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Author Topic: War > Winners > losers > vengeance > terrorism.  (Read 18030 times)
Where is Hassan Nasrallah ?

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S?gol?ne Royal

« on: July 08, 2005, 11:12:01 AM »

I read sometimes that Terrorist use terrorism because they like to. and thats the way they do. and they just wanna kill innocent.

The thing is, IMO, that every time there are losers in some kind of conflict (invasion, war...) then these losers want to seek vengeance. this is as simple as that.
As they are weak (they lost) - and stupid and violent -? their only weapon, their only "hope", is terror.

cause trust me, if bin laden had tanks and jetfighters, missiles and aircraft carrier, he would use that instead of killing 50 person in the subway.

WE are strong. we have rockets and $1,000,000 airplanes that can kill 200 soliders in one shot. we have the power. we are strong. thats why we don't use terrorism.

one fine example. You all know star wars. The Rebels (leia, han, luke ...) are the "nice" ones, aren't they? nevertheless, they bomb buildings, they are tricky, they fight hidden, and make thing explodes.
why , because they are weak.

al-quaida is evil. but they use terror because they are weak.
They make the decision to do it because they're evil and dumb and religious (extremist, sorry).
but they have this opportunity because they are weak. people have to understand that.

as long as we, western countries, are the strong ones. there will be weak ones in the world. and they will use terror.

how to fight it ? i dunno. people talk about the evil of religion. i can see that. it would be a good thing if religion was a thing of the past (at least "community" system in religion) , but something else would emerge. people will fight for something else.

and really. we also have to understand that; even if what terrorist do is pure insanity, we have some responsability. the "trigger" of their action is not only in their mind, it's also in our actions.

« Last Edit: July 08, 2005, 11:18:51 AM by WAT-EVER, i'm totally buggin » Logged

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« Reply #1 on: July 08, 2005, 11:42:01 AM »

I think that whatever the country, whatever the color, religion, time in history or valuable energy we use ( fire to start with, nuclear, gaz or water combustibles now or oil for the retarded ones) , the problem is rooted within our genetic package.

How to fight people wanting revenge ?

We can't.

How to fight people wanting power ?

We can't.

How to fight death ?

We can't.

How to fight our illusions ?

We can

We don't

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The Reincarnation of Morpheus

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« Reply #2 on: July 08, 2005, 11:44:37 AM »

WE are strong. we have rockets and $1,000,000 airplanes that can kill 200 soliders in one shot. we have the power. we are strong. thats why we don't use terrorism.
Depends on ur definition of terror. Wouldn't you count the US war on Iraq as 'terrorism'?. After all, there were no WMDs, Saddam wasn't doing anything particularly dangerous, his links to Al-Qaeda are unproven... Think of all the innocent women and children being killed in the war. 'Terrorism'? Yes...

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« Reply #3 on: July 08, 2005, 12:01:58 PM »

I think that whatever the country, whatever the color, religion, time in history or valuable energy we use ( fire to start with, nuclear, gaz or water combustibles now or oil for the retarded ones) , the problem is rooted within our genetic package.

How to fight people wanting revenge ?

We can't.

How to fight people wanting power ?

We can't.

How to fight death ?

We can't.

How to fight our illusions ?

We can

We don't

How do we get Jessica to see sense?

We can't

Quick! To the bandwagon!
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« Reply #4 on: July 08, 2005, 12:08:51 PM »

I think that whatever the country, whatever the color, religion, time in history or valuable energy we use ( fire to start with, nuclear, gaz or water combustibles now or oil for the retarded ones) , the problem is rooted within our genetic package.

How to fight people wanting revenge ?

We can't.

How to fight people wanting power ?

We can't.

How to fight death ?

We can't.

How to fight our illusions ?

We can

We don't

How do we get Jessica to see sense?

We can't

forum stalker !


E VE RY  time i post, you're behind my back and it can't be because of my ass, you don't see it from here.

Provocation excites me.... hihi

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« Reply #5 on: July 08, 2005, 12:11:41 PM »

I read sometimes that Terrorist use terrorism because they like to. and thats the way they do. and they just wanna kill innocent.

to further their agenda.... yes..... if it does not aid them they dont do it

The thing is, IMO, that every time there are losers in some kind of conflict (invasion, war...) then these losers want to seek vengeance. this is as simple as that.
As they are weak (they lost) - and stupid and violent -  their only weapon, their only "hope", is terror.

Funny I think Canada is weak..... UK is weak.... hell every Nato ally is by far unable to unilaterily take on the US........... Sure I think Amercia is stupid for the most part..... they take vengence...... Afgan/Iraq can be construied by how you described to be a vengence struggle.... can it not? The was a time when their only weapon was called gurilla tactics.... which by and large is Terroism..... granted there are more fucked up shit now.... but terroism and gurilla tactics are one in teh same.

cause trust me, if bin laden had tanks and jetfighters, missiles and aircraft carrier, he would use that instead of killing 50 person in the subway.

WE are strong. we have rockets and $1,000,000 airplanes that can kill 200 soliders in one shot. we have the power. we are strong. thats why we don't use terrorism.

lol thats the funniest thing that I have ever heard... well read..... ya know what you are partialy right.... but mostly wrong. If he had said military assests he would be an easy target and would be dead by now. Based on his tactial mindset he would not want those assests as it makes him non agile as you have to have infastructure that ca support them. he likes mobility, its his friend its why he is still at large..... if he had these weapons they would long be destroyed.

Fack b'y north korea got rockets as you call em million dollar airplanes..... that can kill 200 in one shot.....wait now...... you guys have a plane that can kill 200 with one shot?.... holy fuck....... i got to get one of those..... heck i guess they all must be stood on each other shouldsers?   hell nothing short of a nuke can kill 200 in one shot..... oh and BTW you planes caot more the a million......fuck b'y

one fine example. You all know star wars. The Rebels (leia, han, luke ...) are the "nice" ones, aren't they? nevertheless, they bomb buildings, they are tricky, they fight hidden, and make thing explodes.
why , because they are weak.

gurrila tactics......... are you slow? would you have attacked in full force?.....

al-quaida is evil. but they use terror because they are weak.
They make the decision to do it because they're evil and dumb and religious (extremist, sorry).
but they have this opportunity because they are weak. people have to understand that.

do i have to repeat myself....

as long as we, western countries, are the strong ones. there will be weak ones in the world. and they will use terror.

how to fight it ? i dunno. people talk about the evil of religion. i can see that. it would be a good thing if religion was a thing of the past (at least "community" system in religion) , but something else would emerge. people will fight for something else.

and really. we also have to understand that; even if what terrorist do is pure insanity, we have some responsability. the "trigger" of their action is not only in their mind, it's also in our actions.


exactly is is our actions or aour inactions....... living under a rock since '95 have we?

........oh wait..... nooooooo...... How come there aren't any fake business seminars in Newfoundland?!?? Sad? ............
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« Reply #6 on: July 08, 2005, 12:15:55 PM »

lol thats the funniest thing that I have ever heard... well read..... ya know what you are partialy right.... but mostly wrong. If he had said military assests he would be an easy target and would be dead by now. Based on his tactial mindset he would not want those assests as it makes him non agile as you have to have infastructure that ca support them. he likes mobility, its his friend its why he is still at large..... if he had these weapons they would long be destroyed.

That's ever so true.

Most terrorism specialists and war specialists would entirely agree with this.

This also being the same reason why Vietnam was such a catastrophy.

Develloped countries rely too much on metal and not enough on their heads.

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Mr. Dick Purple
and the iconoclast in yellow

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« Reply #7 on: July 08, 2005, 12:59:12 PM »

The whole world is really chaotic I really don't know what to think about this terrorist events  Sad
If people keep doing, thinking, as they are now and also "seeking peace" we have our days counted.

No man can be my equal
Where is Hassan Nasrallah ?

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S?gol?ne Royal

« Reply #8 on: July 08, 2005, 01:51:15 PM »

Prometheus MacMaul, too many quotes to answer your properly.
but there i still think that terrorism and guerilla tactics are the weapon of the weak.
sometimes the weapons of the good weak (han solo), sometimes the weapons of the evil weak (bin laden).
sometimes its niether good or evil (palestine).

and i disagree. alquaida does not like mobilty because its cool and that's its style.
they are forced to be like that, because they had no choice.
weakness leads you to guerilla tactics and mobilty, and if you're evil: terrorism.

"If he had said military assests he would be an easy target ... " < wrong. you're taking the premice of the current al quaida, the present bin laden as we know it. you used an IF statement, therefore you can't base your argument on something that is present / current.

and stay on that, give an army (as strong as the us for example) and binladen will go to war . real war. he won't bother with suicide bombing. that's common sense.

and please, Prometheus MacMaul, dont say "im slow" or patronize me, thats very stupid.


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« Reply #9 on: July 08, 2005, 01:58:44 PM »

your a fucking idiot thats head is up your ass.... please dont lock as i have a huge reply in teh works..... and ill tear you present/cureent and hypotheical sitatuon to peise as with your "cool" mobilty being false

........oh wait..... nooooooo...... How come there aren't any fake business seminars in Newfoundland?!?? Sad? ............
Where is Hassan Nasrallah ?

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S?gol?ne Royal

« Reply #10 on: July 08, 2005, 02:05:22 PM »

your a fucking idiot thats head is up your ass....
.... ok ... you're too smart for me ....


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« Reply #11 on: July 08, 2005, 05:12:55 PM »

WE are strong. we have rockets and $1,000,000 airplanes that can kill 200 soliders in one shot. we have the power. we are strong. thats why we don't use terrorism.
Depends on ur definition of terror. Wouldn't you count the US war on Iraq as 'terrorism'?. After all, there were no WMDs, Saddam wasn't doing anything particularly dangerous, his links to Al-Qaeda are unproven... Think of all the innocent women and children being killed in the war. 'Terrorism'? Yes...

Exactly right! Finally someone on here who agrees with what I've been trying to say. Bin Laden isn't the only terrorist running around, George W's just as bad.
« Reply #12 on: July 08, 2005, 05:28:10 PM »

WE are strong. we have rockets and $1,000,000 airplanes that can kill 200 soliders in one shot. we have the power. we are strong. thats why we don't use terrorism.
Depends on ur definition of terror. Wouldn't you count the US war on Iraq as 'terrorism'?. After all, there were no WMDs, Saddam wasn't doing anything particularly dangerous, his links to Al-Qaeda are unproven... Think of all the innocent women and children being killed in the war. 'Terrorism'? Yes...

Exactly right! Finally someone on here who agrees with what I've been trying to say. Bin Laden isn't the only terrorist running around, George W's just as bad.
Some people just dont have a fucking clue

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« Reply #13 on: July 08, 2005, 05:32:27 PM »

WE are strong. we have rockets and $1,000,000 airplanes that can kill 200 soliders in one shot. we have the power. we are strong. thats why we don't use terrorism.
Depends on ur definition of terror. Wouldn't you count the US war on Iraq as 'terrorism'?. After all, there were no WMDs, Saddam wasn't doing anything particularly dangerous, his links to Al-Qaeda are unproven... Think of all the innocent women and children being killed in the war. 'Terrorism'? Yes...

Exactly right! Finally someone on here who agrees with what I've been trying to say. Bin Laden isn't the only terrorist running around, George W's just as bad.
Some people just dont have a fucking clue

Yeah I know! They're called Conservatives!

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« Reply #14 on: July 08, 2005, 05:32:37 PM »

Prometheus MacMaul, too many quotes to answer your properly.
but there i still think that terrorism and guerilla tactics are the weapon of the weak.

ahh but the quotes are where you have fouled up is it not?

guerilla tactics are the weapon of the weak................. funny..... taliban beat teh shit out of Russia with em...... the VC beat teh shit out of the states with em in nam.......hey and they did it too the French too didnt they....... by far teh weakest westren ally.... show force they

hey didnt the US switch to gurilla tactics in Nam? wasnt it because it was determined that it was the best possible tactics other then putting a man every 2 feet and walking alllllllllll they way to the north?..... or nuking it

funny how its a tactic of the weak...... would you consider the US weak because they used Nukes on Japan to close WW2? cant you construe that as being the unlimate terroism?

sometimes the weapons of the good weak (han solo), sometimes the weapons of the evil weak (bin laden).
sometimes its niether good or evil (palestine).

one question who lost the war in star wars? who is stupid in ther tactics the PLA and Isreal...... i blow up 10 ppl....... you use a tank and run down 40 houses.... with ppl in em..... make sence? Who has lost more ppl in the war on terror allies or Al quida? thats right the allies have....... and dont even start counting taliban

and i disagree. alquaida does not like mobilty because its cool and that's its style.
they are forced to be like that, because they had no choice.
weakness leads you to guerilla tactics and mobilty, and if you're evil: terrorism.

your kidding right? tell me your kidding. do you really want to create a fictional country and call it binladden land? well here you have it poof its somewhere in the middle east. Based on your previous requirements for the military we will put it where yemmen is as it will require a sea port for its "air craft acrrier". no for arguements sake.... CVN's dont lone wolf it so we will give them a full battle group. So you got say 10 ships and 30 aircraft..... and their tech will be about russian era 1985-1990. ok so we all got it right?....... ok

now you also said that you would need tanks.... and fighters....... ill  make em fighter bombers...... and T-85 exports for teh tanks.........we'll even be generous we'll give ya enough income to train your piolts and tankers all the time.... well say 60% as much as the US....... and well give you 200 air craft and 1000 tanks......... you didnt give any other ground forces sooo ill give ya 25000 army.... all trained to at least Canadian forces standards....... so about 95% of the standard US army inf. and about 25% of marine trainning. out of that we'll put in some russian airdefence and arty...... not too bad of a for some reason you attack the US?...... why the fuck would you?...... explain that.... i dare ya to give me a aducate stae of affairs that will explain the attack.

but untill then lets jsut follow this out..... so you attack the WTC with fighter bombers......... off you battle group that somehow managed to go undetced by the US....... so teh US strikes back..... battle group is now gone.... so the us invades ya...... all nato is with them..... guess what all of your hardened targets have been destroyed in teh first 48h of the attack...... 100,000 troops are on your soil and you ahve been cought killed or are on the run in that time.... you lost the war in less then 1 week.... hell you lost in say...... -time vs your birth time....... ie you lost before you were born....

heres another way to look at it.... lets say your the US.... and your going agnist an equally powerful and advanced country..... say im that country.... the USA is a highly mobile army... mine is not..... who wins.... the US. they are not so bound to supply line lengths. they can move thier troops in and out of battle quickly. mine are slower cause we are tied to defending our supply lines so you are hitting my main force with much higher numbers and are able to hit me deep on my lines..... where I can hit you hard.... but if i go for you supply lines you can deploy your highly mobile forces to the attck quickly and reenforce faster then i can get extra there..... can you see what im talking about yet..... mobility = harder to destroy in larger scale easier to attack and escape on that same scale.

 if you look at the tactics that Laden has been using 10 ppl from his forces die..... he does 2000+ damage tot eh target........ pretty good by my books..... if each us soilder could do that..... well the us could invade china and win with ease in a pure ground war...... an we all know that would not happen even with todays tech on the US side.

and its not about coolness factor... its about useful factor...... small numbers big returns...... would be great on the stock market.... forced into or not it makes his capture harder... and makes his success in targets easier..... escape and evade... then attack when ready... repeat as necessary.

"If he had said military assests he would be an easy target ... " < wrong. you're taking the premice of the current al quaida, the present bin laden as we know it. you used an IF statement, therefore you can't base your argument on something that is present / current.

and stay on that, give an army (as strong as the us for example) and binladen will go to war . real war. he won't bother with suicide bombing. that's common sense.

answered above

and please, Prometheus MacMaul, dont say "im slow" or patronize me, thats very stupid.

 hey if the shoe fits.......

........oh wait..... nooooooo...... How come there aren't any fake business seminars in Newfoundland?!?? Sad? ............
« Reply #15 on: July 08, 2005, 05:35:51 PM »

Funny I think Canada is weak..... UK is weak.... hell every Nato ally is by far unable to unilaterily take on the US........... Sure I think Amercia is stupid for the most part..... they take vengence...... Afgan/Iraq can be construied by how you described to be a vengence struggle.... can it not?
Well, if you call going after those that attacked you vengence, then yes. ?If you call those that harbor and aid terrorists vengence, then yes. ?But I guess based on your post fighting going after Hitler was vengence, as was going after Japan after Pearl Harbor. ?Should we not have engaged in those struggles?

The was a time when their only weapon was called gurilla tactics.... which by and large is Terroism..... granted there are more fucked up shit now.... but terroism and gurilla tactics are one in teh same.
While terrorism may be a form of guerilla war, not all guerilla war is terrorism. ?There is a difference between going after military and going after innocent civilians. ?The former can be characterized as guerilla war, where I think the latter can more properly be characterized as terrorism.

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« Reply #16 on: July 08, 2005, 05:42:53 PM »

Funny I think Canada is weak..... UK is weak.... hell every Nato ally is by far unable to unilaterily take on the US........... Sure I think Amercia is stupid for the most part..... they take vengence...... Afgan/Iraq can be construied by how you described to be a vengence struggle.... can it not?
Well, if you call going after those that attacked you vengence, then yes.  If you call those that harbor and aid terrorists vengence, then yes.  But I guess based on your post fighting going after Hitler was vengence, as was going after Japan after Pearl Harbor.  Should we not have engaged in those struggles?

The was a time when their only weapon was called gurilla tactics.... which by and large is Terroism..... granted there are more fucked up shit now.... but terroism and gurilla tactics are one in teh same.
While terrorism may be a form of guerilla war, not all guerilla war is terrorism.  There is a difference between going after military and going after innocent civilians.  The former can be characterized as guerilla war, where I think the latter can more properly be characterized as terrorism.

was wondering how long it would take for you to come into this one............ i can see it didnt take toooooo long

ok mr law school guy....... im ready to go with ya tonight...... gots lots of time the candi is at her mothers so im not going to talking to her...... Rebuttle is what my statement was for..... to illistrate that simply just because they are small and want vengence does not mean that..... the big boys are any better....

as for your take on GW vs T...... all terrosim is gurrilla war..... but not all gurrill war is terroism

soooooo whats next captain amercia?

........oh wait..... nooooooo...... How come there aren't any fake business seminars in Newfoundland?!?? Sad? ............
« Reply #17 on: July 08, 2005, 06:00:08 PM »

was wondering how long it would take for you to come into this one............ i can see it didnt take toooooo long
Should have realized you would attack me instead of discussing the topic.? My fault, I shouldnt expect much from someone whose first post on this board was plagerising someone elses view on the "meaning" of the Matrix in order to sound smart.

ok mr law school guy....... im ready to go with ya tonight......
Thats just great.? Im sorry that you have to point to my education status.? I dont exactly see its relevance in these threads, but if it makes you feel better to address me that way then fine.

gots lots of time the candi is at her mothers so im not going to talking to her...... Rebuttle is what my statement was for..... to illistrate that simply just because they are small and want vengence does not mean that..... the big boys are any better....
If you dont see the difference between what we do and what they do, then Im not sure what to say.? Seriously, there isnt really much we can discuss then.

as for your take on GW vs T...... all terrosim is gurrilla war..... but not all gurrill war is terroism
Is this a response?? I was replying to your post, I am not exactly sure what this statement is?

soooooo whats next captain amercia?
Go ahead, continue to be a jackass and call me names.? If it makes you feel comfortable up there, then go ahead.? Im not sure what makes you guys feel that you are so much better than everyone else to talk in such a condescending tone.? Clearly you would never do that to me in person, but if it makes you feel smart and tough to do that on a GNR Message Board then go right ahead.? Maybe your little friend will come to your aid and you can try and make fun of me and the US together.? That certainly would probably make you feel good.?
« Last Edit: July 08, 2005, 06:03:54 PM by GnRNightrain » Logged

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« Reply #18 on: July 08, 2005, 06:11:25 PM »

was wondering how long it would take for you to come into this one............ i can see it didnt take toooooo long
Should have realized you would attack me instead of discussing the topic.  My fault, I shouldnt expect much from someone whose first post on this board was plagerising someone elses view on the "meaning" of the Matrix in order to sound smart.

ok mr law school guy....... im ready to go with ya tonight......
Thats just great.  Im sorry that you have to point to my education status.  I dont exactly see its relevance in these threads, but if it makes you feel better to address me that way then fine.

gots lots of time the candi is at her mothers so im not going to talking to her...... Rebuttle is what my statement was for..... to illistrate that simply just because they are small and want vengence does not mean that..... the big boys are any better....
If you dont see the difference between what we do and what they do, then Im not sure what to say.  Seriously, there isnt really much we can discuss then.

as for your take on GW vs T...... all terrosim is gurrilla war..... but not all gurrill war is terroism
Is this a response?  I was relpying to your post about my thoughts on the subject, I am not exactly sure what this statement is?

soooooo whats next captain amercia?
Go ahead, continue to be a jackass and call me names.  If it makes you feel comfortable up there, then go ahead.  Im not sure what makes you guys feel that you are so much better than everyone else to talk in such a condescending tone.  Clearly you would never do that to me in person, but if it makes you feel smart and tough to do that on a GNR Message Board then go right ahead.  Maybe your little friend will come to your aid and you can try and make fun of me and the US together.  That certainly would probably make you feel good. 

bud ya really dont know me in person cause i most certainly woud say this to your face...... no big shit ways here..... just say it as i see it...... funny call ing you capatin amercia...... the amercian super hero.... figured that was a nice statement on my part....... as for my little friend...... well lets jsut say it this way..... he fight his battles and I fight mine...... if the lines cross so be it........

as for stating you eductional status...... well i figured that you would love to have it recognised by someone other then yourself for once...... as you flaunted it more then once on this little board....... funny hows when its too your benifit you use it and whne you think its not you down play it.

and your right I would attack you off the start..... but that is simply not an attack.... i have bigger teeth then that...... run from many threads lately?

as for the plagerising alagations..... this is what the 3rd thread that you have tried to pin that on me isint it... seems that it happens everytime that you are faced with a topic that you just cannot work on. hope you do better in law remember you cant run in the courtroom........

one thing i have to say about you.... you seem to stick to your guns....... and make tonnes of topics that are slighty different and use the same arguements..... the reason why you havent ran lately i guess is because some of us members have gotten sick of killing you with the same arguements.... think you would have learnt how to read and adapt by now..... alas....... you are a nighttrain.........cause seen in the day and you weassle away

........oh wait..... nooooooo...... How come there aren't any fake business seminars in Newfoundland?!?? Sad? ............
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« Reply #19 on: July 08, 2005, 06:30:21 PM »

you know, our world will always be separated in two camps, and each will always think to be right.

We're perfect examples of that.

Which is why world problems cannot be solved unless we find the solution to change man.

Tough job.

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