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Author Topic: A message to Tracii, Steven and anyone else....  (Read 46067 times)

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« on: November 09, 2005, 01:00:41 PM »

who thinks they know what the fuck they are talking about. Who the fuck are you to codemn Axl? Fucking Steven rips Axl apart, and thinks people give two shits about what he has to say. Guess what buddy? If it wasn't for Axl, your ass wouldn't have a pot to piss in. Fucking Adler's Appetite. Way to be original with that one you fucking idiot. Steven, just like any other drummer, is the most replaceble member of a the band, other than the fucking back up singers. Shit, I would rather keep a good harmonica player like Andreadis around than a mediocre drummer. And then there's Tracii, calling Axl a "nut". Fucking guy thinks he can slander someone he knew 20 years ago! Dude was in GNR for like 2 weeks before he bailed for bigger and better things. Good career move dipshit! What did you go on to do again? Poison? They're pretty solid these days I heard, loved their latest record. What else? Motorhead? LA Guns? Seriously, just go outside of your diluted little bubble to the general public and ask anyone if they can name just one song from those two "big name" bands. That's what I thought.
Obviously I don't expect either of these retards to reply, or even read this, but I just felt someone needs to say something addressing the opinions of these so-called celebrities. Doesn't it bother any of you guys when you read stuff that makes Axl look like he has lost it? If you guys research a bit, you'd find that almost everyone that has either recently worked with, or even just met Axl has nothing but the best things to say about him. And does that get reflected in the media? Fuck no. All we ever hear on the radio or MTV is how crazy he is. Well I for one think that is a bunch of bullshit.
a.k.a. Dovey

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« Reply #1 on: November 09, 2005, 01:04:21 PM »

Hello mate I like that for a rant. Yeh I agree with what you are saying as well!! It pisses me off too when I read that shit! Especially from that Tracii Guns! Good stuff buddy! Mike


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« Reply #2 on: November 09, 2005, 02:01:46 PM »

What makes Axl so much better than Tracii or Steve?  At least they've been productive in the last decade.  They're entitled to their opinions about Axl just like you're entitled to your opinions about them, but your putting Axl on some sort of pedastal is just dumb.  Tracii is an excellent guitarist who went on to form L.A. Guns (not Poison) who went on to pretty decent success, and are one of the most underrated bands I know of.  How is what Steve is doing any different from what Axl did a few years back?  They're both glorified cover bands.  At least Steve had the balls to release some new material.  And Tracii's been releasing tons of new material.  His last album with the Guns, Waking The Dead, is fucking brilliant.  And his work with the Brides has been good as well.  It annoys me to no end when some of you people look at Axl as some fucking deity that can't be criticised.  He's an extremely talented person, the best frotnam of all time, but he's damn sure not above criticism.  In fact he deserves pretty much all the criticism he gets.


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« Reply #3 on: November 09, 2005, 02:23:51 PM »

Until what, he gives you CD, THAT'S BULLSHIT Rob, moving at what ever pace he wants makes him bad?  Roll Eyes

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« Reply #4 on: November 09, 2005, 02:27:17 PM »

No, it doesn't make him bad.  I'm not trying to say Axl is "bad"...whatever that means.  I'm just saying, he's not above criticism.  No one is.  If Tracii and Steve have opinions on Axl, they're entitled to them.  And their opnions aren't worth any less than yours, mine, or Axl's.

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« Reply #5 on: November 09, 2005, 02:28:31 PM »

Until what, he gives you CD, THAT'S BULLSHIT Rob, moving at what ever pace he wants makes him bad?? Roll Eyes

No - but band memebers constantly saying its gonna be released soon when it never is - thats bullshit. Either its coming out soon or Axl should tell Dizzy/Richard etc. to shut the fuck up with the constant "its coming soon - last stages" that we've got for the past several years.

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« Reply #6 on: November 09, 2005, 02:29:10 PM »

Nobody really deserves criticsm, unless there flappin there gums were they shouldn't peace 

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« Reply #7 on: November 09, 2005, 02:33:34 PM »

There's alot going on just gotta wait or hit the gate  yes

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« Reply #8 on: November 09, 2005, 02:36:19 PM »

Nobody really deserves criticsm, unless there flappin there gums were they shouldn't peace?

That doesn't make any sense.


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« Reply #9 on: November 09, 2005, 02:42:57 PM »

I don't think anyboby should be criticized unless they start the criticism themselfs!

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« Reply #10 on: November 09, 2005, 02:44:43 PM »

That's absurd.  So you can't criticize say President Bush unless he criticizes you...what the hell are you talking about?


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« Reply #11 on: November 09, 2005, 02:48:47 PM »

ive went as far as telling steven in an e-mail,that axl should punch him didn't get me anywere though.people can critazise axl when the don't know much of him now.but at the same time they think axl won't know whats been said about they think that they can get away with trashing axl's name around.they only make themselves to look like the real assholes.big stinky assholes !

the one an only horsey !
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« Reply #12 on: November 09, 2005, 02:51:38 PM »

who thinks they know what the fuck they are talking about. Who the fuck are you to codemn Axl? Fucking Steven rips Axl apart, and thinks people give two shits about what he has to say. Guess what buddy? If it wasn't for Axl, your ass wouldn't have a pot to piss in. Fucking Adler's Appetite. Way to be original with that one you fucking idiot. Steven, just like any other drummer, is the most replaceble member of a the band, other than the fucking back up singers. Shit, I would rather keep a good harmonica player like Andreadis around than a mediocre drummer. And then there's Tracii, calling Axl a "nut". Fucking guy thinks he can slander someone he knew 20 years ago! Dude was in GNR for like 2 weeks before he bailed for bigger and better things. Good career move dipshit! What did you go on to do again? Poison? They're pretty solid these days I heard, loved their latest record. What else? Motorhead? LA Guns? Seriously, just go outside of your diluted little bubble to the general public and ask anyone if they can name just one song from those two "big name" bands. That's what I thought.
Obviously I don't expect either of these retards to reply, or even read this, but I just felt someone needs to say something addressing the opinions of these so-called celebrities. Doesn't it bother any of you guys when you read stuff that makes Axl look like he has lost it? If you guys research a bit, you'd find that almost everyone that has either recently worked with, or even just met Axl has nothing but the best things to say about him. And does that get reflected in the media? Fuck no. All we ever hear on the radio or MTV is how crazy he is. Well I for one think that is a bunch of bullshit.


Thats the most desperate thing i've read on this board for a while now

''Leave Axl alone u bullys!''

Are you ten years old? Grow up mate

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« Reply #13 on: November 09, 2005, 03:09:18 PM »

you make some excellent points. Absolutely, I do hold Axl up on a pedestal because I seen brilliance in his work as both a singer and songwriter. I also hold him up because from reports I have read all indicate that he is very meticulous about his work, but by no means is made out to be some sort of recluse or "nut". I do believe that everyone has the right to an opinion; thats what makes this country great. But, I feel that if an opinion is voiced, there should be some sort of reasoning and rationale behind that opinion. If not, then that deprives that person of credibility. That is the instance I see behind this rant. I don't feel that Tracii Guns' opinion is any more valid than yours or mine, but you don't see yours or mine on the GNR news section, and rightfully so, as we have no news to give. But neither does Tracii. He happens to be famous, and in my opinion, which we have concluded to be just as valid as his (or lack there-of validity), is not news worthy. All it does is give this man a bad name, which if you ask me, doesn't need any more bad PR, especially if we want this new incarnation to succeed.
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« Reply #14 on: November 09, 2005, 03:40:03 PM »

What makes Axl so much better than Tracii or Steve?  At least they've been productive in the last decade.
Im sick of this productivity argument. We all want our favorite band sand artist do what they do best forever but we live in the real world. GNr were one of the GREATEST BANDS OF ALL TIME. What they did in their lifespan is remarkable. And its troubling and disturbing that things have eneded the way they did. But thats life. Axl and GNR gave us something you can have for the rest of you life. They dont owe any1 jackshit.
Thats why most bands, Traci Guns, and every other know it all out there cant hold a fukin candle to gnr and in this case Axl.

As for this thread. Who cares what people say about Axl and GNr {old or new. They dont need to be defended. Let the world poke fun all they want. All I know is I have the old material that runs circles around basically thats ever been put out in the rock world. And I, and many here knwo that we will also get something very valuable and meaninful with Chinese Democracy. No matter how much longer it takes, how much it costs, and all the other drama. The music will be there and it will run circles around anything that is out there....

"...regardless of the outcome, our hearts, lives and our passion has been put into this project every step of the way. If for no other reason, we feel those elements alone merit your consideration..."

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« Reply #15 on: November 09, 2005, 03:59:31 PM »

I think the only reason we see Tracii's opinion in the GN'R news section is because we really don't have much else to talk about regarding GN'R.  I agree that Tracii isn't really saying anything groundbreaking or really meaningful at all, but he was asked a question and he answered it.  If our hero would actually give us some music to listen to we wouldn't have to pay any attention to every little Axl mention that comes out.  And if Axl actually put something out, I'm sure Tracii wouldn't have even made the comments he did.  I don't think Tracii is trying to hurt Axl here, I think he's just frustrated like we are.  He's frustrated cause he knows how great Axl can be if he wants to.  And he's frustrated that a guy he used to be friends with won't even talk to him anymore.  And regards to your comment younggunner, I agree with the whole who cares about what other people say about GN'R thing.  And I also agree that the old material is the greatest stuff of all time.  I think this whole issue is just an example of how little there is to talk about in the GN'R world right now.

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« Reply #16 on: November 09, 2005, 04:02:13 PM »

i think the people who makes posts like these are no old than 15 or 16 and dont know anything about guns....
i made a theat some time ago in ex gunners section talkin about these kind of bashin for steven go and read it it's 7 pages long.
i saw him play last saturday believe me it was amazing, that band surely can play. and saw traci when he came with gilby and surely he is a rock player not NIN music, neither a sesionist like fortus(believe me he is the only one i like in this new axl?s freak show) neither and alternative bass player.
steven band has the spirit of rock and thats what matters so stop bashin traci and steven. smoking

army of darknes is the best movie ever!!!
I'm super, thanks for asking

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« Reply #17 on: November 09, 2005, 04:07:40 PM »

I would think Steven and Tracii's opinion of Axl DOES mean more than ours.  None of us have ever spoken to Axl.  We have no clue what he is like except what we see/hear on TV and Radio, and CD's.

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« Reply #18 on: November 09, 2005, 04:23:30 PM »

I would think Steven and Tracii's opinion of Axl DOES mean more than ours.? None of us have ever spoken to Axl.? We have no clue what he is like except what we see/hear on TV and Radio, and CD's.

Amen to that!

But it was tracii's decision to leave GnR, not Axl's, and Steven was a Fucktard and got fired. Clean up or get out. he got out. What could the band do? he couldn't even play a single song in one take?

I don't think it's necessary to personally attack someone just for the hell of it, But at the same time they are prolly pretty fucking annoyed to keep getting asked questions about someone they haven't been associated with in years.

I couldn't care less what other people have to say about him. I just want to hear new GnR Music already beer

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« Reply #19 on: November 09, 2005, 04:45:03 PM »

At least Steve had the balls to release some new material.?

Amen to that.? It did take balls to release 6 of the shittiest songs I've ever heard a rock band create to the general public.?

Personally I agree with alot of you that everyone is entitled to their opinion and people bashing Axl are just a dime a dozen, nothing to get too worked up over.? The rant was good bucketman, lot of good points, but Izzy's reply tops them all? Grin classic!

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