Is my perception of the hype distorted because I hang around on a board full of Axl fans?
Yep, Outside of the message boards there's almost no hype
Really, that's why Associated Press, Reuters, BBC, and about every international news organization including Newsday, has run about three stories each in the past week?? Those stories are then carried by local, and metropolitan newspapers and websites worldwide.? I am telling you, people are starting to get the sense that something is happening!
Also, NYC has a burgeoning underground, hipster scene like no other in the world.? GNR, is considered extremely chic/hip in this circle right now!!? Axl, has really had a nice image overhaul, and is getting mad props outside the boards!? The climate, also has changed significantly, in music since 2002.? Rock is on a huge upswing, and GNR are considered a major force in rock music!!