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11/24 Clevand, OH [Discussion]
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Topic: 11/24 Clevand, OH [Discussion] (Read 44785 times)
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Re: 11/24 Clevand, OH [Discussion]
Reply #140 on:
November 25, 2006, 08:20:47 PM »
Here are pics of the jersey I bought.
?You better take care of me Lord, if you don't you're gonna have me on your hands.?
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Re: 11/24 Clevand, OH [Discussion]
Reply #141 on:
November 25, 2006, 08:55:49 PM »
Quote from: chinese69illusions on November 25, 2006, 08:20:47 PM
Here are pics of the jersey I bought.
grog mug
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Re: 11/24 Clevand, OH [Discussion]
Reply #142 on:
November 25, 2006, 10:06:15 PM »
I like the detail they put into the guns...pretty sweet deal. But I wouldn't put caught wearing that thing anywhere...lol.
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Re: 11/24 Clevand, OH [Discussion]
Reply #143 on:
November 25, 2006, 11:48:20 PM »
Quote from: patcooper on November 24, 2006, 11:35:31 PM
my ex girlfriend who is there called and said the crowd hated Eagles and she swears she saw Dizzy walking around the arena before their set started.
I wa in section 124 and dizzy did walk by
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Re: 11/24 Clevand, OH [Discussion]
Reply #144 on:
November 26, 2006, 12:17:16 AM »
Quote from: lennonisgod on November 25, 2006, 01:29:59 PM
Quote from: Duffio on November 25, 2006, 05:42:03 AM
tommy was never pissed during the show, where do you come up with that???
he was mouthing the words to the crowd while he was playing..... don't make stuff up man...
I was there,and something was bothering tommy.I dont even think he came out to say goodnight with the rest of the band
Tommy was definitely pissed at the show.? I didn't make that up.? He was pissed off at the sound guy too and more than a couple of times.? I was in the very front and it was very easy to see.
EDIT:? That really pisses me off that you told me that I was making stuff up.? WHY THE FUCK WOULD I JUST MAKES SOMETHING UP??? I have never made anything up on this board and if you paid attention to anything you would realize that. Tommy was mouthing words to the crowd during a FEW songs but how does that mean he wasn't pissed off at the sound guys??? You can't do both at the same time??? Axl was in a good mood but he was pissed most of the night at the sound dumb asses. AS I SAID I WAS IN THE VERY FRONT and if you weren't then you probably didn't get to see him bitching at the sound guy or his bass tech and throwing shit down like Axl did and at one point he even knocked down his mic stand because he was pissed.? WAKE UP AND DON'T EVER TELL ME TO NOT MAKE STUFF UP!!!!? That's fucking bull shit.
Re: 11/24 Clevand, OH [Discussion]
Reply #145 on:
November 26, 2006, 09:07:36 AM »
me and my homie said hi to dizzy by section 124 i think it was after BAZ.
This was my 8th GNR show.I thought the floor crowd sucked!Axl was in a horriable mood.Right off the bat Robin accidently unplugged axl's earpiece.axl said"you unplugged me YOU IDIOT!!!".Then axl was fucking w/ his earpiece for about three songs.TOTALLY GRINDING his teeth the whole time.It felt like any song could have been the last of the night.He was pissed ALL NIGHT LONG.
Something must have pissed Axl off 'bout 'the pigions of shit metal' besides them just sucking to piss him off THAT much.
I believe someone in the "industry" has AXL by the balls about this tour and how he cant fuck up and kill the tour mid way trough again.He thanked the crowd again after PC..........he's doing that at all the shows.Even if the crowd is lame he's gonna do that for now on.
I still enjoy the show....i'm a sick fan....as we all are here.......I'm ready for the next show ,maybe this summer!!!!
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Re: 11/24 Clevand, OH [Discussion]
Reply #146 on:
November 26, 2006, 09:10:47 AM »
Quote from: tsoky2003 on November 25, 2006, 11:48:20 PM
Quote from: patcooper on November 24, 2006, 11:35:31 PM
my ex girlfriend who is there called and said the crowd hated Eagles and she swears she saw Dizzy walking around the arena before their set started.
I wa in section 124 and dizzy did walk by
yeah thats the same section she was in. she said he was waching the EODM from that section.
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Re: 11/24 Clevand, OH [Discussion]
Reply #147 on:
November 26, 2006, 05:40:21 PM »
Quote from: tsoky2003 on November 26, 2006, 12:17:16 AM
I was there,and something was bothering tommy.I dont even think he came out to say goodnight with the rest of the band
Thank you. I can't believe I was being called a liar by someone because of what I saw happen.
EDIT: Let me clear this up because DUFFIO has a huge problem with what I said and he can't let it go... Tommy was having issues THROUGHOUT THE NIGHT but it wasn't for every fucking second of the show.
It wasn't even close to the amount of problems that Axl was having but Tommy did have his moments and there were a few of them.
I'm sorry if people confused what I said before when I said, "Tommy Stinson seemed to be having sound problems as well and was getting pissed off throughout the night," and thought that sentence meant that
Tommy was mad for every second and wasn't happy the entire time and never even looked at the crowd and lit his bass guitar on fire and layed on it to hide his pain, etc.
(That didn't happen, for you misinterpreters)
That's not how I wanted that simple ass sentence to be interpreted
I apologize for the HUGE misunderstanding that Duffio brought to my attention 100 times and I didn't mean for it to ruin people's lives as it did his. Thank you for listening and again I am so terribly, terribly sorry for the intense pain that I have caused in Duffio's life.
Last Edit: November 26, 2006, 06:13:16 PM by lennonisgod
Social class and registers, Cocaine in the hall, All the way from California...
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uh oh, they're back...
Re: 11/24 Clevand, OH [Discussion]
Reply #148 on:
November 26, 2006, 06:24:25 PM »
thank you for realizing you were wrong hahaha
and also for clearing everything up
Krispy Kreme
Re: 11/24 Clevand, OH [Discussion]
Reply #149 on:
November 26, 2006, 10:38:19 PM »
Well....aside from all that....
Thanks to all for your updates and reviews. Sounds like it was a great show. I used to live in the area.
I wish to hell that Axl and Co would come to the midwest so we can partake as well...
Thanks to all.
Karma: -1
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uh oh, they're back...
Re: 11/24 Clevand, OH [Discussion]
Reply #150 on:
November 27, 2006, 01:15:03 AM »
Since lennonisgod blocked messages from me and decided to chew me out, this it he only way I can reply, I don't care if this gets me bad karma or whatever, but if he wants to say something he should at least listen to what I had to say in return. given you had the time to type all this shit, i can't help but put in about 30 seconds of my time for this.
This is the message he wrote:
Tommy Stinson seemed to be having sound problems as well and was getting pissed off throughout the night."
'Throughout' means "from beginning to end." He was having problems from the start of the show to the end of the show. His issues were scattered throughout the night and you cried like a fucking little girl when I said one sentence. I never said that he had a problem every second and he was never happy the whole show. Why you think that is beyond me?? He left a few times during the concert and went backstage but I'm sure you saw that because you didn't take your eyes off of Tommy the whole night, right?? I'm not the only one that saw what I saw though, so you're alone with your RETARDED opinion. You're a fucking retard for even saying anything to me. You tried to start a fight because you're retarded, didn't you?? I'm not a retard and that pisses you off so you tried to start an argument with me, right?? It's not my fault you're a fucking decelerated fuck, that's your parents fault. Go blame them and stop trying to start shit with someone that is WAAAAY above your level mentally. I don't have time for your idiocy and your lack of gumption or for your half-wit comments that don't make sense. I won't read any more stupid messages from you because you can't even type right. Have you ever heard of CAPITAL LETTERS YOU DUMB ASS!!!!! I'm sorry you were too retarded to realize what was going on at the show but me and a quite a few other people that were there, saw what happened.
And what was with that stupid "Canaries of poop metal" comment?? Was that the bird name you used?? That made me laugh because of how fucking stupid it was. You took something someone else said and tried to make it your own and failed miserably. I am done talking to you and don't even bother writing anything back because I refuse to read shit from people that can't type to save their lives. Educated much or are you just a little kid?? You can't spell and you can't even make sentences without adding too many words that don't belong, so what's your deal?? For real... if you need some tutoring or something I can help you. I know a lot of teachers and I even have some in the family and I'm sure they would be happy to help out someone that can't read or write.
I am so pisses that I actually had to stoop to your retarded level and write a response to you. "Watch what you say before you say anything." Is that supposed to be a threat from a retard? Hahahahahahaha!!!! You're the most pathetic person I've ever talked to on this forum, EVER. I'm sure you'll be a loser though and continue on with your virtuous (haha) comments in the forum and during threads because that's how cool you are. The last person that did that shit was banned and I honeslty won't miss you so I'll talk to you later
This is my reply:
i said parakeets of poop metal. and before i saw the eagles of death metal i called them that. Axl just happens to be famous and his version is what everyone emulated. piss off, i thought you said you were done arguing with me.. right? and I type just fine, I don't care for capital letters for a fucking forum where a bunch of fucktards make shit up about a band they dream about being in and fantasize about. FUCK YOU. how's that for some capital letters?
Karma: -1
Posts: 260
Re: 11/24 Clevand, OH [Discussion]
Reply #151 on:
November 27, 2006, 01:28:13 AM »
You guys suck.
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Re: 11/24 Clevand, OH [Discussion]
Reply #152 on:
November 27, 2006, 01:39:35 AM »
Hmmmm... I don't really know what to say. Bringing PRIVATE matters and posting them in a thread?? I don't think anyone cares to read about the fight we had in our PM's and you're just ruining this thread further than you already have. I won't play the kids games and post the PM you had sent me that made me respond in the way I did, but by people reading what I typed in response they can figure out what kind of PM that was.
"I am so pissed that I actually had to stoop to your retarded level and write a response to you."
That should pretty much say it all to people. I stooped to his level but I refuse to go any further down with him, especially to the point he is now. I blocked your PM's for a reason and sadly enough, you were only the second person I have ever had to block.
I just feel bad for everyone here that you had to bring these matters up publicly, when nobody here could give two shits about what you or I say in our PM's to one another. This board is for GNR and people don't come here to read this shit. THAT'S WHY THEY ARE CALLED PRIVATE MESSAGES. But based on your level of intelligence you obviously missed that.
EDIT: This isn't a very nice comment to say about his forum btw:
a fucking forum where a bunch of fucktards make shit up about a band they dream about being in and fantasize about.
The least you could do was make your response solely to me and leave everyone else out of this. Why do you come here if you really feel that way about this forum??
Last Edit: November 27, 2006, 02:07:48 AM by lennonisgod
Social class and registers, Cocaine in the hall, All the way from California...
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Re: 11/24 Clevand, OH [Discussion]
Reply #153 on:
November 27, 2006, 02:57:42 AM »
Quote from: deadflowerII on November 26, 2006, 09:07:36 AM
me and my homie said hi to dizzy by section 124 i think it was after BAZ.
This was my 8th GNR show.I thought the floor crowd sucked!Axl was in a horriable mood.Right off the bat Robin accidently unplugged axl's earpiece.
axl said"you unplugged me YOU IDIOT!!!"
.Then axl was fucking w/ his earpiece for about three songs.TOTALLY GRINDING his teeth the whole time.It felt like any song could have been the last of the night.He was pissed ALL NIGHT LONG.
Something must have pissed Axl off 'bout 'the pigions of shit metal' besides them just sucking to piss him off THAT much.
I believe someone in the "industry" has AXL by the balls about this tour and how he cant fuck up and kill the tour mid way trough again.He thanked the crowd again after PC..........he's doing that at all the shows.Even if the crowd is lame he's gonna do that for now on.
I still enjoy the show....i'm a sick fan....as we all are here.......I'm ready for the next show ,maybe this summer!!!!
Is there any confirmation on the highlighted part b/c Axl's comment to Robin if true is pretty offensive.
I find that i'm far more powerful and effective when i can celebrate another's way, rather than to wish to own it.
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Posts: 1388
Re: 11/24 Clevand, OH [Discussion]
Reply #154 on:
November 27, 2006, 03:04:04 AM »
Quote from: killingvector on November 27, 2006, 02:57:42 AM
Quote from: deadflowerII on November 26, 2006, 09:07:36 AM
me and my homie said hi to dizzy by section 124 i think it was after BAZ.
This was my 8th GNR show.I thought the floor crowd sucked!Axl was in a horriable mood.Right off the bat Robin accidently unplugged axl's earpiece.
axl said"you unplugged me YOU IDIOT!!!"
.Then axl was fucking w/ his earpiece for about three songs.TOTALLY GRINDING his teeth the whole time.It felt like any song could have been the last of the night.He was pissed ALL NIGHT LONG.
Something must have pissed Axl off 'bout 'the pigions of shit metal' besides them just sucking to piss him off THAT much.
I believe someone in the "industry" has AXL by the balls about this tour and how he cant fuck up and kill the tour mid way trough again.He thanked the crowd again after PC..........he's doing that at all the shows.Even if the crowd is lame he's gonna do that for now on.
I still enjoy the show....i'm a sick fan....as we all are here.......I'm ready for the next show ,maybe this summer!!!!
Is there any confirmation on the highlighted part b/c Axl's comment to Robin if true is pretty offensive.
I didn't see this happen but others may have. If the comment is indeed accurate and Axl really did say that, then Robin should have been pissed the fuck off. I just can't see Axl saying that to one of these guys though. It seems like something he would have said back in 1992 to one of the old members and not towards someone in the current line-up. I would hope that Axl has matured enough to learn that he can't treat his bandmates like shit anymore or he'll be putting together a new band eventually.
I don't think this is true but I will stand corrected if it is actually proven as fact.
Social class and registers, Cocaine in the hall, All the way from California...
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Re: 11/24 Clevand, OH [Discussion]
Reply #155 on:
November 27, 2006, 04:32:48 AM »
Listen, i dunno what everyone was pissed about. I was second row just right of center stage and it was a great show. Yea, it was my first GnR show but it was awesome. Yes Tommy was sorta pissed throughout the night but so was Axl. In the end it created a great show I felt, there was cursing and yelling,everything a rocknroll show should be. At the end of the night Axl was talking about how it coulda ended up being a shitty show, but the band ended up having a good time because of the crowd.
on a sidenote i have a totally new respect for madagascar, that song live is just amazing
it was a sweet show so everyone just shut the fuck up
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Re: 11/24 Clevand, OH [Discussion]
Reply #156 on:
November 27, 2006, 04:39:32 AM »
Quote from: brianfantana on November 27, 2006, 04:32:48 AM
Listen, i dunno what everyone was pissed about. I was second row just right of center stage and it was a great show. Yea, it was my first GnR show but it was awesome. Yes Tommy was sorta pissed throughout the night but so was Axl. In the end it created a great show I felt, there was cursing and yelling,everything a rocknroll show should be. At the end of the night Axl was talking about how it coulda ended up being a shitty show, but the band ended up having a good time because of the crowd.
on a sidenote i have a totally new respect for madagascar, that song live is just amazing
it was a sweet show so everyone just shut the fuck up
Hey Brian, good review. Lay off the sex panther.
Did Axl appear pissed off at robin at any point?
I find that i'm far more powerful and effective when i can celebrate another's way, rather than to wish to own it.
Opening Act
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Re: 11/24 Clevand, OH [Discussion]
Reply #157 on:
November 27, 2006, 04:55:12 AM »
I was there, Axl did say "You unplugged me you idiot" or something to that effect, but I have no idea who he was talking to.
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Re: 11/24 Clevand, OH [Discussion]
Reply #158 on:
November 27, 2006, 07:23:07 AM »
Quote from: hufford69 on November 27, 2006, 04:55:12 AM
I was there, Axl did say "You unplugged me you idiot" or something to that effect, but I have no idea who he was talking to.
I do remember him saying something like this and haveing to put his earpiece back on, but Im pretty sure later that song he was smileing and whispering to Robin, so if he did say that it was probably a joke or he was apolagizeing for it a few minutes later.
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i wasn't complaining!
Re: 11/24 Clevand, OH [Discussion]
Reply #159 on:
November 27, 2006, 11:43:13 AM »
any word on what the deal with the eagles of death metal is? sounds pretty funny whatever really happened.
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