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The five things GNR must do in the next 2 months
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Topic: The five things GNR must do in the next 2 months (Read 2885 times)
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The five things GNR must do in the next 2 months
August 04, 2006, 10:27:14 AM »
1. Axl needs a big sit down interview with somebody (kurt Loder (is he still on MTV??), Rolling Stone, I'd love to read a Chuck Klosterman interview of Axl in Spin or GQ) and preferably would do several interviews with music mags and even some non-music mags (Time or newsweek or a major daily newspaper). An open and honest interview would probably be a good time to make a release date announcement and would insure maximum exposure. If it is going to an on-air interview it needs to be hyped a bit, no more of the drop in to Eddie Trunk's show, etc. People need to know it's on. It is key in the interview that Axl comes off as a honest guy and doesn't bash the old band too hard, but gives his side of the story.
2. The rest of the band needs to do the same. If people are going to accept this new band, they need to see them as other people than Axl hired guns. Most people don't realize that the core of this band has been around for 6 years at least (as long as original guns) and are highly creative people. Get Finck and Fortus on the cover of Guitar World and get Tommy out there in Spin or hipster magazines talking about the new GNR and the replacements and stuff. I think the main thing is to get the entire Band (that mean you too axl) on the cover of a major magazine, so people identify them as a group.
3. Obviously - a fucking good single and video.
4. A kick ass televised performance somewhere. I think The VMA's is an obvious choice, but for the love of God it has to be a great performance. Another option would be to drop a live DVD, but I think the turnaround time might be to short to produce one of this summer's performances. But considering how hardcore guns fans are, it would probably be seen by a lot of people (via, "you must watch this", throwing it on at a house party, etc.)
5. Get GNRonline or whatever website online (even myspace)and make it hyper fan accessiable. I know this might reduce some of the great gnr fansites out there, but it takes a while to find fansites. Casual fans need to type in
and get all the info they can get right away. Have message boards and have members of the band posting podcasts etc. Having a member of the band putting a short message online after each show would go a long way in winning over fans.
Having a release date and tour dates is kind of the end result of my five step plan, so I won't even bother mentioning those. They are rather obvious.
Anyway, what do you guys think? What are other things this band should do as prep for the release of CD. Maybe some PR person will spot this thread and take notice of our ideas....
A Private Eye
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Re: The five things GNR must do in the next 2 months
Reply #1 on:
August 04, 2006, 10:36:10 AM »
It's a good plan in theory and is probably what we've all thought the band should do. However logic, good planning and PR do seeem to be words missing from the new GNR dictionary, so I won't hold my breath on any of it happening sadly.
If Carlsberg made GNR and VR forums.............they'd probably have made
Opening Act
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Re: The five things GNR must do in the next 2 months
Reply #2 on:
August 04, 2006, 10:43:00 AM »
Good post. They should (hopefully) use the momentum they've developed (past 6 months) to good use.
They need to strike when the iron is hot. But then again with Axl and GNR the iron is always hot.
I'm sure they have a good plan in place. This is Axl's time to shine and I know coming back to the states means alot to him.
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Re: The five things GNR must do in the next 2 months
Reply #3 on:
August 04, 2006, 10:54:04 AM »
I can see your points are valid but this is Axl lol.? Anyone else who'd spent 10 years away from releasing records, would do every fucking show they possibly could do.? But most of us who have followed GNR for a long time realise that's not likely to happen.
I think recording an hour/hour+? CD special with Live performances and interviews with all members inc Axl - for MTV so it can be broadcast all over the world. That would be a cool thing. He doesn't have to feel like he's selling himself to so something like that.
In the UK there are only a couple of shows i could see him doing.? Jonathan Ross, although not sure how Axl would take to his humour, but would be cool and funny for people to see that side of him (if in a good mood lol).? And Jools Holland which is a real musicians show and to play that and play it good would be a good thing for this new band imo.
Last Edit: August 04, 2006, 10:57:40 AM by St.heathen
It's a mass of confusion like the lies they sell to you !
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Re: The five things GNR must do in the next 2 months
Reply #4 on:
August 04, 2006, 11:15:58 AM »
Since they love playing acustic shows lately, they should consider making the Mtv unplugged.
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Re: The five things GNR must do in the next 2 months
Reply #5 on:
August 04, 2006, 11:22:28 AM »
I'm not sure this would be feasable.
An official GNR site really needs to be sorted out - and made world class. A website is the bands premium channel of communication directly to the rest of the world. Having a four year old web page saying "no events listed" when the band are playing a three month tour to around a million people is simply embarrassing.
I think an open and in depth interview would gain the band an immeasurable amount of good faith instead of their tight-lipped, 'no interview' approach.
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Re: The five things GNR must do in the next 2 months
Reply #6 on:
August 04, 2006, 11:34:11 AM »
they dont need to do anything.. please no media shit..
I guess they need to start thinking on get a release date.. stay with theyr familiys before theyr US tour.. and update a website, where they can give us some cryptic news or update..
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Re: The five things GNR must do in the next 2 months
Reply #7 on:
August 04, 2006, 11:46:47 AM »
I can only think of 1 thing Gn'R need to do:
Opening Act
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G n f R
Re: The five things GNR must do in the next 2 months
Reply #8 on:
August 04, 2006, 11:47:39 AM »
I heard you LOUD & CLEAR !!!
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Re: The five things GNR must do in the next 2 months
Reply #9 on:
August 04, 2006, 11:52:06 AM »
Quote from: fr8train on August 04, 2006, 11:47:39 AM
I heard you LOUD & CLEAR !!!
.assuming there is a full albums worth of material to release
Takin' Care Of Business In A Flash
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Re: The five things GNR must do in the next 2 months
Reply #10 on:
August 04, 2006, 11:54:55 AM »
Quote from: slashedtires on August 04, 2006, 10:27:14 AM
1. Axl needs a big sit down interview with somebody (kurt Loder (is he still on MTV??), Rolling Stone, I'd love to read a Chuck Klosterman interview of Axl in Spin or GQ) and preferably would do several interviews with music mags and even some non-music mags (Time or newsweek or a major daily newspaper). An open and honest interview would probably be a good time to make a release date announcement and would insure maximum exposure. If it is going to an on-air interview it needs to be hyped a bit, no more of the drop in to Eddie Trunk's show, etc. People need to know it's on. It is key in the interview that Axl comes off as a honest guy and doesn't bash the old band too hard, but gives his side of the story.
2. The rest of the band needs to do the same. If people are going to accept this new band, they need to see them as other people than Axl hired guns. Most people don't realize that the core of this band has been around for 6 years at least (as long as original guns) and are highly creative people. Get Finck and Fortus on the cover of Guitar World and get Tommy out there in Spin or hipster magazines talking about the new GNR and the replacements and stuff. I think the main thing is to get the entire Band (that mean you too axl) on the cover of a major magazine, so people identify them as a group.
3. Obviously - a fucking good single and video.
4. A kick ass televised performance somewhere. I think The VMA's is an obvious choice, but for the love of God it has to be a great performance. Another option would be to drop a live DVD, but I think the turnaround time might be to short to produce one of this summer's performances. But considering how hardcore guns fans are, it would probably be seen by a lot of people (via, "you must watch this", throwing it on at a house party, etc.)
5. Get GNRonline or whatever website online (even myspace)and make it hyper fan accessiable. I know this might reduce some of the great gnr fansites out there, but it takes a while to find fansites. Casual fans need to type in
and get all the info they can get right away. Have message boards and have members of the band posting podcasts etc. Having a member of the band putting a short message online after each show would go a long way in winning over fans.
Having a release date and tour dates is kind of the end result of my five step plan, so I won't even bother mentioning those. They are rather obvious.
Anyway, what do you guys think? What are other things this band should do as prep for the release of CD. Maybe some PR person will spot this thread and take notice of our ideas....
Sounds like a good idea! Hell, I'd take 3 of the 5!
"It's harder to live with the truth about you than to live with the lies about me"
A Private Eye
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Re: The five things GNR must do in the next 2 months
Reply #11 on:
August 04, 2006, 12:00:45 PM »
Quote from: St.heathen on August 04, 2006, 10:54:04 AM
In the UK there are only a couple of shows i could see him doing.? Jonathan Ross, although not sure how Axl would take to his humour, but would be cool and funny for people to see that side of him (if in a good mood lol).? And Jools Holland which is a real musicians show and to play that and play it good would be a good thing for this new band imo.
Axl on Jonathan Ross could be one of the greatest interviews ever in UK TV history or it could go terribly wrong, it really would depend on which Axl turns up cos we know Ross likes a joke at the guests expense. Another problem is if Ross doesn't know much about his guest he doesn't really do any research he just goes on what he's read in the press which I doubt Axl would take too kindly too.
I think he'd be ok on Parkinson though, hell I'd love to see that interview.
If Carlsberg made GNR and VR forums.............they'd probably have made
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Re: The five things GNR must do in the next 2 months
Reply #12 on:
August 04, 2006, 01:30:18 PM »
Quote from: A Private Eye on August 04, 2006, 12:00:45 PM
Quote from: St.heathen on August 04, 2006, 10:54:04 AM
In the UK there are only a couple of shows i could see him doing.? Jonathan Ross, although not sure how Axl would take to his humour, but would be cool and funny for people to see that side of him (if in a good mood lol).? And Jools Holland which is a real musicians show and to play that and play it good would be a good thing for this new band imo.
Axl on Jonathan Ross could be one of the greatest interviews ever in UK TV history or it could go terribly wrong, it really would depend on which Axl turns up cos we know Ross likes a joke at the guests expense. Another problem is if Ross doesn't know much about his guest he doesn't really do any research he just goes on what he's read in the press which I doubt Axl would take too kindly too.
I think he'd be ok on Parkinson though, hell I'd love to see that interview.
I think another interview with Del James, kinda like listening to two old friends talk would be a kick ass one like he did back in the 90's. But as they said way back in the 80's, nobody is gonna tell them what to do. They will do things on their own terms, their way, and their time. CD is taking what seems like forever, yet there are still many people waiting for it, so they STILL are doing things right. Fuck, if they can sell out Wembely and a lot of the other shows on the tour, especially after no new album and the 02 tour, they obviously know what they are doing.
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Re: The five things GNR must do in the next 2 months
Reply #13 on:
August 04, 2006, 01:56:01 PM »
Quote from: A Private Eye on August 04, 2006, 12:00:45 PM
Quote from: St.heathen on August 04, 2006, 10:54:04 AM
In the UK there are only a couple of shows i could see him doing.? Jonathan Ross, although not sure how Axl would take to his humour, but would be cool and funny for people to see that side of him (if in a good mood lol).? And Jools Holland which is a real musicians show and to play that and play it good would be a good thing for this new band imo.
Axl on Jonathan Ross could be one of the greatest interviews ever in UK TV history or it could go terribly wrong, it really would depend on which Axl turns up cos we know Ross likes a joke at the guests expense. Another problem is if Ross doesn't know much about his guest he doesn't really do any research he just goes on what he's read in the press which I doubt Axl would take too kindly too.
I think he'd be ok on Parkinson though, hell I'd love to see that interview.
I'm not sure if Johnathan Ross would be the right platform for Axl. On one hand, it may be good, as it is rather upmarket and classy show, but on the other hand, I think we all know about Johnathan Ross' opinion of Velvet Revolver (and that genre, i suppose).
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Re: The five things GNR must do in the next 2 months
Reply #14 on:
August 04, 2006, 02:11:46 PM »
that was exactly what NOT to do.
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Re: The five things GNR must do in the next 2 months
Reply #15 on:
August 04, 2006, 02:25:38 PM »
they need to get someone fucking great in that support slot. remember when axl used to hype up great new bands? i dont, cause im too young - but he did! nwa caps, taking soundgarden/faith no more on tour, etc.
these days we've gotten cykne or whatever bam margera's brothers band are called and fucking bullet for my valentine?!
what the fuck axl? dont subject your american fans to what we had to go through.
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Re: The five things GNR must do in the next 2 months
Reply #16 on:
August 04, 2006, 02:36:58 PM »
Problem is that Merck doesn't want any press stuff until the wheels are in motion for the album to be released. I was due to interview Bumblefoot and Fortus for a magazine this month but Merck put a stop to it even if I promised not a single GNR question. He said they can do it once the press for the album has begun "which will be soon" - lol
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Re: The five things GNR must do in the next 2 months
Reply #17 on:
August 04, 2006, 03:20:11 PM »
I can totally understand that. As much as I'd love to see no2 happen asap- yay let people see these super cool looking guys we proud of!- such exposures better start after the album release and of course if the guys don't mind.
an awful lot just for 2 months, slashedtires
in (no) relation to no5, it'd be great if one of these days they all could come to the unofficial boards anonymously and have talks or barren discussions with fans.
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