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Author Topic: Newcastle July 19th 2006 - Metro Radio Arena All Purpose Thread.  (Read 75496 times)
« Reply #320 on: July 20, 2006, 04:07:05 AM »

Are there gonna be some actual reviews of the show?

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« Reply #321 on: July 20, 2006, 04:23:24 AM »

How stupid can ya get?  Why does some 'so called fan' go there with a view to ruin the show?!  I wasnt there but if a certain idiot at these shows carries on like this then the band will no longer trust us (UK fans) and go home early!  It also shows in the setlist as they havent been playing new songs!  They must think we don't like hearing them

@ Birmingham NEC, UK 25.07.06
@ Birmingham NEC, UK 17.10.10

Fuck all hoarders
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« Reply #322 on: July 20, 2006, 05:44:17 AM »

It was an awesome show, I loved seeing Bach and Izzy onstage, and once again the band has great chemistry.

I was disappointed and let down by Axls childish behaviour. Yes, throwing things can be dangerous, but because of one person and one thing that was thrown everyone had to suffer. He always spits the dummy like that, he needs to learn to fucking suck it up. He literally stormed off the stage shouting 'no, thats the end, go home!' and throwing his mic on the stage like a baby. It left me with a sour taste after the show, and they only played ONE new song!?!

I really hope I don't have to sit through all the usual stuff again in Nottingham. I thought the UK leg of the tour woutl bring a setlist change, or at least more new songs. This is NEW GnR, they need to start acting like it, not like some cover band.


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it'd be a long time for anyone..........

« Reply #323 on: July 20, 2006, 05:45:13 AM »

i think in some respects axl need to grow up.....people won't tolerate bands going on 2 hours late, like in hammersmith (there were heaving booing going on after like an hour and a half). i think booing after waiting that long is justified, axl has no reason to be late, if the rest of the band can make it on time, why can't he?

on the other hand, people who go just to throw shit, shout for slash and boo new band members is just sad......i don't know of any other band who is treated this way by "fans" i dont know why the go, i dont have ?50 to go see a band i don't like and just want to abuse?

but maybe years of not giving a fuck about the fans has begun to backfire massively on axl, and the rest of the band suffer as a result, its a shame so many people want ot see them fail, or see them blow up.

i for one really hope that it doesn't happen, just put the finger up to the haters GnR!!!!

everytime i see them makes me wish i had a gun.....

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« Reply #324 on: July 20, 2006, 05:49:49 AM »

What the fuck is up with the British crowd?

They always seem like fat, spoiled brats bitchin on everything. If you're not the new hype then everyone thinks you're shit. One day they all buy your album so next day they can burn it all because everyone and the mags say they suck. No wonder most of the British bands don't do shit outside the UK cause most of them are crap (like latest hype Arctic Monkeys).

In Holland GnR played on a real hot day where all the fans waited outside in the sun in 35 C and never did I hear one BOO. All I heard was "Guns N Roses" as in Get In The RIng . And it was great show where you could see the band enjoy themselves and play the fuck out of every song. Positive reviews all over. Why? Because we came to have a good time instead of pay money to see a band fail and then bitch about how they suck and all. Or throw Brits need to grow the fuck up and not go see a band of whom you don't like the bandmembers. If give some love you will get a good show if you treat them like shit you get a shit show. It's that fucking simple.

well, i dont know about the UK fans , but you re right about the "feeling" that the band gets from the crowd.... in Greece, we waited for 60-80 minutes , some people started to get pissed off, some of them were chanting for "slash" - very few though ?Grin - but as the first riff of "welcome to the jungle" hit us, everybody , and i mean EVERYBODY - even the people who were there just out of curiosiity - had a blast, had a great mood, and it was clear that the band really enjoyed it nad gave us a very cool perfomance...

This i love -------> Prostitute
...a shot of vitamin C and a bottle of booze...

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« Reply #325 on: July 20, 2006, 05:54:02 AM »

What the fuck is up with the British crowd?

They always seem like fat, spoiled brats bitchin on everything. If you're not the new hype then everyone thinks you're shit. One day they all buy your album so next day they can burn it all because everyone and the mags say they suck. No wonder most of the British bands don't do shit outside the UK cause most of them are crap (like latest hype Arctic Monkeys).

In Holland GnR played on a real hot day where all the fans waited outside in the sun in 35 C and never did I hear one BOO. All I heard was "Guns N Roses" as in Get In The RIng . And it was great show where you could see the band enjoy themselves and play the fuck out of every song. Positive reviews all over. Why? Because we came to have a good time instead of pay money to see a band fail and then bitch about how they suck and all. Or throw Brits need to grow the fuck up and not go see a band of whom you don't like the bandmembers. If give some love you will get a good show if you treat them like shit you get a shit show. It's that fucking simple.

well, i dont know about the UK fans , but you re right about the "feeling" that the band gets from the crowd.... in Greece, we waited for 60-80 minutes , some people started to get pissed off, some of them were chanting for "slash" - very few though ?Grin - but as the first riff of "welcome to the jungle" hit us, everybody , and i mean EVERYBODY - even the people who were there just out of curiosiity - had a blast, had a great mood, and it was clear that the band really enjoyed it nad gave us a very cool perfomance...

We didn t wait for 60-80 minutes... There was no announcement about the time that GNR would hit the stage... and they were on stage at 22.00. I don t think that there were people thinking that GNR would be on stage earlier than 22.00 as Star Star were playing till 21.15


snow white

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« Reply #326 on: July 20, 2006, 05:54:42 AM »

You get idiots at every concert, no matter whether it's a Britney Spears show or a Marilyn Manson show. You just have to learn to deal with it. The security is there to stop people acting like assholes - as Axl pointed out. I just think he over reacted and he didn't give the fans any time to behave - like he expected it to happen again, so just stormed off.

Hell, Axl made me stand through Bullett for my Valentine and some large loud drunk woman trying to push in front of me for hours. But instead of crying and sulking and going home I sucked it up. He's a grown man, he needs to learn to deal with it.
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« Reply #327 on: July 20, 2006, 06:35:51 AM »

well, i dont know about the UK fans , but you re right about the "feeling" that the band gets from the crowd.... in Greece, we waited for 60-80 minutes , some people started to get pissed off, some of them were chanting for "slash" - very few though ?Grin - but as the first riff of "welcome to the jungle" hit us, everybody , and i mean EVERYBODY - even the people who were there just out of curiosiity - had a blast, had a great mood, and it was clear that the band really enjoyed it nad gave us a very cool perfomance...

In Newcastle GnR the doors opened at 18:15, they were orginally adverised (before a last minute change, only advertised on website) as going on stage at 20:30. They didn't go in stage until 22:10. Thats FOUR hours people had to stand. It was the hottest day in the UK since 1911 and it was fucking hot inside the arena.

The show was fantastic, Axl and the band were joking amongst themselves and the crowd.

There was only one negative booing from the crowd just before the intro due to being late on stage. Then the crowd got right behind them. Singly loudly during the sing-a-long bit during Knocking on Heavens Door was great to hear. The crowd cheered all the solos too.

As for the coin incident. Like I said, I was at the front of the seating section right next to the security line. It wasn't like "Owww, what the fuck hit me". I didn't see anything actually hit him. He casually turned round, walked to the front of the stage and picked something up.

Awesome gig, shit unnecessary ending.
« Reply #328 on: July 20, 2006, 06:36:23 AM »

Anything good to report from this gig?

No madagascar, no IRS, no chinese democracy, no paradise city, no TWAT -well there was one twat I suppose, but no There Was A Time.


I want to here madagascar live on Friday but it is not looking like I'm going to get my wish.

I really dont understand why they have dropped the new songs, its very disapointing.
« Reply #329 on: July 20, 2006, 06:37:30 AM »

well, i dont know about the UK fans , but you re right about the "feeling" that the band gets from the crowd.... in Greece, we waited for 60-80 minutes , some people started to get pissed off, some of them were chanting for "slash" - very few though ?Grin - but as the first riff of "welcome to the jungle" hit us, everybody , and i mean EVERYBODY - even the people who were there just out of curiosiity - had a blast, had a great mood, and it was clear that the band really enjoyed it nad gave us a very cool perfomance...

In Newcastle GnR the doors opened at 18:15, they were orginally adverised (before a last minute change, only advertised on website) as going on stage at 20:30. They didn't go in stage until 22:10. Thats FOUR hours people had to stand. It was the hottest day in the UK since 1911 and it was fucking hot inside the arena.

The show was fantastic, Axl and the band were joking amongst themselves and the crowd.

There was only one negative booing from the crowd just before the intro due to being late on stage. Then the crowd got right behind them. Singly loudly during the sing-a-long bit during Knocking on Heavens Door was great to hear. The crowd cheered all the solos too.

As for the coin incident. Like I said, I was at the front of the seating section right next to the security line. It wasn't like "Owww, what the fuck hit me". I didn't see anything actually hit him. He casually turned round, walked to the front of the stage and picked something up.

Awesome gig, shit unnecessary ending.

Good shit, fingers crossed for Glasgow.

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« Reply #330 on: July 20, 2006, 06:39:49 AM »

Plain and simple, Axl is just a little bitch. ?Yeah, lets throw a tantrum like a three year old because someone hit him with a coin. ?What an unprofessional asshole move. ?This tour is quickly becoming a joke. ?It has now truly turned into a greatest hits tour and it should be called "Welcome to Amateur Hour with Axl Rose". ?People should throw stuff at him not out of principle. ?I think we are about to see another band implosion and CD will never see the light of day. ?

Ok, encouarge people throwing stuff to harm the band is disgusting, and possibly illegal (ban him right there board owners, huge liability--ban him). ?Coins being thrown from a crowd at a college football game I was at, almost killed a member of the pep band during a pre-game show two years ago where I live. ?Your post speaks for itself, and is profoundlly antagonizing and pathetic.

Secondly, if it was a coin, that is totally dangerous. ?What's next, knife tossing, shooting? ?This is a different day and age, and Axl is responsible for everyone on stage. ?The last thing he needs is someone getting hit in the temple by a high velocity coin, or other object. ?Someone could be seriously injured or killed. ?They played two hours, and did not incite a riot. ?On to the next gig, and let's hope they have better security and less drunken psychopaths in the crowd. ?

take it in the context it was intended, not as an excuse to post apologist ramblings? Roll Eyes

You sound like George W. Bush, and your rhetoric, is well shallow, hollow "shit." ?If anything, metaphorically, ?you are being an apologist, defending wanton acts of violence. ?I don't care what his thought was, he encouraging throwing Coins at the band. ? It's inexcusable at that point. ?Where does one draw the line idiot?

Please explain how I sound like George W. Bush?
And dont call me an idiot pal, you certainly havent earned that right - get a clue

when you start talking about knives, violence etc.. youre taking it a step too far. The point I was making ?is I dont think the guy was being literal in encouraging people to throw shit - just expressing justified frustration at yet another pathetic Axl outburst.

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« Reply #331 on: July 20, 2006, 06:43:00 AM »

jimmytheagent"the music press just continue to crucify him and rightfully so. He brings it all on himself"

Tell me how do you say someone throwing something that could potentially be distructive, or harmfull to himself or any member of the band be bring it on himself!? please explain as for the situation at hand, I really would love to know, especially reading how some said the band was great??

I was referring to the bad reviews in that thread, not people throwing things??

but to answer you (and I in no way condone violence), the crowd get frustrated when the band is 1.5 hrs late perhaps? just a stab ?Roll Eyes

"Dive in and find the monkey!"

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« Reply #332 on: July 20, 2006, 07:10:10 AM »

Godwin's law in action, i'm sure it also applies to George W. ...
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« Reply #333 on: July 20, 2006, 07:21:23 AM »

okey so you guys are going off topic now Wink.. nut i don't care that much hihi.... but i have a question.. sis axl walk off stage and not coming back for PC? Huh

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« Reply #334 on: July 20, 2006, 07:25:40 AM »

Yes PC was not played, the concert ended after Nightrain.

How could you say that I never needed you
When you took everything
Said you took everything from me

I know someday you'll have a beautiful life,
I know you'll be a star in somebody else's sky...

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do one sweatheart!!!!!!!!!

« Reply #335 on: July 20, 2006, 07:43:51 AM »

Fair play,

But I ant having someone having a go at the great british public. 99.9% of us brits are fine people, just because there is one bad apple in the bunch, doesnt make us all bad!!

There is more to life than GNR, so what they had a fall-out, everyboby falls out from time to time, people we should be happy that they are touring!!

some you people expect 2 much!!!!!





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« Reply #336 on: July 20, 2006, 07:44:19 AM »

what time did this show end?

Marty Moose
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« Reply #337 on: July 20, 2006, 07:50:27 AM »

Quick review of the gig last night for the benefit of those interested:

Band arrived onstage late at approx 15-20mins past ten.  There was some booing and a fair few people pissed at the delay.  This was mostly due to the fact the area was like hotter than a Turkish prison, there was steam in the air and the surfaces were soaking with sweat.  It really was boiling hot.  But, this is Axl, people who don't expect him to run late are kidding themselves.  There was the odd voice shouting for Slash, but again, the guy hasn't been in the band for a decade, so I'm not sure what people expected.

The sound was good, but not brilliant.  Axl's voice was mixed a little low, although his vocals were very strong all night, and he still screams with the best of them.  Guitars were a little overcooked at times, and Robin's solo suffered the worst from it.

It was a familiar set list, with little interaction from Axl really.  The band played the songs fast and hard.  There were the odd few pyro's but perhaps not as many as I had expected.

The solo's were overall cool, with ther highlights definately being Dizzy's spell on the piano and the rendention of 'Don't Cry'.  I don't really think these spoilt the rythm of the set, and they seem to be there to let Axl have a breather and change his costume.  He's looking a little tubby in the flesh nowadays, so the cycling shorts are well and truly gone and he just swapped into baggy t-shirts and waistcoats all night long.

There was only 'The Blues' as a new song.  It got a polite reception, but easily the worst reception of the night.  It seemed like a lot of people didnt know it, and to be honest it wasn't the best rendition of it I've heard, even if Axl did sing it from on top of the grand piano.  I think the tour is more likely to try and appeal to as wide a fanbase as possible with the hits in preparation for the new album.  I'm not sure if the band themselves really know what their fanbase is anymore, whether it's people wanting new material or just older fans wanting to hear purely the classics, so this tour is definately playing it safe.  Hopefully when the new album comes out they will tour to support it and play a lot more new material.

As for the final incident, Axl was pretty pissed.  After the coin toss the band played on and he actually turned round and shouted at them to stop, then stormed off, leaving a bemused crowd.  He probably only came back to prevent a riot, and it seems like the band had agreed that 'Nightrain' would be the closer, because they played the hell out of it.  Axl left the stage stating the show was over, but everyone hung around waiting for 'PC', but then when the house lights went up we all knew the game was up.  Still, it's only one song missing, and he wasnt ranting and raving at the crowd (apart from calling the throwee a 'little c*nt' of course).  Even if he played through gritted teeth at least he came out and gave the crowd some closure, even if the encore was gone.

There were a few people confused and dissapointed at the abrupt ending, but there wasn't an overwhelming bad atmosphere at the gig, and it wasnt an 'Axl vs them' mentality at all.  In fact it was pretty much a normal gig bar about 30 seconds of madness.

It was still a great show, and they still played for two hours or so, which is good going.  Compared to the last time I saw them in '02, I don't think this show was quite up there (less pyros, new songs, no Buckethead or Encore), but on the plus side there was a cracking duet with Bach which was great fun, and it was amazing to see Izzy back, even if he did look a little lost out there.  Band were tight, and I certainly left the arena happy.

Show finished roughly 12:20ish I think.
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« Reply #338 on: July 20, 2006, 08:10:25 AM »

I find it quite amazing that people put the blame on Axl for this. I think it should be the crowd's responsibility to track down the fucker who threw the coin and cripple him. Instead, they call Axl's name after the show. Unbelievable.

It would be nice if GNR cameras picked up the incident so that they could show it on the big screens. That way people could easily identify him.

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it'd be a long time for anyone..........

« Reply #339 on: July 20, 2006, 08:38:46 AM »

i agree, if someone throws a scarf, flag, cd, etc etc, nostalgia stuff fine, the minute folks start to throw something that can hurt someone, thats out of order. axl was within his right.

i dont think he woulda walked off if it was the start of the show.

on the subject of brit audiences out of 4 brit gigs, hammersmith, donnington and now newcastle haven't exactly been kind to gnr so there is a little bit of truth in what some folks are saying about the brit audiences not being kind, at least on this tour

everytime i see them makes me wish i had a gun.....
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