The more this tour progresses the more it seems he is re-living the past...
This tour is very similar to the UYI tour.
* Demo leaks on the radio
* A Summer tour, without album..
* New member Joins just before the tour.
* Similar setlists every single show
* Starting the show very late (This time seems to be in every show
* The Coke references (I just hope they are false)
I for one was very very optimistic about this tour but the more it progresses the more it makes me feel a dejavu to the past...
I was hoping this time Axl (15 years later) will act a bit different..
* I was hoping? an album release prior/at the time of the tour (especially after the 2002 fiasco)
He already did a pre-tour with 80% songs from appetite in 2002...Why on earth he is doing one again now??
* I was hoping for mixed setlists with more variety (Where are the illusion songs?). These players are quite proffesional who can play a lot of shit and improvize...
* I was expecting Axl to show some respect and not be so late..After all this years it gets really frustrating to start 2-3 hours late almost in every show...It is getting really really lame....and it seems that the "technical difficulties" are just a cover up story in every single show...
* I didn't even imagine he will be back on coke to be able to handle the pressure...(I really hope that it is just a rumour)
As i said i am really really excited for this whole tour and new beggining and i support the new band 100%...But to me it seems like he wants to relive the past...In some respects he reminds me the Adler situation...