here is a tip to help with you guys frustration...
think back...
waaay back...
not too far!
just back to say 01/01/01
"I have traversed a treacherous sea of horros to be with you here tonight"
Axl introducing the song Chinese Democracy, "Its the title track of the new album... which god willing... we will finish"
now fast forward... more... more.... okay
December 6th 2002- Philly
what did you think then.. on Dec 7th... 8th...?
did you even think you'd ever hear about the album again?
we knew NOTHING
we heard the band was broken up
we heard that Axl had 'lost it' and didn't know if he was okay or anything
we thought that was it - it just may be IT... over
tour cancelled
if you can recall that time - if you experienced it (which I did personally having flown out for MSG and Philly)...
you've got realize that we have come a long way
in 2003 many many fans said if it doesn't happen - its over
and again in 2004 we heard this again "if it doesn't come out this year - forget it"
how'd we feel after we heard Buckethead quit?
and RIR4 cancelled....
we were NOT happy and had good reasons to wonder how they could... if they would recover
i remember again a lot of fans thinking - that's it - its over, again
but here it is - 2005
and it
ain't over
just sometimes.. to quell your frustration... just consider how bleek things have looked in the past...
how just awry things have went at times...? ?quite a few times... and they have not given up...
its really all the more reason to believe that they believe in what they're doing and they have no intention of giving up...
no matter what is thrown their way....
when you do this you got to realize how bright the future is?
bring it on GN'R!
We're all in!