Bands like Lizzy Borden, old Motley Crue, old Def Leppard, and Twisted Sister show that old "hair metal" was TRUE metal, and it wasn't LA poseur shit. That came later. Poison, Warrant, et al made it popular and much of the old guard sold out for some quick cash before the fad would end, and they knew it would. If Nirvana didn't end it, someone else would have. The whole situation was a snowball. When the old bands realized that their music was becoming a fad, they exploited it with image and gimmicks, which made the situation even worse, in a cycle of decline.
Lizzy didn't throw in the towel. They stood with WASP and Skid Row as bands that didn't abandon their musical principles, but fell victim to the general decline of the scene brought about by sellouts. I recently picked up Deal With The Devil, their latest album from 2000, and they still kick ass. Look at what's happened to Motley Crue, that runs from novelty to novelty without success, or Twisted Sister and Quiet Riot, bands that live off their past. Sellouts. Lizzy Borden owns those poseurs. This is one of the most underrated bands of the 80's hair band era, and they still rock as hard as ever, even today.
No GnR fan should be without the awesomeness of Lizzy Borden. Appreciate!