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Author Topic: July 21st, 2006 Glasgow, UK @ SECC Sold Out!  (Read 49112 times)

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« Reply #200 on: July 24, 2006, 05:11:02 AM »

wow !!  thank you so much everyone who posted reviews (Olorin - your's was the bollocks! fkn great!).  I feel like I was there!  the whole hype and atmos etc!  I had goosebumps reading all about this gig - i KNEW scotland would go mental for this gig and am so glad it was all so good.  Better being back in is fantastic news and Maddy too.  So exciting!
thanks all - what a night you had!

come on wembley!!!!!!  counting the hours now.....   hihi

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« Reply #201 on: July 24, 2006, 07:18:19 AM »

It was a brilliant night and one which I will always remember Smiley

How could you say that I never needed you
When you took everything
Said you took everything from me

I know someday you'll have a beautiful life,
I know you'll be a star in somebody else's sky...
« Reply #202 on: July 24, 2006, 07:22:51 AM »

Here here. I wonder if the big American guy with the goatee and glasses frequents the board. He mentioned seeing Guns at Las Vegas 2001 and Hammerstein on May 14th  Cheesy
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« Reply #203 on: July 24, 2006, 07:55:53 AM »

Back from Glasgow. Great reviews from everyone Olorin, Evolution?.? ?I'd just be repeating what everyone else has said, it was the perfect show!

Got the beers in while BFMV were on, saw them in Sheffield and they've learnt to roll one song into another so they can?t hear the booing. Beer was cheap and no queues? Smiley

I've seen Guns 3 times before Glasgow and thought every show was awesome but Friday night was something else. Crowd was mental throughout.? I saw at least 4 other people around me sing along to Better and Madagascar.

Axl in great mood laughing and joking connecting with the crowd, Izzy loving every minute, great job from Frank, he never stopped smiling and looked like he couldn?t believe he's got this gig.

2 ? hours went so quickly, I didn?t want it to end.

After the show went round by the back door to see them leave, Security told us they were having a big piss up backstage and wouldn?t be out for hours, so found nearest bar which was packed out with fellow gunners until 3am reliving the gig.

Roll on Wembley!!!!

Some of my photos from Friday night.

Paradise City

Not wanting to leave!


June 7- Hammersmith Apollo
June 9- RDS Dublin
July 10- GNR & Rolling Stones Nurnberg - CANCELLED
July 18- Sheffield Arena
July 21- Glasgow SECC
July 29- Wembley Arena
July 30- Wembley Arena
« Reply #204 on: July 24, 2006, 07:58:28 AM »

That last picture is fucking great!

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« Reply #205 on: July 24, 2006, 08:02:07 AM »

well thats me just got back to reality ?Embarrassed or at least the reality of sitting at my desk at work ?hihi
Heres my take on Fridays events for anyone who cares
We arrived at the SECC about 3.45pm and drove round the back to the car parks to see if we could see any tour busses ect, we couldn't but we did see some girls at the fence at the rear of the hall
we parked and joined the Q about 4pm, got speaking to a few people, a young bloke who was on his own and a stunning girl (& her b/f) who were in front of us.
We heard the sound check about 4.15 but were stuck outside in the Q untill about 6.35 ?rofl it was a long day but we were prepared. Doors opened and down the front we ran. Managed to get a spot right in the centre of the stage with only one person in front. ?drool
Towers of London came on, and they were ok, the lead singer said "bet you didn't know we were gonna be here?, neither did we untill yesterday!" they wern't so bad sort of punky but i didn't like the constant spitting on stage. then there was a break then Bullit for my valentine came on
really the crowd weren't in to it apart from a few kiddies where we were standing. the only cheers they got seemed to be when the lead singer shouted "are you ready for the mighty guns n roses?" As someone said it sounded like they played the same song for 45 mins, not my thing at all
Then we waited, and waited and waited. there were some songs playing over the PA, not very loud tho, every thime a song ended the crowd started to cheer but towards 10pm they started to get restless and boo
Then about 10.15 Guns burst onto the stage, the crowd went mental and the first 10 rows of people crushed into where the first 2 rows were. It was really unconfotable and loads of people were getting smashed against the barrier. Axl stopped for a moment and asked people to take a step back, but the crush carried on. I moved back a few rows to find my feet and then they played better ?beer it was awsome live
Really I knew it was gonna be a crush, I knew it was gonna be hot, but I never expected it to be so damm good
we had pyro, big gass flames and cannons full of ticker tape
Axl wore a Scottish flag round his shoulders for a bit, and there was a comment about eating his breakfast "wheeties" out of a bra some girl had thrown on stage ( it was really big!)
they played for what seemed like ages all the hits as expected and we got a few new songs
no one really threw anything on stage or at the band, and they all seemed to be having a great time, smiling and playing back to back.
All in all an awsome gig ?ok ok I am still totally stunned about what I experienced, I don't think I'll ever experience another gig as good as that. I hope they come back sometime soon

I noticed a women with a white top and white hair sitting at the side of the stage, was that Beta?

It would have been good to have the dude at the start of the live era CD shouting "YOU WANTED THE BEST.............."

Izzy was on stage for a lot of the show, he was awsome too, looked to be enjoying himself

Don't think there were any downers on the show at all, everything was perfect

Thanks to Axl and the band for actually taking the time to come to Scotland
a BIG HEY! to the stunning lass we were talking to in the Q (lycra bottoms AFD t-shirt), hope you got out ok?
Hey to the young boy we spoke to who was on his own
Hey to the goth chick who I was heavily sweating on just before GnR came on (sorry)
and a big fuck you to the little rat boy who was in front of us with his goofy teenage mates, yes that is you with the plastic lemon (WTF) and the red bandana thing you threw on stage, who got taken out by security after BFMV. Your presense repulsed me and you were going to get a size 12 to the face

all you lucky people enjoy London as it will be superb! wish I was going but Glasgow has cleaned me out beer

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« Reply #206 on: July 24, 2006, 08:24:06 AM »

I noticed a women with a white top and white hair sitting at the side of the stage, was that Beta?

I noticed her too. She came out and sat at the front right of the stage before Maddy and Axl went over and appeared to move her more backstage.

How could you say that I never needed you
When you took everything
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I know someday you'll have a beautiful life,
I know you'll be a star in somebody else's sky...

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« Reply #207 on: July 24, 2006, 08:54:40 AM »

Yeah, I took a pic of her on my fone. Delted it though. Did drunkenly wave at her a few times too.
So drunk, but in a good way. Was right at the front, loving it!

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« Reply #208 on: July 24, 2006, 09:06:46 AM »

Loki - those pics are great!!! esp the one with the whirligig fireworks - was that for PC?  Confetti just coming out - and the last one of a sweaty, rocked-out SECC is great!

cheers!!!   ok
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« Reply #209 on: July 24, 2006, 09:19:34 AM »

Thanks babydolls, I knew pyros were coming up for PC so I got ready.? I took more photos but they've turned out a bit wobbly here's 2 more from November Rain


June 7- Hammersmith Apollo
June 9- RDS Dublin
July 10- GNR & Rolling Stones Nurnberg - CANCELLED
July 18- Sheffield Arena
July 21- Glasgow SECC
July 29- Wembley Arena
July 30- Wembley Arena

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« Reply #210 on: July 24, 2006, 09:26:52 AM »

fantastic!  how was the venue's sound??? - the SECC can be a bit muddy....

it must have been almost surreal realising it was finally GnR live in front of glasgow!  at long fkn last!

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it'd be a long time for anyone..........

« Reply #211 on: July 24, 2006, 09:37:39 AM »

it was beta at the side of the stage, axl came out of the stage after a wardrobe change and ran back in to change again, maybe he didn't like it?, and beta ran after him and they walked back talking..

this is the first chance i've had to write some of the things that happned at the gig...

there was some booing after the band was 45-50 mins late, people should kow that they won't come on till 10 at least so.... Undecided

when they came on, it was a juggernaut of energy, the crowd went fucking nuts, as i knew they would as all bands comment on how crazy scots gigs are, i cant explain really the place just went wild.

i wont go in to set lists as people know them by now so i'll just comment on the new songs and peoles thoughts on them

better- this is my fave new song, but i thin the sound was a bit off in the guitars so it didnt really haver the drive that the studio version has, but i still enjoyed it as did many others around me

blues- absoulutely perfect, axl on top of the piano at the end, amazing. but folks seemed a bit puzzled,m though it was recieved well.

madagascar- best version i've evr heard, the sound was so amazing, people seemed to be into this one also, but i was the only person singing i could see.

i've seen gnr twice on this tour now, once at hammersmith as well, so i feel i can judge the guitarists and how well their solos go down.

richard-- i think richard, is the best guitarist in gnr, he's fuckin amazing, and duelly got the best reception for his solo.

robin-- robin played his solos for the songs well, but i don't think he should have a solo spot, he's just not that type of guitar player, and i think he suffered a little for that

ron-- ron played his solo spot excellently, don't cry with the crowd singing all the words to the entire song! when he was shredding though i think his guitar had a little to much juice if you know what i mean.

rants of note-

axl mentioned the sweden thing, he said something along the lines of the woman he was with was given a drug test because she was "hanging out with a rock star"

everyone knows about the highlander milk joke

someone shouted before NR " i got train to catch" axl stopped and said, "then go home, im not stopping you and you don't need to be here" he wasnt shouting or anything he just calmly told the person to piss off more or less.

after the next song axl said, " lets get a few things straight, this is not mcdonalds, this is not burger king. this is not "how you want it, so fuck the extra pickles, the onions and the mayonaise", to whcih tommy looked a little surprised and just pissed himself laughing and frank started applauding! hihi

that was axls only real rant. apart from that i would say, the band had a fucking great time, axl looked to be in a fantastic mood, the sound for the notoriously bad secc was nothing short of incredible, this band is as tight as fuck.

this was the best gig i ever been to, including gnr at hammersmith a few weeks ago, the crowd their were so stuffy and i didn't think any energy came from them, different story in scotland folks, gnr played great and the crowd went fuckin mental! ok

« Last Edit: July 24, 2006, 09:41:07 AM by daviebuckethead » Logged

everytime i see them makes me wish i had a gun.....

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« Reply #212 on: July 24, 2006, 09:42:06 AM »

fantastic!  how was the venue's sound??? - the SECC can be a bit muddy....

it must have been almost surreal realising it was finally GnR live in front of glasgow!  at long fkn last!

I thought the sound quality at the gig was good, far better than some bands I've seen there. I could hear Axl and the band clearly, better than I could at Hammersmith (Axl).
« Last Edit: July 24, 2006, 09:44:26 AM by sneeks » Logged

How could you say that I never needed you
When you took everything
Said you took everything from me

I know someday you'll have a beautiful life,
I know you'll be a star in somebody else's sky...

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« Reply #213 on: July 24, 2006, 09:44:39 AM »

good to hear - i've seen some good bands at secc been really let down by the sound.  GnR at hammersmith in my book was quite good sound - different story last time I saw VR there, couldnt really hear scott and was deafened in one ear by slash for 3 days - it fkn hurt!


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« Reply #214 on: July 24, 2006, 09:49:05 AM »

The first VR gig I watched at the SECC in the small hall had terrible sound but the last one in the main hall was perfect where I was positioned.

How could you say that I never needed you
When you took everything
Said you took everything from me

I know someday you'll have a beautiful life,
I know you'll be a star in somebody else's sky...

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« Reply #215 on: July 24, 2006, 09:50:56 AM »

"Thanks to Axl and the band for actually taking the time to come to Scotland
a BIG HEY! to the stunning lass we were talking to in the Q (lycra bottoms AFD t-shirt), hope you got out ok?
Hey to the young boy we spoke to who was on his own
Hey to the goth chick who I was heavily sweating on just before GnR came on (sorry)
and a big fuck you to the little rat boy who was in front of us with his goofy teenage mates, yes that is you with the plastic lemon (WTF) and the red bandana thing you threw on stage, who got taken out by security after BFMV. Your presense repulsed me and you were going to get a size 12 to the face" - andy1981 quote

LOL - what did rat boy do to get thrown out?
« Last Edit: July 24, 2006, 11:01:50 AM by babydolls » Logged

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« Reply #216 on: July 24, 2006, 10:51:29 AM »

better- this is my fave new song, but i thin the sound was a bit off in the guitars so it didnt really haver the drive that the studio version has, but i still enjoyed it as did many others around me

blues- absoulutely perfect, axl on top of the piano at the end, amazing. but folks seemed a bit puzzled,m though it was recieved well.

madagascar- best version i've evr heard, the sound was so amazing, people seemed to be into this one also, but i was the only person singing i could see.

Well said, the new songs sounded better (sorry!) than when I heard them in Dublin, maybe cos of the venue, my closeness to the front, I dunno. Also, a few folk around me knew these new songs a bit. Loved Better, singing and dancing along like a maniac slightly.
The Blues is genius, when Axl went on top of the piano (don't recall him doing it in Dublin, feel free to correct me) it gave the song a great vitality to which the crowd reacted to. Maddy was good, not my fav song from the new ones. Selfishly would have loved to have heard CD, IRS ahead of it, but hey it was an extra song for the encore!
The opening 6 numbers to the show were perfect, total rocking songs to get the crowd going nuts. One of my mates was in the diasbled section at the back and he said the whole place went nuts.
Truly the best gig I've seen in my shortish gigging life, beating Queen + PR, Maiden, VR, Green Day.
Bring on CD!
Axls Locomotive

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« Reply #217 on: July 24, 2006, 03:00:41 PM »

The first VR gig I watched at the SECC in the small hall had terrible sound but the last one in the main hall was perfect where I was positioned.

ive seen a dozen bands at the SECC, this was easily the best sound ive heard from the big red shed...

""Of all the small nations of this earth, perhaps only the ancient Greeks surpass the Scots in their contribution to mankind"
(Winston Churchill)"
« Reply #218 on: July 24, 2006, 03:59:21 PM »

Glad folk enjoyed my report, I loved reading about everyone else's experience too, glad I'm not the only nutter beer

There is some sweet pics in this thread, great memories, great night.

I sent Richard a tongue in cheek email, thanking them for a great show and apologising for everyone not going completely fucking mental for the whole 2 and a half hours Wink

I said, if you thought Friday was good, come back when its a little cooler and we will give you's a performance that will singe your fucking eyebrows off. headbanger

Friday night was a high that I feel like I'm addicted to, I have being reliving the Welcome to the Jungle/Its So Easy experience all day at work, getting goosebumps and butterflys in my stomach.

I am seriously thinking of getting a ticket for the last London gig off Ebay, and hopping on a plane with another bottle of whisky and doing it all over again yes


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« Reply #219 on: July 24, 2006, 05:17:25 PM »

If I had some spare cash I'd be heading to London too. I really need another gnr live fix Grin

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I know someday you'll have a beautiful life,
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