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Author Topic: Nottingham Arena Official Update Page for 27/7/06  (Read 64287 times)
An American in Paris

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« Reply #260 on: July 28, 2006, 03:38:02 AM »

What a night! Grin

I'm glad it was just the battery! And yes, sorry for caring about my GN'R mates! Smiley

« Reply #261 on: July 28, 2006, 03:47:25 AM »

What a night! Grin

I'm glad it was just the battery! And yes, sorry for caring about my GN'R mates! Smiley

and sorry for my phone causing the concern ive had a word with it and it wont do it again

thanks Will  peace See you Sunday

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« Reply #262 on: July 28, 2006, 05:02:45 AM »

big cheers to anythinggoes and Will - nice work there!  i got tense reading the last few pages - love the drama!

glad it was a great gig.  have goosebumps for Wembley now...  peace  peace

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« Reply #263 on: July 28, 2006, 05:36:53 AM »

just remembered another big of random comment from the gig, something about the military cloning seb so he could be at any GnR show anywhere whenever he was needed.

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« Reply #264 on: July 28, 2006, 05:39:22 AM »

What a night! Grin

I'm glad it was just the battery! And yes, sorry for caring about my GN'R mates! Smiley

and sorry for my phone causing the concern ive had a word with it and it wont do it again

So now you are speaking to inanimate objects as well as yourself and random cockney fella's stood behind us!
How many inflatable beach balls did you catch homey?  Cheesy
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« Reply #265 on: July 28, 2006, 05:44:29 AM »

just remembered another big of random comment from the gig, something about the military cloning seb so he could be at any GnR show anywhere whenever he was needed.

That's right man,

Sebastian came out singing the chorus of Come Sail Away and at the end of My Michelle Axl said that in Roswell right now the US Goverment are using DNA to clone 1000s of Sebastian Bachs so that the military can just drop them off into whatever place they need to go and there would be total and utter chaos!  Grin Grin

I think the joke was lost on a lot of people.  Smiley
« Reply #266 on: July 28, 2006, 05:46:28 AM »

What a night! Grin

I'm glad it was just the battery! And yes, sorry for caring about my GN'R mates! Smiley

and sorry for my phone causing the concern ive had a word with it and it wont do it again

So now you are speaking to inanimate objects as well as yourself and random cockney fella's stood behind us!
How many inflatable beach balls did you catch homey?? Cheesy

not as many as you thats for sure Mr Call Me Peter Crouch

you forgot the random streaker video sent to me as well ?hihi

and what about the dude passing out next to me (my arms were not up that long)

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« Reply #267 on: July 28, 2006, 05:49:12 AM »

Dolphin, big thanks for the pics!
When I look at your photos I clearly see that frontman wore very nice green T-shirt yesterday.


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« Reply #268 on: July 28, 2006, 05:53:52 AM »

And, Alan, for sure, thank you.


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« Reply #269 on: July 28, 2006, 05:56:39 AM »

Thanks a lot Will! great pics  peace

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« Reply #270 on: July 28, 2006, 06:24:12 AM »

What a great show my first for GNR!
hightlights for me:
1. the pyro
2. axl's voice n shape!
3. richard fortus looking at me twice!
4. Bumblefoot's don't cry solo (he got the whole crowd into it and I think they finally found someone to replace slash)
5. Izzy ( u can tell he was enjoying it, he was high kicking with axl before they started)
6. axl stopping a song cause something got thrown on stage!
7. tommy looking like eugene outta grease!
8. my first time hearing the new songs, my fav has to be IRS n then the Blues
7. just hearing axl, shout "nottingham good fucking night"

just on a side note, there was some guy standing next to me, with a HTGTH t shirt on. I was at the second row from the front! What a misreable git, I never saw him head-bang or put his hands in the air! make yourself known!

all the best..


p.s went for a drink with alan he's really cool person!
« Last Edit: July 28, 2006, 06:33:50 AM by Mr Rage » Logged

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« Reply #271 on: July 28, 2006, 06:38:23 AM »

and what about the dude passing out next to me (my arms were not up that long)

I dont think it was your body odour matey! I think it had more to with your breath! Kiss
« Reply #272 on: July 28, 2006, 06:53:25 AM »

and what about the dude passing out next to me (my arms were not up that long)

I dont think it was your body odour matey! I think it had more to with your breath! Kiss


well that'd be cheeseburgers fault then it was as dy as a nuns cu.... amen

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« Reply #273 on: July 28, 2006, 07:43:42 AM »

Those aren't my pictures.  They belong to someone else.  I just copied and pasted them Wink
Dolphin, big thanks for the pics!
When I look at your photos I clearly see that frontman wore very nice green T-shirt yesterday.


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« Reply #274 on: July 28, 2006, 12:14:58 PM »

Out of the three times I have seen GnR now I think last night was the best. The band was on fire! Axl's voice sounded as good as ever. I never really got into IRS, but live it fucking kicks ass. Axl had that growling angry voice and just gave it everything he had, at one point he was almost on his knees screaming his heart out, it blew me away. Its a pity no one else really seemed to be into the song, same with Better. It got a bit of a response, but most people just stood there like idiots.

I nearly cried when Paradise City started, because once again I had missed Magadascar, and now I'm going to have to wait for them to come to Australia....but seeing them three times in a few weeks has been a dream come true, and I was a little dubious about the new band, but seeing them live has put all that to rest.

Out of interest, did anyone go to the afterparty? My sister got a pass, but couldn't make it...wondering if she missed anything?
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« Reply #275 on: July 28, 2006, 12:22:17 PM »

What a great show my first for GNR!
hightlights for me:
5. Izzy ( u can tell he was enjoying it, he was high kicking with axl before they started)

You're right, Izzy does seem to have been doing a lot of smiling recently.  I liked it when Axl told him he liked his shirt too when he came on.  The high kicking was funny when Axl turned it into Cossack dancing and the band joined in playing some Russian-style music.  As Axl sank lower and lower, I was convinced he was going to end up on his arse.   Grin

All in all a great night - pity some of the crowd seemed glued to their seats!   rant

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Could ever be so close to me?"
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« Reply #276 on: July 28, 2006, 12:25:33 PM »

All in all a great night - pity some of the crowd seemed glued to their seats!? ?rant

I know!! How could you sit/stand still through all that?? I think some people were a bit pissed off about how long they had to wait, but comeon, it's GnR. There is always waiting involved.
« Reply #277 on: July 28, 2006, 12:28:00 PM »

did you see the people fighting it was hard to see as they were behind us directly what was it like from the seats

and if anyone got one of the red and white balls can they let Arron have a touch at some time hihi
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« Reply #278 on: July 28, 2006, 12:44:18 PM »

did you see the people fighting it was hard to see as they were behind us directly what was it like from the seats

and if anyone got one of the red and white balls can they let Arron have a touch at some time hihi

Yeah I had a good view of the fighting and lack of interest/action by security when that bloke in the white t-shirt waited 'till the woman who'd been speaking to him walked away and then went and hit her in the back - big man, huh!  Thats when the guy working the spotlight picked him out and the booing started.  Even then security did bugger all about it.  They were more interested in trying to push the people at the edges behind the side line - it didn't seem to occur to them that if they closed the large mosh space in the centre then people could actually move away from the sides.  Maybe it's me getting old but I have noticed that many of the security people/stewards at these venues look incredibly young and I really doubt their ability to deal with some of the situations that develop.

Sorry, can't help with the balls, Arron will just have to find his own to play with.   Grin

Good to meet you all in the pub, by the way.   beer

"I never thought all the love I was lookin? for
Could ever be so close to me?"
« Reply #279 on: July 28, 2006, 12:57:38 PM »

did you see the people fighting it was hard to see as they were behind us directly what was it like from the seats

and if anyone got one of the red and white balls can they let Arron have a touch at some time hihi

Yeah I had a good view of the fighting and lack of interest/action by security when that bloke in the white t-shirt waited 'till the woman who'd been speaking to him walked away and then went and hit her in the back - big man, huh!? Thats when the guy working the spotlight picked him out and the booing started.? Even then security did bugger all about it.? They were more interested in trying to push the people at the edges behind the side line - it didn't seem to occur to them that if they closed the large mosh space in the centre then people could actually move away from the sides.? Maybe it's me getting old but I have noticed that many of the security people/stewards at these venues look incredibly young and I really doubt their ability to deal with some of the situations that develop.

Sorry, can't help with the balls, Arron will just have to find his own to play with.? ?Grin

Good to meet you all in the pub, by the way.? ?beer

ah so thats who you are then hi glad you had a good time  hihi
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