Seriously Izzy, have you actually seen a movie you liked?

er...wasnt i saying how much i liked the '89 Batman, stuff along the lines of that film was about perfect - no need to do it again? Wasnt that the whole point of this thread (which i actually started!)
oh look! My original post!
They already made this film in '89 - and that film was fantastic - is Hollywood really so creatively bankrupt?!?
Why would anyone want to see a remake of a film thats already just about perfect?
feel suitable foolish yet?
Because I'd be more interested in reading posts about things that you liked and why you liked them
havent i written enough about how i liked the first Batman film, the first two Spiderman films and the first POTC film? Because i despise the crap sequals that followed some glorious originals i dont like any film?
Maybe i didnt like these films because they fell so far short of what came before?
Try readng posts - i know after years of tv viewing its tough, but i believe in you - u CAN do it
..and Transformers is gonna rock!
a film about toys being made by a man that fills his films with adverts for everything - its a match made in heaven! If anyone can do giant robots smashing up cities its Michael Bay. Cant wait for it!