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Author Topic: JULY 18TH, Sheffield, England, Hallam fm arena!!!! UK tour stop 1!!!  (Read 80977 times)
« Reply #460 on: July 20, 2006, 08:26:08 PM »

My comments too!
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« Reply #461 on: July 20, 2006, 08:35:00 PM »

I feel like a real heel  Undecided

I was only trying to make a point about Ron's commitment to the band.  Sad

By the way, when can we expect Brain back?  I'm guessing he won't be back in the U.K. until next time.
« Reply #462 on: July 20, 2006, 09:12:41 PM »

I would say September 23rd is best bet.
I Finck therefore I am

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« Reply #463 on: July 21, 2006, 02:30:25 PM »

Now we can all cut the crap about BH coming back - Such a relief!  Grin

I'm so sorry to read about Ron's dad....
If that's the case, I hope he gets better real soon!  Smiley
I imagine how hard it must be having to play a big show and worrying about your dad's health....

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« Reply #464 on: July 23, 2006, 09:18:31 PM »

interesting review:

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People have waited a long time for this

« Reply #465 on: July 23, 2006, 09:35:38 PM »

Its a shame that bastard reviewer didnt' get their face melted by "better" and "madagascar" or they wouldn't have had anything to complain about.

11.08.02 - Tacoma Dome, Tacoma, WA
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« Reply #466 on: July 24, 2006, 07:50:38 AM »

Ouch. It all stems back to the name thing doesn't it and of course whether you like Axl. It appears most if not all the media feel this is not GNR and hate Axl. Not the best combination really is it  no

If Carlsberg made GNR and VR forums.............they'd probably have made

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« Reply #467 on: July 24, 2006, 07:54:36 AM »

Whinge, whinge, fucking whinge. Wah, wah, wah.

- Axl looks old and doesnt dance like a 25 year old
- Slash and Duff arent there
- The pyro is tacky
- The show started late
- SCOM wasnt the encore

Christ, get a decent complaint Simon Price. A bit of pyro here and there is tacky? Did you see the shit the original line up you so revere pulled in the UYI tour?

Also, the idea that Finck is trying to copy Slash's image is laughable. The only time I have ever heard that said was when he wore that bowlers hat - also hes not even the lead guitarist. I mean the guys been having his own image with GNR for the last 9 years and suddenly now hes "trying to be Slash". Anyone with half a knowledge of GNR wanting to talk about supposed image copying would be pulling the Fortus/Stradlin comparisons out.

Anyway, Ive had my vent. Thats not to say that the band is perfect or anything, but its like, if you are going to criticise them do it for better reasons than simply: "its not the old line up" and the other assorted whining found in that review.

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« Reply #468 on: July 24, 2006, 08:03:53 AM »

Hahaha, that's one funny review. Funny, because it's idiotic. And it's not idiotic because it critizizes Axl and Co., but because of HOW it does it. It's written like it's comin' from the pen of a frustrated high-school kid.

Nothing against well written critics even if I don't agree, but this is a joke.  hihi

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« Reply #469 on: July 24, 2006, 08:09:51 AM »

Hahaha, that's one funny review. Funny, because it's idiotic. And it's not idiotic because it critizizes Axl and Co., but because of HOW it does it. It's written like it's comin' from the pen of a frustrated high-school kid.

Nothing against well written critics even if I don't agree, but this is a joke.  hihi

Yeah, about 5% of the review actually talks about the music. And even then its in really superficial comments.

Which I spose is actually pretty representative of how a lot of people view GNR today, even many fans.
Mr Bootlegs

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« Reply #470 on: July 24, 2006, 08:16:33 AM »

I thought that was a fiar review, althought I know Axl's voice isn't that bad in 2006, and i don't like calling Baz a 'muppet'. But the part where he talked about Izzy adding legitimacy to certain songs is true, and the guitarists being hired's true, they admit it, Axl admits it, so don't get upset about it guys!

Also i don't think Robin was tryin to imitate Slash but someone should tell him anyway becuase people will get the wrong idea about him. (They might think he's actually as good as Slash)  rofl

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« Reply #471 on: July 24, 2006, 09:21:26 AM »

hahahahaha!  have a laugh at this.  Simon Price is a joke . I've seen him at numerous gigs,  and he never fails to amaze me with his inate ability to piss off everyone around him with his "look at me / do you know who I am" rubbish.  I wouldnt trust him to write a good review of a band he even liked!


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« Reply #472 on: July 24, 2006, 09:25:11 AM »

is this guy actually a writer? if he is i guess they will hire any moron over there with a pen & piece of paper. hihi

Its what used to be's not there for me
And oughta find someone that belonged insane like i do
« Reply #473 on: July 24, 2006, 09:27:25 AM »

I love how they keep calling him fat, no matter what. Where do these "critics" get their ideas from? Karl Rove?

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« Reply #474 on: July 24, 2006, 09:39:34 AM »

is this guy actually a writer? if he is i guess they will hire any moron over there with a pen & piece of paper. hihi

yep - he used to write for the NME (says it all really) and he reviews a lot of gigs in london mainly.  Last seen, he had pointy bits of cardboard stuck to the sides of his head (think his spikes/dreads fell out) - maybe he wrote this dodgy review on one of them!

i got nothing bad to say if a review is well-written, but this is school newsletter-esque.
snead hearn

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« Reply #475 on: July 24, 2006, 09:43:17 AM »

Can anyone name one music critic who has championed a hard rock or metal band? Kurt Loder has been good to Axl for quite a long time. But it seems that every other critic has to shun hard rock and metal.

Any critic who does even go near metal will laud bands like Tool, Perfect Circle or some Maynard-related group. But when it comes to straight Metal and Hard rock, they just write it off as a throwback-bloated-misogynistic-crap.


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it'd be a long time for anyone..........

« Reply #476 on: July 24, 2006, 09:44:57 AM »

this guy made his mind up before he went, has he evn listedn to a live gnr show? i don't remember scom evr being an encore, what a tit. Roll Eyes

everytime i see them makes me wish i had a gun.....

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« Reply #477 on: July 24, 2006, 09:48:01 AM »

this guy is also a classic Indie/goth - he really isnt into this kind of music (from what I've seen of his other writing in NME - he used to to tour reviews for the Manics) - so I reckon he absoutely wrote this beforehand - prob based on 2002 reviews.

I dont reckon SCOM should be an encore either - its a great song, but for those of us who are real fans - it is somewhat overplayed - its far better to have a new song like IRS or Maddy before PC.  Or a pile-driver like nightrain!
« Reply #478 on: July 24, 2006, 10:26:16 AM »

Ouch. It all stems back to the name thing doesn't it and of course whether you like Axl. It appears most if not all the media feel this is not GNR and hate Axl. Not the best combination really is it? no

I don't think the critics hate Axl per say.  They just don't appreciate that he is calling this band Guns N' Roses.  And everybody has to expect that  When people think Guns N' Roses yes they do think about Axl, but they also think about Slash and Izzy.  While I have no problem with Axl calling this GNR, I still think he should've called it something else.  As far as critics goes he would've had better reviews if it was called something else.  I know that when I talk to my friends about this version of GNR they refuse to call them GNR.  They say it's Axl's band.  It will take time before this lineup is fully accepted as GNR.  Sad but unfortunately very true.

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« Reply #479 on: July 24, 2006, 10:39:10 AM »

It will take time before this lineup is fully accepted as GNR.

When it comes to a new album, ten years is way way waaaay too long a time.
When it comes to realizing that Slash isn't in the band anymore, ten years is no time at all.
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