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Author Topic: Newcastle July 19th 2006 - Metro Radio Arena All Purpose Thread.  (Read 75685 times)
Bill 213

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« Reply #280 on: July 19, 2006, 10:15:09 PM »

BTW? My sentiments? have nothing to do? with the coin incident tonight .? ?It's just that this band is just boring? ?and since I got to see the real GNR play? ?I have not been impressed with this band.? ?Axl sounds pretty good , but it's just not enough to keep me interested .? ? I'll wait for the VR album .? BYE

I thought you were leaving?  That didn't last long did it.  See you in another post on about the same thing.  Either way.....SEE YA!!!  ok

There he goes. One of God's own prototypes. A high-powered mutant of some kind never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die.

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« Reply #281 on: July 19, 2006, 10:20:12 PM »

We'll see what happens, the next show is the 21st, so if they play a great show on Friday, then tonights show would be put in the past.


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« Reply #282 on: July 19, 2006, 10:21:24 PM »

Well we can all rationalize this latest example of misconduct on Axl's part, but the fact is that Axl is once again going to get ridiculed by the press and has blantly made his band look very bad. ?Plain and simply guys. ?

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« Reply #283 on: July 19, 2006, 10:30:00 PM »

anyone taking any bets on how long swingtrader can abstain???

axl might take a dump or something....he'll have to post about that!
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« Reply #284 on: July 19, 2006, 10:32:20 PM »

Knife throwing? Shooting?? Getting a little carried away there.? Liability and should be banned?? That's funny, get a grip.? If Axl is responsible for everyone on stage then isn't he equally responsible for the fans?? That would, in turn, make him responsible for himself being hit by a coin!? Perhaps if the Almighty Axl respected his fanbase and showed up on time and quit playing the same ol' bullshit then it would not have happened.? I saw Primus back in 95 and someone hit Claypool with a shoe.? His respone, "Have fun walking home in the snow with one shoe, motherfucker!"? and the show went on.

 Axl aint catering to fucking losers on a message board who have nothing to do but to check setlists, he's playing for the fans at the show. So stop the bitching because it's becoming more than dead horse.

THANK YOU!!! Someone who fucking gets it!! Good job dude!!  ok

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« Reply #285 on: July 19, 2006, 10:34:19 PM »

Some of you fans are so fucking ridiculous. When things are all good and going smoothly your all sucking his dick but once a couple things bad happen, you start bashing Axl and say that its never gonna be successfull and all this shit. I'm sick of it. Axl aint catering to fucking losers on a message board who have nothing to do but to check setlists, he's playing for the fans at the show. So stop the bitching because it's becoming more than dead horse.

so true. ?yes

....swingtrader.....we're gonna miss you crying

good luck lol

..... Till Death Do us Apart.....GNR forever!

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« Reply #286 on: July 19, 2006, 10:58:56 PM »

hey holmes VR sucks quit living in the past.

Weiland isn't worth a damn and never will be.

so sick of hearing about VR they honestly suck... just cause some old GNR fags are in it doesn't make it great. Quit sucking Slash and Duffs dick already.

the band Axl has together now got way more talent than the old one.

Axl is gonna be Axl get over it. He is unpredictable!
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« Reply #287 on: July 19, 2006, 11:00:02 PM »

In my 4th grade year,
A girl in my glass got hit
By a coin I threw.

'Twas in the lunchroom
And I just tossed a penny
Right across the room.

No direction meant,
Didn't even throw it hard...
She got hurt and cried.

I got in trouble.
I'll never forget the welt
It left on her head.

Of course, she was fine,
By the time the week ended...
But I cried that night.

I just kept thinking,
"What if it had been her eye?"
Stupid accident.

And avoidable.
A coin doesn't sound like much
But it's dangerous.




"When fascism came to America, it was called 'Political Correctness' and waved a culturally relative flag."
-Mike McGann
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« Reply #288 on: July 19, 2006, 11:17:24 PM »

hey holmes VR sucks quit living in the past.

Weiland isn't worth a damn and never will be.

so sick of hearing about VR they honestly suck... just cause some old GNR fags are in it doesn't make it great. Quit sucking Slash and Duffs dick already.

the band Axl has together now got way more talent than the old one.

Axl is gonna be Axl get over it. He is unpredictable!

Old fags? More talent? Wow.. I love the where the board has gone.
[BLS-Pride] 10:16 pm: ron - lemmy is god.. agreed?
[Bumblefoot] 10:16 pm: Lemmy created God.
« Reply #289 on: July 19, 2006, 11:19:21 PM »

In my 4th grade year,
A girl in my glass got hit
By a coin I threw.

'Twas in the lunchroom
And I just tossed a penny
Right across the room.

No direction meant,
Didn't even throw it hard...
She got hurt and cried.

I got in trouble.
I'll never forget the welt
It left on her head.

Of course, she was fine,
By the time the week ended...
But I cried that night.

I just kept thinking,
"What if it had been her eye?"
Stupid accident.

And avoidable.
A coin doesn't sound like much
But it's dangerous.



Well said McGann.
« Reply #290 on: July 19, 2006, 11:21:42 PM »

In my 4th grade year,
A girl in my glass got hit
By a coin I threw.

'Twas in the lunchroom
And I just tossed a penny
Right across the room.

No direction meant,
Didn't even throw it hard...
She got hurt and cried.

I got in trouble.
I'll never forget the welt
It left on her head.

Of course, she was fine,
By the time the week ended...
But I cried that night.

I just kept thinking,
"What if it had been her eye?"
Stupid accident.

And avoidable.
A coin doesn't sound like much
But it's dangerous.



was that girl named scott weiland? just kidding..
my goodness. its a tragedy.

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« Reply #291 on: July 19, 2006, 11:29:04 PM »

One song less than the night before and it is a big deal.  I would be pissed if somebody was throwing crap at me too.  Some people on this board have a breakdown if he doesn't play 5 new songs, and people get pissed that he gets angry when people throw shit at him.
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« Reply #292 on: July 19, 2006, 11:35:10 PM »

It's been a while McGann! Wink   Good to see you and your haiku again.

And everything ALWAYS, and I mean ALWAYS turns to VR vs GN'R. 

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« Reply #293 on: July 19, 2006, 11:35:53 PM »

Let's not make a mountain out of a mole hill people! ?Look at all the songs that were performed today. ?This is what 95% of the average show or close to it. ?Looks like they got an awesome performance out of Axl as well as seeing Izzy perform on 4 songs in a row. ?Izzy F'N Stradlin!!! ?No, I think the fans got there moneys worth. ?People still complain Axl goes on late. ?When I go to a GNR show, I arrive an hour late if it is not general admission. ?You know he goes on late. ?Deal with it!!!!!

01 Welcome to the Jungle
02 It's So Easy
03 Mr Bownstone
04 Live and Let Die
05 Robin Solo
06 Sweet Child O' Mine
07 Knockin' On Heavens Door
08 Jam/ Dizzy Solo
09 The Blues
10 Jam
11 You Could Be Mine
12 Robin & Richard solo (Beautiful)
13 Out Ta Get Me
14 Jam - Axl joins in on Piano
15 November Rain
16 Bumblefoot Solo
17 My Michelle (W/ Bach)
18 You Gotta Move (W/ Izzy sharing vocals at the end)
19 Think About You (W/ Izzy)
20 Patience (W/ Izzy)

Axl sprayed Ron with some water which made Ron fall over

21 Nightrain (W/ Izzy)

I don't exactly count solos as songs, so it's only 15 songs really. But that's all VR were playing for their entire tour, so this ain't too bad. I think everyone got spoilt back in the day when GN'R always played +2hr shows.

Guns N' Fuckin Roses - Aussie Tour 2007!!!
23 June Sydney @ Acer Arena
24 June Sydney @ Acer Arena

Guns N' Fuckin Roses - Aussie Tour 2013!!!
17 March Melbourne @ Sidney Myer Music Bowl

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« Reply #294 on: July 19, 2006, 11:40:01 PM »

OK the main question is that did Ron use his foot guitar during Don't Cry?

Also Happy to hear that Ron is happy but sad to hear he and Fortus had several arguments in Sheffield.
I can't even begin to imagine what the hell these 2 would have an argument about.

Ron is the nicest most humble guy and obviosuly the argument he had with Fortus had a very bad effect on him last night. He was really sad and depressed and didnt even play all the songs. Fortus seemed fine so I can only imagine he hurt Ron in someway.

I know Fortus was a "rockstar" before GNR and some of that rockstar attitude could've led to him hurting Ron.

I'm first and foremost a Ron Thal fan and then a fan of this current GNR. If Ron left tomorrow I wouldnt care about this GNR anymore but as long as he's in GNR I will follow them obesessively and desperately want them to succeed mainly for Ron's sake.

Seeing Ron sad in the band makes me sad so while he's in GNR I hope above all things that he is happy.

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« Reply #295 on: July 19, 2006, 11:54:50 PM »

now all the emails fortus and ron get are going to be about the argument they had, id be more concerned with axls state of mind after walking off the stage


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« Reply #296 on: July 19, 2006, 11:56:57 PM »

BTW  My sentiments  have nothing to do  with the coin incident tonight .   It's just that this band is just boring   and since I got to see the real GNR play   I have not been impressed with this band.   Axl sounds pretty good , but it's just not enough to keep me interested .    I'll wait for the VR album .  BYE

Take a walk pal. You come off like an arrogant six year old. The band drops the ENCORE because Axl got hit with a bottle, and you predict the tour will implode? You know how many times encores have been dropped by bands?

Then you claim "only the Axl fans care" yet even you admit the tour is selling well. So everyone at the show is an Axl fan? Frankly I think the thing that has people hyped most is IZZY showing up at some shows. I guess Izzy wasn't part of your real GNR though.

Leave the board if you wish, with your attitude in this thread you ain't gonna be missed. Enjoy the dancable VR album.
« Reply #297 on: July 20, 2006, 12:03:49 AM »

People need to stop speculating and spreading hearsay about a supposed riff between Richard and Ron. No one on this board is on tour with the band, no one on this board is friends with anyone in the band or is in anyway associated with them (except for mysteron). 

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« Reply #298 on: July 20, 2006, 12:07:18 AM »

If they can't get Bucket to come back I would prefer they fire Bumble and put Richard on lead. I bet you it pisses Richard off that he wasn't promoted to lead, and has to watch some dork with a foot guitar play the solos.
« Last Edit: July 20, 2006, 12:10:37 AM by Mattattack » Logged
« Reply #299 on: July 20, 2006, 12:14:07 AM »

If they can't get Bucket to come back I would prefer they fire Bumble and put Richard on lead. I bet you it pisses Richard off that he wasn't promoted to lead, and has to watch some dork with a foot guitar play the solos.

The new songs need three guitar players. If they used three guitarists for the album, why not for the tour as well?
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