Fuckin great concert!! It blews my mind, amazing, great!!!
Im coming from the concert and im so tired i cant walk straight, cant speak, cant sing.
It was a very hard night for me tonight, almost fight with an asshole who want to take my sign off.!!! aahahhaah i won!!!
They take him out!!! I took it before the concert starts and the people was yelling me to put it down i said in decent way, hey what you want to see at stage now ? look at the game asshole!!! hahahaha then my arms were tired my girlfriend and brother help me with the sign but no ones picked me up =(, then lights off, GNR is coming!!!
Again Finck come to the crowd and started the intro of WTTJ!!!! it was long than the other two concerts ahahhahaah we all want to ask YOU KNOW WHERE YOU ARE ?? but Finck kept doing the intro, then Jungle started!!!!(I miss Finck surfing he did it on NY just where i was!! lol)
There was another fight near me cause a girl doesnt want people to jump!! WTJ

blhahahahhahaha she was crazy, people was jumping and singing!!!!!
Axl was in a great mood and very happy he stands up the piano on The Blues and then he took the flag of Mexico, crowd went crazy in that moment, also he took the same hat as in Guadalajara and BBF played the same Mexican song called Tapatio.
Sorry i forgot to add YCBM to the setlist it was more difficult than the other two shows cause i had to take care of my gf but i tried my best. My brother couldnt stay all the concert so i threw him out hahahaha(but he made it when we went to NY at the hammerstein it was that the crowd was crazy here) it was the same as Guadalajara they played Madagascar, all people liked the new band i can feel it.
Well board im off to bed im really really tired, I bought a friend a ticket so he can record the concert i will try and upload some videos during the week.
I was searching for Fernando, i saw a guy wuth a lady, this guy was wearing a red shirt i guess it was fernando with this lady and a girl, im not sure but they were on the stairs in the side of the stage, if hey were i was so close to get there.
No problem my dream was to see GNR in my country im so happy and excited i can die now!!
GNR is the best band in the world they are rocking as never!!!!!