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Author Topic: Hammersmith Apollo (London), 7th June, Pre-sale - OFFER HAS ENDED  (Read 66883 times)
Saul Isobel

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« Reply #200 on: May 16, 2006, 02:46:27 PM »

I just hope someone who knows how long I've been with the community can do a fan a favour if they find themselves with an extra ticket.

WTF is with this perception that b/c you have been on a G'n'R messageboard forever that you should be granted 'VIP status' to show tickets?

How about those, like me, who were at the first Marquee shows, Donington 88 and the UYI shows. Those that bought AFD when it first came out when the band was unknown? If people like you whose claim to fame is being on a messageboard can demand VIP status, in comparison, surely those that have been with the band since day one deserve fucking guest list access all areas priority, right?........? yes

The perception is that these shows are for the longtime fans, like you and me both. The best way to find them, though not ideal, is through internet boards at the moment.

So I'd just like to thing that people like you and me get tickets, as Jarmo says, rather than scalpers. Frankly I don't care if somebody never posts and joined lasst week gets tickets- I'd far rather a genuine fan got them than a rip-off merchant.

Fair comment if you're a long time fan, but i don't believe these message boards serve the long termers like us all that well. Look at the amount of members here that don't really even know what G'n'R is all about, but they'll be amongst the first to get a ticket and then happily slag off Slash and co by stating the new Guns are better than the original item, Axl is God, too many tracks from AFD being played bla bla bla.

Personally, i have to say the way Pearl Jam do it is a benchmark to which all bands like Guns should adhere. They give priority to members of their fan club with discounts etc for those that have been with the band for a long time. Frankly, i don't think Axl and co are showing any comapassion or respect to their longtime fans by charging upwards of 40 pounds for a warm-up club show that's open to all! The scalpers will still have a field day as ever...

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« Reply #201 on: May 16, 2006, 02:48:19 PM »

I just hope someone who knows how long I've been with the community can do a fan a favour if they find themselves with an extra ticket.

WTF is with this perception that b/c you have been on a G'n'R messageboard forever that you should be granted 'VIP status' to show tickets?

How about those, like me, who were at the first Marquee shows, Donington 88 and the UYI shows. Those that bought AFD when it first came out when the band was unknown? If people like you whose claim to fame is being on a messageboard can demand VIP status, in comparison, surely those that have been with the band since day one deserve fucking guest list access all areas priority, right?........  yes

The perception is that these shows are for the longtime fans, like you and me both. The best way to find them, though not ideal, is through internet boards at the moment.

So I'd just like to thing that people like you and me get tickets, as Jarmo says, rather than scalpers. Frankly I don't care if somebody never posts and joined lasst week gets tickets- I'd far rather a genuine fan got them than a rip-off merchant.

Personally, i have to say the way Pearl Jam do it is a benchmark to which all bands like Guns should adhere. They give priority to members of their fan club with discounts etc for those that have been with the band for a long time. Frankly, i don't think Axl and co are showing any comapassion or respect to their longtime fans by charging upwards of 40 pounds for a warm-up club show that's open to all! The scalpers will still have a field day as ever...

Absolutely- PJ have always been great to their fans- exclusive tracks, loads of live recordings available, official bootlegs. That kind of fan club set up would be great, but this is second best. We'd be even more screwed over by the scalpers if this didn't happen. Though part of the problem is that most of us who were old enough to remember the old band have loads of commitments to work and things!

Nothing can be perfect though- I just appreciate some effort being made for us.
a.k.a. Dovey

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« Reply #202 on: May 16, 2006, 02:52:39 PM »

I just hope someone who knows how long I've been with the community can do a fan a favour if they find themselves with an extra ticket.

WTF is with this perception that b/c you have been on a G'n'R messageboard forever that you should be granted 'VIP status' to show tickets?

How about those, like me, who were at the first Marquee shows, Donington 88 and the UYI shows. Those that bought AFD when it first came out when the band was unknown? If people like you whose claim to fame is being on a messageboard can demand VIP status, in comparison, surely those that have been with the band since day one deserve fucking guest list access all areas priority, right?........? yes

The perception is that these shows are for the longtime fans, like you and me both. The best way to find them, though not ideal, is through internet boards at the moment.

So I'd just like to thing that people like you and me get tickets, as Jarmo says, rather than scalpers. Frankly I don't care if somebody never posts and joined lasst week gets tickets- I'd far rather a genuine fan got them than a rip-off merchant.

Fair comment if you're a long time fan, but i don't believe these message boards serve the long termers like us all that well. Look at the amount of members here that don't really even know what G'n'R is all about, but they'll be amongst the first to get a ticket and then happily slag off Slash and co by stating the new Guns are better than the original item, Axl is God, too many tracks from AFD being played bla bla bla.

Personally, i have to say the way Pearl Jam do it is a benchmark to which all bands like Guns should adhere. They give priority to members of their fan club with discounts etc for those that have been with the band for a long time. Frankly, i don't think Axl and co are showing any comapassion or respect to their longtime fans by charging upwards of 40 pounds for a warm-up club show that's open to all! The scalpers will still have a field day as ever...

Hey mate come on thats not really fair! I have been a guns fan since 1986, seen the band in concert many a time and been through all the good times and the bad. Now whlist I agree to a certain degree with you that there are a lot of people on the fan sites that have not been guns fans for as long as hardcore ones like ourselves, it does not really give us any more right to be fans than them. It just shows the class of the band that they can still keep attracting new and younger audiences over the years! Lets just all be happy that it is a great time to be a guns fan, and be very very happy that they are coming to play in London! And as for the money side, who cares eh! 40 quid thats way less than a night out on the lash! Mike

Saul Isobel

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« Reply #203 on: May 16, 2006, 03:10:57 PM »

I just hope someone who knows how long I've been with the community can do a fan a favour if they find themselves with an extra ticket.

WTF is with this perception that b/c you have been on a G'n'R messageboard forever that you should be granted 'VIP status' to show tickets?

How about those, like me, who were at the first Marquee shows, Donington 88 and the UYI shows. Those that bought AFD when it first came out when the band was unknown? If people like you whose claim to fame is being on a messageboard can demand VIP status, in comparison, surely those that have been with the band since day one deserve fucking guest list access all areas priority, right?........? yes

The perception is that these shows are for the longtime fans, like you and me both. The best way to find them, though not ideal, is through internet boards at the moment.

So I'd just like to thing that people like you and me get tickets, as Jarmo says, rather than scalpers. Frankly I don't care if somebody never posts and joined lasst week gets tickets- I'd far rather a genuine fan got them than a rip-off merchant.

Fair comment if you're a long time fan, but i don't believe these message boards serve the long termers like us all that well. Look at the amount of members here that don't really even know what G'n'R is all about, but they'll be amongst the first to get a ticket and then happily slag off Slash and co by stating the new Guns are better than the original item, Axl is God, too many tracks from AFD being played bla bla bla.

Personally, i have to say the way Pearl Jam do it is a benchmark to which all bands like Guns should adhere. They give priority to members of their fan club with discounts etc for those that have been with the band for a long time. Frankly, i don't think Axl and co are showing any comapassion or respect to their longtime fans by charging upwards of 40 pounds for a warm-up club show that's open to all! The scalpers will still have a field day as ever...

Hey mate come on thats not really fair! I have been a guns fan since 1986, seen the band in concert many a time and been through all the good times and the bad. Now whlist I agree to a certain degree with you that there are a lot of people on the fan sites that have not been guns fans for as long as hardcore ones like ourselves, it does not really give us any more right to be fans than them. It just shows the class of the band that they can still keep attracting new and younger audiences over the years! Lets just all be happy that it is a great time to be a guns fan, and be very very happy that they are coming to play in London! And as for the money side, who cares eh! 40 quid thats way less than a night out on the lash! Mike

HaHa nice one... 40 quid OUTSIDE of London is a bloody good WEEKEND on the lash m8!  beer

I'm not saying that long termers have any more right to be a fan, i'm saying we are the ones the band should be rewarding first and foremost for sticking with them for 20 years and that a 20 quid show organised in the way PJ do it would be far better and fairer than this pre-sale stuff that is as open to newbies and messageboarders who actually slag off the original members as to anyone else.

The fact that i paid 20 sheets to see VR at the same venue however is my main grumble - and as any real fan knows Slash is just as famous, exciting and relevant as Axl, despite what the nu Guns fans (especially the Americans) would have us believe.  ok

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« Reply #204 on: May 16, 2006, 03:11:55 PM »

Personally, i have to say the way Pearl Jam do it is a benchmark to which all bands like Guns should adhere. They give priority to members of their fan club with discounts etc for those that have been with the band for a long time. Frankly, i don't think Axl and co are showing any comapassion or respect to their longtime fans by charging upwards of 40 pounds for a warm-up club show that's open to all! The scalpers will still have a field day as ever...

PJ's two recent club warmup shows were open to all as well and had plenty of tix up on ebay. PJ had people camped out all night at Tower records to get tix to the NYC show, not sure how that is caring for your fans, seems more like a publicity stunt to me.  PJ did do the Letterman aftershow for their fans which was cool but still PJ's way with tickets isn't perfect.
a.k.a. Dovey

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« Reply #205 on: May 16, 2006, 03:18:04 PM »

I just hope someone who knows how long I've been with the community can do a fan a favour if they find themselves with an extra ticket.

WTF is with this perception that b/c you have been on a G'n'R messageboard forever that you should be granted 'VIP status' to show tickets?

How about those, like me, who were at the first Marquee shows, Donington 88 and the UYI shows. Those that bought AFD when it first came out when the band was unknown? If people like you whose claim to fame is being on a messageboard can demand VIP status, in comparison, surely those that have been with the band since day one deserve fucking guest list access all areas priority, right?........? yes

The perception is that these shows are for the longtime fans, like you and me both. The best way to find them, though not ideal, is through internet boards at the moment.

So I'd just like to thing that people like you and me get tickets, as Jarmo says, rather than scalpers. Frankly I don't care if somebody never posts and joined lasst week gets tickets- I'd far rather a genuine fan got them than a rip-off merchant.

Fair comment if you're a long time fan, but i don't believe these message boards serve the long termers like us all that well. Look at the amount of members here that don't really even know what G'n'R is all about, but they'll be amongst the first to get a ticket and then happily slag off Slash and co by stating the new Guns are better than the original item, Axl is God, too many tracks from AFD being played bla bla bla.

Personally, i have to say the way Pearl Jam do it is a benchmark to which all bands like Guns should adhere. They give priority to members of their fan club with discounts etc for those that have been with the band for a long time. Frankly, i don't think Axl and co are showing any comapassion or respect to their longtime fans by charging upwards of 40 pounds for a warm-up club show that's open to all! The scalpers will still have a field day as ever...

Hey mate come on thats not really fair! I have been a guns fan since 1986, seen the band in concert many a time and been through all the good times and the bad. Now whlist I agree to a certain degree with you that there are a lot of people on the fan sites that have not been guns fans for as long as hardcore ones like ourselves, it does not really give us any more right to be fans than them. It just shows the class of the band that they can still keep attracting new and younger audiences over the years! Lets just all be happy that it is a great time to be a guns fan, and be very very happy that they are coming to play in London! And as for the money side, who cares eh! 40 quid thats way less than a night out on the lash! Mike

HaHa nice one... 40 quid OUTSIDE of London is a bloody good WEEKEND on the lash m8!? beer

I'm not saying that long termers have any more right to be a fan, i'm saying we are the ones the band should be rewarding first and foremost for sticking with them for 20 years and that a 20 quid show organised in the way PJ do it would be far better and fairer than this pre-sale stuff that is as open to newbies and messageboarders who actually slag off the original members as to anyone else.

The fact that i paid 20 sheets to see VR at the same venue however is my main grumble - and as any real fan knows Slash is just as famous, exciting and relevant as Axl, despite what the nu Guns fans (especially the Americans) would have us believe.? ok

Hello mate !

I live in Oxford buddy, home to all the snobby University folk! Trust me Oxford is just as expensive as London for a night out! I either drink Red Bull & Vodka 5 quid a glass or Budweiser 3.50 a bottle!

As to the rest of your post! I take your point and fair play, well said! I do tend to agree with you, but I think I am just happy to see Guns N Roses getting so much attention from a new audience nowadays that I tend not to worry how long someone has been a fan! I only get pissed off when you get the younger generation of guns fan try and be opinionated and think they know it all about the band, like a certain few on this message board, other than that I just think fair play to them that they have become fans of the greatest band of our generation! Hope to see you in London buddy! Mike


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« Reply #206 on: May 16, 2006, 03:30:01 PM »

Fair comment if you're a long time fan, but i don't believe these message boards serve the long termers like us all that well. Look at the amount of members here that don't really even know what G'n'R is all about, but they'll be amongst the first to get a ticket and then happily slag off Slash and co by stating the new Guns are better than the original item, Axl is God, too many tracks from AFD being played bla bla bla.

I've been a fan since 1988, and I actually prefer the new lineup of the band.
« Last Edit: May 16, 2006, 03:31:48 PM by markreed » Logged

"the optimist believes we live in the best of all possible worlds ; the pessimist fears this is true"
Saul Isobel

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« Reply #207 on: May 16, 2006, 03:34:45 PM »

Fair comment if you're a long time fan, but i don't believe these message boards serve the long termers like us all that well. Look at the amount of members here that don't really even know what G'n'R is all about, but they'll be amongst the first to get a ticket and then happily slag off Slash and co by stating the new Guns are better than the original item, Axl is God, too many tracks from AFD being played bla bla bla.

I've been a fan since 1988, and I actually prefer the new lineup of the band.

What the F**K are you basing that on - three live warm up shows and a few unfinished leaked demos? If so, i have some prime real estate for sale in the Gobi desert i'd like to sell you!  rofl
If you're reading this, you've just wasted valuable time!

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« Reply #208 on: May 16, 2006, 03:36:49 PM »

Fair comment if you're a long time fan, but i don't believe these message boards serve the long termers like us all that well. Look at the amount of members here that don't really even know what G'n'R is all about, but they'll be amongst the first to get a ticket and then happily slag off Slash and co by stating the new Guns are better than the original item, Axl is God, too many tracks from AFD being played bla bla bla.

I've been a fan since 1988, and I actually prefer the new lineup of the band.

What the F**K are you basing that on - three live warm up shows and a few unfinished leaked demos? If so, i have some prime real estate for sale in the Gobi desert i'd like to sell you!? rofl

What the fuck is your problem?

This is about the pre-sale.


Disclaimer: My posts are my personal opinion. I do not speak on behalf of anybody else unless I say so. If you are looking for hidden meanings in my posts, you are wasting your time...
Welsh, and luvin' it

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« Reply #209 on: May 16, 2006, 03:40:15 PM »

ive just got home from work,have a missed a chance of tickets  Cry   Cry   Cry   Cry   Cry   no

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« Reply #210 on: May 16, 2006, 03:42:07 PM »

Join the club mate.
Welsh, and luvin' it

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« Reply #211 on: May 16, 2006, 03:43:55 PM »



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« Reply #212 on: May 16, 2006, 03:47:06 PM »

We need to PM Mysteron during the presale, 8am-9am tomorrow. Hopefully he can hook us up.
Welsh, and luvin' it

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« Reply #213 on: May 16, 2006, 03:48:54 PM »


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« Reply #214 on: May 16, 2006, 03:50:37 PM »


Chill out

Contact me tomorrow morning
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« Reply #215 on: May 16, 2006, 03:53:38 PM »

if some one could buy an extra standing ticket for me i would be very grateful...  ok
Welsh, and luvin' it

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« Reply #216 on: May 16, 2006, 03:54:03 PM »

where when (do i pm mysteron between 8 am and 9 am uk time?)

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« Reply #217 on: May 16, 2006, 04:00:08 PM »

where when (do i pm mysteron between 8 am and 9 am uk time?)

Something like that
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« Reply #218 on: May 16, 2006, 04:03:10 PM »

ok just to clarify.... the pre-sale is ended on htgth so theres no chance of me getting a ticket through that.... will there be any genral admission standing tickets left for public sale on friday?

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« Reply #219 on: May 16, 2006, 04:19:24 PM »

What the fuck? Why is everyone getting emails? I haven't got one?! FUCK!

When will I get it because I need to have it before the sale or I can't take part!! crying

If you do not get anything, pm me in the morning
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