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Author Topic: JULY 18TH, Sheffield, England, Hallam fm arena!!!! UK tour stop 1!!!  (Read 81305 times)
« Reply #320 on: July 19, 2006, 07:45:45 AM »

Pretty ironic that after all the fears before the tour about Axl and what could happen with his unpredictability - he seems to be the one who is having a ball and is most consistant, when there are times when other band members have been looking like they are ready to fuck off home.

They are working through they're difficulties though, a very good sign.

They are real people, with real emotions - and sometimes people just get proper fucked off and can't be arsed withanyone.

The thing is with the internet, we have access to too much information and can analyze every performance as they happen and compare them to others.
We can take a morsel of information, a mere snapshot of another humans life and create a story, a fantasy we have no right to create - rather than just accepting what we are presented with.

Ron was not his usual self last night, hey - oh well, shit happens.

With this level of devotion and interest in this tour from the GN'R online community, it has ceased to be simply looking at reveiws of concerts.

It has become like a soap-opera and the band members are the characters, almost like Big Brother, we are prying on real people living their life.

I'm not saying its neccessarily a bad thing, just that some people need to get some perspective.

From what I have read, Ron frowning = Buckethead returning.


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« Reply #321 on: July 19, 2006, 07:48:18 AM »

Yeah bring on Glasgow! Feel sorry for u you guys in Sheffield though, thought UK tour especially would be where Axl made a special effort! He may learn a few things from the strict curfews though!

Guess we'll see tonight in Newcastle.
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« Reply #322 on: July 19, 2006, 07:51:37 AM »

You should read more in the GN'R section since I'm not only complaining. But if Axl wants his new band introduce to the fans they should play more new tracks.

Yeah, so that the majority of the audience will wonder what the fuck is going on. Great idea.

For the Leeds and Sheffield comment... have you known that both cities are in England?
Others mentioned in the thread that the band had to cut the show 'because of the stupid English laws', but Axl & Co knew about these 'stupid laws' so? - if the 'stupid laws' are the reasons for the lack of new songs - they could have started a bit earlier.

"Stupid English laws" can be different from city to city. In Leeds it was the local authorities who wanted the band to finish the set earlier. It wasn't Tony Blair. ?Tongue

You don't know the reason for the lack of new songs, and neither do I. You're only guessing.

We have people complaining about predictable setlists and people whining when they cut out songs.

Certain GN'R fans are impossible to please. Especially the ones who weren't at the show in question. Judging shows by reading the setlist online.... Some of you should be journalists! ?hihi


Disclaimer: My posts are my personal opinion. I do not speak on behalf of anybody else unless I say so. If you are looking for hidden meanings in my posts, you are wasting your time...
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« Reply #323 on: July 19, 2006, 07:57:36 AM »

You should read more in the GN'R section since I'm not only complaining. But if Axl wants his new band introduce to the fans they should play more new tracks.

Yeah, so that the majority of the audience will wonder what the fuck is going on. Great idea.


So more than 1 new song would kill the whole show since 'the majority of the audience will wonder what the fuck is going on'? I don't expect them playin' 6-10 new ones, but 3-4 would show the new direction. You know that it's not such a new band, I guess the players are not happy with playin' others' songs every night while their own tunes are left out.

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Time went by and it became a joke'
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« Reply #324 on: July 19, 2006, 08:03:07 AM »

You should read more in the GN'R section since I'm not only complaining. But if Axl wants his new band introduce to the fans they should play more new tracks.

Yeah, so that the majority of the audience will wonder what the fuck is going on. Great idea.


So more than 1 new song would kill the whole show since 'the majority of the audience will wonder what the fuck is going on'? I don't expect them playin' 6-10 new ones, but 3-4 would show the new direction. You know that it's not such a new band, I guess the players are not happy with playin' others' songs every night while their own tunes are left out.

Look at the setlists. They play more new songs on most nights.

This was one show. Let's see how it goes tonight before making judgments on the whole tour....


Disclaimer: My posts are my personal opinion. I do not speak on behalf of anybody else unless I say so. If you are looking for hidden meanings in my posts, you are wasting your time...

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« Reply #325 on: July 19, 2006, 08:11:53 AM »

It's great when they play the new songs, especially for the many fans on this board who already know them. To the ordinary fan out there it can get rather boring - as i saw when i was at Download festival, people just didn't really seem to be interested.

Overall, i thought the gig last night was great. Bumblefoot's absence for a lot of the gig wasn't really noticable as someone said earlier as it didn't really change the sound of the band too much when he did play. Although, the fact that he wasn't running around and getting into it like he normally does was rather obvious. I think all this stuff about BF punching Richard is rubbish - people just trying to start rumours out of nothing.

I was down the front for most of the gig and one thing i noticed was that there was a lot of young kids who were rocking out to BFMV and didn't know any of the songs when GNR played. Ideally i would say cut BFMV from the set list but thats only because i have a strong dislike for them and Sebastian Bach, in my opinion, is a rock legend.


I got a thought that would be nice
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« Reply #326 on: July 19, 2006, 08:23:41 AM »

Setlist was a little strange...but i for one had an awsome time...Great to see Bach's band open cause they were really good. Technical problems were happening through Bach's set aswell but he got on with it...but we all know Axl is a perfectionist...still sounded phenominal to me....and as for Ron at the beginning of the gig before any band were on he were chillin at the side of the stage with the roadies and looked happy smiling away and giving the rock salute to people in the by the time Guns were on stage im not sure what had changed. Bring on Manchester.

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« Reply #327 on: July 19, 2006, 08:53:47 AM »

Some dude on mygnr wrote:

Did anyone see Ron punch Fortus in the stomach just after mr. brownstone? They had to be pulled apart, Ron left the stage and didnt come back till KOHD had finished.

Through out the rest of the show he was talking to some guy at the back of the stage and only came back on stage every so often to play his guitar solo

Ron looked pissed up, he had to lean against the amps a few times to keep his balance

Now that would suck.........


it could be down to all sorts of things. Hot weather, too much booze, someone said the wrong thing, bad nightsleep, tech issue. Sure hope it didn't have anything to do with yesterdays post:

I recieved an email from Richard today. I must have posted him an email months ago now asking afew questions, and not asking when CD is coming out  Wink

I won't post my whole email here, just a little section and won't post the whole of Richard's email, just a small section  Grin

Codenameninja wrote:
What was it like working with Buckethead, as I am sure that behind
the mask he is an ok type of guy. Looking on the positive side of
things, if it were not for Gn?R I would never have heard of Bucket

Richard wrote:

Buckethead is a great musician.  I really miss playing with
him.  I thought he added something very unique and cool to the band.
He's a bit strange, but a great guy.  I hope to work with him again at
some point.

Fortus saying how great Buckethead is...

.it sucks that The Blues was the only new song they played. I wasn't there. I just might pop along to Wembly though  beer

..and i don't think Buckehtead will ever return to join the GnR stage. Seems he could not hack it last time out  peace
« Last Edit: July 19, 2006, 08:57:56 AM by codenameninja » Logged
« Reply #328 on: July 19, 2006, 08:57:45 AM »

Maybe it's because the person asked about bucket-let's not over analyze e-mails
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« Reply #329 on: July 19, 2006, 09:03:57 AM »

Maybe it's because the person asked about bucket-let's not over analyze e-mails

I'm not over analyzing it, but from Fortus emails I've always got the impression that he doesn't like Ron very much. I don't want to start anything, it's just something I've realised, even though I might be wrong.

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« Reply #330 on: July 19, 2006, 09:07:45 AM »

Maybe it's because the person asked about bucket-let's not over analyze e-mails

I'm not over analyzing it, but from Fortus emails I've always got the impression that he doesn't like Ron very much. I don't want to start anything, it's just something I've realised, even though I might be wrong.

Tommy Stinton came across as anti Buckethead. I think he called him hi maintenance.
from the sounds of things it appears BF was happy ealier on in the night. Maybe he was bored waiting for the rest of the band to show up. Maybe they had words before the gig started. Maybe he was pissed as the real reason for not playing the new songd was due to a lack of time. Guess we'll know some day  hihi


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« Reply #331 on: July 19, 2006, 09:45:40 AM »

I was one row from the barrier through out the whole gig (I got to the barrier 20 mins towards the end when the people infornt of me gave up) and I didn't see this alleged punch.....and I watched the guitarists alot (possibly more than Axl)....

Anyway I thought it was a truely amazing gig and I can't wait for Birmingham!....I got some amazing pictures but unfortunately the data on my Memory card got corrupted and only seven pictures survived....and they're the rubbish blurry ones!!!

Do you reckon they'll refund a bit of my money if I promise to turn around and fill my ears with cement during BFMV at Birmingham? Tongue.....I really cannot stand them....who's bloody idea was it to have them support GnR?!
« Last Edit: July 19, 2006, 09:57:04 AM by Thorne » Logged

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« Reply #332 on: July 19, 2006, 09:51:06 AM »

ive been reading stuff about waht you guys are saying about Bumblefoot, i managed to chat with him at the end of the show, he was sad, you could tell.

i said i cant wait to see him again, he wasnt to enthusiastic, he just said "yeah i hope so".

look, im just saying. im not pretending i know anything, nor do i want to start rumours.

Anyway, it was one hell of a night anyway. Smiley

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« Reply #333 on: July 19, 2006, 09:54:19 AM »

lets just be thankfull that they turned up at all  ok so what if they didn't play a load of new songs, so what if BBF was having an off nite for whatever reason  Huh the main thing is the people that paid their money got to see (the now) Guns n' Roses. Think of all the people who haven't managed to see em yet  rofl in any guise

just chill people  smoking
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« Reply #334 on: July 19, 2006, 09:58:15 AM »

I wonder if Ron was just having a bad day, or if there really could be a change coming? Either way, let's keep the GNR train moving, it is almost time to come back to the U.S.A!!!! 

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« Reply #335 on: July 19, 2006, 10:01:27 AM »

thanks to alls user for the updates, pic's?Huh

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« Reply #336 on: July 19, 2006, 10:02:15 AM »

People have the wrong idea about the new songs. ?When I went to the GnR NYE/HOB show in Vegas the highlight of the show was the new songs which I never heard before. ?During the old songs we were all going crazy but when the new songs came on it was time to shut up and listen. ?So I disagree with the idea that people havent been into the new songs just because they calm down during the songs. ?The reason I am saying this is because someone said that the board members are the main people that know the songs and want to hear them. ?I think everyone wants to hear the new songs at all the shows even if they dont know them. ?We all know AFD. ?CD is what the world is waiting for. ?

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« Reply #337 on: July 19, 2006, 10:03:31 AM »

I was one row from the barrier through out the whole gig (I got to the barrier 20 mins towards the end when the people infornt of me gave up) and I didn't see this alleged punch.....and I watched the guitarists alot (possibly more than Axl)....

Anyway I thought it was a truely amazing gig and I can't wait for Birmingham!....I got some amazing pictures but unfortunately the data on my Memory card got corrupted and only seven pictures survived....and they're the rubbish blurry ones!!!

Do you reckon they'll refund a bit of my money if I promise to turn around and fill my ears with cement during BFMV at Birmingham? Tongue.....I really cannot stand them....who's bloody idea was it to have them support GnR?!

thanks thorne!! let's put that stupid punch rumor to rest....did Bumble seem bummed out? was his foot guitar fucked up? i think i read in here that he didn't play it or his crazy solo....just the don't cry part

« Reply #338 on: July 19, 2006, 10:05:56 AM »

Mabye he lost his guitar or it got stolen, and he was bummed about it?

I'll check ebay Tongue
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« Reply #339 on: July 19, 2006, 10:06:22 AM »

People have the wrong idea about the new songs.  When I went to the GnR NYE/HOB show in Vegas the highlight of the show was the new songs which I never heard before.  During the old songs we were all going crazy but when the new songs came on it was time to shut up and listen.  So I disagree with the idea that people havent been into the new songs just because they calm down during the songs.  The reason I am saying this is because someone said that the board members are the main people that know the songs and want to hear them.  I think everyone wants to hear the new songs at all the shows even if they dont know them.  We all know AFD.  CD is what the world is waiting for. 
Wow Finck, we agree! rofl Thats a first. beer Back when I seen GNR in July 1991, I went not just to see my favorite band, but to finally get to hear UYI. That is what my excitement was for, not AFD/Lies. Same this time. Yeah, the crowd was quiet during all those new songs, but thats because they wanted to hear them, not hear themselves screaming/talking over them.

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