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Author Topic: Steven Adler taken to a hospital in Germany!  (Read 19802 times)

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« on: January 25, 2006, 06:27:22 PM »

The hot story is obviously Steven Adler and his on going circus of a life. And to the cock suckers who are saying Metal Sludge manipulated Steven during his interview, guess again, we only printed his words. And nobody put a gun to his head to make him say he did drugs and let guys suck his cock.

Now let's get onto the Sludge!

The latest "line-up/band" has checked in and confirmed that Steven was taken to a hospital for something related to his hand in Germany and there is an
e-mail related below.

Also, some updates from the guys stranded over in Europe, a couple of comments from Jizzy Pearl, Phil Lewis of LA Guns and the Suicide Booking Agency from Germany as well.

The following has just come in from Commerical Suicide Booking in Germany.

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, January 25, 2006 12:51 PM
To: Metal Sludge
Subject: Adler is trippin' out

hi Sludge,
i just recognized Steven's statement.
first of all:
we didn't cancelled the shows.
the only one who didn't fulfill
the contract was Steven.
our agency and the whole band
(probably the nicest guys i've ever met!)
and their crew, tried everything to get
Steven back to the ground and away from
his lovely drug-buddy.
i've never touched or hurt Steven.
we yelled at each other but we also hugged afterwards.
the only one i got physical with was this junkie piece of shit
Adam Bomb and i'd love to get another chance.
i feel very sorry for Steven cause he's a lovely guy
but also a weak person,easy to manipulate.
i'm convinced that it wasn't himself,it was
more Adam and the drugs speaking...
at this point it should be clear that he needs some serious help
or he will be found dead in a gutter in amsterdam.
cheers, Bernd

Mr. Jizzy Pearl has made a few comments on his message board.

"I heard about it yesterday from a friend in Europe who was tour managing the group. All I can say, meltdown. I have to say that I feel bad for Michael and Chip who are my friends and just wanted to make a little money. I even feel sorry for Steven who after this might seek the help he needs." Jizz

and this...

"I can't wait until Michael posts on the Internet and gets branded an "attention getting whore" Jizz

From what we've been told, this was posted by Phil Lewis of LA Guns.

"know your not big Sludge fans, But the message board is lit up right now with The Addlers appatite tour coming of the tracks. Bullet boys(Marq) not playing a single show on the Steven Pearcy tour(That was a No brainer) And Tracii's attempt to reconsile relations with Axl Rose. Drinking my morning tea laughing my ass off. " Phil Lewis

The Adler's Appetite band and crew (less Adler) have once again checked in to the Metal Sludge head quarters.

The traveling group consisting of Sheldon Tarsha (Vocals),Michael Thomas & Jt (Guitars), Chip Z'Nuff (Bass), along with Rik & Armando (Road Manager & Tech.). They have confirmed the following details about what's taken place over the last 2-3 days.

The band and crew have stuck together and tried desperately to reason with Steven but nothing was resolved. The guys tried to get Steven away from Adam who Adler had said would be his new tour manager, handle all the money and call the shots so to speak. Steven's emotions were up and down in a big way, one minute hugging everyone and telling him that he loved them, and that he was sorry, and that he really needed the money.

And the next telling them things like:

"I am the star of Gun n' Roses. You are not Slash (pointing at Michael), you are not Duff (to Chip). You're playing my songs and you all work for me!" Steven Adler

The band and guests from the German shows have confirmed seeing Steven vomiting on several occassions and mummbling incoherantly. This is an unfortunate sign that Steven may have indeed fallen off the wagon. It's purely speculation, but the word on the street is that Adam Bomb has had his share of dabbling in the big "H" over his miserable career as well.  Sad, very sad.

The guys have said that they believe that Adam has had a HUGE and VERY negative influenece on Steven since the minute he showed up and that he has basically vanished with him and what money they as a group were using to survive on.

The band have also confirmed that the night of the last show they all agreed to do the show only on the basis that Rik & Armando were paid. The guys did the show, and went back to the hotel. Steven had left the groups hotel and went to a separate hotel with Adam Bomb. The next morning they went to the hotel to talk with Steven and collect what little money they could to help pay the crew and off set the costs of buying new tickets to return home from Europe. Steven had left the hotel already and according to his last letter went to Holland. This essentially has left all 6 guys stranded in Germany with no money.

No money, no thank you, no goodbye, nothing. To say the guys have been fucked over and feel betrayed by someone who was a calling them the best guys ever and loving brothers only days earlier is an understatement.

The guys will prepare an in depth and detailed statement when time permits. They are currently trying to get things sorted out in the middle of Europe.

And here is an e-mail talking about some hospital incident.

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, January 25, 2006 11:18 AM
Subject: Last news about Steven: Steven Adler checks in from an Internet cafe in Holland?

Hy Metalsludge,
Just read Steven's message from Holland. Hmm. I know the guy from the promoter's team - he told me another story why the gig before Bochum was cancelled - and I think it's more the truth than Steven's message from Holland. The gig was cancelled instead of a healthy proplem Steven has with his hand and that night they bring Steven to a hospital to help him with his hand - and thats why he cant play the gig...
What after the Bochum gig happend I don't know - only heard rumors...
Maybe my friend (the promoter) can tell you more - if he wants - I talk to him latest the upcoming weekend and then I will ask him to contact you with the whole story...
Rock on from Gemany/Munich

To Steven's family and closest of friends. We think a full blown intervention is going to be needed very quickly.

Metal Sludge
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« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2006, 06:52:28 PM »

if all this turns out to be true then steven really really really needs help nervous

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« Reply #2 on: January 25, 2006, 07:23:31 PM »

What a sick person.  A very sick individual and all these people defended him.  I think the truth has come out about him.  Hes worst then Axl.
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« Reply #3 on: January 25, 2006, 09:00:00 PM »

What a sick person.  A very sick individual and all these people defended him.  I think the truth has come out about him.  Hes worst then Axl.
Well at least Axl keep it quiet!
Men too much rumours and I doubt I have to belive in any of them  no

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« Reply #4 on: January 25, 2006, 09:15:08 PM »

Man this is all so fucked up you cant help but just laugh. rofl


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« Reply #5 on: January 25, 2006, 09:37:42 PM »

A guy like Steven shouldn't be traveling free in Amsterdam.

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« Reply #6 on: January 25, 2006, 09:42:49 PM »

I can't believe Steven's still alive. Not many people can last 12 years on heroin.

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« Reply #7 on: January 26, 2006, 12:30:24 AM »

What a sick person.? A very sick individual and all these people defended him.? I think the truth has come out about him.? Hes worst then Axl.

That was exactly what I was thinking when I read all of the shit that's going on with Steve,I was really hoping that he was getting he act together,but looks like he fooled alot of people confused
Doc Emmett Brown
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« Reply #8 on: January 26, 2006, 12:43:58 AM »

 confused confused nervous nervous


I try very hard to have good feelings for Adler because he was an original Gunner, but this is ridiculous!

Who is this Adam Bomb guy and why is he allowed to push drugs onto dopey Adler?  sigh.....

Man this is all so fucked up you cant help but just laugh. rofl

My first reaction was shock and pity.  My second was disgust.  But now....yes,  it's funny in a film noir kinda way.

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« Reply #9 on: January 26, 2006, 01:03:54 AM »

I cant believe this is happening - it was terrible enough that Adler was hooked on drugs once but now going back to it -  this is very sad.  And I feel so sorry for the other guys in the band, stranded with no money - that is very fucked up.  no

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« Reply #10 on: January 26, 2006, 02:25:53 AM »

How can you guys think this is funny?  This dude needs serious help or he's gonna fucking die.  I damn sure don't want anyone who played for GN'R back in the day to die.  I realy hope he gets the help he needs.

Doc Emmett Brown
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« Reply #11 on: January 26, 2006, 02:30:43 AM »

I damn sure don't want anyone who played for GN'R back in the day to die.


I do feel sorry for him, and I wish he would quit this junkie shit.  But at some point a man's gotta responsibility for his actions!

Actually, I feel sorrier for the other guys in the band.  Sad

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« Reply #12 on: January 26, 2006, 02:39:20 AM »

He definitely should take responsibility for his stupid actions.  However, anyone making light of this situation and laughing about it should be ashamed of themselves.

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« Reply #13 on: January 26, 2006, 05:05:43 AM »

This is saddening. Unfortunately, I have a feeling he will never put his life back in order, or he would already have done it. At this point, I wouldn't be surprised to hear he passed away, just like when it happened to Layne Staley. It's like watching a trainwreck. The question is not so much "if", but "when". Sad sad sad.....

Got my attitude and my shiny shoes.....
« Reply #14 on: January 26, 2006, 05:16:49 AM »

Oh, no.. Like you said, I wouldn't be surprised if he will pass away next.

However, Steven must check in on a rehab centre before it's too late.
« Last Edit: January 26, 2006, 05:27:03 AM by I have a good title » Logged

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« Reply #15 on: January 26, 2006, 05:23:52 AM »

If that story is true, I hope somebody close to Steven help him get the fuck out of Europe, and back on track, and his bandmates...  Man I feel sorry for them as well, like Pandora said, sad, sad, sad.....   Cry

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« Reply #16 on: January 26, 2006, 07:15:47 AM »

wouldnt he listen to slash???
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« Reply #17 on: January 26, 2006, 08:55:31 AM »

How can you guys think this is funny?? This dude needs serious help or he's gonna fucking die.? I damn sure don't want anyone who played for GN'R back in the day to die.? I realy hope he gets the help he needs.

Its not funny but FUCK Steven and any other smackhead. "They need help" Fuck em, they are not sick, being a junkie is a choice. Fuckin Scum.


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« Reply #18 on: January 26, 2006, 09:54:34 AM »

How can you guys think this is funny?? This dude needs serious help or he's gonna fucking die.? I damn sure don't want anyone who played for GN'R back in the day to die.? I realy hope he gets the help he needs.

Its not funny but FUCK Steven and any other smackhead. "They need help" Fuck em, they are not sick, being a junkie is a choice. Fuckin Scum.


It is a choice at first, but after you're addicted, it isn't.  He does need help before he dies.  Wouldn't you think that someone would quit if it was easy especially after what happened to him?

Why don't you just....
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« Reply #19 on: January 26, 2006, 10:20:01 AM »

Its not funny but FUCK Steven and any other smackhead. "They need help" Fuck em, they are not sick, being a junkie is a choice. Fuckin Scum.


You're are one naive person, being a junkie is NOT a choice, when you first start taking drugs yeah then it's a choice but once your addicted...well you get it..
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