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Author Topic: Newcastle July 19th 2006 - Metro Radio Arena All Purpose Thread.  (Read 75792 times)
Captain P?l
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« Reply #180 on: July 19, 2006, 07:27:21 PM »

well... people wanted setlist change! here it is! and i wouldnt be suprised if there are more bitching about it and want the old set list back! hihi

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« Reply #181 on: July 19, 2006, 07:27:28 PM »

well, first "i'm going home, good fucking night" of the tour...

HAuahuahuhuahuhuahua ?now he is realy back !!!!

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« Reply #182 on: July 19, 2006, 07:27:32 PM »

That concludes my updates for the night  Grin Hope ya enjoyed.

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« Reply #183 on: July 19, 2006, 07:27:46 PM »

Hmmm...can't people control themselves? Why would anyone fuckin throw anything on stage?

The lack of new songs two nights in a row kinda worries me though, for some reason...

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« Reply #184 on: July 19, 2006, 07:27:50 PM »

Yes, lets punish the thousands of fans that paid for the show and stayed through the god-awful heat just because someone threw something on-stage. Roll Eyes

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« Reply #185 on: July 19, 2006, 07:28:00 PM »

he walks off and goes home and he doesnt play many new songs. does he hate the uk?


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« Reply #186 on: July 19, 2006, 07:28:25 PM »

That concludes my updates for the night  Grin Hope ya enjoyed.

Thanks a bunch, we really appreciate it Smiley

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« Reply #187 on: July 19, 2006, 07:28:37 PM »

what... the... fuck... someone near the guy who threw that (what ever it was?), should pounce on the guy... and then tell everyone he did it, so they can beat the crap out of him ?yes

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« Reply #188 on: July 19, 2006, 07:29:55 PM »

axl should grow up and ignore it

What would you do, if you've been hit?

Well, Sharleen Spiteri from the pop group Texas got hit by a shoe a couple of weeks ago at Hyde Park. She's hardly the wild man of rock that Axl is, and her reaction was to call him a fucker, point him out to the rest of the crowd and offer him out for a fight there and then, then carry on with the show regardless.

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« Reply #189 on: July 19, 2006, 07:30:24 PM »

Thanks for updates sneeks  ok
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« Reply #190 on: July 19, 2006, 07:31:15 PM »

That concludes my updates for the night? Grin Hope ya enjoyed.

We did, thanx a lot sneeks beer
Too bad because of some prick it has to end this way...

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« Reply #191 on: July 19, 2006, 07:31:27 PM »

he walks off and goes home and he doesnt play many new songs. does he hate the uk?

lol... they wouldn't set up 10 dates in uk if they hated it.

i don't get it why so few new songs though... best setlist so far on tour = norway #1... any setlist been like this so far?

28.06.06 - Oslo, Norway
05.07.06 - Helsinki, Finland
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« Reply #192 on: July 19, 2006, 07:31:44 PM »

Thanks for updates sneeks  ok

That concludes my updates for the night  Grin Hope ya enjoyed.

Thanks a bunch, we really appreciate it Smiley

That concludes my updates for the night  Grin Hope ya enjoyed.

We did, thanx a lot sneeks beer
Too bad because of some prick it has to end this way...

My pleasure dudes. Thanks also to S.P.I.K.E. for all of the texts during the concert.

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I know someday you'll have a beautiful life,
I know you'll be a star in somebody else's sky...

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« Reply #193 on: July 19, 2006, 07:32:23 PM »

he walks off and goes home and he doesnt play many new songs. does he hate the uk?
No. But some fans in the uk hate him and throw him stuff  and obviously he doesn`t like it Wink . Fuck The Haters!

This melody inside of me still searches for solution...

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« Reply #194 on: July 19, 2006, 07:32:33 PM »

 no that sucks. ?It was going to happen sooner or later, axl's handled (stuff thrown at stage)very well so far during the tour but enough is enough. too bad everyone had to pay for one or two idiots.


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« Reply #195 on: July 19, 2006, 07:32:41 PM »

Some people take it, some people don't.
Axl tolerated booing, "we want slash" chants and even sound problems, but shit thrown at the stage is one thing he usually does not put up with...

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« Reply #196 on: July 19, 2006, 07:36:34 PM »

I still think that (I know it's not goint to happen) they need to get on stage earlier, and a lot of these problems won't emerge. Let's say 9pm - not *too* early but about standard for a rock show over here. That way they can play 'til 11:30 with no huge worries, even if our new friend TD makes an appearance.

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« Reply #197 on: July 19, 2006, 07:37:19 PM »

Yeah! I would react the same way as Axl and the band! Why fucking throwing things.. this is a rock show! Not a fucking throwing contest..

They atleast got some good GnR tunes! A year ago that seamed impossible




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« Reply #198 on: July 19, 2006, 07:40:47 PM »

he walks off and goes home and he doesnt play many new songs. does he hate the uk?

lol... they wouldn't set up 10 dates in uk if they hated it.

i don't get it why so few new songs though... best setlist so far on tour = norway #1... any setlist been like this so far?

nope, oslo #2 comes close tho, the only song missing the second time was RQ!!! ok

what happened tonight is classical english behavior. there's always stupid motherfuckers in the crowd that deserve to get crippled because they keep fucking up for all the rest! god damn jordies motherfuckin' cunts! burn in hell you stupid fuckin' assholes!!!!

i'm glad axl walked off stage, stupid fuckin people like that doesn't deserve better.

i feel sorry for the the rest tho.

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« Reply #199 on: July 19, 2006, 07:42:26 PM »

he walks off and goes home and he doesnt play many new songs. does he hate the uk?

lol... they wouldn't set up 10 dates in uk if they hated it.

i don't get it why so few new songs though... best setlist so far on tour = norway #1... any setlist been like this so far?

nope, oslo #2 comes close tho, the only song missing the second time was RQ!!! ok

what happened tonight is classical english behavior. there's always stupid motherfuckers in the crowd that deserve to get crippled because they keep fucking up for all the rest! god damn jordies motherfuckin' cunts! burn in hell you stupid fuckin' assholes!!!!

i'm glad axl walked off stage, stupid fuckin people like that doesn't deserve better.

i feel sorry for the the rest tho.

Yep, they really dont deserve that, it's true. Let's see what happens in next shows.

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