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Author Topic: 2006 European Guns N' Roses Tour (The retrospective thread)!  (Read 15382 times)
Death Cube K
« Reply #60 on: July 31, 2006, 07:31:53 AM »

The solos were too many and too long. For people not soaked in sweat and trying to catch their breath, it became boring and lost momemntum. For REAL rock fans, sweating it up, screaming and having fun infront of the stage, they were a nice welcome ?ok

Axl's voice was amazing..

Some songs really missed Knockin', YCBM....others didnt.

Finck proved himself!

Brain having a baby!!
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« Reply #61 on: July 31, 2006, 07:38:19 AM »

I'll never understand the hate for Bumble/Ron - the guy is a great guitar player and fits in with this band more than Buckethead ever would/could.

If we have a thread on what Axl was wearing 4 days ago, Mattack will still bash Bumblefoot out of nothing.

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« Reply #62 on: July 31, 2006, 07:58:48 AM »

The low of this tour was Ron Thal and the high of this tour was Axl's voice. Axl still starts shows extremely late, and he still has a short fuse. The late start times are going to get him in trouble in the US and Canada. I'm pulling for Axl, but he could easily fuck this whole thing up by causing a riot. I can just see him starting a show late, and then have some technical problems, causing him to walk off stage, and thus triggering a riot. Axl may smile a bit more and rant a little less, but he still has the same short fuse that could cause him to self destruct at any time. That's always been the appeal of GnR, that it could explode at any time. Hopefully Axl keeps the pin in the grenade until Chinese Democracy comes out.

What - so its fine if Axl "explodes" after releasing CD - just so you get your new album fix?Huh maybe you didnt mean it to come across that way - but it sure as hell sounded it.  I think axl has matured a lot from the tours of yester year.  Shows did start late, there were TD's, Axl did walk off stage (Donington) - but he came back on and completed a fkn great show that night.  credit where credit is due, man - huge credit to axl, adn the whole band as a group.  Personally speaking, Ron was an absolute highlight for me - he nailed every note last night and seems like a very likeable guy.

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« Reply #63 on: July 31, 2006, 08:55:31 AM »

great chemistry from the very begining, this is a band! Not axl and his band, this is a fucking band that knows how to rock. This tour has been absolutly amazing.

Let s hope for a cd this year!
Naked Waldorf in front of the computer

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« Reply #64 on: July 31, 2006, 03:25:37 PM »

Ive seen GNR 4 times this tour. Once at Donnington, Nottingham and the two Wembley shows.
Along with one other major occurance, it has contributed to the best summer of my life.

Thankyou GN'R and Baz. Thankyou Dryer.


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« Reply #65 on: July 31, 2006, 03:32:08 PM »

best review in a long time! cheers to that!
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« Reply #66 on: August 01, 2006, 01:25:11 AM »

judging from looking at all these pics on the forums, can truly say Axl is happy and having a great time. The latest line up is solid and GNR's got seb and izzy supporting them. You can see many 06 tour photos of Axl smiling which were rare in the years past. peace

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Trust me it's worth the waiting...

« Reply #67 on: August 01, 2006, 01:22:11 PM »

this tour was a major success.
Congratulations to the boys
They now appear like a real band  ok
i think this tour did a lot to them concernig the "band effect".
It is so good to see them having fun and to see Axl in good spirits and excellent form is nothing but great.
Bumblefoot is cool as hell  and a worthy replacement for the masked man too
Finck,Stinson, Fortus= WOW!!!!!!!!!
Dizzy and Pittman are also doing a good job. Especially Pittman seems to have his hands in the zone more than we think ( No irony!!)

to sum it up : If they now release Chinese Democracy right after the first single that it might be world domination part II

I can't wait Cool

"when i say the time is right..well, than the time is right fuckhead!"

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« Reply #68 on: August 02, 2006, 02:21:13 AM »

i just remembered that the Asshole song was played again. hahahhahhahahaha ahhhHAHAHA
that cracks me up, i love that it made a comeback!!! Cheesy

"That game was gay on gay violence!"

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Gimme some fuckin' Democracy

« Reply #69 on: August 02, 2006, 07:43:09 PM »

Mindless shred solo's - dont we love GNR and Slash because they weren't that kind of 80's metal?

oh get the fuck over it man, its 06'!!!

GNR - Brizvegas - AUSTRALIA
June -19th 
         -20th, 2007

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Richard Fortus, the phenomenon

« Reply #70 on: August 02, 2006, 08:03:15 PM »

The good:
- Axl was awesome. Honnestly, He impressed me. He voice is powerfull. Best frontman I have ever seen onstage.
- Richard Fortus: He is the next guitar hero. Absolutely the best of the 3 guys on guitar. By far. A Worldwide Class guitar player. just WOW.
- Izzy: awesome to see him back!
- Robin: better than in 2002. He has improved. better player and now he is awesome to look at during a show. I love his new style, great stage presence.
- The covers: some really great ones like "You gotta move". awesome.
- The cohesion: they like to play with each other. Some good connexions. And they look like a Rock band now. Absolutely better than 2002.
- The sound of the band: great sound. Full. Powerfull.
- The pyro/visual effects: It's wonderfull for the eyes.

The neutral (neither good nor bad):
- Ron Thal (Bumblefoot): I like the guy, but I still think a 3rd guitar player is not necessary. Good player, but not needed. 2 are enough. Richard could do the job and play more Lead. 3 is a mess. Too many people on guitars. You don't know who play what.
- The setlist: good to hear the good old classics. But kinda the same order at every show. I miss some illusion stuff too (Civil war, don't cry full, 14 years with izzy!!). But i'm satisfied with what we got though.

The bad:
- The late
- the solos/jams/interludes: too many. too much. too long. Few are great, too many are really boring and annoying.
- the light: there is not enough light onstage.
« Last Edit: August 02, 2006, 08:18:59 PM by nesquick » Logged

Here today... waiting for Chinese Democracy

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Live!! From Burning Hills, Wellington...

« Reply #71 on: August 02, 2006, 08:45:52 PM »

well done to the band and Axl - they completed the tour and that is something that not everyone was 100% confident in beforehand

I think the positives outweigh the negatives on this one

"Dive in and find the monkey!"
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Does the walker choose the path?

« Reply #72 on: August 03, 2006, 04:39:52 PM »

Tour overview: MINDBLOWING! Its amazing to see them back out on the road and making such a success of things! This band are simply amazing! It just makes the release of the album even more exciting! I hope you people back in the states enjoy the shows in September! What a summer!! Great to see the best band in the world 4 times to add to my tally of Guns gigs and also brilliant to meet so many cool guns fans! Mike


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I've been living on the edge so long

« Reply #73 on: August 03, 2006, 05:17:08 PM »

Axl, perfect look, attitude, sense of humour, great voice (my god i want a soundboard of knockin'on heaven's door at budapest !), great alchemy between Robin & Richard, it was very different with buckerhead to say the least...
Izzy on stage, another original gunner, and the most important to have back, in my opinion.
Robin Finck, the new guitar hero of the 2000s.
Dizzy's covers, the Aguilera solo, the don't cry one, the little funny jams (doors, james brown...)
and of course Brain drums and Chris keyboards and effects stuff.

you were great in europe guys, i'm pretty sure u'll be even better in the US.

thx for the Paris show, it was amazing.

they can fight about it, money, it's a bag of gold.
they can fight about it, money, the story goes.

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« Reply #74 on: August 03, 2006, 05:35:28 PM »

The low of this tour was Ron Thal and the high of this tour was Axl's voice. Axl still starts shows extremely late, and he still has a short fuse. The late start times are going to get him in trouble in the US and Canada. I'm pulling for Axl, but he could easily fuck this whole thing up by causing a riot. I can just see him starting a show late, and then have some technical problems, causing him to walk off stage, and thus triggering a riot. Axl may smile a bit more and rant a little less, but he still has the same short fuse that could cause him to self destruct at any time. That's always been the appeal of GnR, that it could explode at any time. Hopefully Axl keeps the pin in the grenade until Chinese Democracy comes out.

What - so its fine if Axl "explodes" after releasing CD - just so you get your new album fix?Huh maybe you didnt mean it to come across that way - but it sure as hell sounded it. I think axl has matured a lot from the tours of yester year. Shows did start late, there were TD's, Axl did walk off stage (Donington) - but he came back on and completed a fkn great show that night. credit where credit is due, man - huge credit to axl, adn the whole band as a group. Personally speaking, Ron was an absolute highlight for me - he nailed every note last night and seems like a very likeable guy.
I've seen the band twice now, and I want to have Chinese Democracy on my iPod before I go see them again. If you saw Bucket in 2002, then Ron Thal would be a lowlight for you. Axl's late start times will prove to be trouble for the band over here, I guarantee it. Yes I want an album before the whole ship is derailed, due to a late start time and Axl walking off stage, thus triggering a riot.
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