOT downloading porn
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« Reply #183 on: November 19, 2003, 07:16:28 AM » |
has anyone heard of jeffrey deaver? (i think i got the name right). he wrote 'the bone collector', for example, which was made into a film with good ol' angelina  and i'd like to know if anybody has a suggestion of which of his books i might like to read next.
« Reply #184 on: November 19, 2003, 08:54:36 AM » |
MCT- I've read almost everything that Stephen King has written. I've been disappointed in his later work. I prefer more of his earlier novels.
..........gee I was expecting something a little more elaborate............  I guess it's my own fault though......  ........I re-read my post that I directed @ you and I found that it came off a little condesending.............not my intention.....I'm genuinely curious about the questions I asked.............
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To all those opposed hmmm . . . . well!
« Reply #185 on: November 19, 2003, 09:54:37 AM » |
The Robber Bride - Margaret Atwood
How many times do I have to tell you mum?! Gareth Gates is NOT rock!!!
« Reply #186 on: November 19, 2003, 10:34:12 AM » |
heres originality for you Venus by Ben Bova  Ok.......obviously I get your meaning....BUT.....what exactly do you mean?..............Are you referring to Bova repeating himself with books like "Mars"?............ And for the record I really liked "Mars"...  That's the only Bova I've read though..........and I'm a sci-fi freak...........
With Arms Wide Open
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Posts: 1724
I'm NOT a llama!!!
« Reply #187 on: November 19, 2003, 04:42:24 PM » |
..........gee I was expecting something a little more elaborate............  I guess it's my own fault though......  ........I re-read my post that I directed @ you and I found that it came off a little condesending.............not my intention.....I'm genuinely curious about the questions I asked............. Here's a link I found...don't know how accurate it is... To post all of the King books that I have read would be quite boring. That's why I wasn't specific in my earlier post. Anyway, here's the link. thought it would be easier to list the ones I haven't read rather than the ones I have. I haven't read...The Plant, Rage, Roadwork, On Writing, 999. I've only read the first four The Dark Tower books. And I suppose that Stephen King is my favorite author because I have read most of his books and enjoyed the vast majority of them. I didn't care for From a Buick 8 or Black House at all. (two of his more recent endeavors) Nor do I like all of his short stories. But, I don't like many short stories. I like something that I can sink my teeth into.  Hope this answers your question more fully. 
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« Reply #188 on: November 19, 2003, 05:05:11 PM » |
I just got kurt cobain latest books. It's actaully pretty cool to see how he wrote the original to the songs. I like reading music books and every now then I pick out something eles. Also I'm look forward to reading Nikki Sixx book called Herion Diaries.
When there's no more water left And no more air in our breath What will this earth be worth? Do you want war or peace? Blood for oil greed Won't feed, won't the hunger our need
« Reply #189 on: November 19, 2003, 06:53:23 PM » |
heres originality for you Venus by Ben Bova  Ok.......obviously I get your meaning....BUT.....what exactly do you mean?..............Are you referring to Bova repeating himself with books like "Mars"?............ And for the record I really liked "Mars"...  That's the only Bova I've read though..........and I'm a sci-fi freak........... ummmm...i think you know what i mean...nooooo he isnt repeating himself...not yet anyway.... 
« Reply #190 on: November 21, 2003, 12:32:38 PM » |
I like something that I can sink my teeth into.   ............oh my....................... lol.........................  Hope this answers your question more fully.  Yeah it did......thanx........ btw...........recommend anything by King?........(I'm really enjoying Pet Semetary)
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I've been working all week on one of them.....
« Reply #191 on: November 21, 2003, 06:30:21 PM » |
and i thought my english was bad
Started on Rama 3 "the garden of rama" by A. C. Clarke & Gentrey Lee
loving the book but been soooo busy havent been able to read it all this week
........oh wait..... nooooooo...... How come there aren't any fake business seminars in Newfoundland?!??  ? ............
With Arms Wide Open
Karma: 0
Posts: 1724
I'm NOT a llama!!!
« Reply #192 on: November 21, 2003, 09:49:49 PM » |
Prometheus- semetary is spelled that way intentionally since the pet "semetary" was made by children in the book. Children aren't usually the best spellers. hehe
MCT- If you are up for a long read, try The warned, though. It is about 1150 pages (uncut version).
Like I said, I enjoyed almost all of his older stuff. Christine, The Shining, The Dead Zone, Firestarter, etc. If you want something shorter, try Four Past Midnight. It's comprised of four novelettes. They are long enough to build background and characters yet not full length novels. Plus, they're pretty good stories. I know I enjoyed all of them.
Just stay away from From a Buick 8 and Black House. (Black House was co-written with Peter Straub and just never got a good flow going IMHO.)
« Reply #193 on: November 21, 2003, 10:23:24 PM » |
MCT- If you are up for a long read, try The warned, though. It is about 1150 pages (uncut version).
Well........that's not exactly what I would call "long".......I mean a week and it's done...........2/3 hrs per day.......  But I've always wanted to read The Stand......especially now after "getting into" Pet Semetary...... Thanx for the other recommendations btw.............. 
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I've been working all week on one of them.....
« Reply #194 on: November 21, 2003, 10:25:13 PM » |
The stand is a .. well not a must read for me as im not that big of a king fan i read a few pages and want to read it. Read Greenmile and found it rather un.... challenging to my mind
and sorry for the booboo
ohhhh MCT since you just finished off Mayfair how long was that one? longer teh the stand or about eh same?
........oh wait..... nooooooo...... How come there aren't any fake business seminars in Newfoundland?!??  ? ............
« Reply #195 on: November 21, 2003, 10:32:08 PM » |
Longer wasn't it?........... But that book (as you know, tooters) is one you have to take breaks from.........Anne Rice "can" be tedious reading at times...........but the way Pet Semetary is being digested........I don't think a 1000+ page job from King will be anything major............besides I saw the movie.....know the general content of the "plot".......and have a certain interest in the subject matter........... ........I'd eat it for breakfast.............. 
ohh..My somber smile
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« Reply #196 on: November 22, 2003, 01:11:12 AM » |
Michael Cricton- Prey
The Rolling Stones, greatest Rock N' Roll band ever, period!
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I've been working all week on one of them.....
« Reply #197 on: November 23, 2003, 03:38:21 PM » |
wee mct i meant a pge count of the book not content wise, as i found the print a lill small in Witching hour compared to most anne rice books
........oh wait..... nooooooo...... How come there aren't any fake business seminars in Newfoundland?!??  ? ............
« Reply #198 on: November 24, 2003, 10:17:05 AM » |
Well Sukie......Pet Semetary has now been completely ingested.................and..........and............well.....I was somewhat disappointed at the conclusion...........I don't know what I was expecting..........but at the same time I expected more.........
I mean the book was actually kinda intense during the rising action.......but dropped out in the perhaps THAT'S my problem.........
After reading it........I would/wouldn't reccommend it to certain people...........
However I am interested in reading a few more (at least two) of Kings' books in order to gain a better perspective on him and his writing........(at this point I just haven't read enough to develope a relevant opinion)...........but I can say this......:
I do a lot of reading.........and this was one of the few books to evoke such strong emotional outbursts in my head................there certainly were flash's of brilliance in there...........however.......I felt that it was (on a grand scale) a "dumb" novel in the way it was written......meaning King's prose............(some of the sentance structure was POOR)........but as a friend of mine said........."It was a novel written for the masses"......and that's why I have to read at least two more of his books..........not so much because I'm looking for a good story........but to "judge" King as a writer......
With Arms Wide Open
Karma: 0
Posts: 1724
I'm NOT a llama!!!
« Reply #199 on: November 25, 2003, 12:24:51 AM » |
Well Sukie......Pet Semetary has now been completely ingested.................and..........and............well.....I was somewhat disappointed at the conclusion...........I don't know what I was expecting..........but at the same time I expected more.........
I mean the book was actually kinda intense during the rising action.......but dropped out in the perhaps THAT'S my problem.........
After reading it........I would/wouldn't reccommend it to certain people...........
However I am interested in reading a few more (at least two) of Kings' books in order to gain a better perspective on him and his writing........(at this point I just haven't read enough to develope a relevant opinion)...........but I can say this......:
I do a lot of reading.........and this was one of the few books to evoke such strong emotional outbursts in my head................there certainly were flash's of brilliance in there...........however.......I felt that it was (on a grand scale) a "dumb" novel in the way it was written......meaning King's prose............(some of the sentance structure was POOR)........but as a friend of mine said........."It was a novel written for the masses"......and that's why I have to read at least two more of his books..........not so much because I'm looking for a good story........but to "judge" King as a writer......
MCT- Guess I need to revisit Pet Semetary because I don't remember being disappointed at the way it ended. Wasn't it one of those that let's the reader decide what the outcome was? If King had went further with it, I think it would've ended up being too repetitive...just my opinion, though. I'm sorry that you didn't enjoy it more and found the sentence structure poor. I've never noticed that when reading a King novel. But, I read strictly for entertainment and don't analyze sentence structure as I'm reading... so you may be right.  All I know is that I enjoy the flow of (most) Stephen King books. A good read to me has more to do with the rhythm/flow of the work than anything else. And yes, King writes books for the masses. If his books weren't easily digestible, he wouldn't be on the best-seller list so often. If you are looking for books that are more "literary"...find another author. King's not going to be right for you. Are you a book critic? hehe Just wondering since you feel the need to "judge King as a writer." I feel like I'm back in college taking English 101. What happened to just enjoying a book without it having to have a higher meaning or whatever?  One last thing---who IS your favorite contemporary author? (besides Anne Rice) I'm just curious about what you think is a good book. 