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+  Here Today... Gone To Hell!
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Author Topic: July 21st, 2006 Glasgow, UK @ SECC Sold Out!  (Read 49239 times)

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« Reply #140 on: July 22, 2006, 11:22:54 AM »

Thanks,... but, excuse me,? I couldn't understand about? ?OTGM !....
just incase you cant figure out what song it is... which you actually probably know... its Out Ta Get Me

if thats not what you wanted then sorry Smiley

Thanks, for sure, Out to Get! LOL!
« Reply #141 on: July 22, 2006, 11:59:50 AM »

Raving Reporter Olorins Rocking Report headbanger

What an unbelievable night!! This was a performance for the ages, they really were loving every minute of it. I was right down the front rocking like a man possessed for the whole show, and so was everyone else near me.

It was a pressure cooker down at the front, it was so intense, everyone was going bezerk and there is no doubt that the band were amazed at what they were seeing unfold in front of them.
I am surprised that folk have been saying the crowd could have been better because where I was we were all going proper nuts.
Occasionally I would look around behind to see what was going on, and I suppose the people at the back were not quite as mad as the people at the front.
But generally I was oblivious to this as from where I was, it was a bruising, frantic and at times scary audience performance. The searing heat may have affected the crowds energy levels, it was intense at the front.
The temperature was off the chart, I have never been so boiling hot in my life, my new GN?R tour shirt didn?t stay on long, it was whipped off to become a makeshift towel for the night. (and a flag and a scarf)
It was actually perilously hot down there, thank god I have been going to the gym for a few years, it was such a test of endurance to rock non-stop in those conditions. I could have calmed down a bit but loud GN?R makes me go wild at the best of times, never mind, GN?R live, loud, and on fucking fire 10 feet away from me.

Anyway here is my tale of chaos:

Drove down to my friend?s house on the afternoon, GN?R blasting out the stereo all the way.
He was sitting out on his balcony half way through a bottle of wine and was treating his neighbors to UYI2 at full volume.
I had a bottle of whisky with me and was soon out on his balcony having a few drams and smoking a few joints alongside him.
We kind of lost track of time, too busy singing our hearts out, and forgot the trains were 1 every hour. It was now 7.30pm and the train came in at 7.45pm, so we had to high-tale down to the train station pronto.
So? him with another bottle of wine and me with my bottle of whisky and both of us with spliffs hanging out of our mouths were soon charging through the streets desperately trying to get to the train station in time.
By some miracle we made it and settled down for an hour-long train journey, thank god we remembered the booze.
Fairly uneventful journey, just drinking our supplies and sneaking off to the toilet for a crafty smoke, we were very merry. I was a little worried as we wouldn?t get to the concert till roughly 9pm, I was getting paranoid thoughts like ?Fuck, what if they decide to come on early??
I wanted to get down to the front, and I didn?t want to miss the opening riffs of Welcome to the Jungle.
My cohort wasn?t worried at all, he was in his own little world, asking anyone who got on the train if they were going to see GN?R ? but by the time he had finished his wine, he was asking really elderly folk, like 70, 80 year olds if they were going, one old lady got on beside us with a Zimmer frame, and he is swaying in his seat eyes unfocused going ?Waheeey, you goin to see the guns and the roses then eh??
They were all just laughing and saying things like ?not tonight son, a wee bit loud for my taste.? It was all good really.

« Reply #142 on: July 22, 2006, 12:00:38 PM »

Made it to the venue for just before 9pm, got myself a GN?R 2006 tour shirt, binned the old one I was wearing, hooked up with some other friends and we made our way through the crowd to try and get a good position.
There was rumors flying around all over the place:

?Axls not here?
Axls in the building?
?They are going to come on at 9.15 and play a super long show?
?They are not coming on till half 10 and are only playing for an hour?

Basically from I could ascertain from all this was; no buggar knew what the hell was going to happen and I might just have time to go and take a piss before they came on. Good call, as had plenty of time.
Never seen anything of the support bands, they were all packed up before I got there and never heard anyone speaking about them so they must have been very memorable.
On my way back down to the front I spent some time chatting with others fans, I was drunk, damn well excited and so fucking pumped up I was bouncing around and psyching myself up to a frenzy, people were shaking my hand, other were bouncing up to me singing GN?R tunes, and I shit you not, people kept coming up to me and asking me if I had any drugs left over and could sell them any, they wanted pills off me ? They thought I was mad with the ecstacy or coke!!!

I managed somehow to get back down to my friends at the front, but it was getting pretty cramped, it was now after half 9 and people were getting restless ? from what I had gathered the last band had finished at half 8.
There was music coming out of the PA system, but it wasn?t very loud ? I picked out AC/DC but generally I couldn?t tell what was on.
One thing I do remember was I thought I heard a burst of the song ?checkmate?, that the clip is floating around online, hopefully someone else heard it.

Everytime a song ended there would be cheers, then another song would start and there would be a chorus of boos and whistles and Anti Axl shouts.
There was one really obnoxious little fucker beside me shouting all this ?Axl you?re a prick? crap, constantly. I said, ?why are you bothering? You can see as well as me that nobody is up there, Axl cant hear you.?
He was like, ? so he is still a prick though isn?t he??
Yeah, whatever mate.
I had one eye on him for a while and was thinking ?this wee prick looks likely to throw something at Axl?, and I swear if he did I would have gave him a proper doing, my friends were thinking the same thing, but thankfully it never came to that.

There was one fight actually. As it got closer to 10pm, people were really crammed in down the front and it must have been impossible for anyone to get through.
Didn?t stop one arrogant wanker barging his way through though, it was behind me it happened, I was looking backwards up at the folk in the stands. This guy burst through pissing off everyone on the way, people started throwing punches at him, he didn?t know what to do.
What he did do was square up to a girl who was telling him to fuck off, and started to rough her up, her boyfriend and a few bystanders launched themselves at him. Nobody could really get any decent blows landed on him, but he still ended up flat on the ground only to be roughly picked up and swiftly and aggressively passed back out through the people he barged through on the way down in the first place.
Mob justice.
« Reply #143 on: July 22, 2006, 12:01:12 PM »

At just after 10pm the lights went off and the place erupted.
I was suddenly a little concerned by the heat and aware of the fact that I had drunk nothing but whisky for hours.
Welcome to the jungle ripped out and forgot my fear and was swept up in the roar of euphoria and thunderous chords of Jungle, the moment I had been waiting 20 years for, since I first put in my big brothers Appetite For Destruction cassette into my little hifi, when I was all of 7 years old.
It was just insane!! Magical! It was hard to keep your feet in the crowd because we were swaying all over the place and jumping up and down as one.
I?m a big guy so I?m better suited to it than others, must be really scary for smaller folk, especially kids, of which there was a few!
Its So Easy came crashing out the second Jungle finished and we just tore the roof off the place and continued our frenzy. Ron looked a little concerned at one point.
After its so easy, Axl asked for some lights and asked us to calm down because people were passing out, being hurt and getting carried out.
He asked everyone to take a few steps back, to try and ease the pressure at the front, and to my relief, everyone did so with no fuss whatsoever.
Mr Brownstone then blasted out and it was good to have a slightly slower song on, so I could catch my breath. Still rocked, just not as hard.
Live and Let Die came on and I went fucking nuts again, so did everyone else and it was damn sweet.
I think Better came on next and I just flipped, its not even my favorite song but the fact that Scotland was getting a far superior performance from the band compared to what I had read about the previous 2 uk shows, there was no doubt ? this band was firing on full cylinders and genuinely seemed to be having a ball. Ron looked extremely happy and energized. He had his hair in kind of braids or something, he was wearing a white vest which was soaked with sweat halfway through jungle.
Ron?s skin colour looked so pasty white he could have passed for a Scotsman!
Axl was just out of this world, truly mesmerizing. I really mean that, I barely glanced at the big screens behind the stage, I kept forgetting they were there, I could not take my eyes off of Axl. He was spellbinding, his energy levels were through the roof, vocals were searing and perfect and he was in a fantastic mood, infact he barely left the stage.
He pretended to put on a bra that was thrown on stage, and said something about being able to eat his breakfast cereal out of the cups.
He heard someone making a snidey remark, and basically said ?Why don?t you fuck off then? Nobody is stopping you, you can go out and catch a bus.?
There was lots of comments about Whisky, which I particularly enjoyed.
There was also a few things thrown at the stage, something that looked like a parcel which placed at the back of the stage.
Some idiot took it upon themselves to throw a miniature whisky bottle at the stage, which Axl only remarked ?Oh wow, miniatures, thank you?

He talked about Sweden, cant really remember what he said though.

He had a Scottish flag wrapped around him at one point also, and Beta was at the side of the stage much of the night, she really looked happy and into it. There was really such a feel good vibe coming from the band, it must have been that famous Scottish Hospitality.
Axl also said some thing like, "This band isn't McDonalds, and it isn't Burger King. This isn't have it your way". He was smiling though.

I better wrap up actually, this has become a bit of a monster of a report.

Izzy came on and had a blast, he looked like he had never been happier.
We got used to love her, which was awesome.
A stunning Patience with the crowd making they?re own percussion, stomping and clapping in time and singing, it was magical ? Frank loved it, and Big Frank kicked ass all night, he was great!!

I thought the jams were really cool, and yet another chance for me to catch my breath and rest. I had so much water pouring off me I could not have been any wetter if I was in the shower.
Rons solo was good, don?t cry was fun, I held my phone up for my friend at home who loves that song.
Ron was great all night.
Richard was great all night too(he is tiny!) but I don?t even really remember his solo much. That thing he does with Robin, the Christina song, I don?t know the song in question but I don?t think they played it very well last night, cause it sounded crap.
Robin was good when playing the songs but his solos were excruciatingly bad. They were awful. It was painful on the ears and I really don?t know what they were supposed to sound like. It was embarrassing.
I never really noticed tommy much; I was more over to the left side of the stage. I couldn?t help but notice he had a bra on his head at one point.
Dizzy was busy all night, cant believe the weight he has lost ? its like looking at a different person from the Illusion videos.
Chris was there looking busy as well, he got a good cheer when he was introduced.

Nightrain was the fucking shit!!! Amazing!! It was a non stop rock out from the people at the front, I didn?t give a fuck about heat or exhaustion by this point, I knew the show was almost over, so I just went for it.
The encore.
I seen Dizzy taking his place first and I was like pleeeeeeeeeaaase Madagascar, and low and behold the organ kicked in. I nearly fucking jumped out of my shoes!! It was amazing to hear it live, so powerful, so good to wave your hands to.
I really miss bucketheads lead guitar in the middle though, its just not the same anymore.
Paradise City ended the evenings festivities, and it was a storming rendition, everyone going bezerk and the band just feeding off it.
The show ended in a deafening roar of approval as the band took their bows, they all looked like they had had the best night ever and Axl thanked us and wished us all a safe journey home and good night! And then it was over.

The greatest musical experience of my life, thank you Guns N? Roses.

When we were walking out I was feeling really woozy from the heat and fluid loss, I was ok at first but as we were waiting to get out the hall, I was feeling really woozy, my friend was practically holding me up. I was so hot and so thirsty I cant describe it.
I asked a member of staff where I could go to get some water, and she was like ?oh the toilets are down there? and walked away.
So I found the toilets but the fuckers were locked up!!!
I was ready to kick in the door, when my friend took me outside saying there was foodstalls out there and he would go and get some bottled water.
I waited on him and noticed that my trousers were just completely drenched and I had puddles of sweat in my pockets.
My friend returned and had a couple of cans of fizzy juice for us each, saying they don?t have any water there either and they wont sell me more than 4 cans of juice!!
Thank you SECC.
I drank the 2 cans of juice and felt a little better so we got in the car of the person who was taking us home, spent about and hour trying to get out of the car park.
We went to a 24 hour garage and got some bottles of water which was like liquid life, so good. But on the journey home I started shaking and feeling really cold, damn cold. By the time I got to the flat I was shivering uncontrollably and was freezing cold.
They ended up wrapping me up in loads of layers of blankets and feeding me hot drinks for an hour or so until I managed to heat up again and stay warm.
It was so surreal, boiling hot one minute, freezing the next.
After a couple of hours I felt completely normal again and crawled into bed, marking the end of the Best Friday Night Out in Glasgow Ever!!

« Reply #144 on: July 22, 2006, 12:12:38 PM »

Wow Olorin fucking ACE review!!! headbanger I so wish I'd been there!!!! You lucky fucker!! beer beer peace
« Reply #145 on: July 22, 2006, 12:12:48 PM »

What a beast of a report! I like hearing about before the gig in reviews too  ok

Axl said something alone the lines of he got drug tested in Sweden because they can do that if they "have a tip". And their tip was some girl who was "hanging out with a rockstar"?

He then grabbed his balls and said he had another tip for her  hihi

The bra and cereal bowls thing also reminded me he kept saying "mmmm Scottish milk!"
« Reply #146 on: July 22, 2006, 12:15:38 PM »

Yeah, he mentioned Scottish milk a few times Cheesy

He also said something about highlanders.

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« Reply #147 on: July 22, 2006, 12:23:16 PM »

What was the item that was thrown on stage that Axl was asking the roadie to let him see?

How could you say that I never needed you
When you took everything
Said you took everything from me

I know someday you'll have a beautiful life,
I know you'll be a star in somebody else's sky...
« Reply #148 on: July 22, 2006, 12:24:31 PM »

Book of matches I think. "You never know when they will come in handy"

What did he say about Highlanders again?  Grin

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« Reply #149 on: July 22, 2006, 12:29:40 PM »

Hey Evo,great review, yea, i saw you shaking your ass boy hihi

Used to Love Her, enjoy

I think whoever filmed this was very close to where I was standing cause I recognised the guy getting up on his friends shoulders, I was standing around 6ft behind them at that point.

How could you say that I never needed you
When you took everything
Said you took everything from me

I know someday you'll have a beautiful life,
I know you'll be a star in somebody else's sky...
« Reply #150 on: July 22, 2006, 12:36:14 PM »

I'm not sure, its a bit hazy drool

I forgot to say I loved the blues last night, it is a special song for me. I listened to it all the time when my best freind committed suicide back in 2002 - the lyrics said everything i was feeling at that time.
Last night hearing Axl singing it live had me filling up with tears of emotion, it was a powerful and personal moment amongst all the madness.

I also had a few tears in my eyes when they were taking their bows and when axl was saying goodbye.

But that might have been partly due to the onset of heat exaustion. Smiley
« Reply #151 on: July 22, 2006, 12:38:56 PM »

Blues really was done very well last night.

Found some pics over at  ok

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« Reply #152 on: July 22, 2006, 12:39:23 PM »

I really felt the effects of heat exhaustion when the crowd began to leave the hall and I was no longer tightly pinned among other people, my legs were not wanting to keep my body upright Grin Fortunately I managed to drag my incredibly tired self out of there. Wouldn't have changed any part of the night though. Awesome.

How could you say that I never needed you
When you took everything
Said you took everything from me

I know someday you'll have a beautiful life,
I know you'll be a star in somebody else's sky...
« Reply #153 on: July 22, 2006, 12:40:18 PM »

And did you notice the girls getting their tits out? Grin

Yeah Baby!!!

There was a girl not a few away from me who had managed to get her knickers off and was waving them around.

And yes, she was a babe ok

More than a few bras ended up on stage.
« Last Edit: July 22, 2006, 12:41:49 PM by Olorin » Logged
« Reply #154 on: July 22, 2006, 12:41:59 PM »

That's pretty impressive! Some lady was on her partner's shoulder right in front of me, kept getting her arse in my face  Tongue

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« Reply #155 on: July 22, 2006, 12:43:17 PM »

Awesome review Olorin.  ok Thanks

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« Reply #156 on: July 22, 2006, 12:43:52 PM »

There were some very sexy girls there last night, one poor girl was getting unwanted attention from 4 drunken guys who I think finally left after getting bored of waiting. They were very annoying so I don't think anyone was sad to see them leave.

How could you say that I never needed you
When you took everything
Said you took everything from me

I know someday you'll have a beautiful life,
I know you'll be a star in somebody else's sky...
« Reply #157 on: July 22, 2006, 12:44:27 PM »

Just found out it was, "Some Scottish milk.......some Highlander milk!"
Axls Locomotive

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« Reply #158 on: July 22, 2006, 01:21:35 PM »

Great review Olorin...

there is a small review in the Daily Record today too...

I know what you mean about losing the power to stand up after the concert finished...walking back to the centre of Glasgow i thought my legs were going to seize up...

shit, did i miss the tits?... hihi

""Of all the small nations of this earth, perhaps only the ancient Greeks surpass the Scots in their contribution to mankind"
(Winston Churchill)"

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« Reply #159 on: July 22, 2006, 01:22:50 PM »

i'm lost here... this a different concert?

In 1 report i've read there was no new songs except the Blues played and no Paradise City. In a 2nd report i've read Madagascar was played along with a killer version of nightrain.

Have any bootlegs surfaced on these show(s)  Smiley
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