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Author Topic: Newcastle July 19th 2006 - Metro Radio Arena All Purpose Thread.  (Read 75481 times)
« Reply #400 on: July 20, 2006, 03:03:01 PM »

Neemo, I don't go to shows for nostalgia...very rarely. I want the artist to challenge me and challenge himself....not take the easy way out. That is just me though. Personally, 4-5 new songs a night would be good enough for me at this point. 1 is ridiculous for a NEW band with 4-5 years of recording under their belt and about 50 live shows played.  Angry

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« Reply #401 on: July 20, 2006, 03:07:53 PM »

Neemo, I don't go to shows for nostalgia...very rarely. I want the artist to challenge me and challenge himself....not take the easy way out. That is just me though. Personally, 4-5 new songs a night would be good enough for me at this point. 1 is ridiculous for a NEW band with 4-5 years of recording under their belt and about 50 live shows played.? Angry

hey man i wanna hear new shit as much as the next fan, but we get what Axl, or whoever has the say, is willing to give...there are bands like radiohead that are willing to showcase new shit, and like Black Label Society and Pearljam that give free listens for new songs, then there are other bands, like tool and gnr and NIN who hold onto the stuff until the last possible second...just the way it is people

Madagas lotsa people go to shows to sing the tunes out loud with the band...not me personally but alot some people it's great fun to know all the words to all the old songs peace

Sometimes I wish I could have gotten into Radiohead's music.. hihi

LMFAO AxlsMainMan... rofl yeah i know alot of people that like these guys but I find them to be a snooze fest and no matter how hard I'v etried i cannot bring myself to like them hihi

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« Reply #402 on: July 20, 2006, 03:09:09 PM »

Im just throwing darts in the dark here...

But maybe the last few gigs, specifically in the UK, the fans just really didn't have the foggiest clue about the new songs...more so than all the other places they've played on this tour so far?

Or maybe with only a few gigs left, Axl wants to starve the real hardcore fans like us going to the shows, expecting to hear the new songs, because come Fall, we're going to hear them all over again, plus much, much more ok

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« Reply #403 on: July 20, 2006, 03:10:51 PM »

Dave is right about encores. I think we have become accustom to having them, but they are supposed to occur only after truly exceptional performances.

All the shit about Richard and Ron fighting or getting into arguments.... who really gives a fuck. I got into arguments with my best friend all the time when we roomed together in college. Shit happens, Richard+Ron are both nice/stand up guys, IF there is a problem or IF there was an argument, I'm sure it's water under the bridge by now

Allegedly, disagreements between Robin and Bucket led to Bucket's departure. For the first time now, there is a chance that Ron will not be invited or will not accept an offer of extending his tour of duty in Guns. Will he be there for the US dates? It's an open question right now.

Ron was not sure if he was even going to do the US tour before the Euro tour right?

Ron has always been very careful when talking about his future in GnR. I don't remember any comments indicating that he was definately going with the band across the US, but in all honesty, I fully expect that Ron will be there.?

Yeah I think its because what happened  last time, when he thought he was in, then management said he was not. I think ron doesnt assume anything.

This is for BabyGorilla and the people like him.
Before all my posts about subjective matters there should be an IMO before the post. I took this sig down but of course it has to go back up.

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« Reply #404 on: July 20, 2006, 03:13:08 PM »

is this show soldout

I have never seen so many tree

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« Reply #405 on: July 20, 2006, 03:14:04 PM »

is this show soldout

well it's over that's for sure hihi


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« Reply #406 on: July 20, 2006, 03:14:26 PM »

Dave is right about encores. I think we have become accustom to having them, but they are supposed to occur only after truly exceptional performances.

All the shit about Richard and Ron fighting or getting into arguments.... who really gives a fuck. I got into arguments with my best friend all the time when we roomed together in college. Shit happens, Richard+Ron are both nice/stand up guys, IF there is a problem or IF there was an argument, I'm sure it's water under the bridge by now

Allegedly, disagreements between Robin and Bucket led to Bucket's departure. For the first time now, there is a chance that Ron will not be invited or will not accept an offer of extending his tour of duty in Guns. Will he be there for the US dates? It's an open question right now.

Ron was not sure if he was even going to do the US tour before the Euro tour right?

Ron has always been very careful when talking about his future in GnR. I don't remember any comments indicating that he was definately going with the band across the US, but in all honesty, I fully expect that Ron will be there.?

Yeah I think its because what happened? last time, when he thought he was in, then management said he was not. I think ron doesnt assume anything.

the list of band members who had problems with Buckethead extended beyond just Robin.

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Chinese Democracy Is Coming Some Day!!!

« Reply #407 on: July 20, 2006, 03:21:56 PM »

I think we all need to just chill out and stop specualting on whats going on with this band. For all we know everything is fine and dandy. The internet is the one starting all the bullshit rumors. Lets just have a little patience and we will eventually find out if anything at all is going on.

This is a amazing time to be a Guns N Roses fan, the guys are touring, Chinese is hopefully getting closer to being released and Axl seems to be in good spirits. Lets just enjoy it while we can, because we all know this could end at any given moment.

Chinese Democracy is Coming Someday
« Reply #408 on: July 20, 2006, 03:23:38 PM »

exactly Mega, it could end at any given moment. That is why I want an album as soon as possible because the whole shithouse could go up in flames! Every little wobble scares me. I love the new band and don't want to see it splinter like the old one did.Cheesy
« Last Edit: July 20, 2006, 03:31:33 PM by madagas » Logged
I'm super, thanks for asking

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« Reply #409 on: July 20, 2006, 03:24:44 PM »

I agree, this was just one show, and nothing that major even really took place.  Let's all go outside and enjoy some sunshine and fly a kite or something.

I don't need the Internet to be a GNR fan.   Talk Radio Pranks

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« Reply #410 on: July 20, 2006, 03:25:42 PM »

I think we all need to just chill out and stop specualting on whats going on with this band. For all we know everything is fine and dandy. The internet is the one starting all the bullshit rumors. Lets just have a little patience and we will eventually find out if anything at all is going on.

This is a amazing time to be a Guns N Roses fan, the guys are touring, Chinese is hopefully getting closer to being released and Axl seems to be in good spirits. Lets just enjoy it while we can, because we all know this could end at any given moment.

Axl should ask for everyone in the crowd to throw a buck on stage if they wanna hear another new song hihi think of the benifits of that.....about $10,000 each night for each new tune he plays rofl in the UK the currency is actually about 2.5x so thats a more of a bonus for him Tongue

@PhillyRiot....that sounds like a great idea but it's supposed to storm here hihi


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« Reply #411 on: July 20, 2006, 03:27:02 PM »

the list of band members who had problems with Buckethead extended beyond just Robin.
Next to Axl, Buckethead was definitely the main attraction in 2002... The others were jealous imo.

Robin's role, for example, wasn't as important as it is now : Bucket's departure upgraded him.
« Last Edit: July 20, 2006, 03:38:50 PM by Slashead » Logged

I'll download it !

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« Reply #412 on: July 20, 2006, 03:29:18 PM »

the list of band members who had problems with Buckethead extended beyond just Robin.
Next to Axl, Buckethead was definitely the main attraction in 2002... The others were jealous imo.

Buckethead has numchuck skills...chicks dig guys with skills rofl

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« Reply #413 on: July 20, 2006, 03:30:16 PM »

Let's all go outside and enjoy some sunshine and fly a kite or something.


That sure did come out of left field. Grin


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« Reply #414 on: July 20, 2006, 04:30:15 PM »

In regards to Ron doing the U.S tour or not, I think all of that will be decided in the next month. If Buckethead can't be obtained to come back and play yhe solos/music he helped create for Chinese Democracy, then I would keep Ron in the fold. Ron's cool as fuck, does a good job of playing those speed parts, and has a good stage presence.

However, if I was Axl, I would try to make the peace with Buckethead and get him back into the line up, I think BH deserves his chance to play the material he wrote. Now, if BH has done something horrible behind the scenes to really fuck Gnr over, then of course don't invite him back, but I don't think something like that happened. Even if Tommy or another band member don't like BH, I think they should put aside their personal feelings and just keep it on a musical level. On a musical level Buckethead deserves to play on the same stage with all those guys.

In response to Neemo talking about a lot of bands touring playing primarily old material... I agree..... there is nothing wrong with that. But, let's face it, I don't look at GNR as a nostalgia act, I look at them as still having a chance to be the best rock n roll band in the world today based on their new material, I know all you guys do too.... so I still WANT more new songs, but I can accept Axl playing the old ones if he has some type of plan in mind. Whatever he has in store, we will see here in the next couple months... I think it's going to be one hell of a ride. beer

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« Reply #415 on: July 20, 2006, 04:34:35 PM »

Now, if BH has done something horrible behind the scenes to really fuck Gnr over, then of course don't invite him back, but I don't think something like that happened.

Why does everyone choose to ignore that Buckethead fucked over the band two years ago?

Guns N' Roses Not Able to Perform at Rock in Rio
Tuesday March 30, 6:00 am ET
A Message from W. Axl Rose

LISBON, Portugal--(BUSINESS WIRE)--March 30, 2004--Guns N' Roses will not be performing as scheduled at Rock In Rio - Lisbon.

The band has been put in an untenable position by guitarist Buckethead and his untimely departure. During his tenure with the band Buckethead has been inconsistent and erratic in both his behavior and commitment - despite being under contract - creating uncertainty and confusion and making it virtually impossible to move forward with recording, rehearsals and live plans with confidence. His transient lifestyle has made it impossible for even his closest friends to have nearly any form of communication with him whatsoever. Last time I talked to Bucket, he called to tell me he had bought a bootleg DVD off EBay and how proud he was to be in Guns and how impressed he was with everyone's performance. Then, in February we got word from Brain that Bucket had called him and said he was back in Guns!? Apparently, according to Bucket he had been "Gone" but had turned himself around and was really excited to do Rio-Lisbon and a European tour. Somewhere in the following month things changed once again. According to those who have actually spoken with Buckethead it appears his plans were to secure a recording contract with Sanctuary Records which I encouraged my management to make available to him, quit GN'R and to use his involvement in the upcoming Guns release to immediately promote his individual efforts...Nice guy!

There is not a member of this camp that is not hurt, upset and ultimately disappointed by this event, and more to the point - if not this individual, certainly this individual's choices. Regardless of anyone's opinions of me and what I may or may not deserve, clearly the fans, individuals in this band, management, crew and our support group do not deserve this type of treatment. We as a whole, definitely feel that we afforded Bucket every accommodation perhaps so much so that it may be that we or more precisely, I may have done Guns a disservice and unintentionally allowed Guns to be put in this position.

On behalf of Guns N' Roses and myself I apologize to the fans who planned to see us at Rock In Rio - Lisbon. The festival and its tradition mean a lot to me personally and I sincerely do not enjoy being robbed by one of our own of the opportunity to be the first artist to play it for the third time. I would also like to express my gratitude to those who chose to embrace Buckethead's role in Guns and support our new line up. We greatly appreciate Bucket's contributions and remain open to "discussions" as there are obviously several issues to resolve. In the meantime rather than dwelling on the negative, Guns will be moving forward and surprisingly (without giving away any details) this unfortunate set of circumstances may have given us the opportunity to take our recording that one extra step further. Regardless we hope to announce a release date within the next few months.


W. Axl Rose

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« Reply #416 on: July 20, 2006, 04:41:34 PM »

Why does everyone choose to ignore that Buckethead fucked over the band two years ago?

In B's defense, the band was moribund for at least 18 months prior to Rio 4; Bucket wanted to  tour with Claypool, but had to commit for the summer and Fall.  At some point, when nothing is going on, you have make a decision to push forward. I really believe that B was not happy on that US tour and was unhappy to postpone C2B3 and a number of his side projects out of what appeared to be futile hope that GnR would get back together.

As for Axl's press release, you can literally feel the insulation in the band from those words. Lots of second hand accusations and misdirected mis-communication. Did these guys ever talk to each other directly?

Also, if Axl could recruit Ron on two week's notice, why couldn't he recruit someone back then to do the exact same job that Ron Thal is doing now?

I find that i'm far more powerful and effective when i can celebrate another's way, rather than to wish to own it.

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« Reply #417 on: July 20, 2006, 04:46:16 PM »

I think there is always two sides to every story, I think that press release was obviously Axl's side....the truth is usually somewhere in the middle. I think Buckethead was flustrated with the lack of progress in getting Chinese Democracy released and saw touring as pointless without a new album and eventually had to make a decision. Buckethead's guitar tech said that "Bh did some of the best stuff he had ever done for Axl"... and that "those two's attorneys only communicate now"... meaning that Axl and Bh don't talk I guess. no

I wish Buckethead would just state his side of the story.... then maybe those two could come to some type of compromise and get him back in the band.  peace
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« Reply #418 on: July 20, 2006, 04:52:18 PM »

Also, if Axl could recruit Ron on two week's notice, why couldn't he recruit someone back then to do the exact same job that Ron Thal is doing now?

It could be speculated that Axl may have in fact recruited Bumblefoot to join the band and re-record Buckethead's parts as far back as 2004, when rumors of Bumblefoot initially auditioning began to surface.

Perhaps the dispute Ron had with Axl/management in 2004 about the confidentiality of his audition was a cover up, just as it was for Axl to say he only joined the group 1 week prior to the May 12th show in New York... peace

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« Reply #419 on: July 20, 2006, 04:53:20 PM »

Nice to see these threads never go off topic ?Roll Eyes

It's really hard for someone trying to read about the concert, while searching through a thread where half the posts arn't even about the show
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