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Robin Fink: 10 Years Apparently Arent Enough
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Topic: Robin Fink: 10 Years Apparently Arent Enough (Read 29934 times)
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Robin Fink: 10 Years Apparently Arent Enough
July 04, 2006, 02:38:10 PM »
Now I know he hasnt appeared on a "New Album", but the guy has been working with Axl for about 10 years now, by the time the album comes out and a US Tour is underway he probably will have been working with Axl for a longer time than Slash and Duff ever did, let alone probably twice as long as either Matt or Steven. Yet, the guy gets little to no respect from GnR fans it seems, especially on this board. Hell, i got -3 Karma points for disliking Bumblefoot and disagreeing that Robin's solo's that he wrote over those 10 years of sacrafice, should be played by Robin and not Bumblefoot. I dont get it, Robin has more to lose if GNR fails than anyone except for Axl. He is the only one I feel who really isnt in it for the money, but rather wants to create good music. Yeah i know that will be argued against, but i would guess that Fink has lost money so far by joining GNR.
Fink wasnt like Fortus or BH who would play with anyone who would pay him. Or BBF who was scratching out a living in the clubs. He isnt like Tommy whose band broke up 10 years ago and who has a moderately successful solo group. As late as 2001 Fink was playing sold out stadium tours with NIN, which were labeled by many press agencies as the best concerts of the year. He gave up a pretty cozy gig with Reznor to come with Axl for a chance to write and record his own material.
Besides the fact that I think he really cares about the band Ir eally do not see a problem with his playing. I love watching the dude play, i have ever since i first saw him with Trent. Maybe Axl needs to hit him more or something. Fink always seemed to play better when Trent was throwing things at him, punching him, pushing him off the stage etc... Also I just think Fink is loyal, I remember watching a clip from Tokyo where Trent was blasted and couldnt perform, Fink had played all the songs near perfectly that night, but when MOTP started and Trent pretty much passed out, Fink through himself on the ground to make it look like it was apart of the gig. The guy is a cool guy, who i think is an awesome guitarist. Maybe Im missing something, but I watch things like,
and just cant help but think that no matter what this guy is playing it sounds cool and he is fun to watch.
I just think people on this board should realize how loyal Fink has been when probably 99% of other musicians would have left. Fink always thanks Axl for saving him when he almost lost his mind in New Orleans and maybe that is why he is so loyal, but the guy has been in the band a decade, he is a veteran in the music industry and he is very well respected by both his friends and his enemies. I just hope GNR fans learn to accept this guy, rather than always bashing him for some unknown reason.
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Re: Robin Fink: 10 Years Apparently Arent Enough
Reply #1 on:
July 04, 2006, 02:40:42 PM »
I dont know the "Loosing mind in New Orleans"-Story, what's it about?
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Re: Robin Fink: 10 Years Apparently Arent Enough
Reply #2 on:
July 04, 2006, 02:43:11 PM »
After a NIN tour Fink went down to New Orleans to cool out. Apparently was getting too into the scene and that is when Axl supposedly called him to come play with GNR. Fink has said had he not gotten out of New Orleans he probably would have died. A lot like the Bach in New York story. Sounds like although Axl has had his own problems with partying that he is a good judge of when people have had too much and are living dangerously and he seems to care enough about people to try to save them.
Re: Robin Fink: 10 Years Apparently Arent Enough
Reply #3 on:
July 04, 2006, 02:43:44 PM »
Finck plays all the solos he wrote, the 2 in 'IRS', the solo from 'The Blues', 'Better', 'CD', etc.
Other than that you're right, he deserves a great deal of respect and unfortunately some kids here don't give him that.
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Re: Robin Fink: 10 Years Apparently Arent Enough
Reply #4 on:
July 04, 2006, 02:45:33 PM »
That's bullshit if they gave you 3 negative karma points just because you don't like Bumblefoot, that's your opinion. Although I mean I still think it's really too early to judge Bumblefoot at this time... he seems like a great guy and in NYC he played the speed parts quite well that Bh made. I do agree Robin is a pretty good player and he was smart to come to gnr because Trent wasn't going to let him have any creative input. So, he definitely made the best decision to come here to Gnr. Now, I don't think Robin has lost money coming to Gnr, he'll ultimately gain more with Axl because he has more musical work to get paid for.. he was just a touring musician with Trent. I seen Robin about 7 times with NIN and I tried to ask him about his gig with NIN and Trent when I met him and he just ignored me an walked away... that's when I learned it must have been a real bad divorace. Even with that I still think Robin's done nothing but get better since joining gnr and I lol at people who complain about his stage presence or how he walks up there.... he is playing his solos good and I think he is playing the older material better this tour than 2002.... so Robin's place in the band is just fine with me.
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Re: Robin Fink: 10 Years Apparently Arent Enough
Reply #5 on:
July 04, 2006, 02:48:11 PM »
Finck is my favorite new member.
Actually I like him more than Slash.
At the Budapest gig, he was the only one I was watching the whole time.
Last Edit: July 04, 2006, 02:52:17 PM by Lucky
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Re: Robin Fink: 10 Years Apparently Arent Enough
Reply #6 on:
July 04, 2006, 03:16:35 PM »
The fact he still gets disrespected by a majority of new GNR fans should tell you something about his talent level given how blindly loyal most GNR fans are. The guy's problem is that he is supposed to be the band's lead guitarist, yet he continues to be the least talented of the 3 guitarists in the band. Axl knew he wasn't going to take this band to the next level, so he has always been on the lookout for other guys to bring in. That is why he brought Richard into the fold, and then had to find a competent replacement for Bucket, because Robin just doesn't have the skill as a player to pick up the slack in a lot of areas.
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Re: Robin Fink: 10 Years Apparently Arent Enough
Reply #7 on:
July 04, 2006, 03:30:39 PM »
it has nothing to do with Fincks talent, but is due to primitivity of most GNR fans, who are limited to a certain type of guitar playing, and dare not look outside their limited box
typical fan talkin about reunion:
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Re: Robin Fink: 10 Years Apparently Arent Enough
Reply #8 on:
July 04, 2006, 03:34:01 PM »
it has nothing to do with Fincks talent
I don't agree with that only in the sense that Bucket was slagged on because of his gimmick, but there was a general consesus even among the haters that the guy could flat out play, and one only need listen to the stuff he played to realize that. If Robin had that type of ability, he would not face a 1/10th of the criticism he does on these boards.
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Re: Robin Fink: 10 Years Apparently Arent Enough
Reply #9 on:
July 04, 2006, 03:36:04 PM »
Quote from: Mr.Intensity on July 04, 2006, 02:45:33 PM
That's bullshit if they gave you 3 negative karma points just because you don't like Bumblefoot, that's your opinion.
I've learned in the past 2 days that this forum is not the place for open expression and opinions. ?Its a fascist styled, tightly controlled environment. ?In other words: if you say anything negative about the current lineup, you are almost sure to be given negative karma points. ?There's obviously a direct influence from upper management prevelent here on this forum. ?I had two threads locked just because I said Axl's voice wasn't as strong now as it was in the early 90's. ?Even though I'm totally correct, because it could potentially hurt interest in the new lineup, it didn't take long for the thread to be locked. ?I'm on several messages boards, and this is the first forum I've seen where fascism is the rule of law. ?I've seen some strict forums in my time, but this forum might as well be considered Merck's blog, because if you don't fall in line, you'll be ostricized and eventually banned more than likely.
It's LiberAdZe, bitch!
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Re: Robin Fink: 10 Years Apparently Arent Enough
Reply #10 on:
July 04, 2006, 03:37:51 PM »
They were locked because they were annoying and we've heard it a million times.
If you don't like it, you could always leave.
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Re: Robin Fink: 10 Years Apparently Arent Enough
Reply #11 on:
July 04, 2006, 03:42:38 PM »
Quote from: AdZ on July 04, 2006, 03:37:51 PM
They were locked because they were annoying and we've heard it a million times.
If you don't like it, you could always leave.
As if there aren't other threads here about topics that have been BEATEN to death.??
? Get real.? You're trying to squash somebody's opinion and that's all there is to it!? The point was, the previous poster Mr. Intensity was talking to, has -3 karma points because he doesn't like Bumblefoot.? I mean, WTF?!?? He's been in the band for a little over a month!??!? He's certainly no Buckethead and CERTAINLY no Slash!?
You know exactly what I'm talking about.? Besides, if you've heard it a million times, it didn't stop countless others from wanting to talk about it.? No matter how many times something has been discussed, if it stimulates conversation, then what's the problem?? I'll tell you the problem, the board is kept in line to keep GnR management happy.? If they ever felt the board became too liberal, they'd cut off any association they have with it.? The problem is not that you can't deal with Axl criticism, the problem is its simply not allowed here... case shut!
Last Edit: July 04, 2006, 03:44:17 PM by LookingThruThisPOV
Re: Robin Fink: 10 Years Apparently Arent Enough
Reply #12 on:
July 04, 2006, 03:43:09 PM »
Quote from: Naupis on July 04, 2006, 03:16:35 PM
The fact he still gets disrespected by a majority of new GNR fans...
Majority? I'd say all fans of this new band respect him, only the few people living in the past don't.
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Re: Robin Fink: 10 Years Apparently Arent Enough
Reply #13 on:
July 04, 2006, 03:51:52 PM »
Fink is great. I don't get why people think he sucks. He nails the old solo's (with the exception of November rain) and add's a bit of his own unique touch. He is a charasmatic performer and from what we've heard writes killer tunes. Just listen to the better or blues solos'... not to mention the you tube clip posted in this thread.
I think anyone who does like fink just can't get over their love for slash. I love slash too but the dude has written a good solo in years.
Its like a first love you can't get over... you'll never love the new person as much as the old. It doesn't mean the new person isn't perfect for you now.
I personally like BF alot but don't see the need for him. Both robin and richard are wicked players and could totally nail the parts.
Personally i don't think we'll see much of bucket on the record. I'm sure axl had multiple ideas for each part from each player. We'll probably see a few but not that many.
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Re: Robin Fink: 10 Years Apparently Arent Enough
Reply #14 on:
July 04, 2006, 03:53:41 PM »
Quote from: AdZ on July 04, 2006, 03:37:51 PM
They were locked because they were annoying and we've heard it a million times.
If you don't like it, you could always leave.
well, then you should disable the "join" function on this forum.
what's the point of letting people join in when they cant ask a question, or discuss a topic.
and what's so wrong about discussing something again? those who dont like it, dont have to post. there's no point in giving bad carma point or locking threads. if the thread is interesting, people will post in it, and if it sucks, it will float of to the 2nd page and after that in the oblivion.
and why cant the people around here disagree on certain things, and even "bash" the band members when they deserve it. nobody's perfect, and rock stars especially.
if we agree apriori that we agree on everything that the band does, than what's the point in discussing anything?!
I agree that people who insult other people should be warned, but this is not a kindergarden, dont be so sensitive. we are fans of the most dangerous rock band in the world, not the "I love kitty" club.
typical fan talkin about reunion:
It's LiberAdZe, bitch!
Karma: 3
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Re: Robin Fink: 10 Years Apparently Arent Enough
Reply #15 on:
July 04, 2006, 03:56:32 PM »
Nothing's wrong with discussing it again.
I have a feeling you and POV would enjoy this section of the board very much.
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Re: Robin Fink: 10 Years Apparently Arent Enough
Reply #16 on:
July 04, 2006, 04:01:47 PM »
Ive been a fan of Robin for ever, its really cool that hes starting to get more respect from people on the boards. But he deserves alot more respect then he gets. Long Live Rockin Robin Finck!
Jim Bob
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Re: Robin Fink: 10 Years Apparently Arent Enough
Reply #17 on:
July 04, 2006, 04:02:21 PM »
Quote from: Lucky on July 04, 2006, 02:48:11 PM
Finck is my favorite new member.
Actually I like him more than Slash.
At the Budapest gig, he was the only one I was watching the whole time.
competely agree. although most gnr fans are too fucking narrowminded to even give the guy a chance
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Re: Robin Fink: 10 Years Apparently Arent Enough
Reply #18 on:
July 04, 2006, 04:03:27 PM »
Quote from: Naupis on July 04, 2006, 03:16:35 PM
The fact he still gets disrespected by a majority of new GNR fans
Nay. the majority of new GNR fans love Robin.
Quote from: Naupis on July 04, 2006, 03:16:35 PM
should tell you something about his talent level given how blindly loyal most GNR fans are. The guy's problem is that he is supposed to be the band's lead guitarist, yet he continues to be the least talented of the 3 guitarists in the band.
He might not be the most skilled guitarist but You can't say he's not talented as he obviously has many talents such as in writing.
Quote from: Naupis on July 04, 2006, 03:16:35 PM
Axl knew he wasn't going to take this band to the next level, so he has always been on the lookout for other guys to bring in. That is why he brought Richard into the fold, and then had to find a competent replacement for Bucket, because Robin just doesn't have the skill as a player to pick up the slack in a lot of areas.
How you know what was in axl's mind? In reality Robin has more solos than the other 2.
Richards parts are not same as Robins. so are Rons/BHs. No guitarist possibily has the skill of BH but Ron.
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Re: Robin Fink: 10 Years Apparently Arent Enough
Reply #19 on:
July 04, 2006, 04:03:51 PM »
I'm not a newbie. I know how the things function around here, and I'm aware of dead horse.
I dont read it because I dont care about the topics like those, but the fact is, that I dont mind when people post it on the main board.
if I read the title, and dont like it, I dont open it. there's no point in bitching about it and handing out bad karma.
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