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Mr Cowbell ?

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« Reply #12040 on: July 06, 2008, 07:52:02 PM »

Wm X probalby had the BEST opening match of any WM. Seeing Owen and Bret dule it out,

It all started at the SS 1993 when Owen was the only brother on the HART TEAM to get eliminated, this is where he started his great heel turn that make him the superstar that he will be remembered as. Bret having nothing on the line because he was going to go against the WWF champion at the end of the night, and Owen fighting about getting out of the shadows and being his own 2 X Slammy winning man. One for the Ages, win or loose Owen Hart was going to proove he was more then just another Hart, but the Greatest Hart Heel ever in WWF. You can sense and Feel the arena Cheering on Bret, and not even thinking about Little Brother Owen. Sold Out Madison Square Garden with 18,065 on Hand, ready to see this opening bout just get other with expecting Owen to be nothing more then a Boy and Tap out to his older brother in the Sharpshooter. He was just going to be a stepnote to the fans as Bret was going to shut him up and then move on to the Main event and the WWE Title. With Lex and Bret co winning the Royal Rumble the fued and heat was building up for 2 Months about who was going to leave WM X Champion, Then they added a match for Bret to participate in so He would also have to fight twice like the WWE Champion. NO ONE thought a second thought for Little Brother Own, Coming out had a chance in hell to win. Straight back and Forth Match with Bret using his Bulldog and Owen working Brets legs in the sharpshoot and figure four. The fans were starting to warmed up, like a good opening match should, as they seen Bret escaping the Sharpshooter and trying to put Owen away in a small package roll up, when the unthinkable happend, Owen rolled up Bret and got the 3 count before Bret could kick out, You could feel the hush of the arena, as it showed children wearing Hitman's pink sunglasses saddened and quiet as their hero lost to his little Brother. And for Owen? he was selling the SHOCK factor hard, the look on his face said it all as he honestly appeared to be shocked he pulled off the unthinkable in beating Bret Hart. I can still remember o this day Owen's music blaring as the children were pissed off as he walked to the back... Without a doubt in my opinion the greastest opening PPV match I have ever seen, from a Technical Aspect.

Then to throw gas on this fued's fire, After Bret did the unthinkable and Beat Yokozuna in the Main event and all the other wrestles came out to congratulate Bret, Owen wouldnt enter the ring but rather stare him down claiming "I Beat You"

It doesn't get any better then that for an Opener.

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« Reply #12041 on: July 07, 2008, 12:11:34 AM »

Wow best PPV ever..... Atmosphere wise Wrestlemania's will always get the vote.

My Favourite Mania's are :


 Owen Hart pinned Bret Hart
- Bam Bam Bigelow & Luna Vachon beat Doink & Dink
- Falls count anywhere: Randy Savage beat Crush when Crush couldn't return to the ring in time
- Women's Title: Champion Alundra Blayze beat Lelani Kai
- Tag Team Title: Men on a Mission beat the Champion Quebecers by count out. The Quebecers keep the title.
- WWF Title Match 1: Yokozuna beat Lex Luger by DQ when Luger touched guest referee Curt Hennig
- Earthquake beat Adam Bomb
- I-C Title Ladder Match: Razor Ramon beat Shawn Michaels
- WWF Title Match 2: Bret Hart won the title by beating Yokozuna. Roddy Piper was guest referee.


- European Title: Champ Triple H beat Owen Hart. Chyna & Sgt. Slaughter were handcuffed together out side the ring.
- I-C Title: Champ The Rock beat Ken Shamrock by reverse decision when Ken Shamrock refused to break the ankle lock after the match
- Dumpster Match for Tag Team Title: Cactus Jack & Terry Funk beat champs Billy Gunn & Jesse James. The title was later held up because they weren't thrown in the proper dumpster.
- The Undertaker beat Kane
- WWF Title: Steve Austin beat Shawn Michaels to win the title. Mike Tyson was special enforcer outside the ring.


- I-C Title: Champ Chris Jericho beat William Regal
- Hardcore Title: Kane beat champ Raven & Big Show to win the title
- European Title: Eddie Guerrero beat Test to win the title
- Kurt Angle beat Chris Benoit
- Women's Title: Chyna beat Ivory to win the title
- Street Fight: Shane McMahon beat Vince McMahon
- TLC match for Tag Team Title: Edge & Christian beat champs The Dudley Boyz & The Hardy Boyz to win the title
- Gimmick Battle Royal: The Iron Sheik by last eliminating Hillbilly Jim
- The Undertaker beat Triple H
- WWF Title: Steve Austin beat the Rock to win the


Cruiserweight Title: Champ Matt Hardy beat Rey Mysterio
The Undertaker beat The Big Show & A-Train
Tag Team Title: Champions Shelton Benjamin & Charlie Haas beat The Guerreros, and Chris Benoit & Rhyno
HBK beat Chris Jericho
World Heavyweight Title: Champ Triple H beat Booker T
Hulk Hogan beat Vince McMahon
The Rock beat Steve Austin
-WWE Title: Brock Lesnar beat champion Kurt Angle to win the title

I can remember all the matches on every card but i think that X-7 takes some beating i really loved the Austin Rock Matches at mania. all fantastic in my book. But WM X holds a dear place in my heart too due to the Owen vs Bret match and Bret Beating Yoko... plus a ladder match to be remembered. Elsewhere the TLC matches set a new standard and i dont think there has ever been better than Dudleyz vs Hardys vs E&C. and the Kane vs Taker matches were some of the greatest spectacles to watch.

Plus Austin beating HBK was great.... a new and exciting era came after that plus the build up with Tyson was great TV. so many but i'm going with X7.

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Mr Cowbell ?

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« Reply #12042 on: July 07, 2008, 12:29:13 AM »

Wow best PPV ever..... Atmosphere wise Wrestlemania's will always get the vote.

My Favourite Mania's are :


 Owen Hart pinned Bret Hart
- Bam Bam Bigelow & Luna Vachon beat Doink & Dink
- Falls count anywhere: Randy Savage beat Crush when Crush couldn't return to the ring in time
- Women's Title: Champion Alundra Blayze beat Lelani Kai
- Tag Team Title: Men on a Mission beat the Champion Quebecers by count out. The Quebecers keep the title.
- WWF Title Match 1: Yokozuna beat Lex Luger by DQ when Luger touched guest referee Curt Hennig --- MR PERFECT
- Earthquake beat Adam Bomb
- I-C Title Ladder Match: Razor Ramon beat Shawn Michaels
- WWF Title Match 2: Bret Hart won the title by beating Yokozuna. Roddy Piper was guest referee.


- European Title: Champ Triple H beat Owen Hart. Chyna & Sgt. Slaughter were handcuffed together out side the ring.
- I-C Title: Champ The Rock beat Ken Shamrock by reverse decision when Ken Shamrock refused to break the ankle lock after the match
- Dumpster Match for Tag Team Title: Cactus Jack & Terry Funk beat champs Billy Gunn & Jesse James. The title was later held up because they weren't thrown in the proper dumpster.
- The Undertaker beat Kane
- WWF Title: Steve Austin beat Shawn Michaels to win the title. Mike Tyson was special enforcer outside the ring.


- I-C Title: Champ Chris Jericho beat William Regal
- Hardcore Title: Kane beat champ Raven & Big Show to win the title
- European Title: Eddie Guerrero beat Test to win the title
- Kurt Angle beat Chris Benoit
- Women's Title: Chyna beat Ivory to win the title
- Street Fight: Shane McMahon beat Vince McMahon
- TLC match for Tag Team Title: Edge & Christian beat champs The Dudley Boyz & The Hardy Boyz to win the title
- Gimmick Battle Royal: The Iron Sheik by last eliminating Hillbilly Jim
- The Undertaker beat Triple H
- WWF Title: Steve Austin beat the Rock to win the


Cruiserweight Title: Champ Matt Hardy beat Rey Mysterio
The Undertaker beat The Big Show & A-Train
Tag Team Title: Champions Shelton Benjamin & Charlie Haas beat The Guerreros, and Chris Benoit & Rhyno
HBK beat Chris Jericho
World Heavyweight Title: Champ Triple H beat Booker T
Hulk Hogan beat Vince McMahon
The Rock beat Steve Austin
-WWE Title: Brock Lesnar beat champion Kurt Angle to win the title

I can remember all the matches on every card but i think that X-7 takes some beating i really loved the Austin Rock Matches at mania. all fantastic in my book. But WM X holds a dear place in my heart too due to the Owen vs Bret match and Bret Beating Yoko... plus a ladder match to be remembered. Elsewhere the TLC matches set a new standard and i dont think there has ever been better than Dudleyz vs Hardys vs E&C. and the Kane vs Taker matches were some of the greatest spectacles to watch.

Plus Austin beating HBK was great.... a new and exciting era came after that plus the build up with Tyson was great TV. so many but i'm going with X7.
I forgot all About Mr Perfect being the Ref

I liked X7 if you look at it you have two of the younger stars battling for the World Title and the Biggest stars ROCK vs Austin in a non title match, they were so huge they didnt need a title match and could in return push the younger talent like wwe should be doing and they appear to be doing now with the World and Tag Team Belts.

WM XIX, HBK vs Jericho, 5 years later and their fued is starting up again

Also it was 12 years ago Today that Hogan Turned Heel at the WCW GAB to form the NWO.
« Last Edit: July 07, 2008, 12:37:17 AM by Mr Cowbell » Logged

Ron Jeremy - BEND OVER.
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« Reply #12043 on: July 07, 2008, 08:31:29 AM »

Wasnt Smackdown great this week?

For the first time it looks like Smackdown has the edge on Raw, when its always been the 'b' show historically

Loved Triple H's little speach about marrying the boss 'who comes up with an idea like that?' - that drew a wry smile from me

...and the crowd were just incredible

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« Reply #12044 on: July 07, 2008, 09:15:51 AM »

Damnit, with this draft i might have to watch Smackdown again

Wasnt Smackdown great this week?

What a difference 11 days can make, eh?  hihi

"For an organisation which is crying out for new headliners (and the experienced, talented and over Matt Hardy is as qualified as anyone else in the mid card zone for a promotion)" - Fin Martin
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« Reply #12045 on: July 07, 2008, 11:15:08 AM »

Damnit, with this draft i might have to watch Smackdown again

Wasnt Smackdown great this week?

What a difference 11 days can make, eh?  hihi

Smackdown isnt out of the woods yet - I dont really have time for TNA, Raw and Smackdown - they have to fight for my time

TNA is a given - Kurt Angle's daft little adventures are must see TV its a fight between Raw and Smackdown - Raw was good this week, a title change out of the blue and a general sense of direction had me impressed and Smackdown seemed like a different show, I suppose with Triple H there and his arena filling ego he just wouldn't allow its standards to drop any lower...

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On The Edge Of Seventeen

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« Reply #12046 on: July 07, 2008, 07:24:44 PM »

Izzy praising WWE?  Shocked

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« Reply #12047 on: July 07, 2008, 07:36:46 PM »

Izzy praising WWE?  Shocked
Aye, there was a time.  I remember some of this threads real good years, like in the lead up to Wrestlemania when Arron and Borat were regular posters, top discussion and excitement, thread seems to go through cycles, we keep getting a new breed of posters yet retain many from the past.
Mr Cowbell ?

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« Reply #12048 on: July 07, 2008, 07:42:14 PM »

With 2 weeks until the good old Great American Bash, there is only 1 Match scheduled so far, Looking the Posters showing HBK Bautista Cena and Punk, My question is who is going to be fighting Punk at GAB.  Im hoping its a Semi Face Heel Bastita who challenges him tonight because he beat edge for Punk to win.  I am hoping it will Highlight a Face Vs Face match at GAB where Bastita turns Heel once again "shocking" the crowd and building up a fued for the rest of summer. Cena has been in the title picture straight for the last 3 years, I cant see JBL Champion again on Raw and Jericho doesnt have the fan support WWE thought he did. Bastita and Punk GAB?

Ron Jeremy - BEND OVER.
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« Reply #12049 on: July 07, 2008, 07:57:45 PM »

With 2 weeks until the good old Great American Bash, there is only 1 Match scheduled so far, Looking the Posters showing HBK Bautista Cena and Punk, My question is who is going to be fighting Punk at GAB.  Im hoping its a Semi Face Heel Bastita who challenges him tonight because he beat edge for Punk to win.  I am hoping it will Highlight a Face Vs Face match at GAB where Bastita turns Heel once again "shocking" the crowd and building up a fued for the rest of summer. Cena has been in the title picture straight for the last 3 years, I cant see JBL Champion again on Raw and Jericho doesnt have the fan support WWE thought he did. Bastita and Punk GAB?
I'd like it but with recent developments I tink they are going towards the JBL, Cena, Punk match.
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« Reply #12050 on: July 07, 2008, 08:01:53 PM »

started back watching TNA and it has been fantastic. I forgot how much I love it.

Kurt Angle's backstage shit is emmy worthy. He cracks me the fuck up.

Kind of some weird booking though

Beer Money: Robert Roode and James Storm are goin for the tag titles at Victory Road but Jobbed to the Motor City Machine Guns on IMpact..........

kind of weird to job before a title shot.


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Mr Cowbell ?

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« Reply #12051 on: July 07, 2008, 08:20:29 PM »

started back watching TNA and it has been fantastic. I forgot how much I love it.

Kurt Angle's backstage shit is emmy worthy. He cracks me the fuck up.

Kind of some weird booking though

Beer Money: Robert Roode and James Storm are goin for the tag titles at Victory Road but Jobbed to the Motor City Machine Guns on IMpact..........

kind of weird to job before a title shot.

How far in advance was that match taped though I heard they  tape like 3 weeks in advance, maybe match taped before hand and plans for them chanegd?

Ron Jeremy - BEND OVER.
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« Reply #12052 on: July 07, 2008, 10:01:07 PM »

Forget spraying nWo 4 Life, Austin 3.16.

JBL is Poopy.  Could Cena be anymore kid orientated, I mean really, come on, that aside RAW's been good so far...
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« Reply #12053 on: July 07, 2008, 10:05:05 PM »

oh man

Can I just delete my Raw right now

What a miserable, horrible , piece of shit opening

Could be the worst ever

first off, Eddie died 100 years ago, can we fire vickie now instead of giving her charity? She is just horrible and unbearable to listen to. John Cena is the worst top face in the history of the WWE. he cant wrestle, his promos are SHIT...........

If u want to know why WWE sucks, just look at the drop off

U use to have Stone Cold and The Rock now u have John Cena. that says it all.

Who Says You Can't Go Home to HTGTH?
Mr Cowbell ?

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« Reply #12054 on: July 07, 2008, 10:22:14 PM »

oh man

Can I just delete my Raw right now

What a miserable, horrible , piece of shit opening

Could be the worst ever

first off, Eddie died 100 years ago, can we fire vickie now instead of giving her charity? She is just horrible and unbearable to listen to. John Cena is the worst top face in the history of the WWE. he cant wrestle, his promos are SHIT...........

If u want to know why WWE sucks, just look at the drop off

U use to have Stone Cold and The Rock now u have John Cena. that says it all.
I hate Vicki so much she might be the top HEEL in WWE right now, Raw opening with 24 straight minutes of talking 19% of the show. Little disappointed so far, I guess its been to long since I have seen Rey Mysterio, with his eye shades down I could of swore it was his brother or cousin wrestling for him.  Cena painting CTC (Cryme Tyme and Cena) on the car was So Nitro 1997. Cena's jokes are all about peope in diapers, people pooping themselfs, JBL is poopy on his car day I say Cena might just like it in the rear.

Ron Jeremy - BEND OVER.
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« Reply #12055 on: July 07, 2008, 10:30:46 PM »

Vickie though isnt a "HEEL" to me.

I mean I honestly fast forward and if i didnt have a DVR, Id change the channel whenever she is on.

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« Reply #12056 on: July 08, 2008, 01:50:50 AM »

Wtf was up with Kane the retarded demolisher??...I really hate him without his mask compared to before..he comes out as a pussy trying to be tough..though he does do it better now than he use to. It was a good raw..carried good over from last week until the stupid ending.

Damn Batista needs to turn heel already...I'm sick of face vs face on raw. We had HHH vs. Cena now Punk vs. Batista. Fuckin JBL should NOT be the top heel on raw. Hopefully those rumors of Randy coming back soon are true cuz we need a good heel on raw and at least he's better than JBL and Kane.

I heard ole Regal is coming back soon and will take over his GM duty. I'm dissappointed by this...I like the fact that raw feels more chaotic without a GM to come out and say no you can't do this were gonna do this. It makes it better to have the wrestlers work it out themselves. Maybe its because they've had a GM for so long but I think a good amount of time without one would be good right now.

CM Punk came off well, but i wish they found a better opponent for him to beat than Snitsky...Though the roster is slim...The Rey/Santino shit should have ended in a DQ, not a clean finish like that. I think they could have a good fued. Santino is good giving promos and could get over with fans more with a long fued with a legimate guy like Rey.  smoking

CM Punk is the Best in the World!

I dig crazy chicks like AJ!

HBK is the greatest wrestler of all time!

I miss Edge!

Thats it, thats all I have to say.

P.S. Cena Sucks!
On The Edge Of Seventeen

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« Reply #12057 on: July 08, 2008, 01:55:52 AM »

Wtf was up with Kane the retarded demolisher??...I really hate him without his mask compared to before..he comes out as a pussy trying to be tough..though he does do it better now than he use to. It was a good raw..carried good over from last week until the stupid ending.

It's called a heel turn, I thought it was pretty interesting. Who could he have been talking about, Taker? Vince?....Paul Bearer? hihi

Pretty sure It'll be Vince, would make alittle bit of sense him asking that when Shane & Steph didn't give an update on his "condition"

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« Reply #12058 on: July 08, 2008, 07:44:18 AM »

Jesus, Raw was great last night, simply for all the screw ups alone.

The camera falling during CM Punks backstage promo! I think Punk thought that they were knocked off the air. The look he gives to Grisham was priceless! He had to wait for him to say "It's okay, go ahead" until he continued.

Then although it was planned, JBL's limo comes out and the driver gets out and runs like hell to the back. Couldn't they have had him wait until the commercial break before he did that? Followed by Michael Cole saying "The Fatal - Four way World Heavyweight Tighter match is up next!" 

And last but not least, moment of the night goes to the Batista kid followed by the two security guys chasing after him. Batista's "Wtf?" expression made that whole segment (although it obviously wasn't planned.)

Main event was very enjoyable especially considering who was involved. Only problem was I think at the end during Kane's heel turn, it could have had a little more impact (Pardon the pun) as Raw just seemed to cut off the air instantly.
I assume when Kane kept saying "Is he alive or dead?" he was refferring to the Undertaker.  Roll Eyes Well, either that, or he has become very confused with TNA's recent Eric Young angle on trying to find Elvis.  hihi

"For an organisation which is crying out for new headliners (and the experienced, talented and over Matt Hardy is as qualified as anyone else in the mid card zone for a promotion)" - Fin Martin
On The Edge Of Seventeen

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« Reply #12059 on: July 08, 2008, 10:51:06 AM »

Nah, it won't be for Undertaker. Cause when Taker left he walked to the back, its most likely for Vince

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