I have to write a 5 page analytical paper about november rain or any other song of my chosing for my writing 102 course.. i'm making it a point to avoid saying things like "by this statement, the artist means this" and stuff like that.. i'm trying to make it more like "the artist uses so and so to put forth such and such meaning and have a certain effect" or something like that.. i dont know.. i'll either pick NR or vicarious by tool. NR just popped in my mind because my prof's all about the power of love and all that stuff.. and all that fun stuff thats in the song and he told us to analyze the video too if there is one..and one thing he mentioned, the "fragility" of human beings reminded me especially of NR because of how steph dies in the video.. but the "fragility" of mankind could also be how in the song vicarious by tool, people are too weak to stop living their lives vicariously through the tv and too weak to admit it and are too weak to actually go out and kill things so they have to watch violent shit on the tv to be entertained..
also, on the other end of the spectrum, if anyone has any ideas on a paper i might be able to write analytically criticizing a certain song, or two, please be my guest as to tell me.. any help is greatly appreciated.. thank you and cheers