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Author Topic: Slash to be on Howard Stern show  (Read 47518 times)
Jim Bob

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« Reply #20 on: November 01, 2007, 12:36:24 PM »

he's just bitter that GnR carries on without him Smiley
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« Reply #21 on: November 01, 2007, 12:52:37 PM »

- Thinks it should be made clear to fans that GNR doesn't have original members in it. Thought that was weird to say
so...wait, people don't know that already? you'd think that with all the stuff in the press pounding onto the fact that there are no original members in the band, people would get it by now.? Undecided

does anyone happen to have a link where this interview can be downloaded...or some kind of podcast or something?

I agree.? It's been over a decade since Slash left and nearly a decade since Duff left.? People know.? And if they don't know that, what does that say about VR?


youd be suprised how many people don't know. even when i went to see them in NJ last year people AT the concert  didn't know.

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« Reply #22 on: November 01, 2007, 01:01:19 PM »

- Thinks it should be made clear to fans that GNR doesn't have original members in it. Thought that was weird to say
so...wait, people don't know that already? you'd think that with all the stuff in the press pounding onto the fact that there are no original members in the band, people would get it by now.? Undecided

does anyone happen to have a link where this interview can be downloaded...or some kind of podcast or something?

I agree.? It's been over a decade since Slash left and nearly a decade since Duff left.? People know.? And if they don't know that, what does that say about VR?


youd be suprised how many people don't know. even when i went to see them in NJ last year people AT the concert? didn't know.

Yeah, I'm hearing that more and more.

But, you can't say the band has been trying to keep the lineup a secret.  I don't know what else they are to do besides introduce the band in a story on the official site like they did last year.

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« Reply #23 on: November 01, 2007, 01:23:28 PM »

- Thinks it should be made clear to fans that GNR doesn't have original members in it. Thought that was weird to say

I'd like to hear him say that.

Axl's there.

Anyway, kinda funny. The way VR was promoted as "featuring members of GN'R" and people knowing Slash.

I guess he's saying nobody knows Slash has a "new" band. Wink


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« Reply #24 on: November 01, 2007, 01:28:46 PM »

Howard had Slash from Velvet Revolver, and from Guns N Roses, come in. Slash has written a book so Howard started right in with that. He asked Slash if he talks about how he got started in the guitar playing thing. Slash told Howard that he did talk about how he used to spend like 12 hours a day playing guitar to get really good at it. He said that he didn't watch a clock doing that, he was just obsessed with the guitar and did it whenever he could.
Slash said that Steve Adler, from Guns N Roses, and he used to play together. He said that he was inspired to play after watching him banging on his electric guitar that he couldn't even play. Slash said that he was raised on music because his parents were in the music business. He said he found that he did have a knack for it and things worked out for him.

Slash said that he was going to play bass and Steve was going to play guitar. He said he went to a music class and the teacher was playing some Hendrix licks and he realized that's what he wanted to do. He said the teacher showed him how to string a guitar and some other simple things like that which helped him out.

Slash said that the teacher could learn any song by ear and he realized that he could do that himself so he didn't bother learning music scales. Slash said he still does stuff by ear to this day. He did some stuff with Ray Charles and he had to read some chord charts when he worked with him.

Howard read that Slash was married two times and he even cheated on his second wife the night before they got married. Howard said he thinks that it's because Slash's mom was having a love affair with David Bowie when he was a little kid. Howard found out that Slash's mom is a black chick and Howard figured that must be his thing to bang black chicks. Slash said that he doesn't consider himself anything after Howard asked him if he thinks that he's black. Howard also asked him if kids would shame him for having a black parent like that. Slash said he was always just different.

Howard read that Slash's mom used to do hard core drugs with him when he was like 12 years old. Slash said that his mother had a friend who would get him loaded when he was around 12. They'd go out and pillage the neighborhood in the middle of the night. Howard said that must screw up a kid like that when he's got an adult doing that stuff with him.

Howard said that Slash could have ended up being a junkie or something like that. Slash said he did have some artistic talent so he could have been an artist if he didn't become a guitar player. Howard said that Slash even entered into another dysfunctional family when he joined Guns N Roses. Slash said that Axl never was an addict but the other guys were using some of the hard stuff. He said that Axl would get high once in a while but he was never an addict.

Robin asked Slash what it would take to get him back into Guns N Roses. Slash said he left the band because there were some things that he couldn't handle. He thinks that Axl wouldn't want him back anyway. He said that they had some tough times getting the band on stage on time and things like that.

Howard asked Slash if he'll ever cut his hair since so many guys are cutting it short now. slash said he never really thinks about it. He said that he's always had that hair, ever since he was a teenager.

Howard said that Slash must have loved having David Bowie hanging out at his house. Slash said it was cool but he was only 9 or 10 years old. He said he was pretty apprehensive about hanging out with him because he was the first guy that was around after his father left.


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« Reply #25 on: November 01, 2007, 01:30:10 PM »

Howard asked Slash what attracted him to the drugs because he seems like such a reasonable guy. Slash said that it came down to the amount of down time he had. He said that when he was out on the road he was in work mode. When he had down time he wouldn't know what to do with himself. That's what led to him doing the drugs. He said he tries to keep the work thing going so he doesn't fall into that again.

Howard asked Slash if he's cheated on his wife since they got married. Slash said he hasn't done that. Howard asked him if he's on Subutex like Artie is. Slash said he used it for a short time and that was just a year ago. He said that it was to get off of Oxycontin though, not heroin. Slash talked about how he had smoked heroin for the first time and it didn't do anything for him. He later shot it up and it worked then. He said it was probably about a year between those two times.

Robin asked Slash if it was weird to wrap up his arm and stuff. Slash said that was half the fun doing that. He said that he eventually found that the stuff didn't do it for him the way it did that first time so he just got out of it. He said he didn't do any rehab for that but did a rehab stint about a year ago.

Howard asked Slash about the rules that some guys in the bands have about him not drinking in front of them. Slash said none of that goes on with him. He said he doesn't drink himself now and it's working just fine for him. He doesn't mind if people drink in front of him.

Slash said that the rehab he went into was a place where you needed a lot of money to get into. He said that he was the only one there at the time so there weren't any other people to deal with. He was getting off of the Oxycontin at the time.

Howard read an excerpt from Slash's book where he talks about Izzy cumming on his leg while they were both taking turns doing this chick. At the time he told Izzy that they had to get a bigger place to live in. He said that it was a really bonding moment though. He said that Izzy didn't know where he was because it was kind of dark in the room at the time. Howard asked him what he did with the load after that. Slash joked that he had her lick it up but he'd actually used one of the blankets on the bed to wipe it off.

Howard asked Slash if he felt bad for these chicks that they used to double team. Slash said he's not even sure who these chicks were so he didn't think about it. Slash told Howard that he used to throw parties and he remembers one time having this chick on top of him and Ron Jeremy got behind her and started doing stuff to her so he felt kind of invaded at that point. He had to put a stop to that stuff after that happened.

Howard asked Slash about sharing the chicks with Izzy and if they would use different inputs or something. Slash said he never really did the anal stuff. He said that he thinks that he'd be getting oral while Izzy would be doing her and they'd switch around. He said that he's prefer to have one or two girls for himself and not share. He said he can count on one hand how many times he actually did share a girl.

Slash said that he remembers some incidents with other guys that he put in his book. He said that his buddy James Hetfield from Metallica had a girl in his hotel room one time and he was face fucking her against a wall and doing it in that really intense way that he does his singing with the band. That happened before he was married of course.

Howard said that Slash talks about the things that went on with Guns N Roses and how he blew his signing bonus shortly after he got it. Slash said it was only $7,500 so it wasn't all that much. There were a bunch of other wild stories that Howard mentioned being in the book. Slash had one story about a girl waking him up blowing him. He said that she was only a kid too. He said that she was probably only 14.

Slash said that when he was growing up he saw a lot of adults having sex. He even walked in on his parents having sex one time. It was just the one time though.

Gary came in and asked Slash about what happened a few years ago when Axl was going out as Guns N Roses and performing and he went to see them. Slash said he wanted to see the show and they refused to let him come into the venue. All he wanted to do was see the band but he was kept out. He said that he'd never seen the band before and they thought he wanted to come in with his guitar and top hat and take over on stage. He said he was intrigued to see what Guns N Roses was at that point.

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« Reply #26 on: November 01, 2007, 01:31:47 PM »

Howard asked Slash what he thinks about Van Halen now that they have Eddie's son in the band. Slash said that they have to make it clear to the public that not all of the original members are in the band. That's kind of what he was thinking with the Guns N Roses thing. He said he really didn't want to do anything at that show he went to though.

Gary said that he went to see Guns N Roses a few years ago and they had this guy Buckethead playing in the band. Slash said he actually went out as that guy for Halloween a couple of years ago. He said that he's heard some of that guy's stuff and he's technically proficient but there's no heart there.

Slash was also saying that Axl didn't even know he was at that Hard Rock show that time. He wasn't the one who banned him, it was a former manager of theirs that did that.

Howard read that Slash has only gotten one STD in his life. He got genital warts on his penis and one time had some odd legions on his stomach as well. He said that he was thinking that it could be AIDS legions but that's not what it turned out to be. Slash said that he really lucked out he didn't get anything else because he wasn't really using protection all the time.

Howard read that Tommy Lee once teabagged him when he was passed out. Slash said that the balls didn't touch him, at least he doesn't think they did. He said he was passed out at the time and only has pictures to see what happened.

Howard asked Slash why he had sex with this ex-girlfriend the night before he got married. He said that they had always had a good time together and someone ended up ratting him out for everything that he'd done behind her back. They separated for a little while but he got lonely and wanted to go back. He said he was like a sex addict back in the day and he would have 4 hotel rooms at a time when he was staying in the hotels just so he could bounce around. Howard asked him how many chicks he's banged. He said he doesn't know and he doesn't brag.

Howard asked Slash how his kids are going to rebel against him with all of the crazy stuff he's done. Slash said he doesn't know. He said that the kids are really good kids at this point. He said that they have two boys now and that's probably payback for everything they've done.

Howard asked Slash about the bands that are out now and who he likes. Slash said that the Foo Fighters still get what rock and roll is all about and they're one of the greatest bands to come out in the past 15 years. He said that Dave Grohl is a great guitar player and a great writer and he had no idea that was going to come from the drummer in Nirvana.

Howard said that Slash has written a great book, it's called ''Slash.'' He's also in the game Guitar Hero 3. Gary said that it's one of the coolest games ever too.

Gary asked Slash where he came up with the licks for ''Sweet Child of Mine'' because he thought that they were warm up licks. Slash said they weren't warm up licks but it was just something he came up with out of nowhere. that's what led to them writing the song when Axl heard him play it.

Gary also said that Shuli used to live out in Vegas and he worked at a store where they used to develop film. He said that the actually developed some film of Slash naked. He said that he saw the pictures and didn't realize that it was slash who had dropped the film off at the store until he saw the pictures.

Artie asked Slash about his drug use and what caused more chaos in his life. Slash said that the coke is what really made him nuts. He said he'd do heroin most of the time and he did some crazy stuff on that. He said that he did something at an event one time and he could have gone to jail if the promoters hadn't sent him home. Slash said he was running around naked thinking that something was chasing him. He was hallucinating at the time and ended up knocking down a maid at the hotel. She filed charges against him for that. Slash said that the was such a mess that the doctors had to put a difibrilator in his heart to keep him alive.

Howard said that Slash was at Anna Nicole's funeral so he wondered what that was about. Slash said that his wife was close to her but he wasn't. He spent a minute talking about that and then Howard wrapped up with him. Slash mentioned that the band he's in now, Velvet Revolver, has a new album out as well. That's called ''Libertad.'' They went to break after that.


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« Reply #27 on: November 01, 2007, 01:38:21 PM »

jesus he sure seems to be more interested in talking about Axl then he is his own fucking band.

He's promoting his autobiography so obviously GnR and Axl are going to be discussed.

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« Reply #28 on: November 01, 2007, 02:06:09 PM »

I thought it was a good interview. I would have loved it if Slash would have played a few licks, but thats cool.
Jim Bob

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« Reply #29 on: November 01, 2007, 02:16:08 PM »

yes.. its great to know that Slash has warts on his private parts.   nervous

talk about giving too much info  Undecided
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« Reply #30 on: November 01, 2007, 02:28:19 PM »

Hey can someone upload this or something? That would be cool beer
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« Reply #31 on: November 01, 2007, 02:30:57 PM »

Hey can someone upload this or something? That would be cool beer

if its not uploaded today, i'll be able to upload it late tonight / early tomorrow morning.

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« Reply #32 on: November 01, 2007, 02:44:31 PM »

there wasnt as much axl talk as u would think
his letterman interview was pretty good too ... but howard stern was more in depth

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« Reply #33 on: November 01, 2007, 08:23:53 PM »

he's just bitter that GnR carries on without him Smiley

They do???
Jim Bob

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« Reply #34 on: November 01, 2007, 08:42:28 PM »

he's just bitter that GnR carries on without him Smiley

They do???

if you are trying to be funny, you aren't.   if you are being serious, where have you been for the last 2 years?  confused
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« Reply #35 on: November 01, 2007, 08:44:20 PM »

he's just bitter that GnR carries on without him Smiley

They do???

if you are trying to be funny, you aren't.? ?if you are being serious, where have you been for the last 2 years?? confused

i've been waiting on an album for that time, wait, actually longer...
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« Reply #36 on: November 01, 2007, 09:16:27 PM »

he's just bitter that GnR carries on without him Smiley

They do???

if you are trying to be funny, you aren't.   if you are being serious, where have you been for the last 2 years?  confused

i've been waiting on an album for that time, wait, actually longer...

then are you making stupid posts?

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« Reply #37 on: November 01, 2007, 09:57:19 PM »

About Slash's comments about GNR and its original members.  I don't want to put words in his mouth but I do think he's sort of saying, he wish Axl would've dropped the name BUT since he knew that wasn't going to happen he wished it was made more clear that it was a NEW band.  Sounds harsh, BUT, people have mentioned for some reason or another SOME people still don't even realize that Axl is the only original member left.  The only real way to let the public know once and for all is to release Chinese Democracy once and for all.  I love the new band (seen them twice, never had the pleasure of seeing the old band), but they are never going to get the respect they deserve until they release some music.

And some people commented on how it's sad that SOME people don't even realize that Slash is in a new band these days.  That's very true too, Velvet Revolver has flown far below the radar, especially this second time around.  But that sort of goes along with the sad state of rock and roll that Slash alluded to in the interview.  The public just doesn't know good music these days, I'm beginning to wonder if anyone can save us, EVEN Axl.

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« Reply #38 on: November 02, 2007, 01:22:52 AM »

Glad to see Slash agrees with me on Buckethead

I think Slash is doing a great job. He isn't making Axl out to be a bad guy, I think he is doing great answering questions and keeping the answers as civil as possible.

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« Reply #39 on: November 02, 2007, 11:59:18 AM »

Glad to see Slash agrees with me on Buckethead

I think Slash is doing a great job. He isn't making Axl out to be a bad guy, I think he is doing great answering questions and keeping the answers as civil as possible.

Slash was way off base with his assessment of Buckethead.  Just go listen to his Colma album, Slash.  He can play with as much feeling as you.  He may not do it as consistently, but he can do it.

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