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Author Topic: Tenacious D in "The Pick of Destiny" (new album)  (Read 8585 times)
« on: November 12, 2006, 02:04:16 AM »

What do you guys think of it? I'm kinda unimpressed. The first one they did (a self-titled record) was awesome, and Jack Black proved he had great vocals for a rock band. It was clever and funny. This one tries to lampoon the epic opera-style rock of artists like Meat Loaf, and while I understand what they were trying to do, a lot of the material is just lame filler. Pick of Destiny and Classico are cool songs but the rest is just kind of...meh. That's my opinion, anyway.

I agree with Rolling Stone - it comes off more as a very quickly-put-together tie-in for a film (it's basically just the soundtrack to the movie, which is a musical). As an album it doesn't stand on its own very well - the songs include dialogue segments from the film and references to the movie and basically it's a giant concept album built around the film itself.

Pick of Destiny alone is such a cool, catchy song that it makes it worth a listen, but overall it's not up to par with the first one. I admire what they tried to do here but they didn't quite pull it off as well as I'd have liked. Also, their continual rhyming of the words "fuck" and "cock" and "motherfuckin' cock" and "cyeeeock!" gets kinda old.

My Rating: 3.5/5.

Best song: Pick of Destiny
Dirty Little Thing

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« Reply #1 on: November 12, 2006, 02:22:39 AM »

I really like "The pick of destiny" and i've seen the video for it on MTV 2  a few times this week, but I doubt i'll buy the CD. I will be going to see the movie however.  Grin
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« Reply #2 on: November 12, 2006, 07:12:16 AM »

doesnt surprise me, there last album had like 2 songs.

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« Reply #3 on: November 12, 2006, 08:20:28 AM »

doesnt surprise me, there last album had like 2 songs.

Indeed - i was shocked when everyone kept telling me how good it was when its just a tracks of them talking

,,,and their humour is surely only 'funny' to a 10 yera old?

'He said fuck he he he' Roll Eyes

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« Reply #4 on: November 12, 2006, 01:42:37 PM »

I like tenacious D but I won't be buying the album. I'll be going to the movie though.

I hate fanboys.

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« Reply #5 on: November 12, 2006, 04:37:38 PM »

I will by picking this up Tuesday as well as The Tragically Hip's "World Container".  I'm a huge fan of the D.. I think I actually know thier first album word for word. Cheesy  It's a perfect album for road trips or a weekend camping.   ok
Danny Top Hat
« Reply #6 on: November 12, 2006, 06:18:41 PM »

I thought i'd hate this album but, honestly, it's really good.  The fucks and motherfucks do get annoying but the quality of the songs is pretty damn high.  Pick of Destiny is one of the weaker songs I reakon.

I still wouldn't listen to it more than a few times.
« Reply #7 on: November 13, 2006, 09:31:49 AM »

Master Exploder sounds so good  smoking

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« Reply #8 on: November 13, 2006, 03:22:25 PM »

It's an ok album, it'll probably sound better after you've seen the film. It's supposedly just the soundtrack, so a lot of it just doesn't make sense on it's own!
And "Car Chase City" is aparently a pastiche to Guns n Roses. One of the best tracks, too!

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« Reply #9 on: November 13, 2006, 03:25:20 PM »

And also, I count 14 songs on the first album!
You should all watch the TV series, it is excellent.

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« Reply #10 on: November 13, 2006, 05:48:36 PM »

And also, I count 14 songs on the first album!
You should all watch the TV series, it is excellent.

Whoa!  Nice find!  I have only heard about that HBO series... too cool man.

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« Reply #11 on: November 13, 2006, 06:31:13 PM »

And also, I count 14 songs on the first album!
You should all watch the TV series, it is excellent.

Whoa!? Nice find!? I have only heard about that HBO series... too cool man.

The series is on the Tenacious D DVD, which I strongly suggest any fan picks up! One of the best band DVDs I have ever bought!
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« Reply #12 on: November 14, 2006, 12:28:45 AM »

Im not sure what albums they're off of, but I love the songs Wonderboy and Tribute.  rofl
« Reply #13 on: November 14, 2006, 09:51:21 AM »

I'm buying the album today. Live versions of some of the songs (from the hurricane katrina benefit)  have been freely available for a year or so now, as well as the studio version of Master Exploder, and I think they're some of the best songs the D have written. That said, I can see this album being lost in the backlash.

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« Reply #14 on: November 18, 2006, 01:15:50 PM »

ok i have now purchased the album.

overuse of fuck, cock, motherfuck cock etc etc.

but it is different to their first, just as Chinese Democracy will be.

4/5 is the rating.
« Reply #15 on: November 19, 2006, 05:23:53 AM »

Yeah it's not as fantastic as their first one, but maybe it'll be better after I've seen the film... But that said there's a couple of great tunes on it, but it seems they didn't push the songs as far as they could go, they seem a little short to me.
« Reply #16 on: November 19, 2006, 07:03:41 AM »

  it seems they didn't push the songs as far as they could go, they seem a little short to me.
Any D song pushing the 3 minute barrier is an "epic"  hihi

The album is on a par with the first, but it's less consistant. The two rock-opera songs (Kickapoo and Beelzeboss) are instant classics in the D cannon, a few more tracks like those and this album would have blown the first one away. It does suffer from the limitations of being a soundtrack though, I really miss the nuggets between songs that made the first album so great. An advantage (or disadvantage, depending on your point-of-view) this one has is that it has a couple of tracks that are real growers, Break-In City and Car Chase City seem oddly unlike past Tenacious D efforts at first, but once the lyrics start to sink in and combine with the faux-AC/DC~GNR vibe they evolve into something uniquely strange, funny and rawkin' - socks may fly.

The first album was filled with instantly likeable pop-rock tunes (obvious exception; Malibu. Does anyone, anywhere,  like that song?) TD POD is much more varied in style and tone. History is the most authentic snap-shot of Tenacious D commited to record (and it's about time we had a frigging studio version of it), Master Exploder is a fantastic projection of  how the D sound in Jables' head, and Dude (I Totally Miss You) is hilarious in its thoroughly earnest expression of loss, filtered through bong water and strained through a valley girl.

And somehow, this reply turned into a review.
« Reply #17 on: November 19, 2006, 01:25:35 PM »

Just bought it last night. It's more one for the fans. The inclusion of Destiny and History appeal to the watchers of the series, which is great. Along with Jesus Ranch, Destiny was one song that needed to be put somewere. Papagenu also has a wee nod to The Sasquatch Riddle  ok

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« Reply #18 on: November 19, 2006, 03:11:32 PM »

Just got back from seeing the movie, the album is much better after seeing it!
I suggest you all go and see the movie as soon as you can! I loved it.
I bought the delixe edition of Pick of Destiny after the movie. It comes with an actual pick of destiny!
« Reply #19 on: November 20, 2006, 10:57:31 AM »

I bought the delixe edition of Pick of Destiny after the movie. It comes with an actual pick of destiny!

That's the one I got, for $19 at Target. Some places are pricing it at $30 or more, which is pure insanity.
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