Everything negative is forbidden to post or comment. I understand (no, I really don't) that the management wants to rid of some bullshit articles and people who are spreading lies, but Christ, it's AP we're talking about, one of the world's biggest news agencies.
On the orher hand: Why aren't we allow to judge if we believe something or not? Why can't discuss it? Why can't be someone or some fans wrong about something? Why has everyone the feeling that the management's censorship (can we still use the word censorship?) is not against the lies but against everything they think to be negative? It'll ruin the world's greatest GN'R site.
Chinese Democracy has started!
Quoted for truth.
It is very easy to understad Mr big J here, imo.
He's in an amazing position. Webmaster of an unofficial site not only enjoying the trust but also having some sort of line of communication with band's managment, and even band itself.It doesn't get better than for a webmaster of unofficial fan site does it?
Anyone who'd manage to reach such position after years and years of webmastering one's ass off would do much to stay in that position, regardless what it takes.If it means reporting news, and selecting news what to report in manner that makes Fox news actually seem fair and balanced so be it.
It is also very easy to understand that a typical GNR fan acting like a typical fan does gets incredibly fucking fustrated by it. Being a fan always has a varying amount of this..tabloid-quality in it. You LOVE reading about rumors, discussing about them, discrediting them, theorizing. And you WANT to devour every single bit of buzz and hype around the band. Good or bad, you want to know about it. Then you log in here, and find a "read me" post announcing "Hey you can't talk about you know what"Of course a fan get's pissed off anf fusrated. Fan wants to know.He feels he needs to know, that's part of being a fan:yes:
He can't, gets pissed off and goes elsewhere.
Reading official statements, announcements, tourdate updates..is all fine and neat but it doesn't even begin to satisfy the hunger of a typical news/rumor- horny fan.
There was a tiiiiiiiii-iiime when, had AP had reported "According to a nameless source, W.Axl Rose took a leak today" it would have been news here. Simply because AP posting an article about GNR is automatically just that.News.
It's somehow sad that huge part of people who never get to see the article here will get to see it on one of the gazillion newspapers who fill most of their news sections with stuff aquired via AP.
Because I love this site, it just feels so completely fucked up and wrong.
It's beyond fucked up that GNR managment attempts to moderate GNR fanbase and the entire goddamned internet.While putting webmasters of unofficial sites in fucking annoying position as a side product.
It's Managment. One would think they have understanding of PR and how "easy" it is to control internet. And how little fans appreciate them actually trying.