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Author Topic: question .If the name belong to the ex gunners  (Read 10309 times)
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« Reply #40 on: September 06, 2005, 10:17:27 PM »

"Guns N' Roseless".



I like that one better than mine.  rofl

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« Reply #41 on: September 06, 2005, 10:35:19 PM »

personelly (sorry i havnt read all the posts in this topic yrt,yoo drunk) i was attracted to gnr at the age of about 9 by axls voice,not slashs guitar techniques.dont get me wrong coz im a big big big slash fan but gnr without axl would have never been the same.but axl with a half decent guitarist woul;d still be cool to answer your question,if the name belonged to the ex gunners then the name GUNS N ROSES would be buried along with others like motley crue etc,but with axl updating there sound,GUNS N ROSES still has a BIGGGGGGGGGGGGG chance of survival.does ne1 agree ?

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« Reply #42 on: September 07, 2005, 01:11:02 AM »

I guess there are two sides then: One that was attracted to the band by Axl's voice and a whole other bunch that liked the band because of Slash's playing (myself included).

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« Reply #43 on: September 07, 2005, 02:55:20 AM »

if the others owned the name and axl wasn't in the band would you still feel as strong by calling it gnr without axl?? I only want your opinions being there is bands like van halen that had sucess without the same lead singer..

I know it's hypothetical but I wanted some insight.. No matter who owns the name it is technically gnr but would you view it yourself as gnr regardless of who owned it or who was missing....?

Even if the ex gnr members owned it I would not want gnr to continue..

back in the day...if Axl had quit and the other guys wanted to continue then fuckin' oath ok ok

Its the same reason why i think Axl is doin' the right thing yes

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« Reply #44 on: September 07, 2005, 03:19:41 AM »

I don't care what the band is called.? I will always follow Axl because he is the most contraversial, raw, unpredictable, and talented one out of the bunch.? ?

I think this is what most people feel.? Myself included.?

That still doesn't mean that this new solo project of Axl's is Guns N Roses.

Nor would I consider Slash/Duff and a new singer Guns N Roses.

Nor do I think they would even consider carrying on the name without Axl.  I think Slash and Duff have a keen sense of how Rock N Roll fans feel about such things.
« Last Edit: September 07, 2005, 03:24:47 AM by jemin » Logged

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« Reply #45 on: September 07, 2005, 07:05:00 AM »

Read it again, Dave. The firing would take place after the Illusions release.

Well Axls songs would stay? but the albums after UYI would still be the crappy snake pit albums, believe in me and contraband.

dave I don't think you are capable of ever giving another ex gunner credit unless axl sang the songs.. If slash did silkworms or soemthing we would hear how much it sucked ass.. To act like you can't find one thing positive in snakepit or contraband is crazy..

You act like everything gnr did forever would be cutting edge or ground breaking.. Every band evenbtually puts out a dud or some type of lemon in comparison to their better material.. See some of axl's new material.. That is if we're comparing it to the older well known gnr music..

Somehow I think if axl sang something off snakepit or contraband people would say it was good.. I could put money on if axl did loving the alien, dlt or you got no rightr people would say it's really good

Sucks gnr had to break up because we could actually focus on music instead of taking sides..

just about all of gnr was on snakepit and members from other groups/// Sucks no one has talent unless axl is in the band hihi

I asked a very simple question would you still consider this gnr if the other's owned the name?? That has nothing to do with talent, it has nothing to do with what the band members have done since.. it's about ownership and how you feel..
I tend to think a name represents something epsecially when it is such a famous one... So when the band breaks up like it did wether slow or fast it's done and that should be cherished until the future when and if the band comes back together..

Not everyone was only drawn to guns because of axl.. Fuck I know so many people who loved guitar and were drawn for slash.. Sure axl is the most known just like any quaterback is, but without the guy blocking his ass off on the offensive line the quaterback would be saked.. Gnr was a guitar rock band with great vocals.. They went hand n hand like any great duo did..

creative difference is grounds for breakups and that is a major reason gnr broke up and has been broken up ...

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« Reply #46 on: September 07, 2005, 07:16:39 AM »

No I dont think it would be GNR. You can't have guns n' roses without Axl. He was what made gnr great, his voice, attitute and stage presence is what gave guns that extra bite.
« Last Edit: September 07, 2005, 07:30:37 PM by chineseblues » Logged

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« Reply #47 on: September 07, 2005, 10:19:54 AM »

Perhaps it's not fair... but I cannot fathom a band called "Guns N' Roses" without W. Axl Rose as the lead singer.

Admittedly, GN'R is a little "akward" these days without Slash and Duff, but it is not unbearable or unfathomable (IMHO). ok

They would just change the name to guns without rose.

Or Axl without guns?

It could've been ok, if Izzy would've continued writing, since he was the main songwriter. don't still know if they should've used GN'R name? Undecided
I believe there's no GN'R without izzy, slash duff or without Axl.
« Last Edit: September 07, 2005, 10:21:35 AM by makane » Logged


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« Reply #48 on: September 07, 2005, 01:00:52 PM »

I know many people who are not particuarly into GN'R but know they hate Axl, but love Slash.? I'm not just saying that to make my point here. But when you go out to the rock clubs?or even at? Uni? or Work, and talk to different people who love their music.? His behaviour is something that turns alot of people off.? He has acted like a dickhead at times and people do remember that stuff. Let's not pretend if we met him we'd be garanteed a welcome reception lol.? I love Axl really do. But i don't really want to meet him. Because i know depending on his mood, I wouldn't know what response i would get.? And i wouldn't want to walk away thinking what an asshole after loving his work for half of my life you know?

Why can't people enjoy the solo projects/ex-members projects for what they are?? You know it's not going to be GN'R so get over it.? Izzy is/was probably the strongest individual songwriter of them all,? but his records won't be GN'R.? He doesn't sell like GN'R records would sell. So it's unfair to compare the two. Because it's very unlikely that without that name they will ever sell that kind of amount of records ever again.? But you forget they don't need too either. They have been there done it.? Aslong as they keep making new music that's what i want.

I can only talk from my point of view. But when i listen to those guys' work outside of GN'R. There are always moments where you hear their GN'R side and does make you think man.... if only all the GN'R gang had worked on that song.? If Axl was singing that or of that had Slash on there kicking ass, or if that had Izzy's writing to make it a bit stronger.? But it's still enjoyable, great music.? Axl has not done anything away from GN'R, so we can't yet hear if it lacks a certain something that would have benefited with the others input somewhere. Time may tell.

 They all added a very valuable ingredient to make a Guns record.? ?If you can't see that, then you have probably been stuck on here saying the same thing for 4 years lol.? The same arguments to the same people, it's old man.? VR is not trying to be Gun's, Izzy's not trying to be Axl and Axl surely isn't trying to be anybody else lol.? If he could i'm sure he would clone himself so he could be the whole band lol .

Someone said about Slash using a similar riff to Sweet child - because he couldn't think of new ideas....come on, can u actually rip yourself off? ...Maybe in America lol. ? But Check out Madagascar One of the first songs we hear after 10/6 or 5 years? (take your pick lol). And there's a very recognisable sample from Civil War -? Ok i know some cleaver sod is going to say 'well that wasn't techincally GN'R'.? But you play that line in a rock club and people would think of Civil War straight away.? 'Oh My God' sounds very much like Slash in the solo.? The point is if your listening for faults every time then you will find them but what's the point? What does it do?? Why does it matter? Nothing is perfect.

You cannot say if the ex-members had stayed, then it would have been a boring RN'R Snakepit,Vr or Neurotic Outsiders album.? Snakepit would have been 1/5th of an album with everybody else' input on top.? Think about it (and If Gilby was still on board too) We would have had a mash of the  1st Snakepit, Pawn Shop guitars, Neurotic outsiders... these were all the first post Guns releases.  With Axl in the mix and adding his talent with the best stuff off those albums, to me that sounds like a damn good album that never was.?

There's some great stuff. Even if you have hated singers or certain lyrics. Any idiot here saying that they wouldn't have wanted another GN'R album is totally lieing.? ?If Axl was singing that stuff, you would love it, be honest for once. Certain ppl here? would be biased.? You have missed on some good songs, great times at gigs ect. Just because you have been busy defending a man in his forties, who doesn't care less. The rest of us are actually enjoying it all as it comes.?
« Last Edit: September 07, 2005, 06:48:20 PM by St.heathen » Logged

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« Reply #49 on: September 07, 2005, 01:10:02 PM »

I know many people who are not particuarly into GN'R hate Axl, but love Slash.? I'm not just saying that to make my point here. But when you go out to the rock clubs? or even at? Uni? or Work, and talk to different people who love their music.? His behaviour is something that turn alot of people off.? He has acted like a dickhead at times. Let's not pretend if we met him we'd be garaunteed a welcome reception lol.? I love Axl ok. But i don't really want to meet him. Because i know depending on his mood, I wouldn't know what response i would get.? And i wouldn't want to walk away thinking what an asshole after loving his work for half of my life you know?

Why can't people enjoy the solo projects/ex-members projects for what they are?? You know it's not going to be GN'R so get over it.? Izzy is/was probably the strongest songwriter of them all? but his records won't be GN'R.? He doesn't sell like GN'R records would sell. So it's unfair to compare the two. Because it's very unlikely that without that name they will ever sell that kind of amount of records ever again.? But you forget they don't need too either. They have been there done it.? Aslong as they keep making new music that's what i want.

I can only talk from my point of view. But when i listen to those guys work outside of GN'R. There are always moments where you hear their GN'R side and does make you think man, if only all the GN'R gang had worked on that song.? If Axl was singing that or of that had Slash on there kicking ass or if that had Izzy's writing to make it a bit stronger.? But it's still enjoyable music.? Axl has not done anything away from GN'R, so we can't yet hear if it lacks the others input yet.

Because they all added a very valuable ingredient to make a Guns record.? ?If you can't see that then you have probably been stuck on here saying the same thing for 4 years lol.? The same arguments to the same people, it's old man.? VR is not trying to be Gun's, Izzy's not trying to be Axl and Axl surely isn't trying to be anybody else lol.? If he could i'm sure he would clone himself so he could be the whole band lol .

Someone said about Slash using a similar riff to Sweet child - because he couldn't think of new ideas.? Check out Madagascar One of the first songs we hear after 10/6/5 years? (take your pick lol). And there's a very recognisable sample from Civil War - ok i know some cleaver sod is going to say 'well that wasn't techincally GN'R'.? But you play that line in a rock club and people would think of Civil War straight away.? Oh My God sounds very Slash in the solo.? You cannot say if the ex-members had stayed then it would have been Snakepit or Neurotics.? Any idiot saying that, would know that's complete Bull, because if Axl was singing that stuff, you would love it (at least some of it).? You have missed on some good songs, great times at gigs ect. Just because you have been busy defending a man in his forties, who doesn't care less.

I agree with a lot of what you said.. A team they were who added something each to make a great alum/songs.

it just seems fashionable to like or dislike something because there is a lack of whoever their favorite is..
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« Reply #50 on: September 07, 2005, 01:24:30 PM »

no way it's like the stone's without jagger

so as long as say plant is in zepplin you don't need page??

gutair player's can be replaced i love page but look at what buckethead did he sound's great well sounded great

the point wasn't can he be replaced. The point was does a band and it's members mean anything when keeping a name going?? No question in the past 20 years as a guitar player slash has been just about the best of his time and for every great gnr tune there is a great riff or solo behind it..

Is there any band out there that is sacred in regards to breaking up then continuing without the members..

Would it be the beatles if only paul was in the band?

this isn't about a name, it's about an attitude and a way of life. Slash and Duff lost it when they left gnr, that's pretty clear from the music they've released. Let's wait and see before we decide whether or not axl should be using the name guns n' roses. but judging from the tracks we've heard, i say yes. and judging from VR, duff's solo works, snakepit, etc, i think no, slash and duff shouldn't be in a band called guns n' roses. funny though, cuz even though they are in this "mega" band now, i still always hear them on the radio say "Slash from guns n' roses"

what way of life is that?? The no album no tours way of life.. The band members we know nothing in regards to progress way of life..?

I can say your personal musical opionions are just that.. Plwenty of people loved snakepit or contraband.. The question wasn't their post gnr work it was their role in the band and if they had the right to the name ..

When I say I feel the band needs their real members to be gnr I hear well axl owns the name so it is gnr.. So i said if axl didn't own the name and it continued would it still be gnr.??

You hear slash from gnr.. You're kidding right, one of the biggest rock bands ever and he's still called slash from gnr.. Who would have thought it.. rofl

we always hear paul from wings hihi

There were 2 front men in the beatles: Paul and John.  So it's not really a fair comparison.  However, if you ask if the beatles could have continued witout George and/or Ringo...I think the answer would be a resounding "Yes".  It would have been unfortunate, but, if John and Paul had continued on without them, they could have "pulled it off".

the beatles also broke up in a vastly different way.  And John was tragically killed.  Maybe not the best of analogies.  The Zepplin analogy earlier I thought was much better.

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« Reply #51 on: September 07, 2005, 01:28:03 PM »

It would depend on how the break up happened.

If Axl left or was fired and they found a new singer, sure they could call it GN'R.

But now they left/were fired...



jarmo hit the nail firmly on the head.

It's as much about HOW the band broke up as it is about WHO is in it.

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« Reply #52 on: September 07, 2005, 01:30:58 PM »

It would depend on how the break up happened.

If Axl left or was fired and they found a new singer, sure they could call it GN'R.

Personally I think it's irrelevant how the band breaks up.? If it isn't the original guys who made the band what it was, then it shouldn't be called GNR.? It doesn't matter if it's Axl Rose, or if it's Slash and Duff, or hell, if it's Izzy and Steven.

All the originals of any disbanded group should have enough respect for the fans not to tarnish the band's legacy by assuming control of the name without the others.

So, Metallica shouldn't me Metallica?

And "The Beach Boys" shouldn't be "The Beach Boys"?

And "Korn" shouldn't be "Korn"?

How many bands out there have changed from it's original membership, either by tragedy or by a band member leaving? Many of them.  Yet, they still call themselves by their original names.

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« Reply #53 on: September 07, 2005, 01:31:56 PM »

No. Jimmy Page was the frontman. Mr plant wasn't.

On topic,

I wouldn't mind.

I wouldn't care. I wouldn't care about that GN'R. I'd be fine with the old GN'R songs.

I wouldn't be at a GN'R board but at a board about Axl's new band whatever the name might be.

As far as the band makes kickass songs like IRS... love

I have to agree with you. I don't care what the others would do with the name, I would just be interested in what Axl's doing
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« Reply #54 on: September 07, 2005, 02:29:10 PM »

It would depend on how the break up happened.

If Axl left or was fired and they found a new singer, sure they could call it GN'R.

Personally I think it's irrelevant how the band breaks up.? If it isn't the original guys who made the band what it was, then it shouldn't be called GNR.? It doesn't matter if it's Axl Rose, or if it's Slash and Duff, or hell, if it's Izzy and Steven.

All the originals of any disbanded group should have enough respect for the fans not to tarnish the band's legacy by assuming control of the name without the others.

So, Metallica shouldn't me Metallica?

And "The Beach Boys" shouldn't be "The Beach Boys"?

And "Korn" shouldn't be "Korn"?

How many bands out there have changed from it's original membership, either by tragedy or by a band member leaving? Many of them.? Yet, they still call themselves by their original names.

The cure only has their lead singer left and is still called the cure.
« Last Edit: September 07, 2005, 02:31:23 PM by dave-gnfnr2k » Logged

This is for BabyGorilla and the people like him.
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« Reply #55 on: September 07, 2005, 06:44:14 PM »

Dave, I strongly disagree. The primary songwriters of the albums you mentioned is Duff, Eric Dover, and Weiland. In this alternate version of GNR, Izzy would have been the main songwriter. Continuing GNR's success, but to a lesser extent.
IM not really sure in this hypothetical that Izzy woulda stayed in the band considering that slash hated playing on stage with him, and that is a fact, and he said it many times in the past. So you would be looking at um.yes VR version of GNR. In that senerio.

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« Reply #56 on: September 07, 2005, 09:41:38 PM »

No I dont think it would be GNR. You can't have guns n' roses without Axl. He was what made gnr great, his voice, attitute and stage presence is what gave guns that extra bite.

exactly.  Axl has always been the driving force behind GNR.

Mike, when are you going to let this go?   you've been on these message boards for years whining about the same shit.  this is stuff that happened almost a decade ago!  get over it man.
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« Reply #57 on: September 08, 2005, 03:35:33 AM »

Jim, why do you say mike should stop "whining"? Because he doesn't have his head up Axl's ass? You 'Axl is God' people are funny. You constantly whine about the ex members, and when someone brings up something from a perspective that isn't Axl's, you start whining and start the usual insults. If you're gonna accuse someone of whining, first look in the mirror, and then go post in every single thread telling people to stop whining. Dont just single certain people out that dont think everything Axl says is the gospel.


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« Reply #58 on: September 08, 2005, 05:30:25 AM »

No I dont think it would be GNR. You can't have guns n' roses without Axl. He was what made gnr great, his voice, attitute and stage presence is what gave guns that extra bite.

exactly.? Axl has always been the driving force behind GNR.

Mike, when are you going to let this go?? ?you've been on these message boards for years whining about the same shit.? this is stuff that happened almost a decade ago!? get over it man.
It was a simple question man I asked how people would view gnr if the roles were reversed..  people need to understand each individual is what made gnr great, and each fan of gnr feels certain members shined more for their own personal taste..

people who are into certain instruments see bands for different reasons, not everything for each fan is just the lead singer.. A guitar player can love gnr for slash so they may feel he was the best guy in the beand.. Another person can be into say the rhcps and like bass and be into flea more the anythony.. Some love motley crue for tommy lee's drumming, or zepplin and the who for moon and bonham..

Each member of this forum has a view of what gnr is and everyone is entitled to their opinion..

For every great lyrical gnr song there is an equal riff and solo to go with it.. Even some gnr songs I am not in love with I can still find instrumentals I enjoy..

As for the whining thing jim, maybe if others didn't tell people how they should feel towards gnr or the name everyone could co exist and be happy.. Maybe jim if there was actual music, tours, single, albums, or anything that bands actually do there would be better stuff to concentrate on besides lawsuits or what axl's hair is going to look like if he ever makes it back..

Finally if you feel a simple question is whining then just chose to avoid the thread . No one is forcing you to read or reply.. I just can't sit around saying I am on my 36743892675893679386789327892 listen of the irs stolen demo..
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