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Author Topic: Ottawa Updates???  (Read 7318 times)
Randy Jesus

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« on: November 17, 2006, 10:15:17 PM »

I didn't see a update thread. But I don't know if there is going to be any.
On the Nightrain

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« Reply #1 on: November 18, 2006, 01:46:46 AM »

this is torturous! Cry
Edward Rose
« Reply #2 on: November 18, 2006, 01:58:07 AM »

this is torturous! Cry

Maybe they aren't good at using cell phones in Ottawa Smiley


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« Reply #3 on: November 18, 2006, 02:03:38 AM »

its cause canadians go to concerts to get wasted and have a good time-  not stand there and try to type in a damn small phone---  how can you type those small buttons with your thumb holding 2 beers and smoking a joint?   only exeption is toronto people.

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« Reply #4 on: November 18, 2006, 02:13:57 AM »

its cause canadians go to concerts to get wasted and have a good time-  not stand there and try to type in a damn small phone---  how can you type those small buttons with your thumb holding 2 beers and smoking a joint?   only exeption is toronto people.
lol, yeah i always found it weird that people would go and update shit unless they were being paid for it and had access backstage. you would think updating would be an internal thing, not a couple nice volunteers giving updates to people who are gonna bitch about whats played.

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« Reply #5 on: November 18, 2006, 02:21:45 AM »

its cause canadians go to concerts to get wasted and have a good time-? not stand there and try to type in a damn small phone---? how can you type those small buttons with your thumb holding 2 beers and smoking a joint?? ?only exeption is toronto people.

It takes me 10 mins to plunk out 1 word on a cell phone when I am stone cold sober, I can't even imagine doing this during a concert! hihi

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« Reply #6 on: November 18, 2006, 02:35:19 AM »

I texted updates from the Baltimore show because I really appreciate and enjoy reading the updates that other people send from other shows.  It was kind of fun, particularly since I went to the concert by myself and didn't have a buddy (or buddies) right next to me to nudge and say, "Holy cow, did you hear/see that?!" to.  But it was also a bit of a hassle.  If/when I go to another GNR concert, I'm gonna skip the texting and keep my eyes on the stage, for sure.

All that being said, I feel kinda...  Empty...  Not getting updates from the Ottawa show.   Cry  I hope it ROCKED!!!

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« Reply #7 on: November 18, 2006, 03:34:27 AM »


I just got back (I'm sitting in my brand spanking new tour T-shirt.. the red star one) and that was awesome

The opening act (who the fuck were they) was decent

Next up was SGs, who weren't as bad as I thought.

Baz was fucking pumped tonight (tho he did say "C'MON TORONTO" at6 one point). Did his usual set and the new songs I heard makes my want to listen to his new album. Oh and he got the Trailer Park Boys out (Bubbles sang a song called "Beers and Whores")... awesome stuff. 1 more thing, Baz mentioned he played Hull the first time he played near Ottawa, this was met by boos and he said "Hey, I only fucking played there, I didn't live there or anything" Then he says fuck Hull (later he says Ottawa rocks... as does Hull lol)

Now the next time the lights go down everyone is fucking mental.. The intro starts followed shortly by the opening strains of Welcome... The place erupts. This won't be a blow by blow because it's too early to compute all I saw. They did IRS, Maddy, Better, Blues, Used to love her (as well as the other AFD/UYI tracks). Bumblefoot played Oh Canada followed by Don't Cry which got a HUGE response where I was (on the floor). Trailer Park Boys came out again during GnRs set (place goes even wilder). Before My Michelle Bach and Axl say "If life throws a shitball at you, give it shit back." No CD mention (Nor was the song played.. Maddy was played in it's place). Most amusing part I thought was people around me asking how I knew the words to the new tracks.

The people around where I was were commenting on Axls voice.. ie. "Fuck, He's still got the pipes" "He sounds great" "For a guy old enough to be my dad he kicks ass" (That last one from a kid who couldn't have been born the first time around lol).

There's more I know I'm forgetting.. I'll let others fill in the blanks.

As for me.. I'm a bit dehydrated, but I wouldn't change the way I feel right now for the world. Tonight was worth it. It gave me a spectical to view to get away for a few hrs from the boring life. Ottawa will see GnR again, the crowed tonight was too good not to.. and I'll be there.

All thats left to say is...


EDIT: Forgot to add they hit the stage around midnight and played till shortly after 2am

Life is a strange thing. Just when you think you've learnt how to use it it's gone.

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« Reply #8 on: November 18, 2006, 03:45:22 AM »

My feet hurts, my neck and back hurts but it's all good.

Haha!? Sounds like a night of good sex to me!? ?Lips Sealed

Unfortunately if you have seats and get stuck next to people that aren't having a good time it can ruin your night as well.

This can be true.? Eazy E and holtzmn, I'm sorry if this is what happened to you.? ?Sad

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« Reply #9 on: November 18, 2006, 03:47:38 AM »

Didn't happen to me, I have tickets for the floor in Mpls. ok

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« Reply #10 on: November 18, 2006, 03:58:00 AM »

Packed from what I could see from the floor

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« Reply #11 on: November 18, 2006, 04:11:09 AM »

I just remembered (thanks Cleo) we also got to sing happy birthday to Fortus

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feelin' like a space brain one more time tonight..

« Reply #12 on: November 18, 2006, 04:14:12 AM »

I was amazed- it looked like a full house pretty much.
who the fuck knew there were that many GNR fans in ottawa?? not me.
and such an amazing diverse cast of an audience too, from your hardcore goth scenesters, to your middle aged suburban ladies. very bizzare.

so my story is this..... i thought it was fucking incredible.

and all of it is pristinely contained in a lent super sleek digital recorder
(it's absolutely amazing I got through security. looked through my fucking bags and everything. beat the fucking system man.
my heart was pounding so hard.)

so first band to play was this shitty opening band.... actually they weren't that shitty. had some good riffs and jamming. but mainly people were like... i want my fucking guns n' roses... who the fuck are you? go the fuck away.
next was the suicide girls 'burlesque show'. for girls taking their clothes off it was surprisingly uninteresting. just your average stripper, except dirtier. and just....dull.
next............. was fucking sebastian bach.
And he came out and fucking tore the shit out of the place.
so, sebastian bach, yeah fucking tore it up. and is THE best performer I have ever seen, just everyone so fucking riled up, and has the best headbanging technique I have ever seen, and some pretty wicked stage moves. He IS stage charisma.
And his band was really good, better than I was expecting, and his voice, oh god his voice. People don't understand why I worship this man, but holy fuck, by the end of the set my friend who had come with me understood man.
so yeah, sebastian bach awesome, got outside, had a cigarette, a camel to be precise, got the scotiabank place workers' panties in a twist for various civilian offenses, fuck off man i'm trying to rock n' roll.
i think I was made for headbanging. I'm not entirely sure how many braincells i have left, at the moment my head hurts and i'm partly deaf.
anyway so, absolutely amazingly, guns n' roses took the fucking stage on time. i think axl's in a good mental place these days, back in the day if someone took a picture of him at a concert, he would fuckin' jump them and beat the shit out of them, take their camera, walk off the fucking stage. but a lot of people were taking pictures and he was joking around and jamming and good god, his voice. holy fuck man. it sounds as fucking good as it ever has. the band was soo tight. sooo fucking tight and smooth and fucking rock n' roll jam your fucking goddamn brains out. I headbanged the SHIT out of the sweet child of mine epic end solo, jamming like no fucking tommorow.

yeah, fuckin' awesome show man.
and i definitely thought the crowd was really into it.


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« Reply #13 on: November 18, 2006, 04:18:28 AM »

Dude, if you have that fucker recorded I'd LOVE a copy. I want it as a memento more than anything. So I ask that you PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE share it.

Where you on the floor too btw?

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« Reply #14 on: November 18, 2006, 04:19:08 AM »

^ That sounds awesome, spacebrain!! ?Were you so close that you could see that Bach was smoking Camels?? ?If so, WOW!! ? Shocked

EDIT: Nevermind, I was not "reading for comprehension"  Tongue
« Last Edit: November 18, 2006, 04:20:57 AM by Cleopatra2U » Logged

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« Reply #15 on: November 18, 2006, 04:22:12 AM »

I just remembered (thanks Cleo) we also got to sing happy birthday to Fortus

Aww, that's so sweet Grin

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« Reply #16 on: November 18, 2006, 04:23:39 AM »

i recorded bach's set and GNR's set. i'll see what sort of quality it is once i upload it, and if it's any good i'll definitely post some good stuff.

and no no.......... i meant me smoking camels. i desssssssssssperately wanted to meet bach. just had no idea how to do so. never saw him anywhere but on the stage.

unfortunately when tickets went on sale i was short on cash (i'm a fucking teenager with no job) so i sat in one of the seats close to the stage- actually i didn't sit, i jammed my fucking brains out. everyone sitting down be damned, it's GNR, i'm gonna fucking jam.


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« Reply #17 on: November 18, 2006, 04:27:01 AM »

Dude even if it does sound like shit, any chance I could have a copy.. Memories are great but they fade over time. and that goes for bachs set too he fucking ripped the crowds balls off and fed em back to us.... The Trailer Park boys section was cool as well.

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« Reply #18 on: November 18, 2006, 04:32:22 AM »

Fucking awesome show just got home all I can say is top notch setlist as usual except they played maddy for the encore realy I cant belive it the show fucking rocked hardl

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« Reply #19 on: November 18, 2006, 04:34:01 AM »

i'm definitely burning a few copies of it, regardless of quality,
it's very special to me, i bootlegged a fucking concert, how cool is that?
i dunno, PM me, see the recorder isn't actually mine, it's my friend's who was nice enough to lend it to me, i don't myself know how to upload it but she does.

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