I'd got the impression that theres like 3 albums worth of songs, all of which are in some way incomplete.
Like 2 albums of material thats music without finished vocals, and 1 of stuff thats vocals without finished music.
And that out of this pool of music 13 songs will eventually be finished and released as Chinese Democracy.
I presume the other stuff would either be re-worked and finished and one day released as some kind of follow up album, or it will sit around in the limbo where unfinished creative works spend their eternity, same place the unheard stuff Slash and Izzy supossedly wrote together a while back is!! Lost in the sands of time!! haha! Until maybe if we're lucky someone leaks it - and then it will be like the illusion demos, or cornshucker....something the fans can dig and wonder what it would have evolved into if given more time/attention by the artists.
Anyway...my prefrence would be for them to get made into a follow up CD, but right now...i'll be happy if CD hits and has all the leaks plus "The blues" and "Madagascar" in studio form