? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? If IRS is released as a single it could possibly go on the Greatest Hits Vol.2 album due June 6th. Axl can use that as a bridge album to show the world the new G'n'R and play it as he tours.
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? It could also help him sell Chinese Democracy having a hit single on one album and being massivly played over the summer and he can release a 2nd single and shoot a video for the album all on the strong buildup of IRS as a launching pad.
I seriously doubt that any CD songs will be "Huge hits" mainstream wise.
When was the last time a hard rock song was a "Huge hit" on mainstream radio? 1994?
Rock radio is another story though.
i have to agree with that, GnR top 10 days are over. If anything does make it up there, it wont stay there long, Unless CD sounds like nickleback.