Jesus Fucking Christ... I don't think until someone points it out that you really appreciate the amount of work the guy has to do!!
There are people out there who call him names, but they don't get just how hard it is to keep together a decent forum without letting it go to shit. There's most likely so much work involved with deleting hundreds of unused accounts, sending warnings to all who wrong, correcting people, and making sure this is a place where every post means something relevant!!
I don't care that some people call him a Nazi, I'd rather read a 5 page topic full of on-topic posts with the occasional joke here and there (added on the end of on-topic posts), than read a 150 page topic full of smiley-only, one word, or off-topic posts! I hate having to search around for a meaningful post in a sea of shit!
Good work Jarmo! Keep it up! We do appreciate it!
I really think it's an effect of the "
5 assholes in the ten front rows" phenomenon that happens at every Guns show. I don't know what the fuck it is about this band that attracts assholes. I've been to several Metallica shows, where you would think the crowd is angrier and dirtier, and not nearly as many people act up in the crowd. Truly an enigma this Guns n' Roses is. Oh I forgot... HI SKYNYRDGIRL!