I don't know anything about music or tabs but this says it's to the tune of Finlandia so hopefully maybe this will help.
Incase it didn't line up when I copied/pasted it, here's the link:
http://www.guitarhymns.com/hymns/isoughtthelordandafterwardiknew.htmlI SOUGHT THE LORD AND AFTERWARD I KNEW
? ?Words: anonymous, 1878
? ?
Tune: Finlandia, Jean Sibelious, 1899 ? ?D? ? A? ? ? Bm? ? G? ? ?D? ?A? ? ?B? ?G? ? A? ?A----D
1? I? ? Sought the? ?Lord, and af? - ter-ward I? ?knew-ew
2? Thou didst? reach forth Thy hand? and mine en -fo---old;
3? I? ? find,? I? ? ?walk, I? ?love, but O? ? the who--ole
? ?D? A? ? ? Bm? G? ? D? ?A? ? Bm? ? G? ? ?A? ? ?D
1? He moved? my? soul to? seek him,? seek -ing? ?me;
2? I? walked and sank not on? ?the? ?storm-vexed sea;
3? Of love? ?is? but? my? an - swer, Lord, to? ? Thee;
? ?(D)? ? ? ? ? ? Bm? ? ? ? ? ? D? ? ? ? ?A? ? A---Em
1? ?It? was? not? I that found, O Sav? -? iour tru-ue;
2? 'Twas not? so? much that? I? on Thee? ?took ho--old,
3? ?For Thou wert long? ?before-hand with my? ?so--oul,
? ?(Em)D? ? ? A? ? D? ? ? ? ? D---A? ? F#
1? No, I? ? ? was? found, was fou-ound of Thee.
2? As? Thou,? dear Lord,? on? me--e,? ?on me.
3? A - lways, a? - lways Thou lo--ov - edst me.
? ? D? ? ? ? ? ? ?Bm? ? ? ? ? ? D? ? ? ? ?A? ? A---Em
1? ?It? was? not? I that found, O Sav? -? iour tru-ue;
2? 'Twas not? so? much that? I? on Thee? ?took ho--old,
3? ?For Thou wert long? ?before-hand with my? ?so--oul,
? ?(Em)D? ? ? A? ? D? ? ? ? ? D---A? ? D
1? No, I? ? ? was? found, was fou-ound of Thee.
2? As? Thou,? dear Lord,? on? me--e,? ?on me.
3? A - lways, a? - lways Thou lo--ov - edst me.
Chords by Rich DeRuiter (