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Author Topic: NEW RUMOR  (Read 49215 times)

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Every saint has a past, every sinner has a future.

« on: September 27, 2005, 04:00:49 PM »

so Dark, what are you waiting for ... ?  Huh

Natural Born Miller

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« Reply #1 on: September 27, 2005, 04:03:37 PM »

Maybe for Jesus? hihi


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Every saint has a past, every sinner has a future.

« Reply #2 on: September 27, 2005, 04:08:42 PM »


dark, you just threw lots of good stuffs in mygnrforum.... you?re not welcome here anymore or what... ?  Huh


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« Reply #3 on: September 27, 2005, 04:14:37 PM »

What's are you talking about?

Enlighten me please.

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Every saint has a past, every sinner has a future.

« Reply #4 on: September 27, 2005, 04:23:01 PM »

I lost my threads and all I got was this lousy title

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A true fan - no, not that 'truefan' (where is he?)

« Reply #5 on: September 27, 2005, 04:24:19 PM »

I guess I just didn't feel the need to crosspost the info, is all.  I figure if there's any truth to it, it will all sort itself out in the wash.  Like I said over there, until the Red headed recluse decides to issue the marching orders, its all kind of for naught, anyway.


It's not how you're thinking, or as you've imagined
To live in a shade of beliefs that were fashioned
to leave you in slavery and drain out your soul....

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Free Axl!

« Reply #6 on: September 27, 2005, 04:37:08 PM »

could someone post the quote on this thread? I hate having to register to read shit... oh well.

« Reply #7 on: September 27, 2005, 04:39:16 PM »

Meanwhile, in China, another sack of rice fell over...
2004 4eva!

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Its something different and will be a big surprise

« Reply #8 on: September 27, 2005, 04:44:01 PM »

for some reason I believe CD is right around the corner Wink

The thought of going to the store and getting CD in my hands is making me all tingly....The thought of Axl finishing the album from soup to nuts and dropping it off to the bigwigs makes me smile....

but as ive been saying since being here...time will tell

"...regardless of the outcome, our hearts, lives and our passion has been put into this project every step of the way. If for no other reason, we feel those elements alone merit your consideration..."
Paha keisari

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Oyez! Oyez!

« Reply #9 on: September 27, 2005, 04:45:38 PM »

Not gonna register. I've never been to the forum, but I hear it sucks Grin

This is what he'd always known
The promise of something greater beyond the water's final horizon

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« Reply #10 on: September 27, 2005, 04:47:49 PM »

Thanks Dark. Good job.

Here today... waiting for Chinese Democracy
2004 4eva!

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Its something different and will be a big surprise

« Reply #11 on: September 27, 2005, 04:48:55 PM »

ill post it...

Hey all. Just got an email from my friend. I've been asked not to copy / paste this one - but I will paraphrase it for everyone's sake. I'll summarize the important points, first.

A. Interscope and Sanctuary are currently working out the details behind the release of CD - including all the pre-release stuff that needs to happen.

B. There is no 'set date' yet, but there should be in a couple of weeks.

C. Interscope is asking all of their people that might be 'in the loop' to start some positive GNR talk.

D. Radio friendly single search is on... that part is going to take some time.

E. Democracy's follow-up will probably follow 12-18 months after CD's release - at least that's the current plan, and of course subject to change.

F. There is alot of faith in this album and its release right now - something that wasn't being said a year ago.

G. People are happy when GNR is mentioned - which is a nice change from the usual status quo around there.

That's about it. Remember, don't shoot the messenger and all that. We'll see if / when / how this all pans out. For now, chalk it up to nothing more than possible corroborating evidence.

Oh, one more thing - it is entirely possible that you might hear 'officially' from Interscope / Geffen / UMG BEFORE you will Sanctuary. Although I'm sure Sanctuary would follow shortly with a statement of their own. At this point, it appears the devil's in the details.

So, analyze, pick apart, have fun with it - but remember.. until we hear from the Red headed recluse, himself - take it ALL with a grain of salt.


if it was from another source at mygnr I wouldnt bother to bring it over here but being its from Dark, I atleast trust him....
« Last Edit: September 27, 2005, 04:50:29 PM by younggunner » Logged

"...regardless of the outcome, our hearts, lives and our passion has been put into this project every step of the way. If for no other reason, we feel those elements alone merit your consideration..."
Opening Act

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« Reply #12 on: September 27, 2005, 04:52:14 PM »

Not gonna register. I've never been to the forum, but I hear it sucks Grin

Not a good source of news, never was...

But, you can laugh a lot there... Grin

Here Today... I'm afraid... nervous

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« Reply #13 on: September 27, 2005, 04:53:30 PM »

there is a few more posts by dark on there other than what YG posted. I'll summarize them all for everyone.

He says that he has heard throught the grape vine that they are planning for the CD to be released with a followup coming out 12-18 months after CD. An release date sould be set in a couple weeks and they are trying to pick the first single.

He figures that the followup is done already. and thinks in or around Mar 28, 2005 looks good with the single coming out 6-8 weeks before that so, end of Jan-mid Feb '06

We'll prolly get word from Interscope before we hear from Sanctuary.

The CD is out of Axl's hands, and he also figure promotion is about 80% complete so when we get news it'll be a shitload of news.

and possibly a secret gig to promote it as well

mygnr is alright, I registered there when HTGTH was down in april
« Last Edit: September 27, 2005, 04:55:47 PM by Neemo » Logged

Mr. Dick Purple
and the iconoclast in yellow

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« Reply #14 on: September 27, 2005, 04:56:44 PM »

And why should we trust the guy?

No man can be my equal

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« Reply #15 on: September 27, 2005, 04:58:44 PM »

if you don't want to. don't


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« Reply #16 on: September 27, 2005, 05:01:14 PM »

Meanwhile, in China, another sack of rice fell over...

OMG this has to be the funniest fucking post I have EVER read on this forum.

Don't fret Conny.  When darknemus is once again wrong, he'll be over in China picking up the falling rice bags.


When will people learn that the only truth is truth we get from REAL sources and posters aren't real sources.

Great site Jarmo.  Too bad it gets polluted with heresay bullshit.
I lost my threads and all I got was this lousy title

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A true fan - no, not that 'truefan' (where is he?)

« Reply #17 on: September 27, 2005, 05:01:40 PM »

there is a few more posts by dark on there other than what YG posted. I'll summarize them all for everyone.

He says that he has heard throught the grape vine that they are planning for the CD to be released with a followup coming out 12-18 months after CD. An release date sould be set in a couple weeks and they are trying to pick the first single.

He figures that the followup is done already. and thinks in or around Mar 28, 2005 looks good with the single coming out 6-8 weeks before that so, end of Jan-mid Feb '06

We'll prolly get word from Interscope before we hear from Sanctuary.

The CD is out of Axl's hands, and he also figure promotion is about 80% complete so when we get news it'll be a shitload of news.

and possibly a secret gig to promote it as well

mygnr is alright, I registered there when HTGTH was down in april

Just to clarify - most of that is simply speculation by me.  The first post is where I relayed what I was told this morning.


It's not how you're thinking, or as you've imagined
To live in a shade of beliefs that were fashioned
to leave you in slavery and drain out your soul....
« Reply #18 on: September 27, 2005, 05:03:52 PM »

there is a few more posts by dark on there other than what YG posted. I'll summarize them all for everyone.

He says that he has heard throught the grape vine that they are planning for the CD to be released with a followup coming out 12-18 months after CD. An release date sould be set in a couple weeks and they are trying to pick the first single.

He figures that the followup is done already. and thinks in or around Mar 28, 2005 looks good with the single coming out 6-8 weeks before that so, end of Jan-mid Feb '06

We'll prolly get word from Interscope before we hear from Sanctuary.

The CD is out of Axl's hands, and he also figure promotion is about 80% complete so when we get news it'll be a shitload of news.

and possibly a secret gig to promote it as well

mygnr is alright, I registered there when HTGTH was down in april

Just to clarify - most of that is simply speculation by me.? The first post is where I relayed what I was told this morning.


Thanks for the update Dark.  It's looking pretty positive. ok

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« Reply #19 on: September 27, 2005, 05:04:30 PM »

As I've been saying Chinese lucky number is 8

the year 2006 (2+6)
the birthday 6/ 2(2+6)
 the Age 44 (4+4)
8 men
8 is the magic number.

oh, w8? Tongue
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