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Author Topic: More leaks are under way!  (Read 67785 times)

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« Reply #120 on: February 25, 2006, 01:33:56 AM »

I won't even waste your time as you've done with mine by posting a thousand studies of how pirating has cost the record companies and artists millions in profit. But needless to say there's just as many contradicting your findings. ?Any moron can google and find something to agree with their twisted logic.

So you showed how wonderful it is to steal music. ?Beyond that, if you've waited this long and plan on buying the album, why listen now and ruin the anticipation. ?How anti climatic would it be to go buy CD when it's released if you've heard every song ?

Why not open xmas presents on Aug 15th ?

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« Reply #121 on: February 25, 2006, 01:34:11 AM »

Don't leak other songs. I know this plea will be ignored.. but let it be. Im satisfied with three songs. Let Axl do his thing, as its HIS album. It isn't your choice to decide if its "fair" or not... it's not yours. I dont care how long you've waited.

I agree with -Jack- here. Maybe more people will start to see his pov

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« Reply #122 on: February 25, 2006, 01:34:49 AM »

[quote author=chineseblues link=topic=26454.msg479398#msg479398 date=11408483
Were not talking about legal downloads here. Were talking illegal stuff. People who illegally download songs arent as likely to go buy the albums.

I would think a hypocrite would be someone who at one time is downloading the leaks, writing critiques about songs, than saying how big an asshole one is for wanting a leak....sure as hell sounds like one to me

Look, I know you dont give a fuck but I for one dont want to see the entire album leaked out. So im going to do whatever the fuck i can do to stop it from happening.

but you'll download 2-3, critique them, insult Slash and Duff, but after that....... Lips Sealed Lips Sealed

and If they do leak, i'm sure you'll download them, critique them,and call everyone else who downloaded them an asshole as your saying how great they are

As for you fuck you. Unlike you i dont think im owed anything by Axl. Im not going to help people like you spread around this music that shouldnt be out there.? Roll Eyes

When did i say i thouht Axl owes me anything other than to show up for a motherfucking concert i paid twice face value for becaue all the fucking tix were goggled up buy ticket brokers and when he cancels, i get face rant

If you buy an album, and it doesn't work, and you go to return, and get half the mony you paid for it, what would you expect.......

As for illegal downloads, I read you reviews of the new how would you have it....

I didn't post the leaks fuckhead......I just listened to them like you......

I got no problem with Axl never releasing another song as long as he lives.........just don't tell me it'll be out in the summer of 2000, or springl of 2003, etc in major music publications like rolling stones....just to have it never appear..........and don't throw a fit if i happen to come across a song online, fee to download by clicking here, that I've been hearing about for over 7 years......out of morbid curiosity...........
you want's earned not can't rest on you're laurels for 15 years in the real go play with your axl blowup doll and tell him how you told me
« Reply #123 on: February 25, 2006, 01:36:26 AM »

it's funny how you were a fan of his BEFORE he didn't show up at YOUR concert

you still loved him after he fucked over other people.

p00p yea

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« Reply #124 on: February 25, 2006, 01:37:52 AM »

i have to poop, i have a feeling something good will be posted by the time i come back
« Reply #125 on: February 25, 2006, 01:39:19 AM »

i was at philly, and i went there knowing who Axl is and what he might do

I was a fan of his before that, and just because it happened to me, I'm not gonna become a hypocrite and say "now you owe me something!"


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« Reply #126 on: February 25, 2006, 01:40:06 AM »

I won't even waste your time as you've done with mine by posting a thousand studies of how pirating has cost the record companies and artists millions in profit. But needless to say there's just as many contradicting your findings.  Any moron can google and find something to agree with their twisted logic.

So you showed how wonderful it is to steal music.  Beyond that, if you've waited this long and plan on buying the album, why listen now and ruin the anticipation.  How anti climatic would it be to go buy CD when it's released if you've heard every song ?

Why not open xmas presents on Aug 15th ?

This isn't a christmas present. The versions we're hearing here may not be the same.

10 years wait, not six months.

Who commisioned those studies? Get a clue. I guess Harvard University isn't a reliable source for you, but the music industry's privately funded study is.

Apparently, some pretty respected University researchers agree with my "twisted logic."

And you ARE wasting my time, by talking about something you've done ZERO research on.
« Reply #127 on: February 25, 2006, 01:40:28 AM »

i have to poop, i have a feeling something good will be posted by the time i come back

By "poop", you mean leaking out that prosperous chili you had earlier? ?hihi

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« Reply #128 on: February 25, 2006, 01:41:47 AM »

whats all this jibber jab?n?  release the fuckin leaks!!

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« Reply #129 on: February 25, 2006, 01:42:16 AM »

i was at philly, and i went there knowing who Axl is and what he might do

I was a fan of his before that, and just because it happened to me, I'm not gonna become a hypocrite and say "now you owe me something!"

I wish my mom woulda let me go to that concert...shame I was 14 and she was a bit overprotective.
« Reply #130 on: February 25, 2006, 01:43:21 AM »

oh look at that, another forum trying to gain publicity by posting the links.......

that's funny speedy, my mom wouldn't let me go to gnr/metallica 92 for the same reason, but i bitched about it so much she took me the next year to see GNR in 93


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« Reply #131 on: February 25, 2006, 01:45:11 AM »

it's funny how you were a fan of his BEFORE he didn't show up at YOUR concert

you still loved him after he fucked over other people.

still a fan, i just won't be seeing him in philly rofl

I like what i've heard

it was more a response to someone who's like the priest who molests boys and than preaches aginst it
« Reply #132 on: February 25, 2006, 01:46:06 AM »

Anyway,I dunno what's going on anymore,fucking crazy shit if you ask me
« Reply #133 on: February 25, 2006, 01:47:02 AM »

it's funny how you were a fan of his BEFORE he didn't show up at YOUR concert

you still loved him after he fucked over other people.

still a fan, i just won't be seeing him in philly rofl

I like what i've heard

it was more a response to someone who's like the priest who molests boys and than preaches aginst it

yeah i feel ya man

not that priest way though
« Reply #134 on: February 25, 2006, 01:48:10 AM »

Listening to the leaks not really like opening a Christmas present early.  It's more like if I were in prison for 5 years and I got out, and my buddy who got rich while I was away said "Look, I've got two options for you.  First option is I'll buy you a $500 hooker today and a $1000 hooker in a month.  Second option is I get you a $1500 hooker if you wait a month without getting laid."

I'll take option #1  hihi

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« Reply #135 on: February 25, 2006, 01:48:19 AM »

i was at philly, and i went there knowing who Axl is and what he might do

I was a fan of his before that, and just because it happened to me, I'm not gonna become a hypocrite and say "now you owe me something!"

the only thing I thought Axl owed me was to show up to the show 14000 took there time to go to


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« Reply #136 on: February 25, 2006, 01:48:34 AM »

oh look at that, another forum trying to gain publicity by posting the links.......

that's funny speedy, my mom wouldn't let me go to gnr/metallica 92 for the same reason, but i bitched about it so much she took me the next year to see GNR in 93

At least you only had to wait a year or so for the next concert.
I'm going on 4+ years from the last concert Cry

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« Reply #137 on: February 25, 2006, 01:55:18 AM »

I wish the leaks would stop, the music is really great, but I dont want to expect a song on CD, I want to hear for the first time as a finished product not a low quality demo.? The songs sound great Better and IRS are insane, and TWAT is one of the more epic GNR songs, but I think it would be 10x better to wait for CD is released before we get anything new.? Now at the same time Axl needs to give a release date and come through on it.? I think the ideal release would be between now and right before Rio.

Another possibility is for Axl to set a release date in stone, advertise CD on gnronline, and put up like 30 sec clips of each song kind of like how does it, therefore everyone can sample it a bit, but barely just enough.
« Last Edit: February 25, 2006, 01:58:40 AM by GnR-NOW » Logged


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« Reply #138 on: February 25, 2006, 01:59:52 AM »

Listening to the leaks not really like opening a Christmas present early.? It's more like if I were in prison for 5 years and I got out, and my buddy who got rich while I was away said "Look, I've got two options for you.? First option is I'll buy you a $500 hooker today and a $1000 hooker in a month.? Second option is I get you a $1500 hooker if you wait a month without getting laid."

I'll take option #1? hihi

I love that analogy.......

i had one but not nearly as good or relevant.....

last i saw, there were only 3 leaks, IRS, TWAT, and Better

and while doing some unscientific research, every one thats bitching, whining, and crying about the potential of more leaks, listened to, most likely downloaded, and posted detailed critiques of the songs for anyone who hasn't heard them to see

and in the same breath, got into nasty catfights and called for beheadings to people that would not mind hearing more

Kid In The Hall

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« Reply #139 on: February 25, 2006, 02:01:37 AM »

[quote author=chineseblues link=topic=26454.msg479398#msg479398 date=11408483
Were not talking about legal downloads here. Were talking illegal stuff. People who illegally download songs arent as likely to go buy the albums.

I would think a hypocrite would be someone who at one time is downloading the leaks, writing critiques about songs, than saying how big an asshole one is for wanting a leak....sure as hell sounds like one to me

Look, I know you dont give a fuck but I for one dont want to see the entire album leaked out. So im going to do whatever the fuck i can do to stop it from happening.

but you'll download 2-3, critique them, insult Slash and Duff, but after that....... Lips Sealed Lips Sealed

and If they do leak, i'm sure you'll download them, critique them,and call everyone else who downloaded them an asshole as your saying how great they are

As for you fuck you. Unlike you i dont think im owed anything by Axl. Im not going to help people like you spread around this music that shouldnt be out there.? Roll Eyes

When did i say i thouht Axl owes me anything other than to show up for a motherfucking concert i paid twice face value for becaue all the fucking tix were goggled up buy ticket brokers and when he cancels, i get face rant

If you buy an album, and it doesn't work, and you go to return, and get half the mony you paid for it, what would you expect.......

As for illegal downloads, I read you reviews of the new how would you have it....

I didn't post the leaks fuckhead......I just listened to them like you......

I got no problem with Axl never releasing another song as long as he lives.........just don't tell me it'll be out in the summer of 2000, or springl of 2003, etc in major music publications like rolling stones....just to have it never appear..........and don't throw a fit if i happen to come across a song online, fee to download by clicking here, that I've been hearing about for over 7 years......out of morbid curiosity...........
you want's earned not can't rest on you're laurels for 15 years in the real go play with your axl blowup doll and tell him how you told me

Guys calm down ok. Enough of this fighting.

Would you do this is Jarmo was on? Probably not.

Or the other mods.

No so cut the shit out guys.

Fuck All Y'all
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