*****Haiku mode OFF*****
OK. Trouble with the internet at work!
Here's the deal...I'm on IE6 (my tech guy HATES IE7 and won't allow it on any of his systems). In the early morning, I can usually navigate the net without issue, but, later in the day, almost without fail, things get FUCKED. I go to Internet Explorer, my home page (drudgereport.com) starts to come up, and sometimes does...but it often just stops. The status bar shows a LONG URL that starts with
http://www.google.com/hwf/dell-usuk/... all kinds of other stuff. It just sits there making a clicking sound a goes no further. Every now and then, my desired site will begin to come up, then suddenly change to a Google search/links to other related sites page. I can go almost NOWHERE and I can't check any email that's not on my Outlook setup. I usually can't get onto Yahoo! IM, either. It doesn't affect all sites, though! I can get to HTGTH with no problem 95% of the time, and 411wrestling is the same, but all others are a crapshoot and the weird URL in the status bar pops up and stops me every time once it starts happening. The combination of no access to the net and the clicking sound are killing me, and it makes my job very difficult. This occurs on ALL 3 computers I use for the Net. They're networked, btw.
I've run Virus scans...no infections.
My administrator is the only guy in the company...including top management and even the owners...with install privileges. He's paranoid as hell. Even if I could get to Housecall.com or Download.com (to get Ad Aware and Spybot) without the URL stopping me, I couldn't install 'em anyway!
Does anyone have any suggestions??? I'm dyin' here!!!
*****Haiku mode ON*****
Computer techies,
Please help me with Net issue!
I'll be most grateful!