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Interview with Steven Adler in C?rdoba, Argentina
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Topic: Interview with Steven Adler in C?rdoba, Argentina (Read 31878 times)
Re: Interview with Steven Adler in C?rdoba, Argentina
Reply #40 on:
November 10, 2005, 08:06:54 PM »
why are you wasting so much time talking about/defending adler...he is a drummer ..has he ever written a song ?...
Re: Interview with Steven Adler in C?rdoba, Argentina
Reply #41 on:
November 10, 2005, 08:34:30 PM »
Guys, First, Steven deserves respect as a human being, and as the musician who made possible such excellent album AFD, The guy did actually help to write the songs. That is why he receives 15% of the benefit, now, what I dont get is that there is no equality dividing up the money... 25 % to axl just cause he wrote the lyrics, and not all of them, that is not fair.
Second Pepe666 there is obviously freedom of "speech" but you are gonna get banned dude. You better calm down, bitter boy.
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Re: Interview with Steven Adler in C?rdoba, Argentina
Reply #42 on:
November 10, 2005, 09:21:31 PM »
steven didnt wrote a single chord/melody/word of AFD... he just plays drums in the record...
he have 15% cuz tell band if he didnt have the 15% he would quit... nobody fuckin care but axl gave him one part of his part...
DEL: Want to talk about another former member of Guns, drummer Steven Adler?
AXL: The misconception is that we kicked him out for the hell of it, and that I was the dictator behind it. The truth is, I probably fought a little harder to keep him in the band, because I wasn't working with him on a daily basis like the other guys were. They grew tired of not being able to get their work done because Steven wasn't capable of it. I've read interviews where he's saying that he's straight. Most of the time he isn't. He's the type of person who wants everything handed to him, and he did get it handed to him. He got it handed to him from me. At one point, in order to keep this band together, it was necessary for me to give him a portion of my publishing rights. That was one of the biggest mistakes I've made in my life, but he threw such a fit, saying he wasn't going to stay in the band. We were worried about not being able to record our first album, so I did what I felt I had to do. In the long run I paid very extensively for keeping Steven in Guns N' Roses. I paid $1.5 million by giving him 15% of my publishing off of Appetite For Destruction. He didn't write one goddamn note, but he calls me a selfish dick! He's been able to live off of that money, buy a shitload of drugs and hire lawyers to sue me. If and when he loses the lawsuit he has against us, and he has to pay those lawyers, if he has any money left, it'll be the money that came from Guns N' Roses and myself. At this point I really don't care what happens to Steven Adler, because he's taken himself out of my life, out of my care and concern. I feel bad for him in ways, because he's a real damaged person, but he's making choices to keep himself in that damage. There's nothing we can do at this point. We took him to rehabs, we threatened his drug dealers, we helped him when he slashed his wrists. I even forgave him after he nearly killed my wife. I had to spend a night with her in an intensive-care unit because her heart had stopped thanks to Steven. She was hysterical, and he shot her up with a speedball. She had never done jack shit as far as drugs go, and he shoots her up with a mixture of heroin and cocaine? I kept myself from doing anything to him. I kept the man from being killed by members of her family. I saved him from having to go to court, because her mother wanted him held responsible for his actions. And the sonofabitch turns on me? I mean, yeah, I'm a difficult person to deal with, and I'm a pain in the ass to understand, and I've had my share of problems, but Steven benefited greatly from his involvement with me - more than I did from knowing him. Steven had a lot of fans, but he was a real pain in the ass. I need to keep him in my life for you? F?!k you!
"I'm still impressed by my ability to put a shine on a pile of bullshit"
Re: Interview with Steven Adler in C?rdoba, Argentina
Reply #43 on:
November 10, 2005, 09:53:27 PM »
right on ,pepe.... i'm not bashing on steven the person, although he seems pretty bashable,but when you refer to him as an artist i want to puke on you...to put it in ryhme..the claim to fame he claims is lame indeed....maybe he should have spent the last 15 yrs. creating something rather than wasting away 'trying to put the band back together ,dude'...whatever
Mr. Dick Purple
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Re: Interview with Steven Adler in C?rdoba, Argentina
Reply #44 on:
November 10, 2005, 10:08:45 PM »
Finnaly a decent post! Yeah the guy was smashed by crack as I said before a junkie life is pathetic but saying is the bigest prick in the world? mmm I don't think so if you have talke to Steven I give you a point on that cause I can say also that Axl is bitter with him and trying to be the good guy in the movie just to people don't point him as the bastard guy he can be.
Once again Steven is the best drummer Guns ever had and everybody knows it, the bad thing is he will never get clean up.
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Re: Interview with Steven Adler in C?rdoba, Argentina
Reply #45 on:
November 10, 2005, 10:22:43 PM »
Quote from: Pepe666 on November 10, 2005, 09:21:31 PM
steven didnt wrote a single chord/melody/word of AFD... he just plays drums in the record...
and Steven wrote the drum parts, the rhythm. Duff said back in 1988 that when one guy brings a song to record, the other guys always add their touch to it, so they split the writing credits.
nobody fuckin care but axl gave him one part of his part...?
finally you provided something, but its only Axl's version of the story. there are always two sides, and you don't seem to understand that.
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Re: Interview with Steven Adler in C?rdoba, Argentina
Reply #46 on:
November 11, 2005, 12:16:51 AM »
Quote from: Aero on November 10, 2005, 06:55:46 PM
Quote from: Pepe666 on November 09, 2005, 11:34:14 AM
thats patethic!
he is tarnishing the guns n roses fame for $5000!
but what can yo expect for a guy that sucked dicks to get crack!
he's playing those songs for free... he wrote part of those songs, he gets 15% of AFD sales, he has the same rights as any other gnr member for playing those songs.
5000 dollars is a figurative price... he doesn't need that money, he came to see a wild crowd and rock some...
what I find pathetic is to listen over and over and over all the legal issues under gnr name and rights for the songs...
He only has that 15% of the publishing because Axl gave it to him when he threatened to quit the band before the album was even made...
Re: Interview with Steven Adler in C?rdoba, Argentina
Reply #47 on:
November 11, 2005, 05:22:35 AM »
Adler can fuck off acting like a 10 year old with his name calling. He's bitter and twisted about being kicked out and not having anything to do with either current projects (GNR/VR).
Q: Have you heard VELVET REVOLVER's album, the new group of Slash and Duff McKagan?
Adler: "Yeah, but I'm not gonna comment on it because, actually, I would have liked to have participated in that project. I'm hurt. They didnt let me participate on any of the songs. But, yeah, I think it's a fantastic record."
Why should they let him participate on any of the songs? It's a new band that he has nothing to do with and had a drummer from the start.
And he hopes they can reunite someday after all his comments about Axl etc? Sure Steven.
Last Edit: November 11, 2005, 07:03:06 AM by GunnerDownUnder
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Re: Interview with Steven Adler in C?rdoba, Argentina
Reply #48 on:
November 11, 2005, 11:49:57 AM »
Quote from: GunnerDownUnder on November 11, 2005, 05:22:35 AM
Adler can fuck off acting like a 10 year old with his name calling. He's bitter and twisted about being kicked out and not having anything to do with either current projects (GNR/VR).
Q: Have you heard VELVET REVOLVER's album, the new group of Slash and Duff McKagan?
Adler: "Yeah, but I'm not gonna comment on it because, actually, I would have liked to have participated in that project. I'm hurt. They didnt let me participate on any of the songs. But, yeah, I think it's a fantastic record."
Why should they let him participate on any of the songs? It's a new band that he has nothing to do with and had a drummer from the start.
And he hopes they can reunite someday after all his comments about Axl etc? Sure Steven.
And the funny part of what he said there is the fact that he said its a "fantastic record" and in an interview he did awhile ago he said it sucked lol
Re: Interview with Steven Adler in C?rdoba, Argentina
Reply #49 on:
November 11, 2005, 01:53:00 PM »
Guys the words of Axl are not a prove....
Who can we believe? Axl or Steven, both seem honest.
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Re: Interview with Steven Adler in C?rdoba, Argentina
Reply #50 on:
November 11, 2005, 02:40:55 PM »
Wow, that part of interview Pepe posted proves Steven is a liar!!
What Axl says is exactly what Steven says....
"I paid $1.5 million by giving him 15% of my publishing off of Appetite For Destruction. He didn't write one goddamn note, but he calls me a selfish dick! He's been able to live off of that money, buy a shitload of drugs and hire lawyers to sue me"
Steven said to Cordoba newspaper that he lives off that 15%, so I guess Axl isnt lying.
Re: Interview with Steven Adler in C?rdoba, Argentina
Reply #51 on:
November 11, 2005, 03:15:11 PM »
They told me I had a drug problem, well, who the fuck were they to tell me that? A couple alcoholics and heroin users? Did they take some time in between fucking strippers to decide they were going to throw me out of the band? Doug Goldstein took me to have an opiate blocker, which made me very sick. I told them [Slash & Duff] that I felt sick and couldn't record. Slash told me we had to, because we couldn't waste the money. I said "Money? What about the money we wasted last year [referring to the 1989 Chicago rehearsal/recording sessions, in which only Slash, Duff, and Steven attended] when Izzy was cleaning himself up, and Axl was nowhere to be found? Why was it okay for those guys to waste the money, but not me [in order to] get well?" So anyway, they bring me into the studio and I feel like shit. It took me forever to get the song [Civil War] right, and they got frustrated with me. So next thing I know, Doug has a stack of papers in front of me that I could never fucking read because they were about five inches thick! He's telling me 'sign here, sign there' and telling me I was signing an agreement saying I was on "probation", meaning I was going to detox in time to record, or else. But it turns out, those papers weren't really giving me that chance. So I don't hear a fucking thing from anyone for awhile, then I got these notices saying 'you're out of the band'. Through my lawyers, I discovered that the "probation" papers that Doug had me sign were actually the rights to my partnership and all my royalties, which I was unknowingly signing away! They completely screwed me out of everything, these guys, [who were] my friends, my family. It hurt more than anything. My royalties were from playing, writing, and [use of] my image such as t shirts and shit. When we recorded [Appetite for Destruction], Slash came up with this system where whoever wrote got credit. But then when it came time to actually divide them up, suddenly everybody was getting credit but me. I mean, [for example] Izzy wrote the song "Think About You" by himself before we started playing it, yet Slash, Duff, and Axl were also going to be receiving royalties for it, since they supposedly "added to it". I said, "well what about me? Did I add nothing?" I mean Izzy wrote the fucking song, I thought that's how the writing credits were determined, but the other guys were getting credit for something they didn't write, and I wasn't. Same thing for all the other songs, Axl would get credit for songs such as "Brownstone" [written by Slash and Izzy] and "It's So Easy" [written by Duff and West Arkeen], even though he didn't write anything on them, and the other guys [who didn't write also got credit] too. So why not me? So Axl gave me a portion of his [to compensate for not being included], and my name was put beside the rest of theirs [in the writing credits] and that was that. But now they've screwed me out of those royalties and my other ones too. Two fucking albums that I played on are still selling and they're collecting money from them, and I'm not. Guns N Roses T shirts with my face on them are still selling, and they're collecting money from them, and I'm not. That's what they did to me, people I thought were my friends took it all away and said goodbye as if I never existed. Fuck that! That's why I sue them, and I'm confident the jury will see it my way.
--Steven Adler, 1991 press release on his lawsuit against Guns N Roses.
Now suck on that... Pepe
I dont see someone who I can believe right now... not even Axl nor Steven... but Izzy Stradlin has quoted too so, there more points in Stevens side.
Last Edit: November 11, 2005, 03:27:00 PM by Carlos GMS
Re: Interview with Steven Adler in C?rdoba, Argentina
Reply #52 on:
November 11, 2005, 03:24:18 PM »
I knew it was the beginning of the end when Steven was legally voted out of the band for doing drugs. This from a band that spent five years doing groupies and acting like idiots!
---Izzy Stradlin, 1993
When Axl began to gain some money and to get laid, he wasn't controllable any more. Then I saw Steven, Slash and Duff literally killing themselves before my eyes. I don't even know any more if Steven was still in the group in fact: what was that bullshit anyway? A musician is fired from Guns N' Roses because he's on drugs while the group spent all of their time on drugs?
I did the [1993] shows and I didn't enjoy myself a lot because Duff and Slash were always still wasted.
--Izzy Stradlin, Hard Rock magazine, June 2001
[Guns N Roses] already went wrong when original drummer Steven Adler was kicked out of the band. Because Steven was gone, Izzy also [eventually] left. But we had a whole tour planned so we kept the whole thing going. When it was time to record a new album, though, we missed those guys a lot [Izzy did not play much on the UYI albums]. Look, nothing was right about our little band, but we were very successful. Without Steven and Izzy, though, it really turned into Axl's trip.
--Slash, Aloha magazine, June 8, 2004
Mr. Dick Purple
and the iconoclast in yellow
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Re: Interview with Steven Adler in C?rdoba, Argentina
Reply #53 on:
November 11, 2005, 04:46:37 PM »
Quote from: Carlos GMS on November 11, 2005, 03:24:18 PM
I knew it was the beginning of the end when Steven was legally voted out of the band for doing drugs. This from a band that spent five years doing groupies and acting like idiots!
---Izzy Stradlin, 1993
When Axl began to gain some money and to get laid, he wasn't controllable any more. Then I saw Steven, Slash and Duff literally killing themselves before my eyes. I don't even know any more if Steven was still in the group in fact: what was that bullshit anyway? A musician is fired from Guns N' Roses because he's on drugs while the group spent all of their time on drugs?
I did the [1993] shows and I didn't enjoy myself a lot because Duff and Slash were always still wasted.
--Izzy Stradlin, Hard Rock magazine, June 2001
[Guns N Roses] already went wrong when original drummer Steven Adler was kicked out of the band. Because Steven was gone, Izzy also [eventually] left. But we had a whole tour planned so we kept the whole thing going. When it was time to record a new album, though, we missed those guys a lot [Izzy did not play much on the UYI albums]. Look, nothing was right about our little band, but we were very successful. Without Steven and Izzy, though, it really turned into Axl's trip.
--Slash, Aloha magazine, June 8, 2004
Not that everything's wrong about it, but it seems that on those interviews Slash and Izzy are still mad about Axl behaviour, it's pretty tough to stay in one side and to try to understand both sides when both sides has good points, A junkie was kicked out of junkie group, that's the base line what Adler it's claiming is fair, what Izzy and slash are saying to Axl it's true too, but what do you expect of these 5 guys that once were nobody and now are big stars out of nothing, money kill friendship and in this case kill a great music chemistry. It's pretty sad
No man can be my equal
Re: Interview with Steven Adler in C?rdoba, Argentina
Reply #54 on:
November 11, 2005, 05:26:43 PM »
I'm sure a few things Axl has said may have been wrong Carlos GMS.. but Adler is just dumb!
Seriously who bags on people then says he hopes to reunite with them? That is just plain stupid!
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Re: Interview with Steven Adler in C?rdoba, Argentina
Reply #55 on:
November 11, 2005, 07:12:15 PM »
Quote from: GunnerDownUnder on November 11, 2005, 05:26:43 PM
Seriously who bags on people then says he hopes to reunite with them? That is just plain stupid!
Steven had problems with Axl and he vocalizes them.? but that doesn't mean he has to hate Axl and never want to work with him again.? it's not a contradiction, he's just being honest.
it's funny, because I can't tell you how many boards where I'll find Axl-holics praising the hell out of Axl's venomous onstage rants (which frequently tear down his former bandmates) simply because he's being "honest".? but now Steven is doing exactly the same thing and Axl fans are slagging him.? what gives man?
Re: Interview with Steven Adler in C?rdoba, Argentina
Reply #56 on:
November 11, 2005, 09:35:34 PM »
Well guys Steven Adler bagged on those guys in the past that's right, but then He issued that He wishes to play with 'em someday.
What is pretty clear to me is that, Steven Adler's forgotten the hatred. Actually if you see it from another perspective, he moved on, even when he would like to kick some gunners, but he forgave and nothing of all the bad things that happened to him deserve a second thought now, something that Axl should learn. Why do you always want to be a bitter person, get away from the others, having just some special contacts in your life, kind of discriminating some others because they dont think the way you do. We are all going to the same place, to becoming, Dust N' bones. Life is too short...
Re: Interview with Steven Adler in C?rdoba, Argentina
Reply #57 on:
November 11, 2005, 09:46:52 PM »
Steven isn't bitter?!
I mean he said he was hurt because Velvet Revolver didn't include him in their CD!! That's just hilarious!
Re: Interview with Steven Adler in C?rdoba, Argentina
Reply #58 on:
November 11, 2005, 09:48:05 PM »
Maybe you are right man, but comparing Axl with Steven, Steven is a candy...
Mr. Dick Purple
and the iconoclast in yellow
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I have inside me blood of Kings
Re: Interview with Steven Adler in C?rdoba, Argentina
Reply #59 on:
November 12, 2005, 07:57:02 AM »
Quote from: Carlos GMS on November 11, 2005, 09:48:05 PM
Maybe you are right man, but comparing Axl with Steven, Steven is a candy...
Exactly at least we know how Steven feels about it, but what about Axl do we know what he thinks about their ex-mates just that they suck? I don't think so, there are a lot of ways that you unrespect one person and that's one of them.
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