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scott weiland wears hat with nazi symbol to represent "loss of democracy"
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Topic: scott weiland wears hat with nazi symbol to represent "loss of democracy" (Read 26203 times)
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scott weiland wears hat with nazi symbol to represent "loss of democracy"
June 09, 2005, 08:28:31 PM »
scott weiland wears hat with nazi symbol to represent "loss of democracy" in the US
Launch Radio Networks is reporting that VELVET REVOLVER frontman Scott Weiland made the German branch of the band's label, Sony BMG Music, uneasy after executives there learned that Weiland had recently been wearing a Nazi SS hat onstage. According to NewYorkMetro.com, a letter from the German office to the U.S. office read in part, "We absolutely don't want to interfere in how our artists dress (but) any kind of wearing/ presenting Nazi symbols in public is strictly forbidden by law in Germany and can lead to getting arrested!"
Weiland responded, "The Nazi SS hat that I wear in fact symbolizes the loss of democracy and the shift to totalitarianism...one could make an argument that indeed the government of the U.S. is evolving into, or is already, a fascist police state, hiding under the guise of a republic."
Although Weiland's struggles with drugs threatened his involvement with VELVET REVOLVER early in the band's existence, drummer Matt Sorum told Launch it wouldn't be the same group without him. "As soon as Scott came on board, it definitely took on a more contemporary feel, you know, 'cause it could've gone another way if we would've gotten another singer, you know," Sorum said. "That's the reason we waited so long, and it wasn't an easy task, but we knew we had to do the right thing as far as the frontman, because, you know, it could've been sort of a quick 'go out there and do the whole retro vibe' and then it's over, you know."
VELVET REVOLVER has contributed a brand new song called "Come On, Come In" to the soundtrack to the upcoming movie "The Fantastic Four", which arrives in stores on July 5th.
The group is still scheduled to perform at the Live 8 concert in London's Hyde Park on July 2.
The band will play some headlining shows in mid-August and appear on the final eight dates of this summer's Ozzfest, beginning on August 23.
I cant stand that talent-less, cocky, asshole Scott Weiland and his comments to America just made me hate him even more. I'm really starting to realize the only reason I listen to VR's music is for the simple fact of Slash and Duff. Next thing we will find out Scott Weiland and Michael Moore found making gay sex in a California jail cell.
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Re: scott weiland wears hat with nazi symbol to represent "loss of democracy"
Reply #1 on:
June 09, 2005, 10:49:48 PM »
"The Nazi SS hat that I wear in fact symbolizes the loss of democracy and the shift to totalitarianism...one could make an argument that indeed the government of the U.S. is evolving into, or is already, a fascist police state, hiding under the guise of a republic."
Spoken like someone who didn't experience WWII. It makes me sick to hear people so loosely throw around comparisons to the Nazi regime. To so flippantly compare current politics to the tragedy that occured in Europe in the early 1940's not only shows ignorance for foreign relations theory, but also is utterly disrespectful to the millions of innocent Jews who were slaughtered at the hands of Hitler.
And this comes from a fan of Scott's.
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Re: scott weiland wears hat with nazi symbol to represent "loss of democracy"
Reply #2 on:
June 09, 2005, 10:53:35 PM »
his comments are so true, people arent as free in this country as they think they are. When i first saw this topic I thought it was a Swastika or something, which would have been way out of line, but unfortunatly Weilands bitch rapping and sharp tounge will get nothing done(accomplished)...
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Re: scott weiland wears hat with nazi symbol to represent "loss of democracy"
Reply #3 on:
June 09, 2005, 10:56:05 PM »
I think Scott's a great singer, and I don't find it offensive that he wears the Nazi hat, I think it's offensive when he compares the U.S. to a police state. ?If my country was a police state, do you really think he would be alive right now? To sum it up, you're a singer/performer, not a politician. ?
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Re: scott weiland wears hat with nazi symbol to represent "loss of democracy"
Reply #4 on:
June 09, 2005, 11:06:29 PM »
Quote from: hyperionmax2003 on June 09, 2005, 10:56:05 PM
To sum it up, you're a singer/performer, not a politician. ?
true, but he is an American, and has as much right to state his opinion as anyone else, whether its country music performers(which im sure most actively and vocally support Bush
), actors, or john doe.
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Re: scott weiland wears hat with nazi symbol to represent "loss of democracy"
Reply #5 on:
June 09, 2005, 11:20:46 PM »
I respect his right to state his opinion, but his comparison was out of line. I have to agree with this:
Spoken like someone who didn't experience WWII. It makes me sick to hear people so loosely throw around comparisons to the Nazi regime. To so flippantly compare current politics to the tragedy that occured in Europe in the early 1940's not only shows ignorance for foreign relations theory, but also is utterly disrespectful to the millions of innocent Jews who were slaughtered at the hands of Hitler.
And this comes from a fan of Scott's.
Posted on: Today at 09:49:48 PM Posted by: oldleadbelly
People bitch and moan about "politically incorrect terms" and racial discrimination, (which stories of those topics get way too much air time on the american news stations), but when someone compares an elected official of that rank to an insane mass murder, thats deemed "okay"? If Scott said my country was a police state, thats fine, but when he draws comparisons to Hitler, that's just wrong.
The Evil Dutchess
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Re: scott weiland wears hat with nazi symbol to represent "loss of democracy"
Reply #6 on:
June 10, 2005, 12:05:54 AM »
To so flippantly compare current politics to the tragedy that occured in Europe in the early 1940's not only shows ignorance for foreign relations theory, but also is utterly disrespectful to the millions of innocent Jews who were slaughtered at the hands of Hitler.
and i'm sick and tired of ppl only referring to the jews that died in ww2. hundreds of thousands of other ethnics died to, gay ppl, handicapped ppl not to mention the ppl who fought the nazi's...(and not only referring to the soldiers).
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Re: scott weiland wears hat with nazi symbol to represent "loss of democracy"
Reply #7 on:
June 10, 2005, 01:28:23 AM »
Quote from: Nightfall on June 10, 2005, 12:05:54 AM
To so flippantly compare current politics to the tragedy that occured in Europe in the early 1940's not only shows ignorance for foreign relations theory, but also is utterly disrespectful to the millions of innocent Jews who were slaughtered at the hands of Hitler.
and i'm sick and tired of ppl only referring to the jews that died in ww2. hundreds of thousands of other ethnics died to, gay ppl, handicapped ppl not to mention the ppl who fought the nazi's...(and not only referring to the soldiers).
Easy Nightfall. I actually almost included the countless Poles, Brits, Czechs, French, Americans, Russians, Italians and others who died as a direct result of Nazi aggression, but as you can see the list is long. No disrespect meant to anyone, I just figured the genocide focused on the Jewish, and that the rest of the board wasn't ignorant to the rest of the casualty history. So just ease up...
Re: scott weiland wears hat with nazi symbol to represent "loss of democracy"
Reply #8 on:
June 10, 2005, 01:49:06 AM »
The story is different, but the similarities are striking.
Since when do you have to be a politician to speak about politics? This country was founded on people standing up and speaking out.
Nah.....This doesn't sound like Bush.
BUSH AND HITLER: Is History Repeating Itself?
No one expected Hitler to rise to power.
He had failed at just about everything he had even undertaken until he discovered politics.
In the world of spin and power plays, a superficial gift of gab and bullish determination could replace intelligence and idealism without missing a beat. Hitler found that the path to the top was short: Just tell a discontent people what they want to hear and make promises you have no intention to keep.
In Hitler's first radio speech after becoming Chancellor on January 30, 1933, he pledged [this is a direct quote from that address]
"to revive in the nation the spirit of unity and cooperation"
and invoked God's blessing on the German government. (Hitler was a fervent Christian until his egomania superceded faith in a "higher power" - a fact too many have either forgotten or never knew, thanks to sanitized school history books). But, the Fuhrer soon proved he had no intention of being
a uniter
. The Nazis' battle cry throughout their campaign had been "down with the liberals!" Once in office, Hitler made "liberals" (a mass group into which he lumped social democrats, gays, Jews, and any threat to Hitler's model of Christian society) his sworn enemies.
As soon as he was in office, Hitler began ramming through one action after the other in rapid, aggressive succession. His sidekick Goebbels, head of propaganda and undoubtedly the bulk of the diabolical brains behind the operation, gleefully wrote in his diary: "The struggle is a light one now as we are able to employ all the means of the state [which included the judiciary]". In addition, he noted, "
Radio and press are at our disposal
Hitler believed that to consolidate his power, he needed to create an "enemy of the state." Contrary to popular belief, the first "enemy" Hitler formally targeted was not the Jews but the Communist Party. Why? Because they were the most outspoken activists against his regime. Hitler was thus the first to invoke the spectre of "the Red Menace." He intentionally sought to provoke party activists to violent protest so, under his new aggressive laws suppressing public dissent; he could round them up and arrest them. Aware of this ploy, the Communists laid fairly low for a time, believing that Hitler was merely a puppet of reactionaries and his regime would not last.
But the Fuhrer, becoming progressively more drunk with his new power, was not so easily thwarted. To facilitate his demonization of the "Reds," he sent provocateurs to orchestrate a staged act of "terrorism." Their dupe was a young revolutionary named Van der Lubbe, who was implicated in (i.e. framed for) the
bombing of the Reichstag
(the equivalent of the Congressional building).
This incident gave Hitler the excuse he needed for "cracking down" on "enemies of the state." He rallied the Germans against the "terrorists" and passed the odious
"Enabling Acts,"
in which the government was granted the
right to bypass any due process for "suspects
." One human right after the other was revoked: the Jews were stripped of all rights, trade unions were broken, and rival parties were made illegal. In addition, Hitler began to isolate Germany from the rest of the world: One of his first actions after assuming power was to
withdraw from the League of Nations.
From the start, Hitler
courted the conservative Christian clergy
. To their shame, historically, many clergymen became his closest allies and most effective tools, as propagandists, spies, and suppressors of dissent. The clergy's most important role in the beginning,
was to fuel anti-liberalism
and anti-Semitism. Jews, according to Hitler, were "the source of every ill that had befallen Germany and of every continuing threat." [Substitute the word "liberal" and you have the new GOP's main party philosophy]. Historian John Weis pointed out that "Hitler
inspired only those who shared his anger."
Hitler made public dissent first all but impossible, then illegal. At first, whenever groups tried to voice a protest during a public speech,
he would have storm troopers clear the dissenters from the hall
. Hitler also
made sure that the media did not give provide the public with any coverage of dissenters or public protests
because it was "encouraging of destructive elements." [Recently when I asked a reporter at the Associated Press why protests are not being covered, he said reporters are instructed not to because to do so "would be encouraging of destructive displays."]. So, what the media
faithfully recorded was Hitler and Hitler supporters
. To see an old German newsreel, you'd never guess there were plenty of dissenters around - at least until they were all shot or sent to concentration camps.
Hitler was very fond of photo ops. He believed they were his best form of PR and pounced on them at every opportunity. The files abound with shots of Hitler with bright-faced Germany families; he especially liked being photographed with school children. At the same time, Hitler actively promoted
"family values" and high moral standards
. He believed women should go back to being at home with their families and not in the work force. He also believed there should be little or
no separation between the state and his brand of Christianity
, especially since he firmly believed that the emotional fervor of religion could be used to effectively to promote the state's objectives. Under Hitler, worker protections were dismantled, one by one. Soon workers were laboring for longer hours for less pay. Worse yet, all trade unions had been smashed, so there was no recourse.
Unfortunately, the Social Democrats were not organized and did not offer a solid front for opposing Hitler and his initiatives.
Soon, they found themselves overwhelmed by a highly organized, aggressive and fanatically single-minded army of Nazi Party appointees who did whatever Hitler told them to do without questioning.
Here we end the story, because we all know what happens next: the Holocaust and World War II.
Last Edit: June 10, 2005, 01:54:36 AM by *SLCPUNK*
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Re: scott weiland wears hat with nazi symbol to represent "loss of democracy"
Reply #9 on:
June 10, 2005, 02:41:07 AM »
Wow thats very interesing SLC and sorta scary
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Re: scott weiland wears hat with nazi symbol to represent "loss of democracy"
Reply #10 on:
June 10, 2005, 02:57:50 AM »
Quote from: D on June 10, 2005, 02:41:07 AM
Wow thats very interesing SLC and sorta scary
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Re: scott weiland wears hat with nazi symbol to represent "loss of democracy"
Reply #11 on:
June 10, 2005, 07:33:51 AM »
Quote from: hyperionmax2003 on June 09, 2005, 10:56:05 PM
I think it's offensive when he compares the U.S. to a police state. ?If my country was a police state, do you really think he would be alive right now?
That's why he said a police state in the disguise of a republic. He means hiding it in the form of a democracy.
I mean, monitoring people's telephine calls, e-mails etc. for "key words" does not mirror the activities of a police state?! Come on now. When I went to America a few years back, I was warned by my uncle not to say anything anti-Bush in public because it might have me arrested, and prevent me from coming home. Not a police state?!
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Re: scott weiland wears hat with nazi symbol to represent "loss of democracy"
Reply #12 on:
June 10, 2005, 09:25:11 AM »
Scott has grown in my eyes
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Re: scott weiland wears hat with nazi symbol to represent "loss of democracy"
Reply #13 on:
June 10, 2005, 09:53:07 AM »
Alright once again, when someone called "an artist" tries to talk about politic...what a dick. In France, someone called Dieudonn? also tried to talk about politic: the result was that he verbally attacked the jews and woke up antisemitism during a certain period of time in France.?He also supported bin-laden and al-quaida and Islamism. That's what happens when so called "artists" try to think they are intelligent. Most of them are not, and certainely not in rock music wich is full of jerks. Let's face it, most of so called "artists" have no brain, I'm sure Scott has never read a book in his whole toxico life. He is just a junkie and an Axl wanabee. Too bad he doesn't succeed? get attention for his music instead of gettiing it by wearing Nazi symbols...
When he dies of drug overdose (very soon) it will be a good news. Someone should also recall him that SLASH is half-black half-jew.
If I were in VR, scott would already be unemployed: FIRED. No regrets. and as a present I would offer him 1kg of cocaine, just to "help" him to finish himself...
Last Edit: June 10, 2005, 10:28:31 AM by nesquick
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Re: scott weiland wears hat with nazi symbol to represent "loss of democracy"
Reply #14 on:
June 10, 2005, 12:36:27 PM »
Quote from: mega_music on June 09, 2005, 08:28:31 PM
scott weiland wears hat with nazi symbol to represent "loss of democracy" in the US
Launch Radio Networks is reporting that VELVET REVOLVER frontman Scott Weiland made the German branch of the band's label, Sony BMG Music, uneasy after executives there learned that Weiland had recently been wearing a Nazi SS hat onstage. According to NewYorkMetro.com, a letter from the German office to the U.S. office read in part, "We absolutely don't want to interfere in how our artists dress (but) any kind of wearing/ presenting Nazi symbols in public is strictly forbidden by law in Germany and can lead to getting arrested!"
Weiland responded, "The Nazi SS hat that I wear in fact symbolizes the loss of democracy and the shift to totalitarianism...one could make an argument that indeed the government of the U.S. is evolving into, or is already, a fascist police state, hiding under the guise of a republic."
Although Weiland's struggles with drugs threatened his involvement with VELVET REVOLVER early in the band's existence, drummer Matt Sorum told Launch it wouldn't be the same group without him. "As soon as Scott came on board, it definitely took on a more contemporary feel, you know, 'cause it could've gone another way if we would've gotten another singer, you know," Sorum said. "That's the reason we waited so long, and it wasn't an easy task, but we knew we had to do the right thing as far as the frontman, because, you know, it could've been sort of a quick 'go out there and do the whole retro vibe' and then it's over, you know."
VELVET REVOLVER has contributed a brand new song called "Come On, Come In" to the soundtrack to the upcoming movie "The Fantastic Four", which arrives in stores on July 5th.
The group is still scheduled to perform at the Live 8 concert in London's Hyde Park on July 2.
The band will play some headlining shows in mid-August and appear on the final eight dates of this summer's Ozzfest, beginning on August 23.
I cant stand that talent-less, cocky, asshole Scott Weiland and his comments to America just made me hate him even more. I'm really starting to realize the only reason I listen to VR's music is for the simple fact of Slash and Duff. Next thing we will find out Scott Weiland and Michael Moore found making gay sex in a California jail cell.
I totally agree with scott and support him straight way through on that subject.
html sucks
Re: scott weiland wears hat with nazi symbol to represent "loss of democracy"
Reply #15 on:
June 10, 2005, 01:51:19 PM »
Quote from: nesquick on June 10, 2005, 09:53:07 AM
Alright once again, when someone called "an artist" tries to talk about politic...what a dick. In France, someone called Dieudonn? also tried to talk about politic: the result was that he verbally attacked the jews and woke up antisemitism during a certain period of time in France.?He also supported bin-laden and al-quaida and Islamism. That's what happens when so called "artists" try to think they are intelligent. Most of them are not, and certainely not in rock music wich is full of jerks. Let's face it, most of so called "artists" have no brain, I'm sure Scott has never read a book in his whole toxico life. He is just a junkie and an Axl wanabee. Too bad he doesn't succeed? get attention for his music instead of gettiing it by wearing Nazi symbols...
When he dies of drug overdose (very soon) it will be a good news. Someone should also recall him that SLASH is half-black half-jew.
If I were in VR, scott would already be unemployed: FIRED. No regrets. and as a present I would offer him 1kg of cocaine, just to "help" him to finish himself...
Wow, you sure are a sweetheart.
Bottom line is this: If an artist makes a statement about the government you like, then you back him/her. If you do not like the statement, then you shoot the messenger "He's just a coke-head artist, what's he know?"
Hypocritical as usual.
Bad news for you is that more than likely, the rest of the band support him wearing that hat. If they did not, he would not be wearing it.
Once again, in America, we have freedom of speach and are allowed to speak against our government. Our government that produced the "patriot act", and has a little prison in cuba that can hold people without charging them for years. No, that is not democracy on the decline.
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Re: scott weiland wears hat with nazi symbol to represent "loss of democracy"
Reply #16 on:
June 10, 2005, 03:27:01 PM »
Bad news for you is that more than likely, the rest of the band support him wearing that hat. If they did not, he would not be wearing it.
Posted on: Today at 12:51:19 PM Posted by: SLCPUNK-The Legend Of Clintron Burgundy
They might support his right to wear the hat, but do they agree with his anti-american views?
All this crap about America locking up ppl for just saying stuff about our country is false. MOST of the prisoners held at Guantanoma Bay are known terrorists who have made plans to kill U.S citizsens/supporters. I'm not saying Scott should be fired or "taken care of", he should be aware that his comments were out of line.
Oh, and SLCPUNK-The Legend Of Clintron Burgundy , are you comparing the bombing of the Reichstag to the events of 9-11? The German Congress bombing killed politicians whereas in 9-11, innocent ppl who were just at work wereattacked. The bombing in germany helped get rid of ppl in Hitler's way, 9-11 was an heinous attack that targeted innocent civilians. If that is your comparison, you're just a fucked up liberal.
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Re: scott weiland wears hat with nazi symbol to represent "loss of democracy"
Reply #17 on:
June 10, 2005, 03:44:38 PM »
I'm really pissed so i'm gonna keep speaking.
Hitler also made sure that the media did not give provide the public with any coverage of dissenters or public protests because it was "encouraging of destructive elements." [Recently when I asked a reporter at the Associated Press why protests are not being covered, he said reporters are instructed not to because to do so "would be encouraging of destructive displays."]. So, what the media faithfully recorded was Hitler and Hitler supporters.
Posted on: Today at 12:49:06 AM Posted by: SLCPUNK-The Legend Of Clintron Burgundy
Any time I turn on the damn news, all I hear is whining about Bush is doing this and that wrong. The only time i hear Bush support is when he is speaking live. An example is the War in Iraq. We only hear about how our casualty count of the day. Well, what about the enemy? how many of the enemy die for each one of our troops? Well, operation "insert goofy name" was a success but 3 soilders died". Well, I think that in a way dishonors the memory of our troops. Our troops are fighting for our freedom because they believe in it, not because they were forced to be sent over there.
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Re: scott weiland wears hat with nazi symbol to represent "loss of democracy"
Reply #18 on:
June 10, 2005, 03:55:58 PM »
Yes, it's me again.
Weiland responded, "The Nazi SS hat that I wear in fact symbolizes the loss of democracy and the shift to totalitarianism...one could make an argument that indeed the government of the U.S. is evolving into, or is already, a fascist police state, hiding under the guise of a republic."
Noticed he said "ONE COULD" does he believe it or just "saying"?
I'm Your Sun King, Baby
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Re: scott weiland wears hat with nazi symbol to represent "loss of democracy"
Reply #19 on:
June 10, 2005, 04:14:04 PM »
i think hes saying that so people cant say hes actually claiming this.
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