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War > Winners > losers > vengeance > terrorism.
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Topic: War > Winners > losers > vengeance > terrorism. (Read 18027 times)
Axls Locomotive
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Peelin' the bitch off my back
Re: War > Winners > losers > vengeance > terrorism.
Reply #20 on:
July 08, 2005, 06:44:17 PM »
Quote from: GnRNightrain on July 08, 2005, 06:00:08 PM
Should have realized you would attack me instead of discussing the topic. My fault, I shouldnt expect much from someone whose first post on this board was plagerising someone elses view on the "meaning" of the Matrix in order to sound smart.
you know, plenty of people have done the exact same thing on this board but rarely are they pointed out so vividly...anybody can google the first 10 words of any text and they will find anything thats already been written before...its not rocket science...
Quote from: GnRNightrain on July 08, 2005, 06:00:08 PM
Maybe your little friend will come to your aid and you can try and make fun of me and the US together. That certainly would probably make you feel good.
if you are referring to me, then go fuck yourself...i have my own opinions and nobody tells me what to say...ive never made fun of you, or maybe its just a case of you being over sensitive...
""Of all the small nations of this earth, perhaps only the ancient Greeks surpass the Scots in their contribution to mankind"
(Winston Churchill)"
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Re: War > Winners > losers > vengeance > terrorism.
Reply #21 on:
July 08, 2005, 06:52:32 PM »
ahah, Prometheus MacMaul is so aggresive and unclear and messy in his head. with all his ?... and .... it's unreadable.
you're building your arguments on " if , if , if .... " and then you take example and proofs from the present < makes no sense. (with 2 s)
and i think you don't understand the meaning of weak.
i never said it's impossible to win with terrorism or guerrila tactitcs ( rebels in star wars) i said, the weak ones use them.
weak in terms of *big army* vs. *no army*
rebels vs. empire
palestine vs. israel
al quaida vs. the educated world
common sense.
and you think like a 12 years old. you take my "generic" , theorical , example and arguments and you go on about concrete, simple concepts (".... now you also said that you would need tanks.... and fighters....... ill ?make em fighter bombers...... and T-85 exports for teh tanks.... ... " << that was fuckin priceless kid
now chill out.
we're just talking. don't get all mad or hate people. we're just talking on the internet.
on that peaceful note. i'm gonna go play with my nintendo, i just watched War of the Worlds, and it sucked
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Axls Locomotive
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Re: War > Winners > losers > vengeance > terrorism.
Reply #22 on:
July 08, 2005, 07:06:56 PM »
Quote from: GnRNightrain on July 08, 2005, 05:35:51 PM
While terrorism may be a form of guerilla war, not all guerilla war is terrorism. There is a difference between going after military and going after innocent civilians. The former can be characterized as guerilla war, where I think the latter can more properly be characterized as terrorism.
what al qaeda are using is guerilla warfare, which involves spying,sabotage etc and is usually in small groups...they also use terrorism, which is a separate but related term that involves producing fear and uncertainty in the "enemy" by using whatever means necessary to make their views known
the bomb that blew a hole in the navy ship in yemen is always stated as being terrorism...and that is a military target
in reality it is a combination of all these methods that al qaeda use...
""Of all the small nations of this earth, perhaps only the ancient Greeks surpass the Scots in their contribution to mankind"
(Winston Churchill)"
Re: War > Winners > losers > vengeance > terrorism.
Reply #23 on:
July 08, 2005, 07:21:13 PM »
Quote from: Prometheus MacMaul on July 08, 2005, 06:11:25 PM
bud ya really dont know me in person cause i most certainly woud say this to your face...... no big shit ways here..... just say it as i see it...... funny call ing you capatin amercia...... the amercian super hero.... figured that was a nice statement on my part....... as for my little friend...... well lets jsut say it this way..... he fight his battles and I fight mine...... if the lines cross so be it........
Do you ever have any substance to any of your posts?
as for stating you eductional status...... well i figured that you would love to have it recognised by someone other then yourself for once...... as you flaunted it more then once on this little board....... funny hows when its too your benifit you use it and whne you think its not you down play it.
I have only ever said anything in threads that specifically ask for such personal information, or in response to someone asking my personal knowledge about a subject. Find one thread where I have used it otherwise? Im not exactly sure how it works to my disadvantage here, I just find it irrelevant. But if you think its an insult to me, then thats fine, I certianly dont find it to be one. If that is all you can come back with then, well, OK
and your right I would attack you off the start..... but that is simply not an attack.... i have bigger teeth then that...... run from many threads lately?
Where? What thread have I ran from? There are a lot of things you can call me and criticize me for, but I certainly dont run from threads. And yes, all you did was attack. That is all you ever do to any of my posts.
as for the plagerising alagations..... this is what the 3rd thread that you have tried to pin that on me isint it... seems that it happens everytime that you are faced with a topic that you just cannot work on.
Im sorry, but that was pretty funny. I find it ironic that someone that criticizes me for flauting my education, had a first post where they sought to plagerize off the ideas of others in order to sound smart. Besides, that is all I remember you for. I cant remember one other substantive post you have ever made in a thread.
hope you do better in law remember you cant run in the courtroom........
Im not exactly where these references to running are coming from. Care to explain?
one thing i have to say about you.... you seem to stick to your guns....... and make tonnes of topics that are slighty different and use the same arguements.....
Tons of topic? Ill bet in my 2000 posts on this board I havent started 10 topics. However, the same things get discussed in many topics, and sorry but I dont change my views from day to day.
the reason why you havent ran lately i guess is because some of us members have gotten sick of killing you with the same arguements....
Usually people dont like a difference of opinion. The reason people dont like me on this board is simply because I have a different opinion, and I actually like the USA. Sorry.
Please explain this run thing?
Re: War > Winners > losers > vengeance > terrorism.
Reply #24 on:
July 08, 2005, 07:33:28 PM »
Quote from: The IQ of MacMaul on July 08, 2005, 06:44:17 PM
Quote from: GnRNightrain on July 08, 2005, 06:00:08 PM
Should have realized you would attack me instead of discussing the topic.? My fault, I shouldnt expect much from someone whose first post on this board was plagerising someone elses view on the "meaning" of the Matrix in order to sound smart.
you know, plenty of people have done the exact same thing on this board but rarely are they pointed out so vividly...anybody can google the first 10 words of any text and they will find anything thats already been written before...its not rocket science...
Well, I believe someone called him out on it pretty good.? Whatever, that is in the past, I only brought up that stupid thread because he found it necessary to attack me about stupid shit.? I responded directly to his post, yet all he chose to do was attack me.? Not one substantive thing to his post.? Of course, Im the bad guy.
Oh yah, many people also post about their backgrounds as well, yet not everyone is criticized for it.
if you are referring to me, then go fuck yourself...i have my own opinions and nobody tells me what to say...ive never made fun of you, or maybe its just a case of you being over sensitive...
Actually I wasnt referring to you.? You dont usually respond to my posts just for the reason to attack me.
Last Edit: July 08, 2005, 07:35:09 PM by GnRNightrain
Re: War > Winners > losers > vengeance > terrorism.
Reply #25 on:
July 08, 2005, 07:37:35 PM »
Quote from: The IQ of MacMaul on July 08, 2005, 07:06:56 PM
Quote from: GnRNightrain on July 08, 2005, 05:35:51 PM
While terrorism may be a form of guerilla war, not all guerilla war is terrorism.? There is a difference between going after military and going after innocent civilians.? The former can be characterized as guerilla war, where I think the latter can more properly be characterized as terrorism.
what al qaeda are using is guerilla warfare, which involves spying,sabotage etc and is usually in small groups...they also use terrorism, which is a separate but related term that involves producing fear and uncertainty in the "enemy" by using whatever means necessary to make their views known
the bomb that blew a hole in the navy ship in yemen is always stated as being terrorism...and that is a military target
in reality it is a combination of all these methods that al qaeda use...
Good point. However, I would distinguish guerilla warfare such as during the Revolutionary War, or in Vietnam from what Al Qaeda does. I agree its more of the effect of what is being done than the actual target.
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Re: War > Winners > losers > vengeance > terrorism.
Reply #26 on:
July 08, 2005, 07:41:19 PM »
Quote from: Jamie on July 08, 2005, 05:12:55 PM
Quote from: Genesis on July 08, 2005, 11:44:37 AM
Quote from: WAT-EVER, ?i'm totally buggin on July 08, 2005, 11:12:01 AM
WE are strong. we have rockets and $1,000,000 airplanes that can kill 200 soliders in one shot. we have the power. we are strong. thats why we don't use terrorism.
Depends on ur definition of terror. Wouldn't you count the US war on Iraq as 'terrorism'?. After all, there were no WMDs, Saddam wasn't doing anything particularly dangerous, his links to Al-Qaeda are unproven... Think of all the innocent women and children being killed in the war. 'Terrorism'? Yes...
Saddam also murdered hundereds of thousands of his own people and started a major war - sure was a nice peaceful leader huh?!
Exactly right! Finally someone on here who agrees with what I've been trying to say. Bin Laden isn't the only terrorist running around, George W's just as bad.
Riot In Everyone!
Re: War > Winners > losers > vengeance > terrorism.
Reply #27 on:
July 08, 2005, 10:46:12 PM »
Quote from: Prometheus MacMaul on July 08, 2005, 05:42:53 PM
soooooo whats next captain amercia?
Quote from: Stupid Head on July 08, 2005, 06:00:08 PM
Go ahead, continue to be a jackass and call me names.? If it makes you feel comfortable up there, then go ahead.? Im not sure what makes you guys feel that you are so much better than everyone else to talk in such a condescending tone.? Clearly you would never do that to me in person, but if it makes you feel smart and tough to do that on a
GNR Message Board
then go right ahead.? Maybe
your little friend
and you can try and make fun of me and the US together. That certainly would probably make you feel good.
Quote from: The IQ of MacMaul on July 08, 2005, 06:44:17 PM
if you are referring to me, then go fuck yourself...i have my own opinions and nobody tells me what to say...ive never made fun of you, or maybe its just a case of you being over sensitive...
Quote from: Stupid Head on July 08, 2005, 07:33:28 PM
Actually I wasnt referring to you.? You dont usually respond to my posts just for the reason to attack me.
Are you really that much of a fuckin' whiner that you feel compelled to clandestinely invoke your own perception of my character in a thread that I have absolutely nothing to do with?
Answer the question.
Last Edit: July 08, 2005, 10:48:37 PM by MCT
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Re: War > Winners > losers > vengeance > terrorism.
Reply #28 on:
July 08, 2005, 10:56:03 PM »
Quote from: Genesis on July 08, 2005, 11:44:37 AM
Quote from: WAT-EVER, ?i'm totally buggin on July 08, 2005, 11:12:01 AM
WE are strong. we have rockets and $1,000,000 airplanes that can kill 200 soliders in one shot. we have the power. we are strong. thats why we don't use terrorism.
Depends on ur definition of terror. Wouldn't you count the US war on Iraq as 'terrorism'?. After all, there were no WMDs, Saddam wasn't doing anything particularly dangerous, his links to Al-Qaeda are unproven... Think of all the innocent women and children being killed in the war. 'Terrorism'? Yes...
exactly. most people see Bin Lande as a terrorist, because he is. but how many people see Bush as a terrorist? not as many.
one man's terrorist is another's freedom fighter
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Re: War > Winners > losers > vengeance > terrorism.
Reply #29 on:
July 08, 2005, 10:59:49 PM »
Quote from: MCT on July 08, 2005, 10:46:12 PM
Are you really that much of a fuckin' whiner that you feel compelled to clandestinely invoke your own perception of my character in a thread that I have absolutely nothing to do with?
Answer the question.
Oh baby, I love it when you use big words.
Re: War > Winners > losers > vengeance > terrorism.
Reply #30 on:
July 08, 2005, 11:00:38 PM »
Quote from: MCT on July 08, 2005, 10:46:12 PM
Quote from: Prometheus MacMaul on July 08, 2005, 05:42:53 PM
soooooo whats next captain amercia?
Quote from: GnRNightrain on July 08, 2005, 06:00:08 PM
Go ahead, continue to be a jackass and call me names.? If it makes you feel comfortable up there, then go ahead.? Im not sure what makes you guys feel that you are so much better than everyone else to talk in such a condescending tone.? Clearly you would never do that to me in person, but if it makes you feel smart and tough to do that on a
GNR Message Board
then go right ahead.? Maybe
your little friend
and you can try and make fun of me and the US together. That certainly would probably make you feel good.
Quote from: The IQ of MacMaul on July 08, 2005, 06:44:17 PM
if you are referring to me, then go fuck yourself...i have my own opinions and nobody tells me what to say...ive never made fun of you, or maybe its just a case of you being over sensitive...
Quote from: GnRNightrain on July 08, 2005, 07:33:28 PM
Actually I wasnt referring to you.? You dont usually respond to my posts just for the reason to attack me.
Are you really that much of a fuckin' whiner that you feel compelled to clandestinely invoke your own perception of my character in a thread that I have absolutely nothing to do with?
Answer the question.
You guys are both buddies, and you both use the same tactics. ?You never respond substantively to anything I write, but simply attack me. ?If you want to call it an attack of your character, so be it. ?I would call it noting a similarity in tactics between two people that attack me personally rather than respond substantively to my replys in the threads. ?I have nothing personally against either of you personally. ?In fact, I find some of your posts actually funny. ?Recently, you guys have chosen to pick fights with me without provocation. ?I probably shouldnt have jumped the gun on this one thinking that you would join him in attempting to ridicule me. ?It was actually more thinking out loud and predicting what I thought would happen. ?If I jumped the gun I was wrong and I apologize. ?
Last Edit: July 08, 2005, 11:11:14 PM by GnRNightrain
Re: War > Winners > losers > vengeance > terrorism.
Reply #31 on:
July 08, 2005, 11:21:29 PM »
Quote from: GnRNightrain on July 08, 2005, 11:00:38 PM
You guys are both buddies, and you both use the same tactics.? You never respond substantively to anything I write, but simply attack me.? If you want to call it an attack of your character, so be it.? I would call it noting a similarity in tactics between two people that attack me personally rather than respond substantively to my replys in the threads.? I have nothing personally against either of you personally.? In fact, I find some of your posts actually funny.? Recently, you guys have chosen to pick fights with me without provocation.? I probably shouldnt have jumped the gun on this one thinking that you would join him in attempting to ridicule me.? It was actually more thinking out loud and predicting what I thought would happen.? If I jumped the gun and was wrong, I apologize.?
Buddy, I wouldn't accept an apology from you if you sucked me off and paid me...
Jumping the gun?!? Jumping the gun?!? Sure when you gets (intentional spelling) going on something you just closes (again, intentional) your eyes and runs! Yes you runs! Runs blind!
Quote from: GnRNightrain on July 08, 2005, 11:00:38 PM
You guys are both buddies, and you both use the same tactics.? You never respond substantively to anything I write, but simply attack me.
Actually, you know what? Fuck it. You're too fuckin' useless for me to even bother. Save this one:
Don't speak with your mouth full of arse.
Oh yes, and Skylar dear...
Love you too
EDIT - Now Prometheus already said this, but because I've been nothing less than exasperated at times with how you choose to read things, allow me to reiterate:
If lines cross, they cross. Naturally we'd pick up for each other if need be, but that's not usually here, and certainly not now.
EDIT#2 - If anything I try and steer clear of the bugger here on the board 'cause he can't write worth shit...
EDIT#3 - Now, fuck off.
Last Edit: July 08, 2005, 11:28:50 PM by MCT
Re: War > Winners > losers > vengeance > terrorism.
Reply #32 on:
July 09, 2005, 09:51:03 AM »
Quote from: MCT on July 08, 2005, 11:21:29 PM
EDIT#3 - Now, fuck off.
I tried to end this civilly.? You are such a fucking arrogant piece of shit Im not sure what else to say.? All I can do is sit here and laugh at the thought of you courageously telling me to fuck off behind your fucking computer.? ?
? Certainly, would never happen in person.? But what is there to say?? There are tons of your ilk on the internet.? I dont know why I ever responded to your bullshit in the first place.? After all, you live in a little dreamworld.
How about you and your "little friend" stop responding to my posts and Ill stop responding to yours.
Last Edit: July 09, 2005, 09:53:54 AM by GnRNightrain
Re: War > Winners > losers > vengeance > terrorism.
Reply #33 on:
July 09, 2005, 11:36:43 AM »
All your good for is spewing antithetical and deluded garbage...
Quote from: GnRNightrain on July 09, 2005, 09:51:03 AM
You are such a fucking arrogant piece of shit Im not sure what else to say.
And how often must I admit that arrogance before you shat ap about it and stop putting yourself in a position to be lost for words?
Quote from: GnRNightrain on July 09, 2005, 09:51:03 AM
All I can do is sit here and laugh at the thought of you courageously telling me to fuck off behind your fucking computer.
Certainly, would never happen in person.
You seem to be certain of a lot of things - too many things actually - and that's your problem.
This is the second time now in this thread that you've been certain of our cowardice and your bravery. Branding us as hit & run guerillas that wouldn't dare confront you man to man, and just generally ridiculing the type of behaviour that you think we espouse. But at the core of such statements is this undercurrent of an idea that you're some kind of valiant hero, demigod of your own intricate designs that stomps (both literally and figuratively) little weasles like us. An antithetical stance considering your own motives, no?
You know, I really get a kick outta how you try create the scenarios you create. It's near hilarious at times because you can't even come close to supporting them! You're a bona fide case of someone acting too big for their boots.
And now for a street level comment:
All I can say is come to Newfoundland if you wanna be told to fuck off proper. Get it? You should, because that's pretty much what I told you to do after our first encounter waaay back when, when you were furtively letting me know how tough you were or some such nonsense.
Quote from: GnRNightrain on July 09, 2005, 09:51:03 AM
But what is there to say? There are tons of your ilk on the internet. I dont know why I ever responded to your bullshit in the first place. After all, you live in a little dreamworld.
There's a big cloud of misunderstanding hanging over us here. Namely that you're presently interacting with the real deal (I'm MCT, if that makes sense...
) while stating something quite contrary to that while trying to pull off some sort of win or something...
Oh my...
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Re: War > Winners > losers > vengeance > terrorism.
Reply #34 on:
July 09, 2005, 12:05:26 PM »
I tried to end this civilly. You are such a fucking arrogant piece of shit Im not sure what else to say. All I can do is sit here and laugh at the thought of you courageously telling me to fuck off behind your fucking computer. hihi hihi hihi hihi hihi Certainly, would never happen in person. But what is there to say? There are tons of your ilk on the internet. I dont know why I ever responded to your bullshit in the first place. After all, you live in a little dreamworld.
How about you and your "little friend" stop responding to my posts and Ill stop responding to yours.
your some retard.........b'y........just becuase you wouldn't have the balls to tell someone how it is does not mean that others are afraid....... behind your computer you cower...... hiding in the shadow waiting for the bad men to leave...... hoping beyond hope that..... they never find you.....
see here i am going to give you advice..... though you would never take it........its about not changing your views from day to day........ see that is fine and a good attribute to have............. However............ if you would actualy shut up long enough to listen to why everyone hates you...... and why you frustrate us to no end...... just maybe you would see that it is because of the manner that you show your point of view..... you always take the exact same stance and portray it exactly the same way...... where for the most part "we" dismiss your arguements in the same manner and we do not have to adapt..... its like how mr Dirty Little Bugger cant seem to be able to take from the reality to apply his own statements to the abstract, and theoritical. you tend to hammer the same nail the same way. If for once you actually tried to look at the nail and attack it from a different angle you maybe able to shed the light onto your ideals in a way that we can all understand....... because faced with untold offence agnist your ideas....... and soooo much fact you still try and tell us in the same way that this is the only truth..... you sound like a relgious zelot.
one thing i have to say about you.... you seem to stick to your guns....... and make tonnes of topics that are slighty different and use the same arguements.....
Tons of topic? Ill bet in my 2000 posts on this board I havent started 10 topics. However, the same things get discussed in many topics, and sorry but I dont change my views from day to day.
well you know what...... I have to ask ya...... did you delete your account to make my life diffuclt? cause that search feature well makes life easy
btw you are wrong its not 10 or less the ten...... its a whopping 16. here they are.......
Newsweek Story Causes Violence in Afghanistan
You think Abu Ghreib was bad, check out what the UN is doing
Israel to bomb Iran?
Evolution versus creationism in school? Some people you cant make happy
Good Argument For Justification On Iraq War
Russian Standoff At School
Is the Un crazy? Germany to release 911 subject based on assumption.
Kofi Annan Must Go
Legal Topics
Supreme Court to weigh in on legality of Medical Marijuana
Political ideology changing among students?
Britain, EU, and Military Technology
Rubbing a judge the wrong way
GM v. Microsoft
Political Correctness Has Gone Too Far, Schwarzenegger and "Girly Man"
Where are those darn chemical weapons?
as for the plagerising alagations..... this is what the 3rd thread that you have tried to pin that on me isint it... seems that it happens everytime that you are faced with a topic that you just cannot work on.
Im sorry, but that was pretty funny. I find it ironic that someone that criticizes me for flauting my education, had a first post where they sought to plagerize off the ideas of others in order to sound smart. Besides, that is all I remember you for. I cant remember one other substantive post you have ever made in a thread.
hey numb nut...... want to see my first post?..... do ya .....hmmmm
Any great truth can -- and eventually will -- be expressed as a cliche -- a cliche is a sure and certain way to dilute an idea. For instance, my grandmother used to say, 'The black cat is always the last one off the fence.' I have no idea what she meant, but at one time, it was undoubtedly true.
-Solomon Short
I'm all in favor of keeping dangerous weapons out of the hands of fools. Let's start with typewriters.
-Solomon Short
I stand on the threshold of tommorow, atop the stairway of yesterday, holding the key to today, staring through the door into the future.
-Nick Lidster
26 May 2003
guess what thread thats in..... dont look like fucking matrix to me... LMAO
and for the matrix post..... it has been lost to the vastness of this board..... i cant even dredge it unless jarmo can find it......
the running bit...... oh come on you know damn well what im talking about........ stop being coy...... i ahve witnessed you stop and just leave threads once anyone stoped you flat..... or made fun of you cause of you style......you just simply leave the threads...... you dont recall this at all? hmmmm...... im sure there are those here that can certainly remember you just picking up and leaving.......
ay know what im jsut getting tired of this same old shit with you.......
ohhhhhhh and im must say hello to God_i5_de4d..... ya dirty little bugger........
........oh wait..... nooooooo...... How come there aren't any fake business seminars in Newfoundland?!??
? ............
Re: War > Winners > losers > vengeance > terrorism.
Reply #35 on:
July 09, 2005, 12:13:36 PM »
Not tea bag there Mr. Fire Stealer...
Where is Hassan Nasrallah ?
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Re: War > Winners > losers > vengeance > terrorism.
Reply #36 on:
July 09, 2005, 12:24:42 PM »
Quote from: Prometheus MacMaul on July 09, 2005, 12:05:26 PM
ohhhhhhh and im must say hello to God_i5_de4d..... ya dirty little bugger........
hello little burger
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Re: War > Winners > losers > vengeance > terrorism.
Reply #37 on:
July 09, 2005, 02:28:11 PM »
Quote from: WAT-EVER, i'm totally buggin on July 09, 2005, 12:24:42 PM
Quote from: Prometheus MacMaul on July 09, 2005, 12:05:26 PM
ohhhhhhh and im must say hello to God_i5_de4d..... ya dirty little bugger........
hello little burger
mmmm little burger... well thats good as I dont make you gain weight and ...... well........ i still fills ya up
........oh wait..... nooooooo...... How come there aren't any fake business seminars in Newfoundland?!??
? ............
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I've been working all week on one of them.....
Re: War > Winners > losers > vengeance > terrorism.
Reply #38 on:
July 10, 2005, 09:04:58 AM »
i think he jsut illustrated for me my point on running........ wheres he at hmmm..... really delete his account i wonder?
........oh wait..... nooooooo...... How come there aren't any fake business seminars in Newfoundland?!??
? ............
Where is Hassan Nasrallah ?
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S?gol?ne Royal
Re: War > Winners > losers > vengeance > terrorism.
Reply #39 on:
July 10, 2005, 09:13:50 AM »
Quote from: Prometheus MacMaul on July 10, 2005, 09:04:58 AM
i think he jsut illustrated for me my point on running........ wheres he at hmmm..... really delete his account i wonder?
who ?
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