Richard was kind enough to answer a few questions for us over at they are:
(Q) What are you currently doing musically?
(A) I've been playing with Nena (yep, 99 Luft Balloons Nena), in Europe quite a bit over the last year. I've also been writing music for tv commercials, movies and video games.
(Q)What kinds of music do you listen to?
(A)I listen to anything that can inspire, even if it's just for a second. I have always had a voracious musical appetite. I am constantly checking out new music. Lately i've been listening to the new Ry Cooder, White Stripes, Secret Machines, Arcade Fire, Block Party, Bright Eyes, Louis IV, Magic Numbers, Kings of Leon, Kasabian, Modest Mouse, and Beck.
(Q) What is it like playing with music icons ie. Axl Rose. Ozzy Osbourne,
Richard Butler etc?
(A)Just like playing with anyone else (exept they are famous)
(Q)Of all the bands and artists you have worked with so far, who has been
the most fun to work with?
(A)Man, I'm just so glad that I'm working at all! I don't want to pick sides. Seriously, i love playing with talented people, i get something out of everything i've done, and it's always a different something.
(Q)Do you ever see yourself making a instrumental album and releasing it?
(A)not unless it accompanies a film. Don't see the point. Hell, not even i would listen to it!
(Q)Who would you most like to work with that you haven't had the chance
to work with yet?
(A)David Bowie.
(Q)Which type of venue would you rather perform in, Arena, Club, or Stadium?
(A)I love playing in clubs because it is very face to face. I like to be able to see the eyes of the people that I'm playing to.
(Q)Do you have any plans to sell merchandise on you're website?
(A)don't think so.
(Q)Do you get alot of people walk up to you on the streets and ask you
for an autograph?
(A)I live in New York City. People don't do that here unless you're famous.