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Author Topic: About Richard saying they might play Civil War...  (Read 13029 times)

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« Reply #40 on: August 20, 2006, 03:26:52 PM »

will you guys just fucking give finck a break... christ the guy is playing with axl fuck rose, he's good, probably better than half of us here if not all of us.

he's good... id rather hear him do the songs now than slash do them when he was fucked up in the 90s.

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« Reply #41 on: August 20, 2006, 03:33:41 PM »

will you guys just fucking give finck a break... christ the guy is playing with axl fuck rose, he's good, probably better than half of us here if not all of us.
From the stuff people have posted in the musicians section here I bet a hell of alot of people here can play better then him.

he's good... id rather hear him do the songs now than slash do them when he was fucked up in the 90s
rofl  I'll not bother going on about how wrong that statement is when your talking about the person who wrote the damn thing

If they played it live Richard should deffiantly do the majority of the solos in the song since he could probably pull them off best.

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« Reply #42 on: August 21, 2006, 08:23:16 AM »

will you guys just fucking give finck a break... christ the guy is playing with axl fuck rose, he's good, probably better than half of us here if not all of us.

I've farted more in-key solos than Finck can play with two hands.
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« Reply #43 on: August 21, 2006, 08:29:41 AM »

OMG, give me a break. The guy can play, of course. Also, he wrote some awesome solos, and that's why Axl wanted him. You can play what Slash played? I can too. Does Robin want to do that? Hell no!

And if you want a perfect guitar player who doesn't fuck up anything, you shouldn't like GN'R since Slash fucked up a lot too - yeah, he wrote it, but he fucked up too, so this is not an excuse for him.

This Robin bash is getting really old, you know. Every fuckin' thread has some whiners... Of course the band could play Civil War just fine, all of them are capable of play it. Listen to SCOM, Nightrain, NR... All of those songs are not easier than Civil War.


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« Reply #44 on: August 21, 2006, 08:36:13 AM »

Civil War is a really easy piece to play Slash-wise.

It was the first like melody I ever learnt to play on guitar.

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« Reply #45 on: August 21, 2006, 11:06:57 AM »

will you guys just fucking give finck a break... christ the guy is playing with axl fuck rose, he's good, probably better than half of us here if not all of us.

I've farted more in-key solos than Finck can play with two hands.
well then i want to see you farted in-key solos in the videos.that would be amazing.

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« Reply #46 on: August 21, 2006, 11:12:04 AM »

OMG, give me a break. The guy can play, of course. Also, he wrote some awesome solos, and that's why Axl wanted him. You can play what Slash played? I can too. Does Robin want to do that? Hell no!

And if you want a perfect guitar player who doesn't fuck up anything, you shouldn't like GN'R since Slash fucked up a lot too - yeah, he wrote it, but he fucked up too, so this is not an excuse for him.

This Robin bash is getting really old, you know. Every fuckin' thread has some whiners... Of course the band could play Civil War just fine, all of them are capable of play it. Listen to SCOM, Nightrain, NR... All of those songs are not easier than Civil War.

All of this is exactly true. I still maintain my point that all of these old GNR "fans" probably haven't even heard the bulk of bootlegs out there from the Illusion tours. Slash had some brilliant nights but he also had some TERRIBLE nights.

All in all Finck, Fortus & BBF all play with more consistancy and accuaracy then anyone who's played in this band before them.

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« Reply #47 on: August 21, 2006, 11:12:17 AM »

IMO, Axl didn't want Robin in the band because of his playing style or talent. ?He wanted Trent Reznor's guitarist. ?He wanted Guns N' Roses to look and sound like Nine Inch Nails at one point. ?For that reason, he picked up Robin and Pittman. ?

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« Reply #48 on: August 21, 2006, 11:22:41 AM »

I wish I had a dollar for every time someone brought up Civil War and Estranged.  It's funny how those two are contiually singled out.  Does Axl not realize how many people want those songs?

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« Reply #49 on: August 21, 2006, 11:33:55 AM »

IMO, Axl didn't want Robin in the band because of his playing style or talent.  He wanted Trent Reznor's guitarist.  He wanted Guns N' Roses to look and sound like Nine Inch Nails at one point.  For that reason, he picked up Robin and Pittman. 

yeah sure.....  that was the reason dude ok

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I wish I had a dollar for every time someone brought up Civil War and Estranged. It's funny how those two are contiually singled out. Does Axl not realize how many people want those songs?

it might be that lots of people want to hear civil war or estranged live, but you can`t conclude that from posts on internet forums....

Psychologically, you could consider this a reunion tour because I`ve managed to find enough pieces of my mind in order to be with you here tonight - - Axl Rose, Chicago 2002
« Reply #50 on: August 21, 2006, 03:22:51 PM »

Back on topic... PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE play Civil War!!

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« Reply #51 on: August 21, 2006, 04:26:58 PM »

Yeah, play it. But I'd rather they played some new stuff instead. ok

As for the Slash stuff, my kid brother can play all the classic riffs note for note, but he is working in Asda Rhyl and not on stage with Axl Rose. That suggests to me that Robin Finck has some qualities that make Axl want him to be there.

(Like the fact that he is an AMAZING live performer and he apparantly writes pretty well)
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« Reply #52 on: August 21, 2006, 04:54:34 PM »

I actually don't want to them to play the song. Stop with the old material please! Add more new stuff if anything. If they dont want to add anything new right now, play Rhiad, Chinese Democracy, and There Was A Time more often.

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« Reply #53 on: August 21, 2006, 06:10:37 PM »

Look it's Guns n Roses, Axl's band. Civil War is a Guns n Roses song so the new band should play it if Axl feels like it. These guys are all top musicians, they're not the old band but flying under the GNR flag they should be able to play all GNR songs. Its not that difficult really when you think about it, they've got the singer and the their instruments should be able to play the music, Slash and Duff are awesome musicians but the songs they wrote can be played by anyone. Its writing the material in the first place thats the tricky part. So yes let's hear them play UYI songs, Axl spent enough time recording them.

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« Reply #54 on: August 22, 2006, 09:33:04 AM »

Look it's Guns n Roses, Axl's band. Civil War is a Guns n Roses song so the new band should play it if Axl feels like it. These guys are all top musicians, they're not the old band but flying under the GNR flag they should be able to play all GNR songs. Its not that difficult really when you think about it, they've got the singer and the their instruments should be able to play the music, Slash and Duff are awesome musicians but the songs they wrote can be played by anyone. Its writing the material in the first place thats the tricky part. So yes let's hear them play UYI songs, Axl spent enough time recording them.

Hopefully if/when they update the webpage they can do what some other bands do and place a voting area on there for what old tunes they should do.

I'm sure Estranged and Civil War would get the most votes, but I could see Don't Cry and even stuff like Locomotive being way up there too.

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« Reply #55 on: August 25, 2006, 11:27:28 AM »

will you guys just fucking give finck a break... christ the guy is playing with axl fuck rose, he's good, probably better than half of us here if not all of us.
From the stuff people have posted in the musicians section here I bet a hell of alot of people here can play better then him.

he's good... id rather hear him do the songs now than slash do them when he was fucked up in the 90s
rofl? I'll not bother going on about how wrong that statement is when your talking about the person who wrote the damn thing

If they played it live Richard should deffiantly do the majority of the solos in the song since he could probably pull them off best.

very true slash wrote it... but he was fucked up.

robin isn't and he's totally there mentally for the show.

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« Reply #56 on: August 25, 2006, 11:29:34 AM »

will you guys just fucking give finck a break... christ the guy is playing with axl fuck rose, he's good, probably better than half of us here if not all of us.
From the stuff people have posted in the musicians section here I bet a hell of alot of people here can play better then him.

he's good... id rather hear him do the songs now than slash do them when he was fucked up in the 90s
rofl? I'll not bother going on about how wrong that statement is when your talking about the person who wrote the damn thing

If they played it live Richard should deffiantly do the majority of the solos in the song since he could probably pull them off best.

very true slash wrote it... but he was fucked up.

robin isn't and he's totally there mentally for the show. do we know what they are drinking, swallowing or smoking? oh yeah we don't Tongue


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« Reply #57 on: August 26, 2006, 03:45:03 PM »

will you guys just fucking give finck a break... christ the guy is playing with axl fuck rose, he's good, probably better than half of us here if not all of us.
From the stuff people have posted in the musicians section here I bet a hell of alot of people here can play better then him.

he's good... id rather hear him do the songs now than slash do them when he was fucked up in the 90s
rofl? I'll not bother going on about how wrong that statement is when your talking about the person who wrote the damn thing

If they played it live Richard should deffiantly do the majority of the solos in the song since he could probably pull them off best.

very true slash wrote it... but he was fucked up.

robin isn't and he's totally there mentally for the show. do we know what they are drinking, swallowing or smoking? oh yeah we don't Tongue

well even if he is boozing, he can apparently hold it better than slash... owned

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« Reply #58 on: August 26, 2006, 03:47:27 PM »

Dizzy Reed is a heavy boozer and Axl likes to stay up late, get drunk and bite security guards, who is to say the rest of them don't get wasted most nights  hihi

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« Reply #59 on: August 26, 2006, 03:49:18 PM »

Jesus, I hope they don't give Finck the lead on Civil War... nervous
I'd rather see Robin playing it than BBF shredding and massacring this song. At least Robin doesn't shredd. Anyway, I think Richard would be the best to do the leads on that one (and ALL the Leads). He is the closest guy to Slash in term of talent and guitar playing in this new band. I think he would sound right for that song. But again, it would be another cover song. I'd like the band to play their own material now. They have to play their own material to proove themself as a "band".
« Last Edit: August 26, 2006, 05:15:27 PM by nesquick » Logged

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