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Author Topic: FAKE: Album in March of 2007 + single out in November 2006  (Read 12165 times)
Dr. Blutarsky

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« Reply #20 on: October 23, 2006, 01:00:48 PM »

4 months between a single & the album?

Id think that would be unlikely.

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« Reply #21 on: October 23, 2006, 01:00:53 PM »

i hope to god no.

that makes no sense. AFTER the North American tour? typical of gnr management doing the opposite of what would be expected and logical!!!

lets release the most anticapted album in rock history not BEFORE the tour, not DURING the tour, but AFTER!!! that makes so much sense!! lol

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« Reply #22 on: October 23, 2006, 01:02:46 PM »

I'd be sooo pissed if it didn't come out this year. That said, I still think it will. They said it, so why not. Of course there is a chance it will not, but because a FOAF says it won't is bs to me. I'll believe it when I see it, or hear it from GnR, not your buddy.

Can you ?give a vague description as to where he works (competing record company, label, Retail outlet). Sorry, but I don't think your buddy researched it, or has it as FACT, he's just speaking off the top of his head. His best guess.

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« Reply #23 on: October 23, 2006, 01:03:01 PM »

Lock this thread.
 Enough of this bullshit.
I've got a source of a source of a source.
Well the GD horse's mouth said last week it's going to be this year.
If it doesn't come out this year, then start speculating on 2007.

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« Reply #24 on: October 23, 2006, 01:03:19 PM »

So no real source then eh  Roll Eyes

It's a real source. but not official. Hey guys, I don't full belivie this either, but the person who told me is legit. However GNR likes to keep folks guessing, so I'd say it's still anyones guess on what info is correct.
well uh, who is this person, and why is he legit, cmon unless you lets us know at least that info you will get berated, not by me, but by many others here.

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« Reply #25 on: October 23, 2006, 01:03:25 PM »

HEY, I got an idea!! ?Maybe the album will be out in November, and the single will be out in March!!! ?hihi

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« Reply #26 on: October 23, 2006, 01:03:42 PM »

I'm starting to wonder where all these insiders are coming from. First it's the 5th, then the 28th, then 13th, then January and now March. All but one are obviously full of dogshit. ?

Ah, mere infantry. Poor beggars.

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« Reply #27 on: October 23, 2006, 01:06:21 PM »

Mr. Merck & Mr. Rose already gave the answer to this. So it is up to you whom you believe... It is that easy. It is that simple.

Well, you must be a newbie to GNR because nothing ever happens as planned for this band - never has and never will. We all know that. Look, like I said I hope this info isn't correct and that the record does come out this year, but....

Yes, I must be a newbie... ?Roll Eyes

I never said I didn't belivie them, this is just what I heard from a distributor in the music biz. As far as beliving Axl well if you followed GNR back in the day you'd understand what I'm saying... The Spaghetti Incident was an EP of punk covers supposed to come out durring the UYI tour - then it turned into an entire album of music, not only punk covers, and was released in 1994. The videos for Don't Cry,November Rain, and Estranged where supposed to make sense....There was supposed to be a documentary of the UYI tour and that never happened. Chinese Democracy has been scheduled for release for like 5 years now! So, I'm just saying lets not put our eggs in Axl's basket to soon...

Liar! You should be banned!!  rant

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« Reply #28 on: October 23, 2006, 01:06:47 PM »

i just got insider info from gnrbaby that the album will be out in march, and his source is a legit source so he is my source so my source is a sorceress who is a legitimate source, god im tired of this shit, please lock this, and you should put a question mark in front of the topic title if its not concrete info.

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« Reply #29 on: October 23, 2006, 01:07:39 PM »

I'm starting to wonder where all these insiders are coming from. First it's the 5th, then the 28th, then 13th, then January and now March. All but one are obviously full of dogshit. ?

Even the one who gets the date right is probably full of shit too, and gets lucky that it comes out on their date. Haha.

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« Reply #30 on: October 23, 2006, 01:07:54 PM »

well as I said NOT TRUE so lets lock this and focus on BETTER things ?Tongue
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« Reply #31 on: October 23, 2006, 01:10:54 PM »

Chinese Democracy has been scheduled for release for like 5 years now!

That's wrong. The managment hadn't give any release date.  Tongue

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« Reply #32 on: October 23, 2006, 01:11:14 PM »

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I'm on you like white on rice mutha fucka!

« Reply #33 on: October 23, 2006, 01:11:38 PM »

Alan Shapiro with alliance distributors is his name mutha fuckas...That is where I got the info.

Liar! You should be banned!!  rant

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« Reply #34 on: October 23, 2006, 01:12:12 PM »

i just got insider info from gnrbaby that the album will be out in march, and his source is a legit source so he is my source so my source is a sorceress who is a legitimate source, god im tired of this shit, please lock this, and you should put a question mark in front of the topic title if its not concrete info.

 hihi very well I'll add a ?

Liar! You should be banned!!  rant
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« Reply #35 on: October 23, 2006, 01:13:29 PM »

This is another one of these bloody threads that amazes me! I cant believe how many people who use this website are friends or know an insider of the band or have connections in the right places! Come on pull the other one! I have always prayed to know an insider of the band so I could know stuff and meet the band members, I would also like to win the lottery but thats not going to happen either! None of know jack shit and thats the way it should be. Its going to be a big surprise and I for one am looking forward to that surpise!! I mean come on if proper people in the biz dont know what the marketing plan is, or what the schedule is going to be. Do you really think that some random person is going to have this kind of info? Now gnrbaby I am not knocking you mate and I am not saying you are lying that you have been told something, I'm just saying that none of us know anything, lets stop the speculation and look forward to the surprise, cos it gonna be big and all hell will break loose! Mike
« Last Edit: October 23, 2006, 01:16:18 PM by 33 » Logged


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« Reply #36 on: October 23, 2006, 01:13:49 PM »

thank you!

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« Reply #37 on: October 23, 2006, 01:15:54 PM »

I got word from a friend in the music business that CD is being mixed by Andy Wallace* and will be released in March of 2007. "Better" will be released as a single in November 2006. That is what I heard from my Los Angeles connection. I hope it isn't true and the record comes out, but I honestly must say it doesn't look good for 2006. March of 2007 seems to be more likey a realistic goal for release, considering the production of music videos and/or album art, and/or a bonus DVD to be included.

*I'm aware this has been posted

I hope you are wrong

As the dust settled, Axl stared unblinkingly at me and, with no hint of irony, summed up GN?R?s philosophy: ?We don?t start anything. But if you mess with us, then we?ll fuck you up!

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« Reply #38 on: October 23, 2006, 01:16:30 PM »

gnrbaby ,i don't even doubt that you have been told the information you just shared with us. I don't even doubt that you received this piece of information from someone " in the know" BUT i tend to believe that wrong information are given out by the management on purpose these days to spread confusion all over the place.That leads to a. ahhhh Roll Eyes total confusion of the fanbase (concerning the release date) and b. to massive discussion and a lot of HYPE

And that might be nothing less than the motherfucking intention of GNR's management :

To spread the word,create a shitload of "free" promotion and to let everybody on this earth stay unsure when CD is gonna drop. The only information for sure these days is that CHINESE DEMOCRACY is coming sometime very soon

I still believe in 2006  peace

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« Reply #39 on: October 23, 2006, 01:17:34 PM »

Doubt it.
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