It's really kinda weird. On the bucketheadland site all messages have to go though a moderator. Some messages are posted, some messages are not posted, while other messages are edited.
There's this thread: [on the Bucketboard]
Amia writes:
Blummin' well play England. Why do good people never tour England. It's rub a dub dub.
I submit the message:
It would be good to see Buckethead doing his own show here in the UK.
C'mon BH come to London

Lucky me has seen him though, back in 2002 London Docklands Arena when he appeared with Guns n'Roses
The message was posted in an edited form:
It would be good to see Buckethead doing his own show here in the UK.
C'mon BH come to London

Lucky me has seen him though, back in 2002 London Docklands Arean
Seems that Buckethead wants no connection with Guns n'Roses and really has burnt his bridges.
/wonders if Buckethead's input into CD as been removed for good never to see the light-of-day