I just received the 4 nights of DVDs from a seller on EBAY and I can run 4 separate burners simultaneously. As promised, I'll help out anyone that would like a copy. If you want a copy of the set, you can PM me and I'll hook you up.? Donations welcome, but not required.? ?
UPDATE:? For those that have PM'd me with their mailing address, you are already on the list.? For those that have PM'd me requesting the DVD's and did not supply the address, I need you to PM me your address.? It is a little overwhelming to respond to each of you individually, but I will let you know when your package has been shipped.? As of now, I have 15 complete sets ready to go and I just need to add shipping information.
Additional note: Those that are only requesting 1 or 2 nights and not a complete set will only receive those nights.? Those that have not specified otherwise will receive a full set.